Project Black IC

Cory chuckled to herself a bit at his grip, which was strong. It didn't surprise her for his appearance. He seemed knowledgeable; and that's where she didn't mind him. She didn't mind him anyway; it was just her on this ship, by herself with no friends. May as well make a couple now.

Before she could answer, she turned to hear someone's voice. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen any. That looks bad though. Can I help in any way? I'm not medical staff, but I've trained in the stuff they have to know. My mother insisted upon it," she explained. She kicked herself in her mind to stop oversharing. She saw him wince and bit her lower lip, eager to try and help, but she didn't want to mess something up and probably be thrown off the ship.

@Veyd Sahvoz @shadowz1995
LilyCrusher said:
Cory chuckled to herself a bit at his grip, which was strong. It didn't surprise her for his appearance. He seemed knowledgeable; and that's where she didn't mind him. She didn't mind him anyway; it was just her on this ship, by herself with no friends. May as well make a couple now.
Before she could answer, she turned to hear someone's voice. "I'm sorry, I haven't seen any. That looks bad though. Can I help in any way? I'm not medical staff, but I've trained in the stuff they have to know. My mother insisted upon it," she explained. She kicked herself in her mind to stop oversharing. She saw him wince and bit her lower lip, eager to try and help, but she didn't want to mess something up and probably be thrown off the ship.

@Veyd Sahvoz @shadowz1995
(Avalon anatomy is on my CS in case you didn't know already.)

Two Scarlet eyes lock with the gaze of the young woman who was speaking with the mechanical being. It was a few seconds as Aeva let her finish speaking before he put in some of his concern, "Normally, I would say yes please do but it honestly depends on how well you know Avalon anatomy. I know we look and act similar but our bodies are actually quite different on the inside. Also, my wings are my pride and joy so if you know enough then I'd be happy for you to check out whatever is wrong with this limb of mine."

It wasn't meant to be offensive and his tone certainly reflected that. It was simply like a pro baseball pitcher trying to keep his dominant arm safe. It was very similar. Despite his reasoning, the avian's eyes never really stopped scanning her face. Almost as if they were searching for something deeper. In reality, he was watching every muscle in her face as she spoke. Every detail was known to him and he was searching for Amy indication that she could be lying. It wouldnt be the first time he was led to believe something wonderful only to have it go horribly wrong.
shadowz1995 said:
(Avalon anatomy is on my CS in case you didn't know already.)
Two Scarlet eyes lock with the gaze of the young woman who was speaking with the mechanical being. It was a few seconds as Aeva let her finish speaking before he put in some of his concern, "Normally, I would say yes please do but it honestly depends on how well you know Avalon anatomy. I know we look and act similar but our bodies are actually quite different on the inside. Also, my wings are my pride and joy so if you know enough then I'd be happy for you to check out whatever is wrong with this limb of mine."

It wasn't meant to be offensive and his tone certainly reflected that. It was simply like a pro baseball pitcher trying to keep his dominant arm safe. It was very similar. Despite his reasoning, the avian's eyes never really stopped scanning her face. Almost as if they were searching for something deeper. In reality, he was watching every muscle in her face as she spoke. Every detail was known to him and he was searching for Amy indication that she could be lying. It wouldnt be the first time he was led to believe something wonderful only to have it go horribly wrong.
Cory nodded. "Understandable. Avalon anatomy is very different from their outer shell. I'm afraid I don't know Avalon anatomy well enough, but I can help you find a medical personnel," she offered. It wasn't that Cory didn't know enough about Avalon anatomy, it was the fact that she didn't want anything to go seriously wrong and be blamed for the effect.

Cory's fatal flaw was that she was afraid of failing and letting down her friends and family. She was a very genuine person; always taking the high road and giving people the benefit of the doubt, but something about falling scared her.
Braxtes couldn't get a proper reply from the girl because another came to join in, saying something about his wing. As much as he was knowledgeable in Avlon Anatomy and many different types of species, he was not a doctor and lacked the skill to preform a proper surgery on someone. For a moment he actually considered using this winged man as a test subject to better understand how his species was like and what their weaknesses were but that was a foolish though and he likely would kill him in the process, plus he didn't know where to begin even. "I know of it but do I look like medic? No, I am a Mech." He stated as kindly as he could muster. "By the way, do you know where any of the crew members are so we may log in?" Asked Braxtes while still hovering.
LilyCrusher said:
Cory nodded. "Understandable. Avalon anatomy is very different from their outer shell. I'm afraid I don't know Avalon anatomy well enough, but I can help you find a medical personnel," she offered. It wasn't that Cory didn't know enough about Avalon anatomy, it was the fact that she didn't want anything to go seriously wrong and be blamed for the effect.
Cory's fatal flaw was that she was afraid of failing and letting down her friends and family. She was a very genuine person; always taking the high road and giving people the benefit of the doubt, but something about falling scared her.
Veyd Sahvoz]([URL=" said:
@LilyCrusher[/URL] @shadowz1995)
"Thank you anyway madam. It's nothing too serious to be honest. Just an annoying stitch a few inches from the scapula into the muscle mass there. I'm guessing it might be some kind of pinched nerve somewhere in my spine. Its been there for a few days now."

The avian's eyes snap to the mech who addressed him, and with some irritation he replied, "You being a mech means what exactly? I have met plenty and even built a few mechs who were capable of it. You don't need to have the title medic. You just need to have the know how. But either way, no I actually don't know where the main crew are. I think I saw a few down towards the mess hall but don't quote me on that. I know you are guaranteed to find a few if you pop into the bridge." The thought of the bridge made Aeva think of the programmer of the ship. Such an interesting individual.
shadowz1995 said:
"Thank you anyway madam. It's nothing too serious to be honest. Just an annoying stitch a few inches from the scapula into the muscle mass there. I'm guessing it might be some kind of pinched nerve somewhere in my spine. Its been there for a few days now."
The avian's eyes snap to the mech who addressed him, and with some irritation he replied, "You being a mech means what exactly? I have met plenty and even built a few mechs who were capable of it. You don't need to have the title medic. You just need to have the know how. But either way, no I actually don't know where the main crew are. I think I saw a few down towards the mess hall but don't quote me on that. I know you are guaranteed to find a few if you pop into the bridge." The thought of the bridge made Aeva think of the programmer of the ship. Such an interesting individual.
"Woah," Cory defends, hearing the irritation in the avian's voice. She knew that the mech was only trying to help, but she felt the urge to calm the conversation down. "Its just a conversation. No need to get irritated."

Cory could sense that the avian would want to snap back at her, but she knew just how to react. She had been snapped at many times before; many more times than she'd like to count. She just wanted to make sure that the two wouldn't start brawling in the corridor.

(@Veyd Sahvoz @shadowz1995 )
SleepyBuddha said:
Once the person saw the papel seal they immediately put on airs and became very friendly with Adrian. Though Adrian resented those who simply acted this way he hoped that the more they did it the more likely they would actually become like that. The man was a little surprised to see Adrian carrying a rather large caliber pistol and knife. Adrian simply said it was for protection and the weapons were logged. Once his weapons were returned Adrian gave a slight bow to the man and wandered the ship searching for his bunk.
(Bunk with my character?)
SleepyBuddha said:
Once the person saw the papel seal they immediately put on airs and became very friendly with Adrian. Though Adrian resented those who simply acted this way he hoped that the more they did it the more likely they would actually become like that. The man was a little surprised to see Adrian carrying a rather large caliber pistol and knife. Adrian simply said it was for protection and the weapons were logged. Once his weapons were returned Adrian gave a slight bow to the man and wandered the ship searching for his bunk.
(Not sure who logged your character into the ship as none of my characters are npcs.... Also the post is way too short... This is casual not one liners.

And this goes to all the players on this thread... Please keep OOC in the OOC thread. I know I haven't been too active due to my job but I still try to keep tabs and monitor the rp. I love you guys and the rp... But let's not forget quality and quantity when posting. ( ^_^ )..... )
By this time things had gone from somewhat casual to down right haywire. Ross had broken off away from the other wandering passengers making sure that the three Remington brothers were by her side and so was Emma. The girl had a ship and seemed easier to get the job done. If not maybe the girl knew how to fly their drop ship? She really didn't care at this point. Her eyes only scanned the docking bay one last time before turning to the small group.

"I'm hoping your ship can carry all of us plus a bit of cargo." Ross' words were a bit off in a sense. When she said a bit... She meant a lot. The pick up and drop was nothing to sneeze at. It was actually some large creates and other forms of gear that needed to be transported to the closest inner planet.... one that sat right past Edison.

Rem and his brothers all turned to Emma at this point. They already knew what kind of cargo they were getting. They have been on this small moon their entire lives and were actually excited to get off moon side. Also in hopes of becoming part of the crew.... They figured they would ask after the mission was over with... Maybe even bribe Ross to let them on board if they gave her and the ship their cut out of the mission.

Val on the other hand was trolling Jack through the ship. She meant to take him right to the medic bay but more so ended up with giving him a tour it seemed.

"And this is the male's quarters." She smiled showing Jack a long hallway of doors that lead to personal rooms. She smiled placing her hands back behind her back as she continued to walk. She had always wanted an assistant. Not to mention that this one was on her terms. She would be paying the new medic so she knew he would be well taken care of.

"And finally..." She rushed over to the medic bay door. She opened t doors and motioned for him to step in. "Is our main office." She smiled brightly at the man. "This is where we will mostly be practicing out of seeing as it's the closest to where all the crew members stay and work." She added.

Raven was about to wander off in hopes to find Shin when she watched the navigator make his way into the docking bay. "about time." she stated.

Shin like always had his eyes glued to his tablet. He looked up when hearing her words.... He frowned a little. "About time you go clean out the track rails." Shin narrowed his eyes at her.

Raven blinked a bit before grumbling. "Fuckin Shin duty..." She mumbled before shuffling off past Shin and heading deep into the ship.

"I want to see it sparkle when you're done..." Shin called out to her.

"Eat shit Shin." Raven called back from down the hall.

Her words placed an otherwise small smile to his face before he turned back to the room. Shin immediately had to paused in his thoughts when he noticed how many people were waiting to be logged in. He now understood why Ross was in such a bad mood. This was a lot of people....

Shin looked around before motioning some of them over with his hand. "Alright... Those that have yet to be logged....." He didn't really finish his words before looking back to his screen. "Lets get this over with quickly..." He uttered to himself.
Caine stood by as the organized chaos ensued. It was quite entertaining actually. That Raven girl gave Caine a bit of a smile, she had a riders additude alright, as the whole crew Reminded him of a band of renegades he tagged along with. Captain had his head so far up his ass the crew never knew whether they'd actually be doing a job, drinking, or just trying to piss someone off. None the less he waited patiently. Until Shin came up with his data pad to log people in. Caine's eyes widened for a fraction of a second, he actually tipped his cowboy style hat up to reveal his eyes for a moment before resetting the hat and moving himself first in line in front of Shin. "Afternoon." Caine stood in front of the man as he met his eyes with Shins, giving him......that look.

Adrian and everyone else in the line heard the announcement that they would be logging in. The clustered mass of people quickly started conforming to a line with quite a bit of shouting and arguing in the process as people of all walks of life organized themselves into a fair line. Adrian had been upfront, his red cardinal garb proof of his station as a Cardinal of the Old Catholic Church. As the many other would be passengers struggled to keep their spot Adrian simply took a steal forward to avoid the chaos. He was about to talk to the person logging in when he suddenly found himself no longer toward the front of the line but behind someone else who had forced his way to the front. Not wanting to add to the chaos and seeing no point in raising a fuss Adrian stood behind the man and waited to be logged in.

@NovaNovass @DJGomez
Shin's eyes mostly kept to his tablet. He didn't pay much attention to the passengers until one stepped right in front of him. His eyes drifted over the other before meeting the other's eyes. Shin's facial expression went from emotionless to a slight warning. The man now before him pushed his buttons without really having to say anything.... But Caine spoke anyways.

Shin glanced about the others getting in line fallowed by a quick glance to his captain and fellow crew members in the room. Seeing that they weren't really paying much attention Shin looked back to Caine. He would have to play this off in a quiet like matter.

"Travel papers..." Shin held out his hand. He would not continue his interactions with Caine much longer. "You will also need to hand over all your weapons before you can get assigned to a room." Shin still kept his cool and looked down the line at the next person.

"Please have your papers ready along with your weapons so we can store them until you leave the ship." Shin told the now forming line.

@DJGomez @SleepyBuddha
Caine wasn't an idiot, this was hardly the time or place for any interaction, He actually smiled at the turn of events. A myriad of scenarios ran though his head, some ended well, others.....didn't. He followed Shin's demands as he handed him his papers. In addition to setting his bag of armorments and personal effects in front of Shin. He finished it off with pulling a set of throwing knives from his belt, several sore magazines and power cells before pulling his dual pistols which had pearl grips. He twirled them very gracefully on his index fingers like an edge lord before setting them on the bag with the handles facing Shin and the barrels towards Caine.

@NovaNovass @SleepyBuddha
Shin took Caine's papers and began to look them over. He scanned for what he needed to find and then some. He looked back up to Caine as Caine pulled out his two pistols and began to twirl them about before placing them on top of his bag of other effects. Shin looked down to the bag and then back to Caine enforcing a much more forced smile to the other.

"You'll be in room fourteen." Shin pointed to a hallway indicating where the passenger rooms were.

He then knelled down and looked through the bag quickly. Making sure all the weapons were placed within it. He pulled an electronic pen from the side of his tablet and wrote on the bag 'Caine 14'. This little contraption would allow Shin to write on just about anything and it would never leave any marks when he erased it. This was a quick way for him to log things into the computers.

He stood back up and handed back Caine's papers before walking around Caine and over to Adrian.

"Any weapons father?" Shin asked once he noticed the man's red clothing. Shin wasn't all about faith and what-not, but he also wasn't one to judge too quickly. "And I am hoping that you have papers as well." Shin added before looking to his tablet and tapping away at the screen quickly. While the Father got his stuff together Shin would log in Caine's information quickly.

@DJGomez @SleepyBuddha
Adrian was a little lost in thought so his response was a bit slow, " Of yes of course here are my papers." Adrian pulled out what was once a wax sealed letter drafted by the supreme pontiff of the Old Catholic Church, that stated that Father Adrian, Cardinal of Sectors 3 - 20 was on a pilgrimage through the sectors to visit each cathedral to give a mass and bless the cathedral in his name and asked that the vessels help him on the pilgrimage. It was signed rather elegantly by the pope at the bottom.

Once Adrian handed the papers to Shin he gave a bright smile as he rather quickly and skillfully removed the holster and pistol that was hidden by his garb and placed it on the table. It shocked many of the people behind him that a Cardinal would have a weapon let alone a pistol of such a large caliber. The holster was like an old western holster in that it was leather with bullets situated all around the belt. Adrian then rolled up his sleeves to reveal two more ammo belts on either arm and places them on the table. " That's all of it, though I have a blade inside my prosthetic arm." Adrian said taking off the glove on his left and and activated the arm which made a large blade protrude over his hand. Still with his saintly smile Adrian deactivated his arm and put his glove back on. " I hope everything is in order."

@DJGomez @NovaNovass
Shin took the papers and before he could even look over them Adrian had started to pull out his weapons. Shin gave the man a rather clear smirk. Unlike other passengers Shin was not shocked that the priest had a weapon or two upon him. In fact Shin would have been shocked if the man didn't have a weapon. He opened the envelope and started to look over the papers. This had to be the best set of papers he had seen in ages. Everything was more then in order with the priest.

"Your guns and ammo will have to be locked away by you may keep the blade." Shin nodded as he quickly entered in the man's information. He went to hand back the man's papers but paused for only a second. "You will be in room seven....." Shin took out his pen once more and wrote 'Father 7' on the gun and ammo cases.

Shin pointed to the same hallway that he had done for Caine before moving down the line.

He logged in the next four, Abigail, Melody, Nick and Francis (See character sheets.... These four will have an impact on the rp...).

After the four Shin looked about noticing a group that seemed to not be inline. He made his way over to the group. "Have any of you been logged in yet?" he asked them. His eyes half glued to the screen on his tablet.
NovaNovass said:
Shin took the papers and before he could even look over them Adrian had started to pull out his weapons. Shin gave the man a rather clear smirk. Unlike other passengers Shin was not shocked that the priest had a weapon or two upon him. In fact Shin would have been shocked if the man didn't have a weapon. He opened the envelope and started to look over the papers. This had to be the best set of papers he had seen in ages. Everything was more then in order with the priest.
"Your guns and ammo will have to be locked away by you may keep the blade." Shin nodded as he quickly entered in the man's information. He went to hand back the man's papers but paused for only a second. "You will be in room seven....." Shin took out his pen once more and wrote 'Father 7' on the gun and ammo cases.

Shin pointed to the same hallway that he had done for Caine before moving down the line.

He logged in the next four, Abigail, Melody, Nick and Francis (See character sheets.... These four will have an impact on the rp...).

After the four Shin looked about noticing a group that seemed to not be inline. He made his way over to the group. "Have any of you been logged in yet?" he asked them. His eyes half glued to the screen on his tablet.
(Is nothing going from Aeva's hacking? I'd be surprised if that was the case)
shadowz1995 said:
(Is nothing going from Aeva's hacking? I'd be surprised if that was the case)
Lol. Shin is on the look out for his hacker friend but he is a sneaky kind of person who hates it when others know he is looking for them. Unless he wants you to know and then he's very loud about it. He wants to find the hacker quietly.... Other wise he would have told the crew and captain while the hacking was going on.
NovaNovass said:
Lol. Shin is on the look out for his hacker friend but he is a sneaky kind of person who hates it when others know he is looking for them. Unless he wants you to know and then he's very loud about it. He wants to find the hacker quietly.... Other wise he would have told the crew and captain while the hacking was going on.
Oh OK OK. So should I have him stroll by Shin on the way to the med bay again?
Adrian smiled and gathered his things and his papers, " Thank you very much for your understanding and your help. God bless you." Adrian said before moving on to keep the line moving.

As Adrian wandered through the ship, yet still going the way indicated by Shin, Andrian became lost in thought as he passes room upon room Adrian figured he would put his things up and introduce himself to all the passengers and offer his help and service, as was his duty and his pleasure.

After wander for a good 5 minutes Adrian found room seven and with the opening of the door went inside. Adrian carefully and purposefully set his weapons aside and hang a crucifix over his bed. Once set Adrian did a cross gesture over him self and spoke a little Latin.

With his room all set Adrian left to wander the ship and systematically find each crew member.

NovaNovass said:
Shin took the papers and before he could even look over them Adrian had started to pull out his weapons. Shin gave the man a rather clear smirk. Unlike other passengers Shin was not shocked that the priest had a weapon or two upon him. In fact Shin would have been shocked if the man didn't have a weapon. He opened the envelope and started to look over the papers. This had to be the best set of papers he had seen in ages. Everything was more then in order with the priest.
"Your guns and ammo will have to be locked away by you may keep the blade." Shin nodded as he quickly entered in the man's information. He went to hand back the man's papers but paused for only a second. "You will be in room seven....." Shin took out his pen once more and wrote 'Father 7' on the gun and ammo cases.

Shin pointed to the same hallway that he had done for Caine before moving down the line.

He logged in the next four, Abigail, Melody, Nick and Francis (See character sheets.... These four will have an impact on the rp...).

After the four Shin looked about noticing a group that seemed to not be inline. He made his way over to the group. "Have any of you been logged in yet?" he asked them. His eyes half glued to the screen on his tablet.
As Aeva interacted with the fellow passengers and getting slightly irritated with the hovering mech, he took notice of a man who came and asked them if they had all been logged in. Not a second after Aeva had laid his scarlet eyes upon the shorter male did he take a respectful step back. The male was clearly sick, at least to Aeva's sharp sight and Avalon's weren't known for their immune systems. They actually got sick pretty easily if they weren't careful. Despite the cautionary step back, Aeva responded as soon as the question was asked, "Yes, I had been signed in not too long ago." He replied in a dull voice.

Aeva then registered the particular device he was holding. It looked deceptively simple but upon closer examination , which Aeva can make it look like he's merely looking at the tablet, the winged man could tell there was more to it than met the eye. It had far more functions than any old regular tablet could and it looked well maintained. Clear signs that this particular crew member had not only tinkered with the hardware, making it more powerful and useful, but also had to have access to the ship's systems. He more than likely wasn't the one he found during his hack but he was certainly a way to find out whoever it was that Aeva met in the cyber jungle.

"If you are sick, we can go to med bay. I have a problem throwing off one of my wings and I was going to get it checked out. You could probably use the medication mate." He regarded the crew member once more. The way he carried himself, another note Aeva mentioned, was that of someone who carried a substantial amount of authority.
shadowz1995 said:
As Aeva interacted with the fellow passengers and getting slightly irritated with the hovering mech, he took notice of a man who came and asked them if they had all been logged in. Not a second after Aeva had laid his scarlet eyes upon the shorter male did he take a respectful step back. The male was clearly sick, at least to Aeva's sharp sight and Avalon's weren't known for their immune systems. They actually got sick pretty easily if they weren't careful. Despite the cautionary step back, Aeva responded as soon as the question was asked, "Yes, I had been signed in not too long ago." He replied in a dull voice.
Aeva then registered the particular device he was holding. It looked deceptively simple but upon closer examination , which Aeva can make it look like he's merely looking at the tablet, the winged man could tell there was more to it than met the eye. It had far more functions than any old regular tablet could and it looked well maintained. Clear signs that this particular crew member had not only tinkered with the hardware, making it more powerful and useful, but also had to have access to the ship's systems. He more than likely wasn't the one he found during his hack but he was certainly a way to find out whoever it was that Aeva met in the cyber jungle.

"If you are sick, we can go to med bay. I have a problem throwing off one of my wings and I was going to get it checked out. You could probably use the medication mate." He regarded the crew member once more. The way he carried himself, another note Aeva mentioned, was that of someone who carried a substantial amount of authority.
Shin took note of the step Aeva took when he approched the group. The slight step back placed a dull look on his face as the winged man answered his question. He didn't linger on Aeva for much longer as he was wanting to get everyone logged in before attending back to the ship... Possibly seeing if he could back track the hacker's steps on top of his busy schedule.

It wasn't until Aeva spoke up again did it catch his attention more greatly. 'Sick'.... The angel like creature spotted his pit of illness with a mere glance. It wasn't hard to pick up on at this point really. But for the few seconds between words Shin found it a bit odd when a passenger who barely knew him for all of two seconds stated his health status clearly.

"And you could probably use the fucks I don't give." Shin tilted his head at the end of his words as he shot Aeva a more warning look. Shin never did have the greatest of first impressions. More so he just hated people digging into his business... Even if it was a simple concern of his health. Shin clearly didn't realize his words until sometime after he had stated them. He let out a rough sigh before moving his eyes back to his tablet. "For those of you who have yet to be logged in I will need your papers and weapons." He forced the utter loud enough for the other two to hear him clearly.

He tried not to push the matter as he already felt a little in the wrong with his words but he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the angel. For some reason the features and stature of the creature caught his mind off guard. He couldn't place his finger on it... But something was pulling at the back of his mind.... Now making it difficult to not look at the angel.....
NovaNovass said:
Shin took note of the step Aeva took when he approched the group. The slight step back placed a dull look on his face as the winged man answered his question. He didn't linger on Aeva for much longer as he was wanting to get everyone logged in before attending back to the ship... Possibly seeing if he could back track the hacker's steps on top of his busy schedule.
It wasn't until Aeva spoke up again did it catch his attention more greatly. 'Sick'.... The angel like creature spotted his pit of illness with a mere glance. It wasn't hard to pick up on at this point really. But for the few seconds between words Shin found it a bit odd when a passenger who barely knew him for all of two seconds stated his health status clearly.

"And you could probably use the fucks I don't give." Shin tilted his head at the end of his words as he shot Aeva a more warning look. Shin never did have the greatest of first impressions. More so he just hated people digging into his business... Even if it was a simple concern of his health. Shin clearly didn't realize his words until sometime after he had stated them. He let out a rough sigh before moving his eyes back to his tablet. "For those of you who have yet to be logged in I will need your papers and weapons." He forced the utter loud enough for the other two to hear him clearly.

He tried not to push the matter as he already felt a little in the wrong with his words but he couldn't help but sneak a glance at the angel. For some reason the features and stature of the creature caught his mind off guard. He couldn't place his finger on it... But something was pulling at the back of his mind.... Now making it difficult to not look at the angel.....
"Just like you could use the fucks I don't give if you were to drop dead this instance. The feeling is mutual then prickly human." He retorted. Aeva didn't actually know the man's name but he certainly wasn't about to take an insult from someone he just met. No matter who they were. He wouldn't even take that kind of lip from the captain of the ship if she tried. Aeva was always respectful of people but the moment someone disrespected the gloves were off. He would sooner watch you die laughing or sleep with your partner than try to be civil with someone who didn't return the favor. For a moment, Aeva caught the glance Shin threw his way and Shin would only find the angel openly staring at him. There was always something.....wrong when an Avalon stared at another living being. An unflinching, unwavering, unblinking gaze that didn't stop until the Avalon felt satisfied. It would most likely be nothing new go Shin but it was the equivalent of a thousand yard stare. A look battle hardened war veterans gave after going through hell on (insert planet here). But when an Avalon did this stare it was a bit different. Less human and more animal. As if you were locking eyes with a colossal viper. Aeva had been tortured and experimented on for an incredibly long time. Right after that he was thrown into battles, wars, and firefights that weren't his own. Death had essentially become the angel's companion.

After what surely felt like an eternity, Aeva broke what humans jokingly called "The air stare" because of how eagles looked like midhunt, he pulled out his own handheld tablet and turned away from Shin. The tablet was forged by Aeva's own hand from scratch. Every byte of data, every inch of fiber, every chip was made By the Avalon's careful complex and careful design. In his own way, he was probably just as good as Shin in terms of software and tech. He just had different ways of doing things it seemed.

He set off back to the med bay without waiting and he began to thumb through the data that he had found during his dive into the ship's system. It was quite a fair amount he had dug up and Aeva never actually got around to really looking at it in depth. It was something he could do to entertain himself on the walk back to the med bay.

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