Project: Electro World [Inactive]

RankZ didn't really read the book. It was more like looking at words and hoping that they made sense. Today they were going to the beta district. He started to walk down the many floors of the building. He wondered how the others had slept. He saw the NPCs setting up their stalls in the market place. He walked down the oriental streets, trying to take everything in, he probably wouldn't be here again. He wanted to remember everything about it. He tried to remember where the meeting place was but he got lost. He started to feel hungry but he had eaten his food while reading last night. He wandered for a while and found the group. "Sorry I'm late guys!". He wasn't called Snooze without reason. He could see the next district. The buildings there were tall and dark compared to the beautiful Japanese village. They will probably change when they clear the viruses.
Anna woke slowly, eyes crusty. She rubbed them sleepily, sitting up and squinting to try and bring the world around her into focus. Almost everyone was already awake and moving about. The Hacker grunted and re-tied her hair, attempting to tame her bangs. She wanted to lay back down so badly, just to get some more sleep, but her team would be moving soon if Velixus and Lucri were awake.

The white-haired girl forced herself to her feet, swaying a bit. She had gotten up too fast and stumbled about for roughly three seconds, grunting. In her disoriented state she almost bumped into Velixus, muttering an apology and putting her hand on the boulder he had laid against at the same time. Anna blinked rapidly, eyes finally adjusting to the light.

RankZ had joined the group once more, leaving the fellow Hacker to wonder where he had gone the night before. Her stomach growled, reminding her that she should probably eat. She glanced at Lucri, then Velixus. "What about breakfast?"
Raven was inside his mecha ready to go, he had been for a good 30 minutes. He looked over the team, some ready also while others seemed they had not even eaten. Had they not thought about eating first? This was only wasting time and time was a precious resource. For all he knew the more they waited the more the viruses are spreading.

While they had their casual talk Raven went over for the logistics again checking all was operating at 100%. It appeared to be, the mech having fully healed by the time he went to sleep. They would be able to quickly make their way out with the map he had built up of the surrounding area.

He turned on the comms for the time he spoke.

"Ready and operational. Black Rain is planning the fastest route there from the maps this very second."
Jake started to slip into that half conscious state of being just as his nightmare had him roof hopping with his old groups leader. He began to hear and feel around him, but wasn't quite able to move. The air lightly brushed against his warm skin. A delightful, light touch that soothed and relaxed his nightmare induced panic. He slowly began to blink his eyes open, the cloudless blue sky a welcome sight in the aftershock of yesterday's events.

He slowly began tending and relaxing his muscles, and besides slight weariness found he didn't ache enough even to grimace about it. Well that was fantastic for sure. He was positive that gunshot wound was going to smart for a few days at least. He began to run the sleep crusty whatever you call it from under his eyes and sat up slowly.

He blinked his eyes clear enough to see the concerned face of...what was her name again? Nidsomethingorother, whatever her name was she was the Mechanic who healed him and fixed his armor. Why'd it have to be a girl?! On top of that, why'd she have to look so concerned. Those big green eyes full of worry for others well-being.

Gahhhh, how was he supposed to convincingly act uncaring with her looking at him like that?! Whatever, he'd just have to do his best. He stood up, clicking a button on his suit that melded it back around him. He placed his helmet back on and grabbed Red Storm, or to him Little Red, and put her in the holster on his left side. Trying to sound uncaring, and this time knowingly failing, he spoke to her. "Thanks.... I guess. Although, you didn't have to waste time on me. We should go, time to move on to Beta, right?"
She watched him, making sure everything g was in dhaor and good to go. Then, when she saw his acting, she couldn't help but giggle. She just smiled at him and nodded cheerfully.

"Yep, this way," she says with a big smile and headed for where everyone was meeting. She was hiding her fears with her smiling. Though she was a much better actor than Mischief.
"Alright, guys!" Amelia said happily. She looked around at the group who was getting prepared, and then over at Primo, "Primo do you think we're ready?" she asked, fidgeting with her hammer.

She was hoping Primo would lead them well. He was always good in Shooting Stars at leading raids.

(eek, sorry for the oneliner)
Getting up to his feet at a slow pace as the group finally arrived, Primo let out a yawn and had himself a nice old stretch. "Better late than never." What else was there to say?

In response to Amelia's question toward him, Primo truthfully spoke. "Theres no better team or any more suitable than us. Let's start round two with the mechs." The young man nonchalontly brought a cigarette to his lips.
Anna grunted and placed her hands over her abdomen, cycling through her inventory. There had to be something to eat, right? Finding nothing, she stepped over to Primo. "I'm going to grab a bite and a bit to go, wait five minutes."

She ran, heading straight to the nearest cafe. Food, food, food... Toast! Toast sounded good. French toast. She ordered a few servings to bring back for anyone who was still hungry. She stuffed most of it in her inventory, taking a slice and chewing on it. Now that she had her breakfast, Anna began making her way back to the group.

"If anyone is still hungry, I brought food."
Alden shook his head. He still had the sandwich from last night, so he pulled it out and began to nibble it. He was pretty sure everyone was here as he looked around. He pulled out a can of coffee and started drinking it. He guessed he wouldn't be much use to the group if he wasn't functionning. Rank Z thought a bit more about techs. He was hoping to find a way to maybe create them or tweak them. But it would be difficult, he would have no idea where to find the correct tools. He thought about this for a bit longer before draining the last of the can and discarding it. "I guess we should go no? No time like the present."

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