Project Black

NovaNovass said:
@TeaMMatE11 and @killer99603 Both of your characters have been denied. This rp is Casual to Detail.... Take that into consideration when creating your characters... As they stand right now they will not be accepted.

I know it's not the best thing I've ever written, but I didn't think it was particularly bad. Can you give actual feedback about what to do to get it accepted? I think it fits casual-detailed. But apparently it doesn't.
Deadpool said:
Lol well that's the sad thing, our corn snake has been around little kids all of his life, being touched, tugged, poked, etc. So he's not hostile, it's just my gf made a mistake while feeding him and put her hand in the feeding cage next to the feeding tongs. Then she got bit and I put the snake back but he was acting very odd, like he was sad or something. Lol
Maybe he realized how bad she tastes? Hehehe, I think I'll post a picture of my ball python later, this has called for the occasion.
Awww I only have my Hamster... xD nothing like a snake, but she's pretty cute. Super tame, likes to sleep in people's hoods :P
killer99603 said:
I know it's not the best thing I've ever written, but I didn't think it was particularly bad. Can you give actual feedback about what to do to get it accepted? I think it fits casual-detailed. But apparently it doesn't.
The personality section can be filled out a lot more... like way more.

His history section... Could give him a lot more depth then just stated that he likes machines.

When I got done reading the CS I felt very unimpressed with creativity.. So far we have all put forth our best foot. Even the CS I have made for future characters... Yes those sheets are not completely filled out... But there is something behind the reason...

But all the other rolplayers on this thread have given life to their characters.... That is now the standard for this rp... I want characters with life and depth.... but part of yourself into the character you create for this rp.
NovaNovass said:
But her eyes slowly moved towards something else. She reached out and picked up the small little brown bags with little tags on them. She peeked inside and a smile replaced her frown. Purchasing her new found treasure Val started to make her way back to the ship.
Hey guys I bought some fricken British tea? Anyone want some? There's chamomile too
Never had vanilla tea before but knowing me, i would love it xD have vanilla everything, including perfume
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Same here! It's really good. You can find it at supermarkets and stuff... if not at tea shops in the mall. ( ^_^ )

It's perfect for any time of the day or night.

So... as for the rp... What do you guys think so far? I have some ideas for upcoming events, but would like to get some feed back as to how the rp is running.
Well I prefer jasmine, but that's my preference ^^

But I can't stand a lot of perfume types, the only one I really like though is some French Lavender... even though I utterly despite regular lavender..
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SolisNighsun said:
Well I prefer jasmine, but that's my preference ^^
But I can't stand a lot of perfume types, the only one I really like though is some French Lavender... even though I utterly despite regular lavender..
Well hello! ( ^_^ ) lol

I didn't expect a new face today... But hey surprises are awesome.

As for lavender and jasmine tea.. The two are soothing when it comes to smell... But for me they taste bitter. So I end up dumping like a whole bucket of sugar in them. lol.
NovaNovass said:
Well hello! ( ^_^ ) lol
I didn't expect a new face today... But hey surprises are awesome.

As for lavender and jasmine tea.. The two are soothing when it comes to smell... But for me they taste bitter. So I end up dumping like a whole bucket of sugar in them. lol.
Don't mind me, just been lurking and trying decide on whether I'm going to submit a charrie ^^

I'm thinking of a humanoid tentacle alien... .hmmmm
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SolisNighsun said:
Don't mind me, just been lurking and trying decide on whether I'm going to submit a charrie ^^
I'm thinking of a humanoid tentacle alien... .hmmmm
Hello! I figured you were lurking about after liking my post (thank you btw!) xD Glad you've joined us in the OOC!

As for perfume, I can understand where you are coming from. I usually get my perfumes and body sprays from Body shop, my two favorites are their vanilla body mist and their Indian night jasmine perfume. Mix these two a little and just wow :)
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OMG red velvet perfume sounds so sweet! I can understand how the two would mix so well. Mind you I also a lil vanilla goes with everything from my stand point xD

(Yes. it really has but its good! xD )
I used to use vanilla all the time on everything, my room, my car.... but just recently I found red velvet. I still had some vanilla left over so I figured... Why not? let's try this. Afterwards it was like *poof* mind blowing. lol
Haha, the joys of perfume :') so good!!! Right just realized I completely looked over your previous question. I am loving the rp so far! its great and engaging, I just need to work on portraying Dax. I know what I want him to be like but like I said before, playing male characters is new for me xD so I am attempting to improve xD

Look forward to your ideas for the upcoming events though!
It takes time to perfect the other gender. It took me years to really get my male characters right... only to realize that my female characters needed just as much work.

I think I have the hang of things now... Or I hope I have the hang of it.
I have to go into nuclear mode for awhile, but I know the timing sucks as it's usually now that posting picks up. Feel free to control Charlie and Dax while I am off. Have an exam on Tuesday so yeah, crunch time guys, sorry will catch you guys later. Have a good one.
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Well look at all of you guys bein active. Sorry guys... I'm finally awake I'll get a post up.

-Scountheratking: I am terrified of pythons, but I think they're really pretty I can't wait to see em', also! I thought you were talking about Wade but I wanted to make sure.

-Lokipi good afternoon! goodluck on your exam c:

-Novanovass ..........hi :D
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@Deadpool Thanks man :D will need all the luck I can get :P Exam is on palaeopathology and there's a lot to cover >.< my brain is turning to mush!

Anyways... been quiet huh?? *watches tumbleweed roll on by*

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