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Realistic or Modern Project Cronus

Fix grinned "well then perfect." She snuggles under the leaves, changing the frogs color to better camouflage it. " Oh yes, before we go I'm Fox. Fox redtail. You?"
"I'm Sam Flumens. Nice to be partners in crime. You ready?" Sam replied, and without waiting for an answer, he made his way to the kitchen exit into the main serving area, shifting his hair over his blue eye so that he was less remarkable with two different colored irises.

He held the salad as he'd seen many of the servers do it before and arrived at the table. He placed it down carefully in front of the Agent and spoke in a roughly disguised voice, "You have qualified for a free salad, Sir. Just tell the cashier when you are done, and he'll take it off your tab."

Quickly and indiscreetly, Sam made his way back to the kitchen and held his breath looking out one of the windows with a perfect vantage point over the diner, waiting for his move.

Under his breath he mumbled quietly, "Good Luck, Fox."
Cory began to smile He really thinks I'm stupid doesn't he? He watched him go back into the kitchen and began to laugh. "Wait come back here now." He yelled out so loud almost everyone in the store could here. "Why don't you come sit with me for awhile."
Ana kept watching as the guy she had been watching ran into a dark alley way. She raised an eyebrow as he did it. What was the point of that? Is he trying to get me to follow him out of this crowd? Either way I want to get as far away as possible from these people. She began to shove through the crowd again and followed after him to the ally. She couldn't see him anywhere in the dark area. Was he hiding somewhere? She assumed so. Maybe her stare scared him. "Hey are you still there?" Ana asked. She wasn't sure if she would get a response if he actually was hiding from her.
Solimon's hypothesis was showing some results! Now it is time for the conclusion part of this experiment...He emerged from the shadows and took out his lighter,"Yes...I am still here". He removed his hood to show his orange colored eyes and his stressed out and tiresome face. "Are you the one I am looking for? Are you...a Project?", he lit his lighter and the shine from his bow illuminated most of the dark ally.

Sam felt himself physically pale as he heard this and tried to pretend like he didn't but when he turned around, he saw his manager looking at him intently. Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Sam had no choice but to go to the agent. He walked around the kitchen, replacing his hair over one eye, and left his safe haven.

All Sam could think was, 'Crap, he knows. I'm dead. Fox is dead. We're all dead. I should have know the frog trick wouldn't work. How stupid am I?'

He walked over to the table and looked at the agent's hands, which looked well-callused and scarred. He gulped quietly, and tried to stay calm as he stood near the agent.
Ana gazed at the sight of the bright illumination that he had created through the alley. She assumed the guy she was with was the Apollo project with his power over light. And now he asked her if she was also a project. She returned her gaze at him and nodded. "Yes...I'm the Hera project. And from what I can tell you must be Apollo." She said in a surprisingly calm tone to him.
Fix watched the proceedings with a predetors calm. Stop flustering Sam. Hunts never work out the way you want them to. Stay calm and I'll take my opportunity when I can Get it.
Solimon exhaled to in appreciation that his hypothesis was correct and she was indeed a Project. Finally he has found one of the Projects and it now filled him with some hope of finding the others,"My apologies for the intense light". He closed the lighter as all the light stopped and he was shrouded in darkness."It is good to see that I have found a project, however, this is not the best time to talk so come with me. There is an abandon factory nearby that i consider my home and hideout from the government". He walks out of the dark ally and awaits her to exit with him.
Cory was smiling "Why are you so nervous? Your going to give yourself a heart attack if you don't calm down." He then pulled out a cigarette and lit one. "Let's get down to business shall we? Your project Poseidon if I remember correctly, the pleasure is mine." He held out his hand "I'm project Hyperion, and I'm here to make you one hell of a deal that just might save your life."
Ana grinned, she was also relieved to find another project to help her. As he put the alley in darkness again, she heard his command to follow him to his hideout. She immediately followed him out of the alley and stopped soon after he had stopped for her. "It's great to see another project though. I can't trust anyone else anymore." She sighed. It made her quite aggravated once she thought about how people could be sometimes.
Sam narrowed his eyes, his heart slowly pumping more rhythmically, because this made him realize two things. One, this "project Hyperion" wasn't a cold-blooded killer as most agents were. And two, He only noticed Sam himself, so hopefully, if Sam could stall ong enough, Fox might be able to get out safely.

Calculatingly, Sam sat down, but did not do so comfortably, as if he needed to make a quick getaway, he could easily run. He looked at Hyperion without shaking his hand and said,

"Project Hyperion, as in Light? So, humor me. What is this 'deal' that will keep me alive, more than I already have myself? Because if you haven't noticed, I've been pretty self-sufficient"

After a moment, Sam added, "Mostly. Only a few run ins with agents like yourself. And I've taken care of them fine."
"Times up you weak cowards" Jacob smashed the school bus with little effort. He began to charge at the crowd crushing several people lifting up cars and throwing them at people. "Do you really want all these people to suffer you? How spineless are you?"
Solimon knows how she feels and how it also feels to be watched and hunted down like animals," Aye, I can understand your reason for mistrusting people anymore. The average person can be deceiving and they can be people we never expect them to be. People, Neighbors, Police Officers, and even the elderly can be on our tail as spies and we can never know. To the government, we are no more than their trump card in wars and the likes, so I get what you are coming from when it is about trust". He began walking within the crowd.

"Congratulations, you manage to survive fighting weak humans. I commend you on your great success. But the thing is I have orders to bring in you mutants dead or alive. However if your supposedly in a building and it. Happens to blow up and everyone thinks your in it. Since you were most likely blown to bits they would mark you as dead and would think you were blown to bits. However what if you weren't in that buildin? What if I could get you to safety? What if I could trick the government himself into thinking you were dead. This could all happen and all you have to do is help me with one little thing."
Sam listened to this proposal, and considered it. If the government thought he was dead, then he wouldn't be on the run anymore---well anymore than he already was. He might be able to live a normal life. Or even better, help the other projects. But then there was the matter of trusting someone who was in cahoots with his enemies. Why should he be trust worthy?

Looking quickly down at the salad bowl, where Fox was still hiding, he quickly looked back up and said suspiciosly, "First, what do you want me to do?"
"Let's see, I need you to be my little secret agent. Sounds simple enough right? Your one of the original projects, you would be able to get close with all the other projects. You could give me info on where they may be at, or even send one into one of my little traps. You would hardly even need to lift a finger. All you do is help me capture the other 11 mutants, and you'll never have to hide again. So how's that sound?"
Luvan watched as the cyclops destroyed the city and seemingly innocent peoples lives. He felt a pang of sadness and regret that he couldn't help. and wondered where in the ever loving hell the other projects where well a massive monster destroyed half of the city.

He stared rather helplessly from his small hiding spot behind a car before another car came crashing upon it. And he then took it upon himself to start running away from the beast..And preferably into a building it couldn't fit in. Ducking into the nearest building (Unknowing of what building it was) and Watching the carnage that was unfolding outside.

Seriously. Why were none of the other nearby projects doing anything. And why was the weakest of them the only one seemingly noticing the monster.
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Adam watched as police cars began pulling into the street. Jacob, the one-eyed monster had finished his countdown. He was beginning to destroy buildings and injuring people, picking up cars and throwing them. He ran through the crowd until he was in Jacob's sight.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Adam shouted. This wasn't part of the plan.
Jacob looked at project Chimera, "I wasn't about to spend 5 days looking with no success. I'm ready to take these shitheads down here and now." Jacob then got on one knee "or is that a problem?" He let put a low growl to make sure he knew he wasn't messing around.
Ana listened in on what the Apollo man had to say. As she did she followed him back into a crowd. "Yeah it's awful. To be treated like nothing more than a weapon by others. Those people make me very...angry..." She said clenching her fists. Ever since she was born she never really felt what it was like to be treated like a real person. She tried her best not to shove people in the crowd to take out her anger. But her remembering what her parents were like made it nearly impossible.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of the browser right now yay
Almost immediately, Sam was disgusted by this prospect. Sell out the people who had suffered with him in that miserable excuse of a lab? Sam couldn't think of anything more untrustworthy than that.

Angrily, he stood up and his chair fell over in the process, making several customers look. In a low hiss, Sam leaned in close and whispered, "I would never sell out the people who've been through that much, unlike you."

Sam then reached his hand out and shot a jet of water out and froze it around the agent's feet, temporarily gluing them to the diner's clean linoleum. He quickly grabbed the bowl of salad that Fox was in and made a mad dash for the emergency exit in the back, shouting, "and you can't have your salad either!"

With that, Sam kept running as the door to the diner slammed behind him.
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Adam stayed put but relaxed, dropping his shoulders.

"Easy there, tiger." He put his hand up defensively. He could feel his fingernails hardening, an instinctual keratin upgrade taking place.

"The projects are not exactly superheroes now. You killing these innocent people isn't going to make these projects come any closer than they already dare." Adam hissed. "We're hunting them, not these civilians."

"Put your hands up!" A policeman, presumably the commander, barked through a megaphone. Several policemen, stationed near their vehicles, had their pistols aimed at the both of them. "Put 'em where we can see 'em!"
They were almost at the outskirts of town when he can feel the anger of Project Hera as she was near him. He could not feel sad for he and the rest of the 10 projects were in the same boat. "Calm down...As much as you are angry, save your anger for when the government tries to attack because they deserve it more than these people. It was their fault for all of this in the first place...However, in my opinion, the government was capable of regaining my ability to walk and the power I needed to...maintain order in my neighborhood and bring peace to my loved ones who died because of the lack of order. Even though they need to be stop and I need as much help as possible to free the Projects from there torment, it was the same government who was at least capable of building me up to this point to where I am able to free everyone else. I don't consider myself a superhero, but I try to be because who know who else is feeling that same torment because of the government. And I feel that time is running short in our search for other Projects". He stopped and turned to her," Enough of calling ourselves these ridiculous names...We too are human with names that has meaning. My name is Solimon".

Cory laughed when he got rejected, and saw that his feet had been frozen. He had a little creepy smile when Sam began to run. "Nice try" he absorbed all sources of light into one hand and fired a concussion blast that went straight through the door hitting his back landing the hit. He then shot blast at the ice around his feet releasing himself. "Now let's have some fun."

Jacob starred down Chimera, "fine we'll do it your way." He was about to.return to normal when the police had arrived "just give me a few seconds." He charged straight at the cops but all he could think about was finding those dam mutants.

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