Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Sneasel gave Revic a gentle tap on the shoulder as Hal approached. The boy acknowledged him weakly, then continued eating. As the other boy sat, Sneasel gave him a surprisingly human look which said - Thanks for helping yesterday. And Revic was genuinely thankful, though not the person to show it.

@Falling In Hate
Hal peeks down at the Sneasel and gives it a reassuring nod. Seeing this, Combo hops up next to Sneasel and starts examining it. "Com...busken..." "Hey, Combo don't bother them. Combo shrugs and hops up on Hal's shoulder. "Gah!!" Combo had a habit if perching on Hal's shoulder ever since he was a Torchic. Now that he evolved and was much bigger, he was known toaccidentally knock Hal over when he tried to perch. "Combo...when you evolve into Blaziken this better stop or you'll break a bone or somethin'." Combo just looked down at him and smiled.
Gold finds a seat in class and waits,he was 10 minutes early. He is always early besides yesterday. He pulled out his book and began to read. " Gah! Class isn't for another 5 minutes!" He wasn't very patient either.
Hibiki step in the class and look around he seems very curious about his new class. He found Gold allready here and reading a book so he decide to sit next to him, "morning gold! you came earlier today" he smiled.

Sneasel stood next to Combo and Hal, watching them politely. Revic finally finished his breakfast. "Which school are you in?" he asked finally, without even a glance upwards.
Vic entered the class slowly, he and Ali passing a girl with a Pikachu on her arm. Vic sighed. None of the trainers here looked much like actual competition. Reluctantly, Victor took a seat in the back to observe. Ali stood behind his trainer, simply with his arms crossed.
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Cross put Zero down. Then she leaned on the wall, tossing all the others out of their Pokeballs, Eevee happily sitting on a desk, Bayleef to the side. Absol stood to the side of his trainer, looking over the other trainers.

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Breakfast was great for Luxian and Cyrus. Getting up early was probably going to be their daily routine, since it came with so many benefits. The duo felt it was gonna be a good day, and their excitement raged on. Shortly after their long breakfast, the two headed to the topaz academy, and tried to find his classroom. As he walked to the topaz building, he saw a number of students walking in, so he followed. He wasn't given any list of classes, which made his whole trip a lot more complicated. He sighed, and hoped for the best as he walked into the building.

With Cyrus on his shoulder, the blonde climbed the stairs, finding a classroom that said Freshmen on the door window. The blonde looked at his partner, and shrugged as he walked in. He was a freshman, so it made sense. He slid the door open, and saw that a few students were in there already, including the one he fought the day before. No one else seemed like they wanted to talk, so the blonde took a seat in the middle of the class, waiting for the teacher that people referred to as a "Demon".
It had been a small while. Mack looked at his watch. It read 6:05 a.m. He was still sitting in a bench at the port. Marek was, surprisingly still sleeping, but he had to be woken up. Mack shook him gently till' he opened his eyes, then was placed on the floor.

"All right let's go have breakfast." Mack said to his partner. They walked to the lunch complex and entered. They stood in the waiting line full of hungry student's. When he got to the serving table he picked up a plate, and went through the serving line. There was all kinds of things, but Mack grabbed Blueberry Waffles, Bacon, Butter Toast and a glass of milk. Simple and straight set up on his dish.

He proceeded to look for familiar faces, then he saw Hal. That landed a smile on Mack's face as he speeded to his table, until he saw Revic and his... "pokemon" Sneasel. So Mack quickly turned around and located an empty table. He proceeded there and sat down, and begun to eat his breakfast. Starting by his Bacon.
Blake walked into class, with Axew on his shoulder. "Well, if it isn't Blake Washan!" Cross looked up, then moved over to him, slapping him on the back, as all her Pokemon ran over as well. Pikachu ran up I the desk, and Axew jumped to the desk with him, starting to chatter immediately. "Oh, Cross Elm, there is my little school girl." Blake rubbed her head, affectionately. "You have a REAL sister at Zircon, you know." She shoved him off, smirking. "Yeah, but Rose is in a different class."

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Gold looked up from his book and saw Hibiki. "Oh hi Hibiki and uh ya haha I like to get to school early I don't like being late like yesterday I thought I was late." He smiled and marked his book. "Well I'm doing fine how about you?" He asked.
Hibiki respond to Gold "well im fine, a bit hungry i guess" then pulled out a airtight container from his bag, inside it is filled with Henry sandwiches. "and now im gonna eat here, i dont like the canteen is too crowded" he said while eat the sandwich, "you want some?"
Hal digs in to his own breakfast las if he hadnt eaten in ages. After a good half of his plate was gone, he replied, "Topaz. And yourself?" He had noticed Mack walking over and as he was about to wave, Mack quickly turned and sat at another table. "Huh...I must smell..." Combo sighed and shrugged.

@MackSpunkmeyer @SkyGinge
"The same." Revic replied, monotonous. Then he looked up for the first time. "I'm surprised you're not sat with Mack." He began to stand up and collect up his plates. "See you in class." And with that, he headed off, Sneasel perched on his shoulder.
Gold felt his stomach rumble "well I guess I haven't ate since lunch yesterday... Sure i will take some if you don't mind." He asked politely and took the part of the sandwich he offered and ate it happily. "Wow that was a great sandwich! Thanks a bunch!" He said excitedly.
Henry had made it to the zicron building he hadn't even me the instructor for the academy's except he saw stone witch he didn't look to mean he shrugged "I don't see what's so scary" as he walked inside. The walls were covered in photos of great coordinators that graduated from this school one stood out it looked like a picture of his mom and what must be the zicron instructor and a little him hanging on to his mothers legs "I don't remember this" he mumbled to himself then continued walking

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The class is crowded but Professor Stone still not here, Hibiki wonder why he late this is not like him. "well maybe he just using rest room right now". He take a poke magazine from his bag and started to read it while eating more of honey sandwich, the magazine is filled with many pokemon article like the most strongest newcomer, the top cordinator, breeder tips & trick and still many of them.
Gold looks at Hibiki and his magazine. "That's a good issue." I say I take my book out. Gold only had about 20 more pages left on his book.
Daviswas wondering around the forest the more he walked in it. The trees were oak like his. Cynda was in his bag still snoozing. He stopped and looked around.

Davis started to remember. He was a young child walking through the forest. A primeape could be heard, but he couldn't see them. One dropped down from the limb above him. They jumped form limb to limb. The primeape thought that davis was some type of pokemon and tried to tackle him. Thankfully cynda was there and stopped the primeape. Cynda tackled the primeape and stopped it from hurting davis. To afraid to move davis only watched as cynda laid down on the ground. Davis walked over to her and picked her up. He walked home with her in his arms. He cared for cynda, she saved him. He gave her a home. It was the start of there relationship.

Davis put his bag on the ground and took cynda out of the bag. He head was still hanging out until he took her out. He held her in his arms and hugged her for a minute or so. After a minute he held her in his arms. "Hey cynda I haven't told you this yet today but I love you." He looked at his watch and sat on the ground. It was the first day and he knew that there was not going to be any classes today.
((Super Sorry, didnt know it started....))

Cassie A. Elizabeth, a 17 year old girl was late to arrive at her new school. For a while, Cas was an assisant for her Gym Leader father. From Sandgem in Sinnoh region, and her over protective parents, made it difficult to find her way. Instead of a large boat like the others, a small fishing boat dropped her off as a gift for her Shinx for helping with the electricity of the boat. Cas said thank you and goodbye to the captain as her Shinx followed beside her off. "Hope I still get accepted." As she walked towards the school, she became amazed at all the different Pokèmon around and headed to the main office.

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Stone waited in his room for the freshmen to arrive. Scyther was already out of his pokeball and raring to go, clicking his little scythes together. Stone couldn't blame him, the first day was always exciting, a quick way to show students their place. After each of them had battled him and healed, he would assign them partners and have them battle eachother. It was going to be a good day.
Gold finished his book and say there bored. "Where is out teacher!" Gold said angered. "All I wanted to do was learn...about pokemon... Hmm hey Hibiki will you have a pokemon battle with me? I mean We came to learn so let's learn about pokemon." Gold said excited.
"i pass" he shrugged, "think about it, what if when we battling the teacher come?". He then flip another page of the magazine,the other student is talking loudly and it make Hibiki uncomfortable. "i gonna take a stroll outside, call me when the teacher come" he said to Gold. Hibiki stood up from his bench then walk outside the class.
Revic took a depressive stroll from the canteen to his class, admiring the mountains in the distance. He had always been fond of nature and found any natural landscape particularly beautiful, even some of the more unusual ones. At least I've found something I like in this place. The side of his mouth twisted into a half-smile.

Soon he arrived in class and noticed immediately an all too familiar teacher at the front. Immediately tense and uncomfortable, taking a seat at the back of the class and hoping that he wasn't noticed.

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