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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

I watch the Director as he paces in front of us, voice level but commanding, and his hands behind his back. Compared to most of us Agents, the Director always looks so much smaller and weaker than us. But what he lacks in mass he definitely makes up for in personality. Also, being an ass, but that's beside the point.

My head nods sharply in his direction as he walks away. I turn to see him when he stands in in the doorway, and I nod my head again after he talks about Texas. Once he leaves, I relax from my respectful stance and shake my head.

"I can't believe he wants us to fight Texas. Texas, of all people!" I comment quietly, throwing my hands up in the air. My hands fall back to my sides as I continue, "We nearly just got our asses beat in by Maine a minute ago; I can only imagine what a match with Texas would be like." I shake my head, then watch Alaska as he talks to Illinois and I. Agreeing with him, I nod my head and say, "See ya there." I give Alaska his time to limp out of the room with Pinatubo weighing on him, then I walk out myself.

As I make my way to the elevator, I call for Zeta. He appears in his usual spot at my shoulder, looking at me.

"Yes, Oregon?"

"Do you know anymore about the mission? Any details that the Director didn't tell us?"

Zeta pauses for a moment, and I glance at him as I open the elevator and step in. As the door closes and we start to go down, Zeta continues. "What you know is all I know. The Direction doesn't seem to be sharing much info with rest of the ship. Well," Zeta continues with an innocent looking shrug, "I don't know what the Alpha knows about it, but us A.I. can't seem to know where he is, or what he knows."

When Zeta mentions the Alpha, I can feel wonder emit from him in waves. And longing. I groan, then put my visor in my hand.

"God, Zeta, please shut up about that," I say in a very annoyed voice. "I know you all love your Alpha, but you A.I. always talking about it is so damn annoying. And it gives me a headache. Just stop, please."

Zeta looks down and away from me for a moment, then says quietly, "Sorry, Holly. He's important to us, that's all. We just don't realise how annoying that is to you guys."

I look at the little hologram floating in the air, acting so much like a human himself, and I can't help but feel sorry for snapping at him. From what I can tell, the Alpha is like their father figure. I guess they can't help but wonder about him. But, come on. Leave it be.

"I know, Zeta," I say quietly in return, my voice in a softer tone. "I understand. Just don't talk about it a lot around me, alright?"

Zeta just nods, then lifts his head and looks at me. As he does, the door to the elevator opens up. The hallway beyond stretches out before us.

I shrug, trying to defuse the tension, "Well, better get ready for the mission. After I am done in the locker room, I'll probably go to the mess hall. I'm freaking hungry."

I stride out of the elevator, hearing the doors close behind me.

Once I enter the locker room, I see another Agent across the room on the benches. I recognise the Agent as Delaware, because of his distinctive helmet, and I give him a nod before sitting down on the other end of the line of benches. I don't know if he saw me, but oh well.

Zeta disappeared as I walked into the locker room, but he suddenly appears again as he says, "Another Agent approaches, Oregon."

"What?" I ask, raising an eyebrow under my helmet and looking at Zeta. "I don't see another Agent nearby, besides Delaware. Are you high or something, Zeta?"

Then, suddenly, another Agent miraculously appears in front of me. I am slightly startled, as he seems to come from nowhere, and I blink a few times under my helmet. Then I remember the talk about a new Agent who is very quiet, stealthy, unseen, etc. The name that was tagged to the conversation was Hawaii, if I remember right.

When the Agent greets me and extends a hand, I nod and shake his hand. "Yes, my name is Oregon. Nice to meet you. And you're Hawaii, I take it?"
Delaware gave Oregon a curt nod when she entered the locker room, before sitting back down on the bench. As Oregon sat on the bench, he watched her from the corner of his eyes, quickly analyzing her, scrutinizing every inch of her and filing it away into his memory. Distracted by Oregon, Delaware did not see Hawaii approach. When the agent appeared, Delaware mentally cursed himself. For a master assassin, not noticing someone was unacceptable. Quickly, he inspected Hawaii, making sure to be more aware of his surroundings. The whole time he didn't speak a word.
Alaska walked into the room with visor down staring into the screen. On the screen was the image a few agents saw not moments ago; the building designs and plans of the laboratory. The station conducted nothing scientifically important itself, but warehoused the AI and gave an appropriate location to observe them in action. Alaska had brought up Omi, but she only gave attack plans and advice that seemed useless until he knew who his team was.

Bringing his head up from the screen, Alaska looked at all the agents around the room. Oregon, Delaware, and Hawaii. Alaska let Oregon and Hawaii have their chat, taking steps to go over to Delaware. "Agent Delaware, don't tell me I get the honor of working with you on this mission?" Alaska jested in a friendly tone, holding out his hand to take his. Realizing he had the screens, he replaced the handshake for a hand off, holding out one of the devices for him to take.
"I am." Hawaii replies, once gain devoid of any emotion. "My specialties are stealth, marksmanship, and all that those entail." He continues. He stops, shifting slightly, as if expecting a similar rundown of Oregon's abilities. Despite his abruptness and curtness, he seems less cold and more... awkward, if anything, as if he is unsure how to operate in a social setting. It's an obvious attempt to strike up a conversation, if a horrible one.
Taking the screen from Alaska, Delaware grinned inside his helmet. "It appears so, Agent Alaska," he said. "How was your spar with Agent Maine? I saw some of it while passing by, but had to take care of other matters, and was unable to stay."
Alaska chuckled, the idea of calling the fight anything but intense and close would be a lie. "It was interesting to say the least, learned a lot about electricity." Alaska stated as if that all the battle was, a lesson. "I've sent you the directions the Director gave, I hope you went over them already, because I want to get started.". Alaska began prepping his station to show the base, connecting screen to screen on the floor.
As I chat with Hawaii, I notice a few things. Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Delaware continue to work with his weaponry. As he does, I see his helmet turn ever so slightly in my direction and stopping for a moment every few seconds, almost as if he is glancing at me. No doubt, he can see me doing the same. My guess is that he just wants to know what I'm like, considering there hasn't much interaction between us. Whatever makes his fancy, I guess.

The second thing I notice is how Hawaii acts. As he talks, he seems very quiet and awkward, almost as if making conversation is difficult to him. I also get that idea from how he holds himself; he seems stiff, drawn back yet wanting to get to know people. In that instant, I feel empathy for him, since I know what that is like. I have always had trouble making friends and talking to new people, unless I am in a situation I am comfortable with. I can never seem to say the right things, and I always end up mentally punching myself afterward for the plain dumb things I said. As Hawaii talks and I think about this, though, I can't help but feel respect toward him for actually trying to make friends when he is uncomfortable. I always have a hard time doing that, and I never really try to unless I need to. I am only able to do that now because I am in my armor. Otherwise, it is difficult to talk to new people. So he should feel proud that he is at least trying.

All the time I am thinking these things, I can't help but feel glad that I can read some people's emotions like this with relative ease. It's pretty convenient.

To help Hawaii, I continue the conversation. "Wow. You sound like quite the lethal person. My fortes are hand-to-hand, knives, and my Needlers. I'm also not too shabby with my BR. Not the best, by any means, with any of those things. But I'm no where near the worst, either."

When Alaska starts to set up his equipment, I nod my head sideways at him. "He will be talking soon," I say to Hawaii. "And he is in charge of this mission. We better pay attention."

I stand and walk away from Hawaii, getting closer to where Alaska is so he knows I'm paying attention. My arms cross over my chest when I stop a good five feet in front of his station, waiting patiently.
Hawaii nods, striding to the corner of the room. He seems to meld with the wall, the cloak wrapped around him allowing him to stay practically invisible while against the surface. "Very well." He says, the only sign of his presence.
Delaware nodded his head to Alaska. "Mors gave me the briefing," he said, unsheathing his knife and twirling it in his fingers. "I take it you got a plan?" He asked, smiling inside his helmet. It had been far too long since he went out on a mission with a team.
Alaska places the last screen down, completing the three by three panel on the floor. He brings his hand down, swiping away weapon designs and numerous vehicles until he comes to the map. Placing the map corner to corner, the agents around could see the entire area encompassed in the two kilometer plot. "Before I get into details about my plan, I need to know everyone's expertise. Depending on what we got will decide whether we go in loud or quietly." Alaska looked around, waiting for someone to answer.
I watch the screen as Alaska works with it, showing the map of our mission. When he asks about our expertise, I say, "I'm best with hand-to-hand and knives. But I'm also pretty good with my Needlers, and I'm not too shabby with my BR. Do you also need to know our armor enhancements, or does that matter for this?"
Alaska brings his finger down right outside the valley that surrounded the building, an O taking his finger's place. "It would be nice to know." Alaska commented slyly, looking up to her and cocking his head.
"Hehehe well You got Your Heavy here,Heavy equipment expert,and demolitionist"A Deep voice says as he would walk in the Locker Room,as a Bulky Armored spartan walk in as he would Look at the Grupe,as each step he takes makes a Clang sound as the suit weights him down,as he would lean on a wall and look at the grupe and say "Sorry im late....Trafic....So what is this about?"He ask Looking at them and wonderd if he was too late or was rigght on time...maybe...he dint know yet.

(Sorry if its short >_< oh and gona add on his CS he knows Of Demolition,have not seen one yet)
"Assassination," Delaware said. "Whether up close or from afar. Master of CQC. Master swordsman," he paused, the knife in his hand coming to a halt. "But you already knew that, Alaska."
I look up at Alaska, almost sensing his sly grin. And his cocked head is..interesting. I want to laugh when I see this, because it is different, but I know that is completely immature in this situation. So I immediately push it down and away. The more important thought is, what plan is he going to use this info for?

"My primary armor enhancement is a mini E.M.P. that makes vehicles stop for a little while, and it can also make my armor go into armor lock if I enable it to. That can help me deflect bullets and other harmful things," I say in a neutral voice, staring at Alaska. "My secondary is the chameleon enhancement." I cock my head at Alaska in return after that, then question, "Why do you need to known this information, anyway?"
"I say we should go in quietly. This is recon, short and sweet. We don't need to bring a full base down on our heads." Hawaii remarks from the corner. "As for my skills... I'm a master marksman, better than even Pinatubo, and he's one of the best. I'm decent in close quarters, but no master. My specialty is stealth, and the associated skills. I possess a stealth field generator." Without a change in his flat monotone, he summarizes his skills.
"So that he can think of the best strategy for this mission, Agent Oregon," Delaware said as if it was the simplest thing in the world. When Sol arrived he looked at the heavily armored agent. "How kind of you to join us, Agent Sol."
"Why i am Kind....was this a Private Party?"he says looking at Delaware,as he would look at the map and seem interesting as he dint know anything as he was late,as he would look back aDelaware and he would hear Akula "with all do respect sir....is it becesary too wear all thos armore wen not in combat?"Akula says as Sol sigh and would Say "Nope But i like it so it stays on me"he says as akula would stay silent for a Moment and would say then "Its Very Unecesary sir"he says as Sol would chake his head as he like his armore and will keep it on and aswell he whanted too keep use too it and not loose his confort
When Delaware makes his comment, embarrassment immediately crashing down on me. I look at him and open my mouth for a moment under my helmet, about to say that it seemed more intricate than that. But I close it and look away, knowing that he is right. And I will only just dig myself a deeper hole if I say anything.

"True," I say quietly, looking back down to the map and locking my eyes on it. When Sol walks in, I still just look at the map. It is quite interesting, I guess.
"Agent Delaware, from Agent Oregon's body language, it appears that you embarrassed her," Mors informed Delaware. "Oops," Delaware mumbled under his breath. "I apologize, Agent Oregon. It was a good question for someone who has not worked with Agent Alaska before, as I have," he apologized to her.
"No, no, you're right," I quickly say to Delaware, glancing at him. "What you said makes sense. I should thought about it more before I asked."

I look to the map again, inspecting it. Zeta pokes at my mind as I do.

"Holly, don't be embarrassed," he whispers in my ear, where only I can hear. "It was an honest question."

My only response to Zeta is a slow blink, my body language not betraying anything of my conversation with him.
Alaska finished placing all the markings on the screen, finally content with his plan, he admired the map. The map was focused in on the base, the base being the size of a small factory, and it's various parts. Inside the base was the different colors, but two markings were also on the screen: a H and a D. Further away from the base, in the surrounding forests before the valley turned upwards into the mountain, an A and an O were marked. And on the mountain near the one entrance in the valley were three more markings, an I and a S, not to mention an LZ, for the obvious pick up and drop off point.

With the map laid at his feet and all of those on the team in front of him, besides Illinois, Alaska stood up to begin his briefing. "Now that I got your personal opinions on your strengths, considering I got basic overlays from Intel, I believe I have set this plan up perfectly." Alaska cleared his throat, making sure it didn't fail him now when he needed it the most. "The mission is simple, get in, download the data, and get out. Sending in six guys to do that wouldn't be a great idea, unless we were going in guns blazing. Sadly we are not. No, as you see on the map we will have only one team of two infiltrate the building while the rest of us cover them from various positions.".

Alaska's voice was serious, even from his minor comedic gestures and phrases. This wasn't his first time laying out a mission plan, but details was never his thing, so he regretted a bit for not talking to Illinois. "Delaware and Hawaii, being as both of you are suited for stealth, well at least more suited then most here; I want you to be the two inside. I know that Hawaii has an armor enhancement for his superior cloaking, so that makes him an easy choice for this. Delaware, your close quarters skills might be needed in their, so I got clearance to outfit you with one of our basic active camos. It won't last forever bud, but I'm sure you can make do." Alaska gave a sly comment to Delaware. "So, move in through the back entrance of the compound, enter into the green room, then to blue, red, and yellow. As you go have the AIs download every detail about the compound and the projects as they can. When you get to the yellow, head down to the basement and download all the information from the hard drive. The download will take a few minutes, use that time to recharge your camo and then book it out of there to the middle point.".

Alaska turned to Oregon, catching his breath from the long winded speech. "We will be at the middle point," Alaska pointed to the map to the two markers on the edge of the forest. "We are just barely in the forest near the main entrance, close to the road. From this point we have eyes on our LZ, the entrance, and the entire front of the compound. This is where I'll mediate the plan, we will give support any way we can, and meet with Team 1 with the objective. We are the most adaptable of the group, so whatever happens out there, we will be the response team or Team 2.".

With that, Alaska turned to Sol. "You, big guy, will be situated with a fifty caliber minigun on the edge of the valley, along with Illinois, awaiting for evacuation. I don't plan on this getting heated, but if push comes to shove, you two are to shut down the power grid and close off the entrance. Illinois will turn off the power by entering the controls at the main gate, using the fail safe for if the AI got rampant. You will destroy anything or anyone who tries to get in her way, blocking off the road, and making sure we only have to deal with as many are down there and no extras.".

"Simple, Team 1 infiltrates, Team 2 responds, Team 3 is our fail safe and protection. Now, other details that may be important: There is twenty guards on station at any given time besides rotation. They rotate every hour, leaving only ten guards in the building for that window. That will be our window, we have one hour to execute. The guards all have alarms, tasers, batons, and basic armor on them. It's a special forces operations that covers this laboratory for this government, nothing special. We don't know what type of weapons they use, but apparently they are manufactured at this facility by the AI, so we should see first hand. Delaware, you're camo will last ten minutes at a time, so be weary of that. Oh, and considering how outdated the camo is, it won't cover any large weapons. So for this mission it looks like you, a katana, and a nice magnum is your equipment. You'll all have your own choice of weaponry, but be cautious of anything that will hinder you of the long hikes. Also, something silenced might be a viable option too. So, any questions?".

Alaska prompted the agents, although he began to take his panels apart and put them in his locker. The plan was well thought out, allowed flexibility, and used everyone's skills to the fullest. Or at least this is what Alaska felt, but when he planned these things there was always doubts.
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Delaware grinned inside his helmet, sliding his knife back into his sheath as he removed his Stanchion from his back, placing it in his locker along with his SMG. Pulling out a magnum, he turned to Alaska. "Sounds like a plan," he said, twisting a silencer on to the barrel of the pistol. "Lethal force authorised, I assume?"
Sol would hear he gets too get a Minigun and gets too be like a Road block,he would nod but he was really exited actually as Big guns,Defender,that was all in his name,he was ready,but aswell he had a small saying of his "Spray and Pray",as he would say "Heard you loud and clear sir...I will make sure too get plenty of holes on the targets....Am I Allowd too use Other Armament?"he says as he would Look at the rest of the spartan,s as this looks Very Rough team,as he ask because he whanted too use his Lazer too...and maybe his hammer if he could.
Alaska quickly turned to him, forgetting the engagement options. "This is for all of you: Stealth is our priority, don't kill unless you have too. The guards rotation is only an hour, if they find a body before we leave then our LZ will be compromised and we might have to engage fully.". Alaska sighed, shaking his head and almost cursing that he didn't go with a more straightforward plan. "In the white room with security and data there is likely to be two or more guards, that is the only time I authorize lethal force. Make it quick and quiet. Hear me Delaware? Quick AND QUEIT. Don't make me save your sorry butt." Alaska jested with his friend, watching him prepare his weapons.

"I'll repeat one more time, Team 1 has authorization if they get compromised and for the white room. Team 2 won't engage unless absolutely necessary considering how open we are. Team 3 won't have to fire unless we get compromised and they trigger the alarm." Alaska opened his locker next to Delaware's, making sure to bump into him in the process.

Alaska stopped for a moment to turn to Sol, "Big buddy, you can bring as many big guns as you can carry. You'll be under Illinois' command, so if she gives you the green light, then take out anything you see." Alaska said with a friendly tone. This man was huge with his armor, but unlike Alaska, he didnt want to be a gentle giant, but a violent juggernaut. He was smiling at the idea of the man going into a rampage.
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