Project Atlas

Okay, everyone: here's your chance before we go into the simulation room. Post soon about anything your character wants as far as equipment not already mentioned.

If anyone wants to jump ahead to the simulation room, it will be downstairs: essentially a large warehouse-like room that has holographic projections to show the building as described in my first post setting up the simulation. The 12 mechs outside are visible, depending on your approach. For those who can tell the difference, about half of them are real mechs.

I'll set up more tomorrow or Sunday, but feel free to run with it. Mitheral: if you want some detail on what Xavier will find inside now, PM me. Otherwise, I'll message you with it soon.

Also, may I ask for clarification about this "software operated from a range"? I'm not quite certain about what that refers to. An external machine on which an intelligence of sorts is coded, and is giving commands according to reports from the mechs themselves, perhaps? Or is it something else entirely? And also, given that the suits are "converted" to being unmanned - is that part of standard issued equipment, or are we dealing with something more along the lines of home-made impromptu engineering?

Might just need a bit information to write up the later practice post properly. WOuld be very grateful if such information is provided. (I assume that the exact details can only be surveyed within the practice itself, so the character wouldn't know beforehand, naturally?)
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The known factors for this exercise:

- The suits are unmanned. The method of conversion is unknown for the purposes of the exercise. Carter shared info on the most common conversion method.

- If the mechs are being operated remotely via software, this can take many forms : a single computer terminal nearby, an app on a device (even a smart phone) , etc. They are likely all networked together, or it would be hard to operate that many without as many operators/controls.

Let me know if you need more details.
Not necessarily.

Per my last post to the group: If anyone wants to jump ahead to the simulation room, it will be downstairs: essentially a large warehouse-like room that has holographic projections to show the building as described in my first post setting up the simulation. The 12 mechs outside are visible, depending on your approach. For those who can tell the difference, about half of them are real mechs.

I need to learn that my time on weekends are not as predictable as I'd like. I will post soon, hopefully today, but it may be tomorrow - I'm working on a couple of (very rudimentary) maps as well to ensure we're all on the same page as we proceed.
Maps for the simulation exercise have been posted in the maps area. It should be pretty self-explanatory except for the dots. The orange dots represent the mechs. Some are patrolling, so keep in mind their positions aren’t completely stationary.

Inside the building represents what Xavier will find. Orange dots are mechs - red dots are humans or metas. Hostages are being held in the three areas labeled (you guessed it) 1-3.

EDIT: The green dots are trees. (I told you the map would be VERY basic...)

And for clarification on the holograms: many of the hostages, mechs, and local police officers are holograms, not because the bad guys set it up that way, but because Atlas doesn't have enough personnel to spare for the exercise to have real people play all 48 hostages. They also don't have 19 mechs on hand. The hologram hostages and mechs should be treated as if they are real for the purposes of the exercise.
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A heads-up: I will be out of town and largely unable to log on Friday through Monday.

If I can, I'll post details on the scenario ready - including the footage that Xavier recorded - before I leave, assuming we can set up that getting viewed. Otherwise, I'll have it ready to go so I can hopefully post it while I'm away to keep the story moving. 
Update: I am wrapping up items before I leave, and I'm not sure if I'll be on tonight. So. I'll be posting some information for everyone here. Once Snapshot's recording has been compiled, I have a post ready to give that information.

You can assume that Carter will let the team run with the exercise as they see fit and Commander Arana will point Ivan to the communications vans to work any tech angle. I think that, along with the more detailed information provided by Xavier's recording, will allow you all to proceed with the scene while I'm gone. Please let me know here or via PM if you have specific questions that need to be answered.

Xavier’s recordings will reveal the following details about the maps:

  • The red dots inside the lab are three people outside the hostage rooms:
    A woman in a white lab coat named Dr. Marcia Jameson. She has a badge on showing she works for the pharmaceutical company. (This person is played by one of the cafeteria workers, for those who are observant.)
  • A teenage boy (looks 16-17) in a Dr. Who t-shirt who could bear a family resemblance to Dr. Jameson. The footage reveals he is Byron Jameson, Marcia’s son.
  • A redheaded man in a white coat, with no badge on. Byron calls him by the codename “Flicker” at one point. (Marksman and possibly Snapshot will recognize this person as a meta that is part of the program.)

[*]All suits inside the building are manned.

[*]All suits outside the building are unmanned. The suit destroyed by the remote unit was replaced by a similar unit almost immediately upon being disabled.

[*]Hostages are as follows. Each room has one “real” person playing a hostage. The rest of the hostages are represented by holograms.

  • The largest group of hostages is in the area labeled with a "1". This is a large conference room. 22 people are seated around the table and against the walls; they look like a mix of suits, janitorial staff, and a few lab techs.
  • There are 15 people in the area labeled "2" - this has a few suits, but mostly is laboratory staff.
  • In area "3", there are 10 lab techs and scientists.
OK, so I'm going to read up on the IC, for some reason, I'm getting NO notifications on, well, anything...


A heads up: I am expected to be occupied by school shenanigans that require me to leave town for the first half of next week, so please pardon if I don't show up as much. I'll be getting back to this as soon as possible afterwards. Thanks.
Thanks for letting us know, Avocado.

Everyone else - let's get the exercise underway.
Dolos, I know you are waiting on me. However, Xavier is waiting on Vanburen. Xavier agrees with Dolos, but not the suggested plan of action. Xavier's task was just to collect the intel. Until Vanburen gives an order, Xavier is gonna just sit there. LOL, the point is to let the rest of the team get a little training - not do the whole thing himself. Team work. Rah rah!

Fake hostages indeed. Best part of this whole thing is the acting on the part of the participants. He's gonna suggest taking the lot of them out for dinner later.
I'm the most patient RPer in the world. No rush here. I'll be here when it's all ironed out.

Just make sure to PM me if I don't respond in like, a day or two WHEN there is a post.

My notification flags have been extremely spotty of late.

sigh .. watching a bad spy movie. The heroine in the story tosses a metal object in a microwave, then turns on an electric stove that starts making a hissing noise .... then runs out of the house ... which blows up seconds later.
I've discovered first hand that women have the innate ability to take any situation and make it explode.

Hmm .. well ... there is one within arm's reach that can read over my shoulder ... so no comment.
That's the wrong answer. You're supposed to adamantly defend her honor!

Silence is acceptance after all. Tell her Az said HI! It's Sharlene, right?

Yep... and just for that I won't tell you all that it was Mith who etched his mark on his college with an explosion in the organic chemistry lab. Blew concentrated acid, organics and molten tin all over the back of the hood. 
Into the Valley of Death, rode the Six;






Lady Jane ... yep, six.

Half a league, half a league,

  Half a league onward,

All in the valley of Death

  Rode the Six.

'Forward, the Light Charade!

Charge for the guns' he said:

Into the valley of Death

  Rode the Six.

'Forward, the Light Charade!'

Was there a man dismay'd?

Not tho' the recruits knew

  Some one had blunder'd:

Their's not to make reply,

Their's not to reason why,

Their's but to do and die:

Into the valley of Death

  Rode the Six.

Mech to right of them,

Mech to left of them,

Meta in front of them

  Volley'd and thunder'd;

Storm'd at with bolt and shell,

Boldly they rode and well,

Into the jaws of Death,

Into the mouth of Hell

  Rode the Six.

When can their glory fade?

O the wild charge they made!

  All the world wonder'd.

Honour the charge they made!

Honour the Light Charade,

  Noble Six!

by Lady Jane, 2014
Hi all - I'm loving the character interaction and planning. I will post once the team starts taking direct action with the exercise. If you need to know something in order to post, just PM me.

Avocado said he'd be out of town the first half of this week, so if he can't post today, I'll auto his character a bit tomorrow to allow everyone else to continue.
Not sure what the eff is up, but even though I'm watching this and following people, I get no indication when someone posts here.

So again, please send me a PM when you post, OOOOR. Eric can PM me. I check every other day or so, but this last week didn't allow me to hop on frequently.

I don't want to screw everything up, or mess up consistency, so I'd appreciate the help.

Working on a post now.

@Sharlene: The Valley of Death thing is funnier than it is supposed to be and I need help someone save me.

Also, posted. Took a little longer because I had to confirm things with Erica.

Short version in case my early afternoon - late night English is too full of mistakes it is incomprehensible: Ivan got the mechs outside down, at least for a while with that ever existing chance of something going wrong, in which a potential offense team will likely be surprised by things when they

re halfway in. Half-failed on trespassing the communications, but he's just gonna make it look like he stepped on the tripwire intentionally to show how far he got, and drop the message through there.

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