Project: Electro World [Inactive]

Anna let her arms hang by her sides, heart still thumping with adrenaline. A million what-ifs had raced through her thoughts as Lucri delivered the final hit. What if it didn't work? What if she died along with it? What if the electrical surge was too much and took all of them with it? What if it survived and they didn't?

But it had worked, and the Hacker was relieved. A deep breath calmed her nerves, even though her knees almost gave out. She crouched, laughing at herself. Why was she nervous, of all people? She was on the outskirts of the fight, and except for that one part where she was almost crushed she was in no danger.

The Sentinel lifted her head as one of the Doctors' voices rang out. He was talking about viruses, different regions... Anna hit the 'record' button on her holo-screen to file the information away. Raven spoke after the Doctor finished. Twelve hours would be plenty for her to recover.

I'll be gone for about an hour because my dad is installing a new outlet or something. I might be able to get on the iPad, I don't know. Probably not. But I'll be back in about an hour!


Primo watched Lucri hit the virus in the chest with her hammer. As a result of knowing that something else was coming next, Primo would rip his blades from the Tentacled Bulbbelly. He hopped backwards off of the gigantic virus, landing on his feet and breaking into two back flips. After finishing the second one, he hopped back even further and watched the gigantic, demented being wriggle from shock until it was finally deleted. Attaching the hilts of his swords back onto his belt, he would keep his hands on his hips and wait for what was coming next. Just like clockwork, something ended up happening - a voice, out of nowhere. There was a breakdown of the six districts, and the problems that needed to be solved with it.

He wasn't surprised this was the easiest of things to come. Throughout the entire conversation, he had a gigantic grin on his face. He was amped, and definitely ready to put himself at a purpose, especially at this moment's notice. Cycling through his inventory, he dropped a couple of his useless items before opening up his status report. That was when Lucri asked him what they should do next. He didn't answer at first - he had apparently picked up a mystery item, which made it's appearance known by flashing across his sight. He didn't have the necessary key to open it. He would be forced to hold onto it until he could find it, and not having an auction house obviously made things harder than they had to be.

After a couple of seconds to think, his head turned to Lucri.
"Sorry about the hold up, but i'm gonna need a little while."


He looked at everyone in the group, one by one.
"Things are safe, for now. Let's meet back here in a couple of hours, we'll decide where to move from there. If you need me, I won't be hard to find. Stay close, don't travel out of the district, obviously. I can't help you if you're not here." Being as things are as realistic as they are in Electro World, Primo would walk away from the group with a bit of a limp. Not particularly planning to get the area fixed immediately, he opted out to enjoy the view. He hadn't moved down far - just at a safe enough level so that he could walk to the hospital if the need be, without any sort of lengthy trip. Eventually, he propped down against a bench overlooking a good portion of the town where all the housing was located.

As Vetress signed off, glowing particles from several enemies started to show. They were glowing all sorts of colors and they were merging together to form a large sphere. The sphere grew brighter and brighter until it eventually burst, revealing a beautiful, seaside city in the place of the gloomy, dim skyscrapers that had previously been the Alpha District. Lucri was amazed at the new transformation and immediately wanted to go explore the new environment.

She looked over at Raven who was to her left, "Raven, would you like to come with me to do some sightseeing? It could be fun," she said enthusiastically.

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Raven had the machine guns holstered and integrated into the arms of the mech, between the arm and the shields attached to the arm. The plasma cannon was folded back into the back of Black Rain and the radar was on as ever.

Raven had zero interest for trivial matters such as sightseeing. He checked the map and the visuals though and decided a scouting of the area may be beneficial.

He turned the comms on. "Due to the radical change in environment, scouting of the area is a sensible option for the time being."

He thought on how Natasha had an AI tech and pondered on maybe somehow reproducing that Tech, since it may be beneficial to him. It would allow him to engage in activities without the mech having to be piloted.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
RankZ watched as Lucri killed the boss creature. After hearing the scientist speak he groaned a little. His character was no where near as strong as the others and if "Master of Puppets" was ineffective he'd need a boost. After hearing Primo's announcement morale rose a little. They had a few hours to relax in the town and they should enjoy it. He thought to himself as he looked around "Everything seems so realistic! The details go right down to my fingerprints!" It was hard to believe that everything was just polygons and scientific theories of light. The world was nothing like the games of old that he played. Training would be the best way to spend time in moments like this. But how would a hacker train? He pondered the question for a while.Everyone else seemed to be socialising. It was funny to see how people could still be like that only a few moments after a fight. RankZ felt like a bit of exploring. He surveyed the village from his position and found the highest building. He started walking in its general direction, Hoping to get a good idea of the area.

A little bit later he started to feel a bit hungry. It was interesting to think about because there were probably some form of force feeding device into his stomach right now. He wondered if there was food in this world, if he'd have to walk around with this nagging feeling in his stomach. "That'll be something to ask the others". As he started walking up low hill the full image of the building came in site. It was pretty tall, like a skyscraper. He began the slow ascent to the top, making his way up the flights of stairs. If he couldn't train his hacking skills, he could increase his skill to run away. After finally reaching the roof he took in the view. He wondered what the others were up to.
Amelia chuckled and rolled her eyes, "You're so serious," she joked, "get out of the mech. You're not gonna need it to see around the Alpha District."

Amelia wished that Raven would just chill. Even when they weren't in the life or death situation they were in now he was so serious about this. He wouldn't talk to anyone and he was so focused on his mech, making sure it was ready for battle and was optimized to its prime power. She was hoping going around and talking to him would lighten him up a bit.

(Eek, short post. Can't ever think of much to post for dialogue >.<)

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Raven sighed, because she was right in that the mech could be left alonr. The scanner on the mechs shoulder was large which meant it was also powerful, especially with extra energy. He diverted some energy to the radar and then Black Rain knelt and let him out. The mech was programmed to function only for him with no means of use by any other, so he did not feel unsafe leaving it.

There was a light breeze outside and he took a breath of fresh air. He wore a passive and cold face, looking out around him. He had a SMG holstered to his side as a personal defence weapon in case of attack. It was a simple bullet firing gun, but then it was not intended for primary use.

He noticed Lucri beside him.

"I suppose you dont need to wear your armour or carry your hammer then either. Black Rain is using the radar to build a map of the reconstructed Alpha district. In the meantime seeing visually the area would be beneficial."

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Anna's feet carried her away from the group, taking the time to sightsee. She spotted a bridge that was partially raised and decided that it would be the perfect place to sit. Should anyone look for her, it would be fairly easy to locate the girl.

The Hacker perched on the edge of the bridge, legs dangling over the river below. She held Jack in her lap, hunched over the holo-screen. Her fingers swept across the icons as if she were searching for something, which she was. Anna felt like she hadn't had much impact during the previous fight, and there had to be some way to get new techs, right?

"Now the question is, how to get them..." The Sentinel muttered to herself, eyes narrowing at the screen. She pulled up her own stats, examining her armor and weaponry. Her knife, it had a hex in it. She didn't have to lace it with poison herself, so what was it? Anna chewed at the end of her ponytail, grumbling. The knife looked completely normal.

She stared at the data, completely and utterly confused. How did the bloody poison get on her blade!? She could see the heat hex, but not the poison. Anna huffed and put down her holo-screen, frustrated. The girl laid down completely, hands running through her hair and ruffling the bangs. She'd just have to wait until the next fight.
Jake, also known as Mischief, has had a long day. His power had come back slowly but he still felt physically weak. He held Red Storm close as he stumbled from the district his group had been dropped in, and entered the Alpha district. As he did his Invis Booster fell and he wavered back into sight, blood dripping from wounds all down his body. He wanted so badly to just sleep, but he didn't know if the group dropped in this district was alive, or if the area was safe. He suddenly jumped at the sound of an explosion nearby, just through the village ahead it seemed.

He twisted a knob and the holographic screen on Red Storm expanded outwards , he scrolled and hit Sight Sign, Self. Then he put his gun to his head and shot himself, the buffer encasing his skull and glittering in a rainbow of hexagonal crystals. He blinked twice and suddenly he was able to see through the solid objects of the village. He spotted a group fighting some horrible monstrosity, and immediately began rushing through the city to reach them.

He kept close tabs on the fight, and realized this group has more cohesion as a unit then his did. Good, he needed some sense after his he'll of a day. Just as he was rounding the last buildings to walk up the hill towards them, he witnessed them kill a boss, one weaker and less horrible than earlier, but they killed it nonetheless. And after reveling in the scientists claims of safety in this district, Jake struggled up the hill, his mask broken and his helmet removed. Blood poured over one eye as he tried to catch their attention and introduce himself. He ran a hand through his hair. What a crap day.
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For those whom were left upon that hill top, they would have the pleasure of meeting Jake. As for Primo, he had cycled through his inventory, until he got to pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out and lit it, with his eyes fixated on the lively nature of the digitized city; most of those wandering around were NPCs, though. However, if one tried to hold a conversation with them, for a short amount of time they could have appeared to be real people. It wasn't hard to decipher that ultimately they were coded to travel a certain route, though. Smoke rose from the depths of his lungs, billowing from his nostrils and mouth as he leaned his head back against that concrete bench.

Once he finished this cigarette, he'd have to get up and find the nearest heal pad. It wasn't literally a pad, rather just a shop where health could be replenished. It just happened to be called that. After finishing his cigarette, he'd flick the butt onto the ground. It disintegrated as it hit the concrete and bounced off. After taking a moment to get up to his feet, he was off to get him some of that health back. A brief walk with normal legs was no issue, but it was slightly longer than that for Primo. Whatever the case, he got himself patched up and in working order. So, the next order of business was obviously shoveling food down his mug at a violent pace. Taking off running from Electro World's equivalent of a hospital, Primo would run toward the bridge which connected the both sides of the middle level he was located on. As he did, it began to fold upward at a slow pace, in order to let a ship in. So, naturally, any normal person would stop and wait for the bridge to come back down.

Boots clanking against the metal, Primo hurled himself fifteen feet from the tip of the inclining bridge, to the other side. He slid down slightly, before pushing himself off and falling to the ground. He landed on his feet, and continued running for an extra couple hundred feet before he reached the first food place. Japanese? Yes. He stopped almost suddenly, feet skidding up some of the dusty rock matter which layered the top of the cement pathway. Walking inside, he would immediately confront the hostess. Requesting a seat for one, she directed him to a table for two, obviously. Primo sat and started off with a cup of tea.

RankZ sat there taking in the view. He was quite high up and could see all of the city from around here. He could pick out everyone from up here on the hill top. He looked through the streets and saw Primo, lost in thought. RankZ wondered if this is how the scientists saw them, like ants from above. The NPCs were interesting to watch. Visually they were like any other person but he guessed that if someone tried speaking to them that they could only give pre-programmed responses. He wondered if he could by techs here as he was quite underpowered. He tried his best but he couldn't see any of the other areas. He started to walk down the stairs and take a look about for shops. He had some currency converted from his account to this world's own. It reminded him of a concept from an old anime. He wasn't rich but he wasn't poor either. He lost himself in the streets of the city. It really was a beautiful place. It was hard to imagine what had taken place here.

The city seemed to be a tourist attraction, with shops of varying cultures and races. He passed a few restaurants and grocery stores but nothing to do with weaponry or tech yet. He thought for a while about what seemed strange about this town but there didn't seem to be any vehicles. People were walking and he wondered if there was ever any contact between this area and other areas before the viruses came. But enough with that he thought. He kept looking and eventually came across the town square where many stalls had been set up. There was a small weapon stall in one of the far corners but it was far to basic. There was only a small collection of knives and some other close combat weapons. NPCs began to gave odd looks towards him, staring at his armour. He supposed he did look strange, like a member of the military. He thought about buying some regular clothes but decided against it, remembering that the armour acted like HP. He wondered what the others were doing right now
Niddy sighs and had slumped back against a wall panting. "Guys," she started then saw the new comer and her eyes opened wide and she jumped up, ignoring her pain and exhaustion. She started to head towards him. "Who are you?" She asks approaching him and appraising his injuries.

As she appraised she saw how bad his armor was, but saw he was far worse and needed personal medical attention. "Well you need to come out of the armor so I can repair it, then I can take a look at your physical wounds," she instructs the stranger.
Jake was barely a step above incoherence but he somehow managed to speak and think fine. First of the group to talk to him was what must be the team mechanic, with how she spoke off fixing his armor and him. She was rather pretty, and had an interesting hair color, could purple hair be natural? Maybe somewhere he supposed. He would have to act aloof and uncaring as she was female. Although it's not as if any girl actually falls for that. How they know it's fake he'll never know.

He activates the release mechanism, and as his armor fell away he felt much lighter, a massive relief as he stood in his regular clothes. He kept Red Storm in hand as a simple safety blanket. One does not live through his past week and lay down your gun lightly. "Jake 'Mischief' Luten, Hacker class. And I guess thank you." He didn't look directly at her when talking, but his tone didn't exactly convey aloofness. He was rather oblivious to his poor acting ability.
She caught on quickly just by looking at him. Despite this she smiled cheerfully at him and set his armor aside. "You best sit down, it's hard to treat your wounds if you're straining them," she says placing a gentle hand on his shoulder and attempted to help him sit on the ground.

Between helping him she pulled out her healing kit, which had a very dwindling supply of medical supplies and she frowned at this.
Amelia snickered, "You got me there, Raven. I'll change real quick if it bothers you so much." Amelia opened her menu and swiped and tapped a couple weapons. Soon her hammer was put into her inventory and her armor was exchange for a casual yellow sundress with a large sunshine colored bow holding a a long ponytail with a curl at the bottom.

"So, Raven, I was thinking that we could head over to the Heal Pad, get ourselves all healed up, look around at the shops and then go get something to eat. You'd get your recon and I'd get my sighseeing," Amelia nodded, satisfied eith her plan, "how does that sound?"

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Jake shrugged and sat, his body absolutely screaming, both in pain and relief. How long had it been since he sat down? Ninteen, twenty hours? Whichever, it was godly. The relief obvious, but the sudden drain of adrenaline left every pain open to his minds observation. Suddenly he felt a horrid pain in his gut.

He placed his hand to his stomach and found a hole there, the bleeding had stopped but it hurt like helllllll. "Well it appears that I've been shot. When did that happen?" His brow furrowed in an attempt to remember, but he just gave up. "Sooo, you guys fought the district boss and won. Any casualties?"
"None so far," she says trying to get him to lay down upon seeing the stomach wound. That wasn't good at all and if it kept going, even if it had stopped bleeding, it could kill him.

"It's not abnormal in the heat of battle to not know when you get hurt, adrenalin does that to a person," she explains trying not to think about how little healing supplies she had then sighed and stood up walking over to Velinxus.

"Someone needs to go scrounging, the guy known as Mischief is really beat up and I don't have enough healing supplies to heal him completely," she says to him, looking back at Mischief with a frown.

But she did not wait for Velinxus' response and went back to Mischief and kneeled down, attempting to lay him down again.
"I won't require a heal pad for evident reasons. Something to eat would be beneficial though after such a long day."

His cold expression and ice blue eyes didn't warm up at all, looking like he would probably scare most people with the expression.

He looked around seeing the NPC's. It was things like these that were a constant reminder that he was in a game. He may trapped it in it, but it was all virtual, including the air they breathed. He wondered for a moment if there are any things that happen in the outside world that they did not program Into this.

He then slightly shook his head to remove the thought and then walked to the town. He didn't care much if Lucri followed or not.

Tapatalk is for scrubs. I use Tapatalk. Why are you talking to this scrub?
Anna's holo-screen was nearly stepped on as some idiot ran past her and leapt to the other side of the bridge, which was now lifting. The only reason it wasn't crushed was because of the same reason. It had begun sliding down, and the Hacker jumped up to run after it. Her shoe caught, sending her headfirst down the incline and skinning her palms. She swore loudly, standing up and feeling her chin. Yep, that was skinned as well. Only a clumsy idiot would manage to injure themselves out of a fight.

The girl grabbed her holo-screen and put it in her inventory, trudging to the heal pad. Her stomach growled, reminding her that even though this was a virtual-reality she still needed to eat. After getting patched up she headed to a little cafe, plopping down in a chair that looked quite comfy and ordering her favorite food: Grilled salmon with butter and herb sauce. She dug into her meal with gusto, not bothering to savor the flavor since it stuck on her tongue even after she had finished.

As the plate disappeared an idea burst to life in her mind with fireworks and fanfare. Her eyes went wide. What if it wasn't the blade, what if it was the sheath? Quickly cycling through her inventory, she pulled her holo-screen out again and brought up the sheath. Her eyes picked out the poison, which coated the blade each time the two made contact. She almost spat out her last bite of fish, she was so excited. What if she could pull the code for the poison and apply it to her enemies?

Primo took another sip of his tea, before he placed the cup down on the table. He was cycling through the menu still, trying to figure out what he was going to ingest. Ultimately deciding on a piece of smoked salmon, he put the order in and recieved the food almost instantly as a result. He lit up another cigarette, one foot tapping on the ground while his other leg was lifted on top of the other. His free hand was rubbing his chin, the elbow pressed against the tabletop as his right moved to and from his lips in intervals.

He was intensely busy. At the moment, he was shuffling around with his armor, seeing if there was any combinations of new ones he could use to maximize his defense while keeping his offense at a level which was on par with his current one. He found that he couldn't, so out of frustration, he scarved down the fish in only a couple of bites. Checking the time, he'd keep in mind that the group had only a handful of hours left to go. In Electro World, the conversion of three hours equaled one in the real world, so the time difference was something that was heavily in need of being accustomed to for newcomers.

When he left the restaurant, he found that he had a particular lack of activities to take part in. As a result, he began to make his way back up to the spot they said they would meet back up in - he'd meet everyone back there when they decided it was time.

Mischief observed the leaving members of the group with relief, knowing they all lived was great. One did not need to personally know another person to be glad they hadn't died. He would have a much better chance of leaving this place alive, at least he hoped. But before then he would need to make sure the group themselves accepted him. At least the healer he met so far seemed okay.

He let out a cough and a bit of blood wet his otherwise cracked, desert dry lips. The taste was oddly good. Hmmm, he'd ignore that, too many bad questions to think of. He laid down per the Mechanic's instructions, only a fool would ignore her. "So, this team, tell me it works well together. I need good news."

"Don't worry, man. I don't think there's any better." The comment made was only a response due to the voice he heard escape the ominous, yet injured man's lips. He was only a couple of feet away, but he quickly made his way over to the form of the currently incapacitated being. Primo crouched over by his side, turning his head slightly to look into his face. "You're in good hands, so you'll luckily live today. Normally, that wouldn't be too much of a threat, but these days if you die, it's for good. So maybe it'd be wise for you to stick around with us and help us solve this problem out. Wouldn't you say?"

He brought up the short-cut to his inventory and took out another cigarette. They were like harmless candy, albeit just a horrible habit he dragged with him from the real world. It was only by chance that the creaters of the game made it so detailed that they thought to involve all the little things, truely what made it stand out from the rest. They didn't smell, only generated smoke.
"My name is Primo. I lead this group of lovable rapscallions."

As soon as the man had laid down she smiled softly and pulled out one of her healing rays. It had two uses left. Her other healing ray only had one. She frowned and looked up at Primo.

"Primo, I've got three uses of healing ray, I need more. Is there any eah that one of the others could go scrounging please? These three uses will be enough to stop the internal bleeding and keep him alive, but without more he won't be able to move again because I won't be able to mend his bones, she explains to Primo.
When Raven decided he didn't need a heal pad, Amelia looked at herself and ultimately decided she wouldn't need a healing as well. She really wasn't that damaged except for a few bumps and bruises here and there. As Raven left Amelia was quick to follow. She wanted to know where he was going, and if it was somewhere to eat, she'd be there. She could hear her stomach growling, and remembered she hadn't eaten since yesterday. She was too excited to eat breakfast this morning, and was regretting it severely. It was late afternoon, so she decided it was perfect for some food.

"So, uh, Raven, do you have an idea of where you wanna eat? We could get something from that grill. I bet they'd have some yummy stuff," Amelia suggested, trying to keep up with his quick pace.

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Jake was surprised with the man's sudden approach. But he was relieved that more people were talking to him. He was afraid he wouldn't hear another human voice before his death. It was oddly comforting. Especially to hear they worked well together. He listened to the exchange between Nidsomething or other and Primwhatshisname. Hmm, probably should remember their names once he's sensible.

"Don't worry, pretty sure nothing's broken. Although I don't know how the gunshot got me so I suppose I should leave that to the healer huh?". He faked a smile and turned to this leader guy. "Good to hear, hope you don't mind a Hacker joinin the team, although if you'll trust my word. Were going to need anyone and everyone we can get. Names Mischief, or Jake if you so prefer." He offered his hand to Primo for a shake. The energy requirement almost too much.

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