Project Atlas

Next? Assuming Erica doesn't have another direction she wants to go, Mark is going to head for the bar on site.
What's next' date=' though?[/quote']
Great question, Avacado. And an excellent lead in to the OOC post I planned to make this morning before work got in the way.

I can lead us in several directions here. I have a mission lined up, but the team is clearly not ready for that yet. I know that Mitheral has a couple of story bits to play out (the conversation with the Colonel, and possibly discussing things with Janice). I suspect other players may have similar bits they would like to play out - or just a chance for more inter-character relationship building before you're all facing certain death adversaries.

We can play out off-duty interaction (Mark's drinks being a perfect example) and team building exercises, but I want the group's input here: do you want to have that opportunity, or would people prefer to movie montage it and jump to the point where we're lining up a mission in short order?
I'd lean more for movie montage. As much as I love building a solid interaction base, we've already spent a week and a half getting through most of the first day. I'd shutter to think how long it would take us to get to any significant amount of time. That being said, I don't want to completely ignore those interactions that are built up when a team are first starting, but we do need to expedite the process to keep things from hitting a lull for everyone.
For me the presence of Dolos makes a movie montage near impossible. He is practically a mission before a mission. I asked him to mimic Marksman for a reason ... and will ask the Sarge to order it - explaining that he has a very good reason for asking - if he has to take it that far.
@Mitheral I am assuming that we will work out Xavier's objections one way or another before we fast forward.
I would say have a small amount of interaction, maybe just a few posts. And then we can jump to the action. I think it would be weird to just jump right into it if there isn't any substance at all.
LOL, might be nice for everyone to meet Janice when not drunk ... before a mission. 
Blows a raspberry at Mark. LOL, she's only been drunk once before - when she broke into the wine cellar as a kid and drank the stuff that tasted like grape juice. It was delicious too. Noone could catch her until she finally passed out. But she has otherwise hardly ever drank unless there was a social reason - or for Church.
Do we want to keep advancing the lunch conversation or wait for Dolos, Ivan, and Cedric to catch up first? If we're not waiting for them, I will post.
Not sure if Dolos was at Lunch with us. If he was, I'd wait on him. The rest aren't posting every couple of days per the rules. If they are able to rejoin us, great. But we shouldn't hold the RP up for them forever. That's my 2 cp.
I apologize for not having posted in a few days, but I've been having trouble deciding what to do with Diana. I didn't want to write another response with just her not doing much. I'll get her interacting with the others later today.
Dolos and Carter will be late to lunch due to their chat. I agree with Mitheral: let others jump in when they can, especially since we're essentially doing more getting-to-know-each-other posts.

@MissPenny : just jump in when you can and reach out if you need help. The big thing right now aside from the tension with Dolos, Snapshot, Vanburen, and Carter is relationship building among the characters.

@The Flying Avocado and @Kai'zen Makaira : same thing. Jump in soon, please. And let me know if something has arisen causing a challenge with posting regularly.

I had a couple papers to hand in last week and another in the next two days. I'm afraid I will not be able to write up things perhaps until Wednesday. Very sorry for not being able to even notify you folks.

Will try my best to get back soon.
A quick point of clarification for everyone, since I touched on it in the RP overview but didn't explicitly spell it out:

There have been attempts to create and replicate meta powers since the first metas appeared. To everyone's knowledge, none have been successful. Several studies have been published stating that cloning experiments and DNA analysis have yet to determine how to duplicate powers through those methods.

So yes, getting the DNA of a meta has the potential to be dangerous - someone may discover how to duplicate powers in the future - but to date, no one has been successful. Conspiracy theorists say it's happened, but the fact that there hasn't been an army formed or a series of duplicated powers unleashed on the world supports that no one has figured out how to do this.

There have been human enhancement programs (think super soldiers), but they have been science based and had limited success.

Edit: and I'll put this in the RP "Additional Info" area as well
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Just so folks understand Xavier's paranoia. He jumped forward in 1974. Watson and Crick discovered the structure of DNA in 1976. Calculators hadn't been introduced yet. 32 years later Xavier arrives not in the utopia world of s001: A Space Odyssey or similar or a world of flying cars, but a world of WMD's, H1N1, metahumans and Cataga. He has a slightly warped sense of the dangers in much the same way people were freaking out about nukes in the 50's.
I know Mark is far more angry at his attitude than his security issues. If Xavier hadn't stated "its above your paygrade," Mark would have been much more rational about talking with Xavier. I will say its interesting how by Xavier trying to deal with what he considers to be a major issue, its managing to cause more harm than good to the rest of the team unifying together.
Haha ... Xavier was talking about something very, very different ... and THAT is a funding decision ... is above all but the Colonel or General. It was a security project he had in mind, but whether anyone would undertake it would be a matter of funding. So unless Mark is really rich .... 
Hehe ... if you Google "gene splicing human" you get a list of articles that are very poor grade with little in the way of useful text - or youtube garbage. BUT if you use Yahoo as a search engine the very TOP article has a .edu suffix and reads like a serious text that would terrify someone like Xavier.

Read just the first page of the article and look at the pic it has ... and imagine the terror Xavier is dealing with.
To those at the lunch table (pretty much everyone but Dolos & Xavier): we'll have a couple more exchanges then I'll summarize them getting their badges. I don't plan to play out the tour of the facilities, but will have Carter give instructions at 1300 back at the training room.
Erica, I was actually planning on drawing in Derek to help with Xavier. I guess we are thinking alike about getting Derek involved.
A heads-up to everyone: I plan to jump us to 1300 in the training area later today. Please wrap up any conversations and/or actions that should occur before that time. Aside from Xavier, I'm assuming everyone who's still able to play will be at the meeting at 1300.
Janice will just need toothpicks to keep her eyelids propped open. 
Yeah ... I am wondering what SORT of torture the Sarge has planned. If it is just the tour someone may have to cover for Janice and push her chair along - and slap her awake every so often.

Not if it is activities in the gym, some could get dicey. There are some things she just won't do ... and one will lead to a disciplinary problem. It's the sort of problem that has become uncommon during the past 30 years.

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