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Fandom Project Freelancer (Red vs. blue)

The newbie looks around, still apparently oblivious to the chatter and Maine's agitation. "Hm. Maybe I could go for some cake instead..." He then proceeds to do something that might be considered the biggest mistake one cold do in the circumstances: He turns his back on a confused and likely frustrated Maine. He mutters something, and his helmet emits a hiss, but he otherwise appears lost in thought.
Following the two, Alaska kept his eyes on the Rookie and Maine the entire time, watching for any movements from either that could hint a fight was going to ensue. When they reached the room, Alaska could see that Maine was getting anxious, his finger moving over the trigger several times, waiting for a reason to shoot. "This better end soon, not only are we going to miss food, but we are going to be late for our missions.".


Apparently Maine knew this too, for he was not going to be late by messing with a rookie. Releasing a feral growl, the only thing he has to communicate with, he finally pulls the trigger on the man with his back turned toward him. The moment the release fires the baseball sized round flies right over the man's head, letting it hit the wall with a deafening thud, Maine left the room with no other remarks.
The newbie doesn't even flinch, as if he knew of the presence and direction of the round as it flew by him. Almost absentmindedly, he pulls the projectile out of the walls, hurtling it at Maine's retreating form. It hurtles past the large freelancer... before bouncing off of the wall, to the floor, and then directly at Maine's visor. The newbie emits a giggle, diving behind cover with a childish sideways tumble. Without a weapon, he doesn't stand a chance, so why would he- Ah, the pistol. He rolls, picking up the pistol as he does so and ending up behind a shipping crate, looking out at where Maine was.
Illinois studied the agent carefully. She wasn't ready to abandon them to see who was up in the observing room so she just watched. "This is bad." She mumbled as Maine aimed just above his target.

"Guys, as much as I'd love to help, we'd be better off getting food and preparing for the mission. Like Sensus said, it's his fault if he gets knocked up and knocked out." She said turning towards the others before she heard round hit the wall.

"We should go now." She added. Alex wasn't ready to get in trouble for having to get involved.

She spared one last glance before she saw the round fly past the freelancer. That didn't seem right. She turned around just in time to see Mai e get hit square in the visor. "And we probably have to get involved." She sighed in defeat going over to a small table and taking a pistol full of rubber ammunition.

"We either eat or save someone's ass. You guys choose."
My eyebrows raise as I watch Maine fire his weapon in the rookie's direction. They then raise more when I see the rookie's reaction. Well, more specifically, his extremely childish reaction. What, is he four years old or something?

"Damn," I mutter. Is he seriously that oblivious to how screwed he is making himself? "I..I don't want to get hurt, personally. I almost want to just let him live with his stupid decisions. But that would probably end up with him dying, and I doubt I could live with myself if it did." I give a shrug, then head over to the table. "Might as well help him," I comment reluctantly.

At the table, I grab myself a pistol and some extra rubber ammo. After it is in my hand, I start to turn and walk away, but then I turn back and grab two electric batons. If I can't use my knives, these are the next best things. After clipping them to my thighs, I step away from the table. As I stand there, I stretch my wrists and neck.

"Man, this is gonna hurt like a bitch," I mutter.
Alaska's face was covered by his helmet, but anyone could see his expression of shock. This rookie was stupid, no room to discuss, for he was testing the strongest freelancer in existence. When the two women grabbed their weapons, Alaska again stood there stunned. He waited for a while, but after viewing that all three weren't going to give up on this idea of fighting, Alaska walked over to the table and grabbed an electric staff, turning it on to watch the electricity arch between the two ends.


Maine let the rubber hit him in the face, letting it bounce off as if it only hit his ego and not his body. He didn't flinch, didn't twitch, the only thing that changed was the noise within the room. A low growl was coming from him, as was a soft red glow from something him. The light was pulsating with his growl, growing louder with the beat of his heart, then fading as it relaxed. Slowly and menacingly Maine turned around, only to reveal Sigma on his shoulder, ablaze with the fiery passion of strength. Sigma raised it's hand, pointing at the idiot behind limited cover and Maine let out a last growl that shook the compound and caused Sigma to disperse.

Maine charged, heading straight towards the rookie, a straight course of devastation for him. His speed was impressive, but he had quite the distance to cover. All the while the others in the arena would need to make a choice of what to do, for the now huge crowd within the observatory was now watching the entire thing. The only other thing to be noted was FILSS's voice entering the room,
"Maine versus Oregon, Illinois, Alaska, and Pinatubo, match begin.".
"Time to get started, then!" His voice lost it's previous childish tone, now a confident, deep baritone. He clambers above the shipping container, narrowly avoiding the behemoth's charge. With a whoop, he leaps across to the ground by another container, emptying a clip at a tiny patch of unarmored mail: Maine's knee joints. An impossible shot for most, but an easy one for Pinatubo. Out of ammo, he looks around, then sends a swift kick at the chain in the lock on the shipping container, grabbing the length of chain. A crude, but effective, makeshift ball(Or, in this case, heavy-duty lock)-and chain in his hands, he gives a dramatic 'come at me' gesture with an open palm.
Alex narrowed her eyes as FILSS's voice came into the room. "Didn't know someone was watching but I guess we have an audience." She sighed. "Now not only are we involved but everyone knows." How they even caught FILSS's attention? She didn't know but she stood by the door with pistol ready in her hand.

"We have to spread out. And let's break the rules. Everyone use their AI. Our chances of winning will be increased." She strategize before running out and behind a crate.

"Sensus, log on." She commanded as the AI appeared. "How may I be of- oh my. Maine, again?" He said with a humorous tone.

"Hush." She replied.
Hearing F.I.L.S.S. give confirmation to our dual sends a shiver down my spine. I don't usually become afraid in battle, but, damn. This is Maine we're talking about. Anyone should be afraid of him.

I crouch and swiftly make my way over to a crate, my pistol in hand. Once behind cover, I call for Zeta.

"Zeta, I need you. Log on." I can't help but say it in a snappy voice.

"Yes, Oregon," he responds as he appears at my shoulder. I am glad to hear that he seems to understand why I snapped at him.

"Well, as I you can see, I entered the fight that we almost witnessed earlier. The thing is," I say, cocking my head for a second, "this fight is actually going to happen."

I peek out from behind the shelter, then quickly say, "Okay, Zeta, here's the thing. I need you to tell me whenever Maine is in a particularly hidden spot that I can't see. Or, if I could do something different to make my fighting more efficiently, please inform me. I'll try not to snip."

My eyes travel to Zeta for a moment, and I see him staring at me in a dumbfounded way. Then he shakes his head. "I don't get you anymore," he blankly states. "But okay, okay."

I look back to the fight, seeing his projection flicker off out of the corner of my eye. I know his comment is nothing but fun and games. He means nothing by it. Then, pistol in hand, I take a step out from behind my cover and drop into a quick crouch. I fire a few times at Maine, hoping to hit him. I then jump back behind cover, with my head out and watching. I don't want to jump in until the others do as well. Then I will gladly add to the fun. But, for the moment, this is all I want to do.
Maine doesn't waste time with the Rookie, who thought all too highly of his shooting and acrobatics. He was wasting time and movement, for he left himself wide open for attacks and only applied minimal damage. The rubber bullets only made his leg twitch, but did nothing to stop Maine from kicking the nearest shipping crate into the man's body. It would leave no room for error, the man too busy with getting a new weapon to notice the huge metal box coming to him.

A few stray bullets riddle Maine's back, and cause the low growl to emit towards the new target. Maine raises the Brute Shot towards the woman to keep her down, the huge bullets would promote some sort of intimidation beyond his own. With this done Maine looks onto the new force coming towards him: An equally sized man with a large staff.


Alaska squared off with Maine, making it known that he was here for a real duel. They looked at each other, prepared their own melee weapons, and began walking in a circle until one made a move. After making a few rounds around the arena, Alaska finally began his assault, but was only able to land a few hits while stopping the dull blade of the Brute Shot. It was getting monotonous, but neither could break the cycle of matching each other's moves.
Illinois looked around before standing up and putting up the semipermeable guard. She shot a couple bullets before running up next to Alaska. "You're not doing this on your own." She said before letting the guard down and running up, she dodged a swing and hit Maine in the back with an electric baton before going back.

"I just wanted food, why this?" She asked herself as the guard was reenforced around her and Alaska.

"Sensus, calculate when Oregon will move up and take down the barrier in time for her to come in." She said before looking at Alaska. "Are you alright with the tactic or should I generate another strategy?" She asked while the guard was around them.
Maine moved back, wanting adequate running distance to the shield. He was letting out a growl as if this was just an annoyance, but he had to fight this.


Alaska looked at Illinois before finally speaking again, "I was really looking forward to eating to, but right now I think we should focus on getting him without that weapon. Keep the shield up, wait for Oregon and then we Will make our move to disarm him. When she comes, both of y'all take care of the weapon while I distract him." Her and Sensus's plan was nice, but it was all defense, not something Alaska could work with. He dropped down into a running stance, waiting for either Oregon or Maine to make a move.
(Sorry I'm late, guys. I was watching the newest Ten Little Roosters episode. I want to get the next guess right.)

When I see Maine turn and fire, I mumble a curse before ducking back behind the crate and diving out the other side. All I hear of the aftermath is a loud rumble as the bullets slam into the crate and send it tumbling away. Then I ditch my pistol on the floor and reach for the batons as I run for the others.

"That didn't seem to be the smartest move," Zeta whispers in my ear, referencing the pistol. "You may need that later."

I just ignore him, not needing that at the moment. I get to the others in a couple seconds, and deploy my batons once next to them. They crackle with electricity as I drop into a ready stance.

"Sorry about that. I kind of froze. So, what's the plan, exactly? And let's just skip over the part about not dying. That's been drilled in enough."

(I'm going to bed. See you in the morning.)
Seeing the shipping container coming at him at high speeds, Pinatubo jumps, bracing himself against the container behind him with his legs. That done, he extends his arms, managing to halt the progress of the container, though his arms feel numb for the next couple of seconds. He clambers atop it, running and leaping at Maine. He twirls his chain, swinging it with all his might at the wrist holding the brute shot. With the momentum it's built up, gravity, the lock's considerable mass and durability, and the might of a freelancer behind the blow, it would blow a hole into a tank.
Sensus brings the shields down as Oregon runs through and rebuilds them up. "The plan? Well. Basically Alaska distracts him and we disarm him. Then I imagine FILSS will end the round... Hopefully she does and we don't get scolded for anything." She practically spat the last part but she looked at Alaska then to Sensus.

"Keep the shields up around him so Maine focuses. If the rookie needs protection, form a shield around him. When the energy is used up just bring them down. Don't dig into your own or you'll damage yourself." She instructed. "I got it." Sensus replied before Illinois got her pistol ready, leaving behind her electric baton.

"Let's go, Oregon." She sighed before running out and shooting the larger agents arm. She had the advantage of quickness since she was short. But Maine was a rock, it'd take a lot to make him release the brute shot.
I nod once Illinois is done with her instructions, then run out with her. Except, instead of running for Maine, I try to sneak around in his blind spot and come from the back. Sure, I know that he has an A.I. Yes, I know that his A.I. will probably just alert him to my presence. And, lastly, I know that getting up close and personal with Maine isn't exactly the smartest plan. But, hey. A lot of the things I have done today haven't been the smartest. So, what else is new. Also, I'm pretty quick on my feet. If he swings, I will try to dodge as best as I can. And Illinois has the gun for distance. Its my job to use the batons for close quarters. And, hopefully, the two different attempts to disarm him will work in our favor.

I sprint for Maine as fast as I can, heading for his hind side. As I run, though, I see the rookie make an attempt to do what I was aiming to do. Deciding to let this play out and see what happens, I drop back and out of the way. I don't go behind cover, because I can jump up and help easier this way, but I still hang back.
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Alaska watched the shield dissolve, both the girls leaving to their own directions. Alaska was in charge of a distraction, but he hadn't thought of it til now. He saw the rookie stop the crate, Illinois shooting his arm, attempting to focus on her objective, and Oregon moving in to attack him with blunt force. Maine was being overwhelmed, but being the tank of the project meant he wouldn't go down easy. It was well coordinated, and it seemed like Alaska was beginning to formulate a plan.

"Omicron, send all the power to my right arm and give me the best path of trajectory. Measure out my output of power while you're at it, lets set a record."

"Sir do you think this is a good idea? If you miss you could have the potential of hitting Oregon around the back, that or ruining this ill thought plan in all."

"Omi I won't miss, just get me the trajectories and keep an eye on the rookie."

"He seems like he is doing someth--"

"Now Omi!"

"Yes sir."

Through the HUD display a small dotted line outlined the best path to Maine's head, and Alaska lifted his arm to follow it. His armor began to expand, his muscles bulging along with the armor itself. Lifting the electric pole, Alaska threw it with all his might, hoping to hit Maine where it hurt.


Maine and Sigma, expert freelancer and AI, began to process the probability of dodging all of the attacks. The swiftness of all of these were coming towards him though, and he had to cut his decision short. Maine began to shoot all of his bullets at the chain and lock, throwing it off course with ease. The chain, instead of coming towards Maine, was heading right beside Maine's head. With this done, Maine brought his gun up in one hand to block the bullets. The other hand defended the attacks from Oregon, not letting the electrical snaps bother him.

It seemed he had deflected everything, until a silver pipe connected with the lock. Yes the lock and chain were in perfect position to add to the mass of the projectile heading to Maine. The pipe electrocuted the chain, shocking Maine and the rookie to a crisp. Maine didn't wait to throw the weapon in 'shock', letting out a ferocious growl before hitting the ground.
Illinois shot the large freelancer a couple times, the bullets didn't leave a dent. It occurred to her they could use live ammunition. No one would care, hell, if the director praised Maine and Wyoming for it he'd sure as hell get a kick out them using it. But she figured four on one was good enough.

Illinois got lost in the thought of victory , before she knew it Maine let out a ferocious growl that startled her. "What happened?" She asked Oregon as she retreated.

"It appears that Alaska and the rookie have accidentally co-oped the fight. Maine is weakened immensely." Illinois rolled her eyes.

"Guess there's no need for us girls then." She laughed.

"Agent Illinois, you failed to show the director anything besides my shield and your basic shooting. Will that make him happy?"

"Quiet, Sensus." "Agent Illi-" "System override. Quiet, Sensus. Let me have a laugh, goddamn." And with that Sensus kept quiet and formed the electric shield over the two agents to protect them if the attack happened to bounce back in their direction.
As I stand at the ready a ways behind Maine, waiting for my moment, I see the chain go off course.

"Dammit," I mutter. "That could have helped immensely. Oh, well. Such is life."

I then start to make my way swiftly to Maine, in an attempt to try and throw him off the same way the chain was going to. But as I advance, I see Alaska do..something weird, to say the least. His arm starts to bulge, and he pulls his arm back with the sta-

"Oregon! Fall back!" Zeta bellows in my ear. "You will be hit with Alaska's staff as well if you don't move!"

But, luckily, I made that assumption right as Zeta started to talk. I quickly pivot and dive back, ending in another summersault. I come close to hitting my own damn batons as I roll, but I don't, luckily. The distance between Maine and I is just large enough by the time the staff connects, and I shield my eyes from the shower of electricity. When I look back up, the rookie is nowhere to he seen, and Maine lays sprawled on the floor. His armor is smoking slightly.

"Is he still awake, Zeta?" I quietly ask.

After a pause, Zeta replies, "He's dazed, but yes, he's still awake." At the same time he replies, Maine emits a startling loud growl. It almost sound animal like, and I swear the floor vibrates slightly under my feet.

I bite back a curse at that. Then I glance up to see Illinois, surprised, running over to me. She sets up her shield once she gets to me.

I can't help but laugh at her comment.

"Yeah, I guess we are nothing but something to distract Maine," I reply, laughter in my voice. "I can't believe that that actually worked to get him down for the moment. And it was scary as hell to see it, too, because I was almost caught in the cross hairs."

I look from Illinois to Maine after that, him moving catching my eye. I can't help but sigh heavily, my shoulders sagging.

"Dammit. The fun's not over yet, apparently. Mr. Mute is still willing to beat the goddamn stuffing out of us." I check my batons to make sure they are still okay to use as I prepare for, possibly, yet another fight with Maine. "This is gonna be loads of fun. Just loads."

(I'm going to bed. See ya in the morning.)
Everything seems to slow for Pinatubo, as his mind speeds up thanks to his A.I. 'Status?' 'Power levels minimal.' 'I see. just like Eridanus II, eh?' 'Indeed. I have calculated exactly how to bring us up to maximum efficiency.' 'I sense a "but" in there.' 'It requires you to stay still for exactly 10.5362478654-' 'Yeah, yeah, just put up a timer and lock up the armor. Focus what we have to spare on shielding and force distribution.'

Pinatubo hits the ground with thunk, stock-still. He'd make a snide remark about Maine... if his borderline-OCD A.I. hadn't elaborated immensely on the ten second recovery time, filling his HUD. 'That cheeky bastard...' 'I heard that.' The A.I. remarks, adding another hundred digits to improve accuracy... Or, at least, that's how he justifies messing with Pinatubo.
Alaska waits for the staff to connect, and after the shower of electricity, he is not disappointed with the show. Maine has lost his weapon, laying against the wall in which the staff was now embedded in. The chain lay strewn across his body against the ground, holding him down even further. His feral growl was still coming, larger even now that some time has passed for him to recover. Alaska wanted to go help, but he knew the repercussions of moving right after using the ability.

"How long Omicron."

"Not long, just keep your arm still until I finish. The girls can handle Maine for a moment."

"How is the Rookie holding up? I hate to say it, but I hope I fried him."

"He's alive, but his armor is locked, he won't be moving for some time."

"Hope Maine keeps it that way, log off and get me back to full shape."

"Yes sir."

Alaska threw his weight on one leg to vault to the cover next to him, flexing his hands to form a fist, allowing his metal knuckles to come out. "Illinois! Oregon! I'm off for a bit, but you can handle Maine in this state. Show our viewers something interesting.". With this Alaska was lost from their view, recovering.


Maine brought either fist down on the ground, beginning to lift himself up from the electrified daze. He was stumbling, but managing to keep himself on two feet. After letting the remaining electricity arch down his body, he finally turned towards the two girls in the shield. Cracking his neck, Maine began his awkward gait to them.
As I continue to watch Maine come back, I hear Alaska bellow to us. Until that moment, I hand pretty much forgotten about him. The show directly in front of me was catching most of my attention for the moment. But his voice definitely reminds me of his presence, and I look in his direction, worried. Thankfully, though, he just seems to be recovering from his massive throw. After he gets done talking, I nod my head and raise my baton to show that I heard him. Then my attention snaps back to Maine..and he just so happens to be standing up now and growling as loud as an old car.

"Ah, hell," I mutter under my breath, worried. "Now he's really pissed. Hey, Zeta?"

"Yes, Oregon?" Zeta replies as he appears at my shoulder.

"What do you think is the best course of action for me to get behind him again?"

"That is a tough one," Zeta replies. "But it's better than facing him from the front. I would suggest that Illinois runs away from this spot and fires at him, getting his attention. Then, if he bites, run the other way and quickly get behind him. You may have a chance to take him down a few notches, then."

I nod, not sure about the plan. But, I guess it's not the worst. And I might as well use it anyway, as Maine is almost on us. But, first, I look to Illinois.

"Two questions: one, does that sound like a good plan? And two, how are you with hand-to-hand combat? Because, if you are confident with it, we could both attack him at once after I get him from the backside. It may overwhelm him and take him out easier." As I talk, I make sure to keep an eye on Maine. I also lift my batons higher, just in case.
"We could handle him before, thank you very much!" She laughed as Alaska retreated.

Alex looked over at Oregon. Then to the collapsed agent. She knew it would take a lot more then that to knock Maine down, sure enough he got back up and started running at them clumsily. Sigma was the AI for ambition and creativity, it made sense, Maine was ambitious. And creative with moves. But he was not very smart. He was all about overpowering and less about outsmarting.

When she looked at Oregon she sighed. "The plan sounds great but.." She paused. "Hand-to-hand combat? I hope you're ready to put all, and I mean all, of your trust into me. Because let me tell you, hand-to-hand combat isn't my forte." If it was just a hit then she could handle it. Say it was full on martial arts? That was another thing. "What is your AIs trait? Because we can combine strategy and whatever Zeta has to make something more powerful." She thought out loud. Pulling Oregon back behind a crate.

She really hoped the plan would work. If the director wanted a show he had one. Whether it would disappoint or not. She just hoped whoever was up there wasn't a tight ass because for this she would have to bend the rules.

[sorry I was pretty busy today. Also ignore the first reply bc that was before I saw yours so yeah.]
(You're fine.)

I cast one last glance at Maine before I go behind the crate with Illinois. Then I reply to her.

"My A.I.'s trait is a combination of creativity and strategy, in short. His creative side, though, is weaker than his strategy side. Instead, he makes up for the creative side with quite the attitude." Zeta gives off an emotion I can't quite understand at those comments, but I shove it off. "He's also very attentive and inquisitive, always paying attention and curious about things." After I take another glance out at Maine, I continue.

"I understand if you don't want to fight him hand-to-hand. Personally, I don't want to either in this particular fight. And it's okay if you don't; I could probably manage for a while. And Alaska might be ready soon. Hell, the rookie might even be." I let off a sigh, then say, "I just wish that we had better long-range weapons to work with in here. Then we wouldn't even have to get close to him at all."

Uncomfortable with more of my back than my front facing Maine, I shuffle around and stop right next to Illinois. I am facing almost the exact same direction as her now, in a ready crouch.

"What do you think we should do? If you are not comfortable with the closeup combat part, then give me another idea. I'm all ears, seriously."

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