Project Atlas

Hey folks - tonight got away from me, so I'll be posting tomorrow. The tour is first, but I do not plan to go over it in detail unless anyone has a driving need for it. I'll set up a scenario for everyone to talk about. If you want to post, you can put your character in the training area again.

As for Janice- she'll be given the offer to sit out the afternoon exercise and rest. If she wants to. :)
LOL, Janice will keep right on going. Just don't give her too much time to relax or she's liable to be sleep walking. I'll discuss her disciplinary issue that I foresee. And there may be some exercises she will refuse to do. But that I'll leave for IC roleplay.
Greetings, people.

Shenanigans ensued near the end of my winter vacation and I was unable to post for a while, apologies for my absence.

I believe, though, that things are rather well-sorted at the moment, which means I will be able to jump in again soon. I shall, however, wait until after the time jump, and include a brief summary of fill-up events to get Ivan back into the story - will that be acceptable?

Again sorry for disappearing,'s good to be back.
How long are we planning on spending on the remaining of this day/training? Are we planning on timejumping to the event the next day?
We will jump to the team's exercise the next morning. As for when we do that jump in real life terms, that will depend. Events that need to happen before the jump:

1. Xavier needs to get back with the group (or decide not to participate in the planning)

2. Carter has to have his talk with Mark.

Once those are complete (which I expect will happen in the next few days), we can jump if everyone's ready.

Other than that, this is a chance for everyone to get more group cohesion before the first mock-mission/exercise. And that can include branching out to other conversations/areas.
For the training, sounds like Janice is pretty much Marksman's opposite - concentrated in martial arts, and less so at ranged combat. (She isn't bad with a gun at close ranges, but she really doesn't like them for lots of reasons. At those reasons she is better off throwing things. Much quieter and they don't wreak of gunpowder. Mark stinks by the way. LOL.)

Also sounds like the only real match up for Janice may be Cedric, though he seems more offense and her more defense if I read bios right.

Not accustomed to writing combat scenes.
Willing to try to get Ivan into this, looking for an appropriate way to do so - or had I better not and wait for after the time-skip? Not exactly sure how long the conversation session on the other side will last. Writing up a post right now anyway.

Also, that reference on Erica's last IC post totally made my day. Thank you, GM.
Sharlene, do you just want to timejump to the end of the spare? I want to keep the story moving and, to be honest, the sparring itself isn't that interesting to me.
I have the same question as Sharlene: does anyone have anything else to post regarding the team planning for the exercise?

Unless other people do, I'll set up a jump to the team exercise this weekend. If you have other items to contribute to the team planning scene, please do so within the next couple of days. (Remember, it's not just training: the sergeant has tasked everyone to work together to figure out each other's strengths and weaknesses and determine how best to work together. That doesn't have to be sparring or martial arts training.)

We need to establish a posting rhythm to keep this story going, so for those of you who haven't been able to post in the last week: please jump in. If you're struggling with posting, work on what your character is experiencing, feeling, etc., for specific actions, based on the sergeant's directive, you can have your character observe the others, offer up his/her strengths & weaknesses, etc. Earlier in the OOC discussion, several people wanted a chance to build up team interaction before we got to a mission. This is your chance. :)
Erica, I will respond to your post later this evening. I have to take off for a few hours. I've been slacking some in team interaction, mainly because I'm personally satisfied and looking to get the time jump asap to pick up the pace. Not that I don't enjoy reading and writing the roleplay, but simply interacting with a few characters in a base quickly becomes too slice-of-life with superhero powers for my taste. As the ball gets rolling again, I'll be posting much more.
Confessions and apologies about not being consistent enough. Truth be told I'm actually slightly confused now. The last few IC posts seem to be prompting us to play out the training session, yet the OOC appears to be leaning towards an immediate timeskip?

If anyone else's for the current exercise I'll drop in a post about that Monkeybar Dinosaur. Otherwise, I await the timejump.
I have posted a summary to wrap up the training session - so if anyone has a few last things to include, please post shortly. I will post the set-up for the simulation exercise soon (hopefully tonight, although today got away from me a bit). If it merges with my current post, I'll update here.
@Erica, if you happen to have a pic of what we will be fighting it would help. (ie two legged vs four, power generation type, IC vs electric, manned vs unmanned)

@Pattycakes, if we don't do the meeting via PM, it would help to know the gist of how it goes down (subjects, volume, etc)
I have time early tomorrow if you want to do it then. Kind of late for me to do the RP writing now.

If not, I will send you something about the subjects, volumes, etc.
I have a post ready which addresses one of the questions above, but think Mitheral's suggestion of a pic of the mech design is excellent. However, that will have to wait until tomorrow.

So… more to come on mechs here tomorrow, along with the set-up for the simulated mission.
My morning will be shot. I have a live unload delivery at 0900 EST (probably an hour or two), then a two hour drove home. I figure I should be off by around 1200-1300. But then I could get there and have the receiver tell me the load wasn't due for a week, blah, blah. This was already resched from last week and left and right hands haven't communicated well. 
LOL, I would suggest asking Ridz for a pic. But that would be like asking to have my head chopped off.
FYI - both an update on the mechs and a post to set up the simulation exercise are posted (they were merged, so you may only get one notification)
Busy day for us today. Tax time. But if noone posts a reply we'll try to get something out later on.
This has to be the last time my schedule messes itself up in my face.

Posted, hope it was okay. They boy really doesn't know what to do.

As last time, irrelevant mood-setting flashbacks spoiler'd.
What's the plan for those who aren't posting actively? Are we ghosting them along with the team? It seems we've lost a few members since starting, not that I'm surprised. Also, Erica, how many more posts are you going to allow before moving us on to the actual practice?
I've PMed those who haven't replied to the latest scene. I want to give them another day or two to reply before we move forward. Otherwise, I'll ghost them as needed and then they'll be dropped. MissPenny hasn't been responsive to a PM sent last week, so she's dropped (and not in the scene).

I don't have a hard number of posts in mind before we cut over, but it will be relatively soon. For those who are actively posting, feel free to reply - the conversation will have back-and-forth among team members.
Well, the current discussion is a little over Janice's head. She had a few ideas. However this sort of warfare is way outside her area of knowledge. She is really just a martial artist.
LOL, yeah ... we need to move it along ... before Xavier tells Mark to "Stand there and look pretty" while he goes and saves the day. Ya suppose he'd get another chewing out?

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