Project: Electro World [Inactive]

Amelia nodded, slightly understanding what he was talking about. She took a final bite of her steak, and pushed her plate away. The NPC's were leaving the restaurant, so she assumed it was closing time, "Well, Raven, I think we've gotta go. Wanna join me on a walk to the waterfall? It could be nice. Pretty city, night time, serene sounds and all."

Amelia was hoping he'd say yes. Just after a short night of talking, she felt she grew a bit more attached to Raven, liking him more by the minute. They could have a little moment on this walk. Like in all those dating games she'd played.
Jake couldn't decide between anger and sadness, the cowardice comment and stupidity of his teammates bouncing around in his head. He tried to blank out the thoughts, but when he finally drifted off they were the last thoughts in his head. And such things never lead anywhere good.

The dream began with nine players and Jake, they stood at a door. It was stainless steel and only had two things on it, an odd Greek letter, and the number five. The only other player besides himself that spoke English was his best friend Lorenzo, who nonetheless kept trying to seduce the Asian girl with hand gestures and sheer masculinity alone. Jake simply rolled his eyes, attempting to stifle his laughter.

Although the smelly forty year old fat guy solved that problem when he got too close. Now he had to prevent vomiting from happening. How can one smell that badly and not smell it themselves? God, he really didn't get people sometimes. He shook of this thought as the gate began to glow and one after the other they entered the Sigma district. Number five out of all the district's apparently, if the door said anything true. But from what viruses they'd fought so far Jake had to say it must be the fifth in terms of difficulty. Posing almost no challenge.

When the light cleared they stood in a city almost like L.A. when he visited it. The sprawling city encompassing you from all sides. But this city was much darker, a presence much stronger than that of the viruses seen so far. It seemed to writhe into your soul, making you feel disgusting with every moment. But today something was off, more than normal. And he didn't mean the fat guys skirt being shorter than usual, although that was pretty terrible.

They patrolled the streets, not a sign of a virus anywhere. The lamppost above dropped a bit of the areas famous acidic blood onto his helmet. He hastily removed it with poise and dignity, and definitely not by screaming in a high pitched tone and going ewewewewew. He didn't need another hole in the head.

A few hours later the team leader decided it was too weird they hadn't met any viruses lately. So they found one of the few buildings not covered in acidic blood. Jake scratched his shoulder blade, looking around suspiciously as the group entered what must have represented a rundown government center. The fat guy was just behind him as they entered the first hall.

As they entered the main area, a rotting old room of forty by ninety feet, he got the worst feeling of being watched. They stopped in the center of the room, forming a loose oval of people. He tried thinking what was off, he realized with a cursory examination that someone was missing. 'Wasn't there ten including me earlier? Now there's only eight.' It was now he realized the floor was bulging oddly, moving towards Lorenzo.

Lorenzo was obliviously flirting with the Asian girl from earlier, who could understand him in game and was happily flirting back. Jake realized what was about to happen and began to yell out, "Its a traaaaap!" And then some sort of thing came bursting out of the ground , huge splinters of floorboards flew in every direction. One outright killed a player with a point straight through the helmet. But this was background information, Jake had his gun drawn and was taken aback by what he had focused on.

The thing that burst through the floor was a strange mix of creatures and myth. It had the bottom body segment of a centipede, all scuttling legs and pointed feet. The body trunk was like one of those twin trees grown to have their trunks twirl together, spiraled black carapace ending at a group of tentacles at the throat. Reaching out from each side of the body was a long, thin , armored bug limb ending in mantis like scythes. The faces had a thousand eyes, or seemed to, wrapping around it's whole head.

It was a horror of unspeakable levels, and it's first action would be nightmare material for the remainder of Jake's life. With a blink of confusion Lorenzo turned to Jake, not having immediate understanding of the danger he looked to Jake for a lead, a tactic that had never failed them. Teamwork killed Lorenzo.

As he turned away the beast simply cut the Asian girl in two, tossing the pieces away with contempt. Then with a almost overjoyed look on its horrid face, it plunged both scythes into Lorenzos back, the both of them going all the way as if he were tissue paper. Then the creature pushed the tips of scythes together on the other side and pulled the main width of them apart. And with a sickening sound equivelant of someone ripping a bandaid off, it tore Lorenzo into thirds.

And this happened in the first few seconds, half of the team dead, mechanic in three, Jake immediately activated his Invis Booster tech, which was on quick select from how often he uses it. He looked to the leader and the other three members besides Jake who were alive. Some sort of stag beetle creature pulled one of them out of the group as it flipped them back through the entryway, into the waiting mouth of a huge ..... Something. Jake immediately decided it was best to run. Now.

He cast Sight Sign and used the xray vision to locate the best escape route, apparently straight up. He called to the leader to use his Disintegration Blast on the ceiling. Then using Tech Squared he gave his leader a power boost to a random exponent. The leader, now one of the final three of their team, pointed his rifle at the ceiling. With a roaring a white blazing inferno launched from his rifle, taking out a half dozen viruses and vaporizing the entire three floors above.

This posed a problem as they couldn't jump the full height of the building..... Or could they? He got as close together with Thompson the leader, and Kate, the only other living member left, as he could. He yelled and pointed his gun down at their feet. "Gravity Blast!!!". He fired, and all the gravity currently affecting them was pushed away, crushing the surrounding viruses, and allowing the three of them to jump the full height of the building to the roof of the next.

They immediately began running, jumping rooftop to rooftop, trying to head for the gate back out of this world. A few buildings away they had just stopped for a rest, when the cement below Kate burst upward . A hand of orange, pussy warts wrapped around her ankle and began pulling her into the building. She screamed and grabbed at the roof as her head hit the side of the hole. Jake grabbed her hand and Thompson grabbed the other.

She screamed and cried to not let her go as the monster looked confusedly at Thompson, and the seemingly empty air where Jake had her left hand. It reached up with its other hand and broke her right arm, pulling it from Thompson's grip and pinning it to her side. Thompson flew back and the monster yanked confusedly, wondering what had hold of her left arm. It simply began pulling harder.

Jake's body screamed for rest as he strained against its strength. She let out a horrible sound unrecognizable as human. And with a sickening tearing sound the monster pulled Kate into the hole, minus her left arm in Jake's hand. He cried, laying there for a minute or more. Then Thompson shook him back to reality, he tossed Kate's arm into the hole and demanded Jake think. This nightmare wouldn't be escaped by crying, he needed to think. Jake and Thompson took just a moment to collect themselves and continued the roof hopping.
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Raven noticed RankZ's gesture, taking it as a sign which happen to coincide with her request.

"I suppose so..."

His tall body rose and looked over, his still cold eyes scanning the area around him.

He followed Lucri, since she seemed to have an idea of where they were going. He didn't know what her aim out of this was, but he would just have to wait and see.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Amelia led Raven across the town, looking at all the buildings and architecture of the Asian-inspired village. It was breathtaking how beautiful and real just a game could look. She trekked a couple more blocks until she spotted a small patch of grass next to one of the streets. It was right next to the waterfall, flowing into the ocean, and it was absolutely gorgeous.

She found a spot on the grass and sat down, patting a spot for Raven to sit next to her, "Pretty amazing, right? How just a game can look as amazing and real as this one. Science has really come so far, it's hard to wrap my head around how difficult developing something like this would be."
Raven to himself also found it impressive, though didn't show it. He looked at mostly the view and the detail of the water particles.

"I suppose if you use real life as a model, it becomes easier. These aren't exactly from scratch but based on existing designs."

He looked over to the water and watched his reflection. His face had a passive emotionless look. So how come this girl was trying to get to know someone like him so well? He couldn't think of a redeeming factor for social scenarios, if anything a detriment to them by being him.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Nidelia sighed, but smiled as she was relieved he was able to fall asleep. It would allow his body to regenerate itself through the game mechanics as soon as she finished the last two doses, but she would greatly need more healing rays if they were going to fight more viruses.

Once she had the last two doses done she sat there, watching him slightly. He was very handsome and cute, even if they were in a video game. Granted this game was made to make their characters physical representations of themselves, only difference for her was the goggles, hair color, and clothes.

She smiled softly at a random thought that swam through, but looked away to see if anyone was coming with anymore healing rays.
Velixus silently listened to his comerade's back-and-forth banter, ending with Primo's cold statement and following departure. He raised an eyebrow at Primo's comment.

"What do you mean, leader for now?"

He had always considered himself the leader...after all, in Shooting Stars, he had led thousands of raids and dungeons runs with teams of noobs who paid him to help them grind and get experience. He liked to think he was an expert in strategy. It was him who orchestrated that earlier battle, wasn't it? Oh well...

He sighed and closed the eye again, wincing as his inbox beeped not a moment later to notify him of his message from Primo. A perimeter check, by the looks of what he skimmed. He sent a short 'thanks' back, and nodded back to sleep. This team was going to need a well-rested leader, that much was for sure.
Amelia crawled over to the water, listening to Raven's words. She assumed he was right, but she was still curious about the technology used to transport them here and make everything seem real, like their tastes and smells. She put her hand under the cool, running water and felt it trickle down her arms, sending shivers up her spine.

"It's cold," she commented, pulling her hand back, "but it's still amazing. How they can even get the senses in here. Must've required lots of effort."
"Maybe they put us into something like with that ancient film my grandparents kept going on about called The Matrix. I had no idea what they were raving on about."

Why the hell was he even talking to this girl? She must have had a real profound effect on him. He decided to stay quiet as he watched Lucri feel the water.

He decided to lean back and look to the sky. It was a dark night sky, black like his mech and some would say, his personality. There were numerous stars, including some flying ones. Well, this was called Shooting Stars after all.

Raven looked at his hands. These hands piloted a huge killing machine that has killed innumerable players and NPC's. It was all purely virtual, but the feeling remained. Why was he thinking on these things? He had never thought on them before. Maybe their previous discussions has got him thinking and since he never talked to anyone before, he never got round to doing such. He had been for all the time he was a pilot a solitary killer.
Amelia nodded, only half listening to Raven. She felt herself getting a bit tired, a yawn escaping from her mouth as she rubbed her eyes. She noticed this and laughed, "I'm getting pretty tired, Raven, so I'm gonna hit the sack. Night." she smiled warmly, and stood, balancing herself with her hands before getting up, so she wouldn't fall. She walked away, towards the inn, occasionally looking back at Raven.

She found a room and sunk into the comfy bed of her room. It was like a cloud, at least compared to everything else she had been through. She didn't even bother to change into something more fitting for sleep and passed out on the bed. She was hoping she'd have enough rest for tomorrow, as she knew she'd need it.
RankZ grew bored of lying about and had finished his coffee by now. The store was still open, he went inside and bought a few more cans, for the nights to come. He started to walk down the streets again. It was nearly pitch black now, but human eyes are interesting. The scientists had managed to adapt human eyes reacting to light changes. He could see in front of himself easily now. He could hear the sound of rushing water and saw Lucri walking away from it, smiling. RankZ decided to see if Raven had reacted to Lucri's obvious affection for him. He saw Raven hunched over. Raven was the type of person who kept to themselves. He didn't really share any of his burdens. He had a cold aura about him. He suppose that in a way, Raven matched the night. Cold and dark, or was that just his outside appearance. He did always hear never to judge a book by its cover. He decided to see if Raven was really a cold person. "Raven!" He called out from behind. RankZ made his way over to sit down beside him. "Are you thirsty? All I've got is coffee." He pulled a can out of his inventory and offered it to him.
Raven moved an eye to see RankZ in his peripheral vision. He hadn't much of an opinion of the guy, so wasn't particularly accustomed to talking to them.

He said a simple "Meh." to RankZ. He wasn't hugely thirsty, but then he wasn't typically much of a talker. Maybe it was just an effect only Lucri had on him to open him up.

Raven continued looking at the night sky, content.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
RankZ handed Raven the can and looked at him. He was gazing into the stars. RankZ looked up to and began to talk. "This world is really amazing, isn't it? They've managed to make everything extremely realistic, and even captured the beauty of our world. The only problem is that the NPCs here aren't that interesting. They seem to only give out programmed responses." He thought about how to follow that statement up. "So what drew you here to this world? I came here because I had nowhere else to really go."
Raven still looked at the sky. He took a sip from where he sat and blankly said.

"More to kill. As the famed Reaper I had nothing else to hone my killing except kill more high level players, and even they usually fell quickly to a mech who came in at high speed and fired missiles, a plasma cannon and machine guns at them."

He thought back on all the times he killed players and how easy it felt, almost like squashing a bug over and over until it died. He derived no pleasure from it, its just what he did.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
RankZ looked at the sky. "Ah, I see. You want to start challenging yourself? I suppose this is the best way to do it. One life in here and the only way out is to kill everything.". He thought for a minute. "Did you enjoy it. Fighting the viruses? I can't say much about it. I don't really fight them up close and even then I'm freaking out.". He looked at Raven now. He wondered how we would react. RankZ took a sip from his own drink. "But I guess we can talk about battle tomorrow. How are things with Lucri? I'm pretty sure I saw her leaving here smiling." RankZ winked
"I guess its something like that. Seems as though the risk of death has made me sentimental. Fighting the viruses though felt like fighting any other day, thinning the crowd and eliminating the lead."

He sipped his drink as he looked on. This world really was changing him for the kind of person he was.

"I wonder what made her smile. I'm no interesting person that I know of and have no knowledge when it comes to things like friendship." He spoke in his usual passive manner lined without any emotion, as if he was being self-analytical.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
"That's a problem with people now isn't it? Nobody really has much self confidence. For you? You don't confidence in your personality. You emanate a cold and dark aura because of it. One of the few reasons I approached you was because I believe that you should never judge a book by it's cover. It's the way I was raised.". RankZ realised he was being a bit too critical and tried to subtly change tactics. "Raven, nobody's perfect. You talk about not knowing what friendship is - then why not try learning? Start tomorrow. I believe that a friend is someone you care about and you will watch there back." RankZ got up. "We can talk about this another time. Rest up, you'll need it for tomorrow."
"Or maybe too much confidence for what I am." He said conversely to a statement.

He listened to RankZ quietly as he sipped the drink until it was finished, then crushed the can in his hands. He discarded it, where upon it disintegrated into pixels. That was the thing. Friendships here are like that can. Virtual. It may be fine and dandy to make friends here, but what worth is it? It's one of the reasons why he kept to himself inside the game.

"If people were perfect we wouldn't need a game to go inside to clear viruses. I'll opt for sleep though as you mentioned."

He left towards the inn Lucri happened to go to as well, where he first stationed Black Rain. The radar had done as tasked and built and saved a map of the area, so that they could navigate easier. Satisfied, Raven went inside the inn and went quickly to sleep on one of the large soft beds.
RankZ watched as Raven left him at the waterfall alone. He had nothing else to do, so he decided to just stroll around the town again. Although he had seen it before, it was calming to just walk in solitude. He wondered if the people of town knew about what they did and about the viruses. He pondered the question for a while before he came to the conclusion that they weren't programmed to do so. There were no NPCs around the streets at this time, it must have been late. RankZ eventually found an all night grocery store and searched for a book section. Not bothering to even read the titles, he picked a big one at random and paid for it. He went out to the meaningless skyscraper and started to read, hoping it would entertain him for the nights to come.
Nidelia sighed softly as she whipped out a sleeping bag and maid it at the feet of Mischief. She was going to be there in case he woke up before he'd fully healed. What was it going to be like sleeping in a game world? Would she dream like she did in her normal body?

What if her sleeping in game would disconnect her and she would never wake up again? She gulped as she laid down, her heart starting to beat rather fast as fear began to overtake her as the questions flooded her thoughts.

She was just starting to doze, but sat up screaming, but quickly caught herself and just sat up, pulled her knees to her chest and rested her chin on her knees staring out shivering slightly.

Would they ever get home? She didn't want to be stuck in the game forever... she wanted to see her family...
Anna's body acted on its own at Nid's shriek, sitting up and yanking the knife from its sheath before she even realized what was going on. The white-haired girl's head whipped around, looking for the source of the scream. Upon seeing that it was just a nightmare, she rested her forehead on one knee. Her mouth was dry with fear, heart thumping with adrenaline. Anna took deep breaths to calm down, placing the knife back in its sheath.

The Hacker glanced at her teammate, noting the quivering lip and glistening eyes. She knew exactly what Nid was thinking. "We'll get out of this. Promise. You just heal everyone up and keep them alive, and we'll be fine. Okay? Just get some sleep so you can focus tomorrow."

Anna laid back down, letting out a sigh. She closed her eyes and tiredness finally took over, settling into another dream.

Primo, in the meanwhile, had been laying low beyond the first district. Unsure of whether or not the team would end up making an appearance, he was not completely shut off from the idea of just taking out all the viruses on his own. Of course, it was just a matter of time before he had to make a decision - it would be immensely easier if those whom he was supposed to be working with would join him, but since everyone had their own agendas, it was hard to say that they were all deserving of his unwaivering trust.

And it was with that thought that Primo realized that he just simply didn't have it in him to lead whatsoever. Not that it mattered much at this point, with all things considered, there weren't many who thought of him as such in the first place. While he had prided himself on such actions, they certainly weren't a big deal. Nor were they much to care about. At this point the name of the game was survival, and he was clearly not the one to go down without a fight.

Sitting up from his sprawled-out position, he crossed his legs under him and lit up a cigarette. Taking a note of the time, the young man would turn his head turned to the side. He watched the rhythm of the viruses beyond the border, moving in their own intricate ways - as if they all were performing some sort of dance ritual.

Amelia awoke from her late slumber, rubbing her eyes. She opened her menu and saw it was 10:00, an hour after she was supposed to meet the group!!! They must be furious with her! She quickly swiped through her menu, her armor flashing onto her body and Star Splitter onto her back. She dashed out, her high speed stat helping her zoom to their meeting spot quickly. She saw everyone in her group, conversing with one another. She slipped in, hoping not to be noticed.

"So, guys, are we ready to head to the Beta District?" she asked, looking at the dark, extremely tall buildings of the next district. It seemed to be based on a more high tech, urban city like New York rather than the Alpha District which seemed to be based on a nice, quaint Japanese village, "it's kinda intimidated, but we should be fine! Nothing we haven't faced in Shooting Stars, right?"

Outside, Amelia appeared to be totally calm and ready, but inside her stomach was a knot, scared of the deadly beasts to come. She could possibly killed by one swipe from one of these brutal creatures, so she would have to count on her power and her teammates' skills to help her, and everyone else trapped in her, come out alive.

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Ricardo woke slowly, standing up and wiping his eyes, nearly stumbling around his staff sticking out of the ground nearby. The world spun around him until he finally regained his balance, and Velixus grasped Paradox and forcefully yanked it out of the ground. The staff made a small zap noise as he did so.

"Hmm...Beta District? Oh, right, the next 'level'..."

Rubbing at his eyes again, Ricardo checked his status to make sure he was ready to go. Armor was at full durability, health and energy at maximum capacity. Fantastic.

"I'm ready to go. Who are we missing?
Nidelia was barely rousing as she had had issues sleeping the night before. She quickly got up and looked at Mischief and crawled over doing a scan to check his health and everything.

She was relieved to find he had healed just fine and sat back waiting for him to wake up. She wasn't about to leave him behind after keeping him alive.

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