Project: Electro World [Inactive]

He offered a wink to Nidelia in response to her statement. Primo's hand would grasp Jake's, and the other would come around to slap softly at his other side. "We're gonna get you better, then we'll talk about getting you acclimated." After he was finished speaking, Primo stood from his spot and turned from the two. The cigarette continuing to burn between his lips, he brought up his communication hub and opened up a message.

He extended the holographic a little larger, and lifted his arm to it. In script, he wrote out a short message and pressed send. As soon as he did, the text he composed would be shot to Anna. In the middle of what she was doing, in the middle of her vision it would pop up - 'New Message from Primo'. It would flash twice, and stick itself into a small envelope notification on the corner of her view. Upon opening it, she would see a request for more healing rays immediately:

Just as she mentioned it the smell of the grill came to his nose and was guided by it.

"I suppose its worth a try..."

He walked to the shop where it stood and first checked his currency balance. It was a large amount as he had imported it from the normal game world, where he had an extraordinary amount because of all the killing assignments he took, especially PvP ones which netted high rewards.

With this he could probably buy the shop several times over, but decided against it. Instead he got a large selection of meats to eat along with some potatoes and was served it on a large dish.

During the buying of the food he wondered if there was a place in town to possibly buy Techs, which after all would be handy for possible use.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Anna practically flew back to her group in her excitement, eager to tell everyone about her discovery. She skidded to a halt about halfway there when a message from Primo appeared. She opened it, her good mood suddenly dampened by the fact that she had to go grocery shopping. The Hacker tapped out a message back to her teammate, informing him that she'll return with the requested items shortly.

After a quick purchase of healing rays, Anna scuttled back to the group. She transferred the rays from her inventory into Nid's, then shuffled to RankZ to share her find. "Rank. Rank, guess what I found out. Look, see how my knife has poison on it? It's not the knife, it's the sheath. I pulled up the data for the sheath when I was eating, like this. See the poison? So next fight I'm gonna try to pull the code for the poison and apply it to some viruses, see what it does. Isn't that cool?"

Her eyes were wide, like a child who just got exactly what they wanted for Christmas. They turned to the newcomer, and narrowed. Anna pointed at him. "Who's that?"
RankZ had just arrived at the meeting point when he saw Primo and Nydelia tending to a stranger. Primo had just sent a pm to IronSentinel to pick up some healing rays. The introduction was short, the man was a hacker, introduced himself as Mischief. RankZ sat at a nearby bench and watched the two cater to his needs. He was in a bad state. Nydelia was making do with what she had and she knew timing was of the essence. Sentinel came quickly and was obviously excited from the look on her face. She pulled out a knife and RankZ nearly fell off his chair. "Be careful where you wave that!". Without reaction, she continued to talk. She pointed out the fact that it was coated in poison, but that the poison tech was not applied to her knife, that it was attached to the sheath. He replied "I didn't think you could apply tech to items other then weapons. Is there anything that makes this knife and sheath different from other items? This will need to be tested.". She began to talk about applying the code to viruses, this grabbed his attention greatly. Hackers could only use buffs and debuff techs, that modified data. This could their way of getting stronger and contributing more to a fight. Especially with stronger bosses. "Out of curiosity, did that weapon always have a poison?" but was interrupted when she asked about Mischief
Well, this was all proving to be much more interesting than Ricardo had ever thought it would be.

Dual Techs, five more bosses, more difficulties to was almost too much to handle. Once everyone agreed to take a few hours to rest, he wandered off alone, using Thunder's Grip to make his way up to the top of a skyscraper, where he let his mind soak in all that had happened. Velixus stared off into the distance, admiring the newly-brightened colors of the city and surrounding environment.

Once he was through with letting his mind wander aimlessly, he took to the streets and stopped around to peruse the shops. None of them carried gear better than his, of course, but they had some food that looked promising, so he picked up a few little things and continued his walk through the markets. His search was geared mostly towards stores selling Techs, as well as places that could repair or upgrade gear and/or weapons. He hadn't found any yet, but the prospect of becoming even more powerful than he already was drove Ricardo to look even harder.
Nidelia looked at Mischief. "In order to this damage the shot has to break bones, trust me, you're not doing so hot," she says as she points her healing ray at his wound and pulls the trigger.

The lights quickly scanned and analyzed the wound and he would be able to feel as it began to repair tissue inside his body bit by bit. Within a minute the ray shut off, but he wasn't out of the clear yet. She sat back just waiting for the cool down.

"What happened to your team?" She asks him worriedly. She had a bad feeling about what the answer was, but she anted to know.
Jake grimaced as his tissue mended back together. He'd felt it only once prior and it repeated the same unpleasantness as the last. He could deal without this happening often, but he supposed that wasn't really his choice now was it? He relaxed as the ray shut off, the healing having already granted him a portion of his strength again.

His coherence was on the rise and he was unsure of how glad he was of that. He honed in on the question and looked around the group. "So, for those who don't know me, I'm Jake Luten, or Mischief if you know my screen name. I was one of two hackers assigned to the group that entered the second strongest district. Apparently the scientists put one group in each. But as far as I've seen or heard besides me and your group...... everyone else, every player has died. Were it not for my ability to go invisible, and a few other choice unique Techs, I would probably have died as well."

Although a good portion of the group had converged in the meet-up area, there were still some left. Given the fact that there was plenty of time before the meet-up, this wasn't a surprise. As the members of the group continued to talk among themselves, Primo walked a bit to look out over the edge of the rather large rock which they stood on. It was a beautiful location to check out a view, for those who were lucky enough to ever check out the spot. He flicked the cigarette off of the cliff and it dissolved in mid-air.

He wasn't sure what the next course of action would end up being. Jax knew they'd move to the next district, wherever that was, but how long would this all take? As it seemed, the sun in the town they had freed from the viruses was setting. There was a day and night system in place, but the group would never be able to tell unless they freed districts. Things were completely digitized, almost like a weird gridlock variation of a BSOD, in-game. The only thing left to do was to wait and see what would unfold before them. After all, he still had an item in his inventory which he couldn't touch.

Amelia followed Raven sitting next to him. He ordered something, which she assumed was for both of them. She waited patiently, sitting awkwardly across from him as neither of them made an effort to start conversation.

Thankfully, the large plate of food came, like a savior from God. Amelia could feel sweat trickling down The side of her chest, and her cheeks that were beet red, "So, uh, is that for both of us?" she asked timidly, delicately picking up a fork and knife.

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Mischief's words echoed in RankZ's mind. All the other teams had been eliminated, which left the job to them to clean up the rest of the districts. This new development will have seriously effected the scientist's plans. This left the questions of "Did they know it happened." and if so, "Why weren't we informed. The viruses in this area were difficult, but this was the easiest district. The simple answer to the question, "How do we get strong enough to beat other viruses?" is grind. But how can capped players grind? This was a problem. They would need stronger equipment and techs if they were to survive. The NPCs here didn't seem to sell strong equipment for us players, we would have to find somewhere to get better equipment. This matter will have to be raised when everyone is here
He raised an eyebrow as he stabbed some meat and ate it. It seemed too harsh, even for him, to let someone starve like this.

"Go ahead. Did you leave all your money behind or something? Surely people as famous in-game as us would have a lot of money."

He looked around at other shops.

"I take it there are shops that sell Techs here? That'd be the only other thing I need. I could do with an AI tech like Natasha has.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Ricardo returned to the group after about ten minutes, tired. He flopped down next to everyone, seemingly not noticing the newcomer, and he began to sleepily munch on the food he had bought.

"Couldn't find a Tech shop anywhere...*munch*...Not sure how we're gonna be able to defeat more powerful enemies if...*crunch*...if we can't become more powerful ourselves."

He finally noticed the newcomer, but was too exhausted from half an hour of vigorous searching to really care enough to ask his name or ask what he was doing there. All it really meant to Ricardo was that they had another ally to back them up. He grabbed Paradox and slammed it down Gandalf-style, wedging the end into the ground, then he leaned up against a nearby boulder and nodded off to sleep. Paradox hummed gently with electricity, a few small bolts of plasma idly arcing off the main coil into the ground.
Amelia let out a short laugh, "No, I didn't leave my money behind, stupid. I just thought that the huge plate you got couldn't be for just you. That'd be selfish and pretty greedy." she chided.

She stabbed a fork and knife into the large slab of beef, taking a moment to savor the delicious aroma, before cutting it off, and tearing at it maliciously.

She took a second to wipe her face, messy with the beef juices, an apologize, "S-Sorry about that. Made me look savage didn't it?" she laughed forced chuckle.
Anna almost growled at the new guy, Mischief. We don't need another Hacker, we have two already. She wished just a tiny bit that he had perished with his team. Two Hackers were enough, in her mind. But the rest of her team might welcome the extra buffs. Depending on his speed at applying them, however. As he explained his escape, her eyes flashed. "So you're a coward, then? Running away? What happened to your healer, why didn't you try to save her so she could save the rest of your team?"

If he was going to join them, then it would be Anna's job to make him feel as unwelcome as possible. Velixus had returned, at least. He was her favorite out of all of them, since he seemed to know what he was doing most of the time. Plus he was a Technician, which is what Anna would've been if the Hacker class wasn't available. He had stabbed his staff into the ground and nodded off like an old man. Anna turned back to Mischief. "You should've tried to save someone else, at the very least."
"Well there is nothing else to buy here that is worth buying. No gear, no clothes, no nothing. Also eating well is part of making a mech run as efficiently as possible."

Raven felt weird. It was rare, if ever possible, for him to talk to someone casually. It just didn't happen. Then again most players he met ingame either ran away or were killed by him for an assignment. Sometimes both.

This woman however was for one doing neither and somehow was almost prying him open like a clam.

"Considering how brutish it is you wielding that hammer and plaster enemies to the floor, I can't see how you can talk about your eating etiquette."
Jake looked as if he's been slapped, the sting of this girls words cutting like a poisoned blade to the gut. He struggled to keep tears from his eyes. He tried measuring his breathing to respond, but it didn't work for several minutes. He breathed in and out in measured breaths.

"To inform you my closest friend was the healer. They ripped him in two before we knew a battle was starting. We were settling for the night, and they came out of the floor and through the ceiling. I fought til my last comrade died, and after until I couldn't. If you hadn't noticed none of my wounds are on my back, are they?". He gave her a sickened glare. "You should careful calling people coward, it's a threat demanding a death match in a lot of the world." He rolled his head away from her.
Amelia slammed her fork down, offended by Raven's statement. She couldn't believe him. Just flat out calling her a brute. She leaned over the table and stuck her finger in his face, "You've got quite the nerve pal, for calling me brutish when you've got you and your dumb mech thingy shootin' everything down and stuff! And I'll have you know, my battle style is quite elegant~" she ended with a flourish of her hand.

Amelia got back to her steak, cutting into it a bit harder. She gained a bit more respect for Raven after this, boldly saying something, not caring about the consequences.
Anna gave a short, harsh laugh. Her gaze bore into Mischief. "I don't know why your entire team bothered fighting after you lost your healer, then. You crossed districts, why couldn't the rest of your team? Should've run at the beginning."

She looked back down at her holo-screen, the snarky grin still plastered on her face. His entire team was pretty stupid, then. You lose your healer, you lose your life if you keep fighting. Anna pulled up her allies' equipment and noted the small blinking icon at the top-left corner of the interface. She touched it, Mischief's information filling her screen. The Hacker made a sound, obviously annoyed. Apparently he's stuck with us. Oh, joy.

The holo-screen was stored in her inventory, Anna laying down on her stomach and attempting to sleep. 'Course, she probably wasn't going to get any.
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The bridge of his nose twitching, Primo turned to face the two. "Here's an idea, how's about we shut our mouths about irrelevant crap and pay attention to the fact that we could end up in the same predicament if we're not solid in chemistry and teamwork?" A small growl, looking between the two. His eyes stuck to Anna after looking at her from the newcomer, though. "You apologize for your tongue, you were out of line. We don't treat people beaten half to death with such disgusting manners." He clenched his fists at his side, still staring her in the eyes. "And yeah, that's a damn order."

He moved his hues from her, to look at the rest who gathered around. Two had still been missing.
"Velixus is the leader for now. I'm going to scout ahead, and if I hear any more disturbances from you both, i'll just go ahead and delete you." He shrugged, with a small smile on his face. "There are people here who are trying to survive. If this continues, you'll be creating a distraction. I can't afford that, neither can anyone else. This isn't about personal feelings, build a bridge and get the hell over it." With that, he turned and began walking off. Eventually, as his body hit the border of the city and the rest of the virus-infected Electro World, a small digitized process was all to show for his existence before seemingly vanishing. Of course, he was just walking straight - the world just didn't know how to translate the effect from safety to problem.

Raven's mouth curled slightly on one end to a smile, barely visible. She had to give it to her, this girl had guts. Not many, if any had stood up to him and lived long.

"Black Rain has been refined for no glamour or elegance, but with the pure efficiency to kill. Whatever is the most effective way to do it, is I carry out."

He also found it amusing that she was saying he had nerve when she was eating his steak. It seemed almost bizarre. Then again, this is probably the first time he has shared a meal with someone, as most were too scared to be within a 10m radius of him with the cold glare his eyes naturally gave.

He chewed on some steak slowly, savouring its flavour.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Anna opened one eye, glancing at Primo before closing it again. "I'm not apologizing for anything, don't try to make me either. 'Cause I won't."

As her teammate walked away to go 'scout', she chuckled and yelled after him. "Velixus is asleep!"

Surprisingly enough, she managed to catch a bit of shut-eye. Strange pictures darted behind her eyelids, swirling and forming into viruses before exploding into nothing. They were incomplete, but terrifying. The viruses in her mind's eye shuffled like zombies, giving off eerie moans that chilled her right to the core. The nightmares ended, settling into a darkness that obliterated any thoughts that materialized.

Primo didn't bother to answer as he continued on, he just went. Between the both of them, it was obvious who withheld the power, and his threats were real - there was no need to say any more. Any petty, ridiculous comeback as a result weren't going to change the facts. Plenty of dogs existed who enjoyed to bark but refused to bite.

On his way forward, he took out small viruses that littered the path to their next district. Having taken the path that brought them to the closest district, he didn't bother to worry about the difficulty of viruses that could be generated within the area. It wasn't particularly a big deal, rather Primo saw it as a bit of a vacation. Always the one who enjoyed exerting himself.

As he neared the next border of the would-be town that had been infested with viruses, he stopped at a rather big one. Bulbous and slow, it basically tried it's hardest to jump into the air and land on Primo at every other second. The young man learned of the obvious pattern quickly, easily stepping back from each attempted attack as they came. When he finally had enough, he knocked the virus into the air and deleted it with the use of a couple of bullets. Obviously, the last district of viruses the team had cleared ended up increasing his stats.

He sent a message to Velixus to let him know all was clear on the pathway, before he decided to lay down on the floor and stare up into cyber-space. Some viruses lingered around, but none were aggroed to his existence - probably because Primo's frame had been layed out just before the border of the radius.


RankZ was appalled by Sentinel's behaviour. Another person in the group increased their chances of survival, especially if they had different techs and skills. He was glad that Primo stopped them before it got out of hand. Sentinel went to sleep as Velixus laid down. She was tossing and turning and he expected her to wake up at any moment. RankZ didn't sleep much. He was diagnosed with insomnia recently, a short while before leaving home. That was about a month ago now. He relied on sleeping pills for him to experience darkness and emptiness at night. He wasn't addicted, but he'd have liked to have them. He wondered how he could sleep here in this world. He looked towards Mishief. He was lying about but didn't seem to be sleeping. RankZ decided to take a walk to try and get away from the group. He started off done the same street as earlier but this time taking it slow, he had a long night to go. He walked past a few shops that were getting ready to close. He walked about 1 km before he realised that he was going around hungry. The excitement of Mischief had caused him to forget. He saw Raven and Lucri in a restraunt together. He winked at Raven and gave a thumbs up before continuing.

He walked into a grocery store and picked up a can of coffee and a sandwich. His feet found their way back to the square he had been in only a few hours before. Most NPCs had gone home but there were a few here and there. Eventually he saw someone his own age and decided to carry out his experiment. "Hello!" "Hello sir, I'm afraid we're closing now, please come by tomorrow". As it seemed. Everything they did was programmed. He was disappointed. He'd have to spend the night in solitude.

Amelia slumped down in her chair, unsatisfied with Raven's reaction. She slowly gazed up, her eyes squinting directly into Raven's when she noticed just the smallest hint of a smile. She started grinning to herself like a stupid person when she realized she had made the smallest bit of an impression on the cold, emotionless man.

"Y'know mechs kinda seem like a drag. You've gotta carry them around, and they're slow and stuff. How do you deal with it, huh?" she inquired curiously.
He raised an eyebrow and swallowed his steak.

"Since a while back I installed it so that it slowly heals itself without the need of a tech, so general maintenance isn't that necessary. As for speed, it has the rocket boosters on it to boost movement. Besides, you may call its movement slow, but as it is large the same movement your arm swing does in comparison is in physical distance smaller than Black Rain when they do the same gesture. So in essence they could easily move the same exact distance just as fast, if not quicker.

As for lugging it around...simple answer is, I don't. I'm usually sitting in them when I'm travelling and with the boosters as well as larger distance covered with each step than a human step does, travelling is much easier than with how it is for humans."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?

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