Project Atlas

Welcome aboard. I hope the trip was a lot of fun.

Meanwhile, I've been freezing my butt off here in Michigan...

Anyway, to make up for you tardiness, I will require a large, deep dish pizza with just pepperoni. That is all.

LOL, @Pattycakes, Xavier is dragging himself to the training. He's too good a "soldier" not to, regardless of being tired and in pain. If it was a 'real life' emergency he wouldn't just complain about being tired from a workout and say no, now would he?

I went through Basic Training at Lackland AFB in August of 1980. Temperatures were so high that flags were out every day. Now a week before I started I took my physical and the last thing the doctor told me was "Don't go and hurt myself...) Yeaahhhh .. I arrived at Basic with 3 cracked ribs and 1st and 2nd degree sunburn all over my front side. (I got taken to the beach for a going away party and kinda got overdone.) You can just imagine my discomfort running and marching in fatigues in that heat. But I never told anyone I couldn't keep up - even through obstacle courses and the range.
Shoot, I had the opposite end of the spectrum. Bootcamp was pretty mild for me in terms of weather (it was absolute hell, and the best time of my life), but the next training block was combat training in North Carolina.

Now most people, me included would think "Oh, NC isn't that bad. You're a buffoon Azseth."

In early 2004, there was a snow and ice storm that some of you may remember knocking out power along the entire east coast, snow and ice everywhere and closing roads, yadda yadda. I was doing mock patrols, digging fighting holes and sleeping in that. Mentally, that was one of the toughest moments of my life. It was awful.

Anyway. fun times reminiscing.

Hi guys! I'm afraid that I won't be able to post the rest of the weekend, as I am at my dad's house and he does not have internet access. There will be a small chance that I can get to a hotspot until tomorrow. This will happen every other weekend or so.

Thanks for understanding.
No worries, Pastaa.

For everyone else: I'll also be unlikely to be able to post until Monday. We're hosting a Super Bowl bash and the cooking and hosting will keep me hopping.
Introduction post posted. More apologies for lateness.

Post turned out taking longer than I expected to write, and definitely too long. Way too much to fill up and most of it backstory and monologue unrelated to the other characters. As such, in concern of breaking the timeline unnecessarily, I've put the introduction part inside a spoiler.

Didn't have character do much as it didn't seem the right time to speak? I'll try to jump into conversations a bit later.

Hopefully I'll be on here more regularly from now on, since CNY shenanigans are over.

Also, have fun with the Super Bowl bash?
Hmm, got a suggestion for Cedric's codename ... Shockwave. A more obscure one might be Navarone. Xavier would have loved the movie, but most people probably haven't watched it.

edit - nm ,,. Force 10 from Navarone came out in 78. Thought it was older than that.

A bit in a block right now, so apologies if the quality doesn't meet up to the standards here - my posts seem to have developed a tendency to be long whilst nearly absolutely nothing happens. Will try to fix that later.

Yes, Ivan is supposed to know what the project is all about. Yes, he's still asking. And yes, he's not making sense.

I'm anticipating what happens next in the RP as well.
LOL, folks ... please stop describing Xavier as angry. There is NOTHING in his demeanor that has suggested anger. Even when Dolos walked into the room the first time, I was very specific. I said his tone was "tinged with disbelief, rather than anger."

Xavier has really been angry since he was 5 years old and went through a major series of traumas. In fact, that very fact might have nearly disqualified him in many psych reviews as needing to grieve.
Okay Mitheral. I will edit that post. I was trying to show his distrust was obvious but it seemed I talked about his anger instead. I will edit mine this afternoon when I have a chance to sit down and write.
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No ... need to really think about how to handle this one. It is just the way Xavier thinks. He sees a major security issue. The only man in his chain of command he feels he can trust - hopefully - just shut him out. He can overlook the fact that Mark is a arrogant guy - who is making assumptions without reading his file. But Xavier sees a threat that couldn't wait. Military protocols have their time and place. Xavier wouldn't violate that without a reason. Mark just doesn't understand Xavier. There really is noone who can understand the way Xavier sees the universe. Simple fact.

If I were to leave the RP, it would be because the only solution I see would mean splitting off from the group. Right now, it is headed that way.
Mark isn't shutting him out, so much as giving a vote of confidence to Carter. Besides, Mark already told Xavier he would speak with him that evening once training is done.
Nothing wrong with Xavier's memory either. He wouldn't have asked right then - with a planned meeting later - unless he had a damned good reason.

This is about like that scene in the first Star Trek movie where the Commander yells "Belay that phaser order!" and gets chewed out later. Kirk's swallows a little of his pride when he finds out the man saved the ship.
I am not sure how to resolve current RP issues. I did not realize that Carter had walked off as Mark would have made the comment about Co being privy before he walked off. With Carter being absent he would talk to Xavier privately, he just would not leave the CO if the CO was standing by him to have a private conversation. I could edit my post, but Mith already made his post on the assumption of my incorrect post that I would not talk to Xavier privately because the CO was right there.
No worries. Everyone is very active (which I love - thank you all) and there is a lot going on.

Sorry, Xavier. The fact that I was occupied the other day meant your introduction wasn't the last as your preferred. I hope you don't mind that.

And sorry again for my lateness itself.
I believe Ms. Chmerkovski ("Chameleon") has yet to make her introduction.
“Snapshot. And I live in four dimensions. I perceive the 5th and can likely move in it. Black belt, trained in surveillance, B&E. Studying criminal forensics, temporal physics
Hahaha .... that was Xavier's total text about his powers and skills - less than anyone else in the group. And yet ... he rattled off skills ....

Oh .. and Avacado ... no worries. Had been expecting the possibility of getting stuck in an area with no cell coverage ... so posted while I could.
Mitheral said:
Oh .. and Avacado ... no worries. Had been expecting the possibility of getting stuck in an area with no cell coverage ... so posted while I could.
Thank you.

And please allow me to comment, those introductions were certainly entertaining to read.

What's next, though?

Meanwhile, in response to Diana's thoughts - Ivan's last name strongly indicates a Dutch origin in his family, and although I haven't exactly decided the details of his history, he is assumed to have a rather local upbringing (probably never leaved NY or at least the US, given his personality?). Sorry to disappoint Diana, ye.

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