Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Mari woke up the next day and quickly got ready, she grabbed her bag and pokeballs from the portable healing statin she had. She put the poke center uniform in her bag as well for after class to help with the rush that usually happened. She also put a little but of breakfast for her pokemon and herself for a little later. When she was finally ready she ran out of the dorm building and headed towards her building.
Cross continued to look out the window after Blake wandered off and sat at a desk. Her Pokemon frolicked and played, now joined by Axew and Rhyhorn, who was trying, but he crashed into things too much, eventually he gave up. Shelgon stayed by his trainer with his angry faces plastered on. "Awwwww, he's so cute in a really angry way." Cross had commented when she saw him, running a hand over the ridges on his outer shell.

Pikachu skidded among the desks, leading Eevee and Axew to crash into a young boy's legs, and all three fell back into a sitting position.


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Revic pretended that he hadn't heard the startled cries of animals under his desk. He told himself he definitely hadn't felt three small bumps on his lower leg. It was all psychological of course, but if he ignored them then the fierce man called 'teacher' at the front of the class would do the same, right? Nevertheless, he couldn't resist a startled glance at the perpetrator, a noisy girl with several happy Pokemon. He wondered what Stone would do. Surely a man like him wouldn't let such behaviour slip...
Cross looked at the three Pokemon as theirs cries stopped. "Awwww, Cherry, Zero. Regal, you go back to Blake." She walked over to the boy and grabbed her two Pokemon, holding them in her arms. "Sorry about that, they've been stuck on a boat for a week. They have a little too much energy... Hi. I'm Cross. Cross Elm." She held out a hand, waiting for the other boy to introduce himself.

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Revic gave her a tentative eye. "Revic ... Vantula." His statement started at an aggressive murmer, then bloomed to a natural pitch. So he doesn't mind us talking then? Revic smiled distantly. Of course he didn't. This was before class time after all. He wouldn't be that strict. Grow up, Revic scolded himself. You can't just hide. imagine and whimper from anything that scares you. You have to move on. His smile turned grim. Only... if only I could.

Still, he was still anti-social even without pathetic fear, and didn't really care much for the girl who had now approached him. Nevertheless, for manners, sake, he had to converse. "Elm... any relation of the professors?"
"Eh, only technically. I moved in with Professor Elm about... Five years ago. He's not REALLY my dad, but we're that close. I'm just an adopted Elm." Cross looked at him, the sat at the desk in front of Revic, looking at him curiously. "You seem oddly nervous. Are you okay, or did Stone scare you straight? He's strict but he isn't THAT scary."

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Cassie waited i the front office- to gather her dorm, classes and map info so she could find her way-for 5 minutes but it felt more like 20 to her. The lady up front asked what Cas need and allowed her to wait another 5 mins to get the papers. After the pressure of waiting, she headed to her class, KNOCKED on the door and waited. 'hope this is for Zircon field...' she thought to herself a few times.

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Henry had opened the door for the confused girl "they weren't locked you know" and allowed the girl on his misdreavus laughed lowedly "Pandora that's not nice, you seem to be on the tence side" he let her into the large building.


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Waiting for a long time was never a talent for the blonde boy, and while waiting, he eventually fell asleep. The cyndaquil however, stayed awake, and without his trainer knowing, wandered off to see where he could possibly be. The cyndaquil sensed more Pokemon in the room next to theirs, including the fabled Mr.Stone. Seeing that the Scyther caught its gaze, the cyndaquil ran off back to the room Luxian was in. He jumped onto the desk, and headbutted the blonde with full force. The boy sprang up from his seat, surprised. "I'm awake!" He looked at Cyndaquil, who was pulling on his long sleeve. Sighing, the blonde followed the Pokemon to the room with Mr.Stone in it. He grinned, seeing a Scyther, and took a seat in the middle of the classroom, so he could hear the teacher better.
"Thank you. It's not in my nature to just open the door. I apoligize for the inconvenence." She walked in and took an empty seat in the back. Her Shinx, named Missie, followed with a small backpack on as if she was going to school. Missie took her seat under Cassie's seat after bowing to his misdreavus. "Now Missie." She began i a low voice. "That was nice of you to bow to the misdreavus. I am proud of you." and smiled at her shinx. Missie smiled back and they focused on the upcoming class.


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"Oh its no big deal" he said the hall still had the same pictures as always he took a second glance at the picture from earlyer and stood in a trance as he stared at the picture then continued walking "the building is as large as I expected it to be" he stared into the area where students of zircon were gathering. He stood near the girl with the Sphinx "my name is Henry by the way"

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The boy who opened the door stood by Cassie. He said is name was 'Henry'. She replied, "Cas, My name is Cassie." in a nervouse voice. "And this is Missie." She pointed to her shinx. "Henry, is this the Zircon class?" she finally took the courage to ask.

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"As I know of" he had slight chuckle n his voice "but its fine if I were this late i would be confused too" he sat down I sat nearby as the misdreavus floated next to him "he gave her a smile but the way he did it was a bit different but good way. "have you got comfortable here yet" he asked really sincerely.
"I've only just arrived less than half an hour." Cassie replied. She had no idea where to go for each class and still need send forth her luggage to be sent. "I only have things for a fewdays and do not know my dorm." She paused with a slight giggle, "Guess I missed all the important stuff."

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Stone heard the commotion in the back and smiled internally, which was far less menacing than his physical smile. He wondered if any late transfers would show up. They only had five minutes to show. Otherwise they would be marked absent and be penalized if they showed up late. This penalty would be washing the battle floor of course. He turned around and called out, "Names so I can mark you as present. Also, please put all pokemon in their respective pokeballs, at least for the time being."

@SkyGinge @explosiveKitten @Kiothaeus
"you may have" he was slightly laughing as well "if it makes you feel beater I've only been on campus half of yesterday for my first year and i seem to have everything down" he gave another smile reassuring her "I'm shure that you'll get the hang of it and you'll be laughing about it" he then made that face when you remember stuff and pulled out his I.D. "you will have to go to the main office and get your I.D. I don't think the library is making them anymore" he the stuffed his I.D. back in his wallet "you will need them to check out books and access you room" he learned that the hard way by trying to open his new dorm room after he got it changed he waited in the hall after making an embarrassment of himself at the practice building, for his roommate to come back.
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Hibiki-Going back to class

As soon Hibiki get out from his class professor Stone get in, luckily he not noticed him. But now he thinking how to get back in the class without professor Stone noticing him, it gonna be a difficult one. He walk arround outside the building and from the window he see professor allready absent the student, he must quick if he doesn't want to get punished. He silently opened the window to get in and crouching under the student desk, some of them see Hibiki but he put his finger on his mouth, giving a sign to remaint silent. Just a little bit more before he arrive at his bench.


A pink haired girl is wandering at the university field, it's like she looking for something or someone. Whenever she saw a staff she quickly run and hide before they see her, maybe she was an uninvited guest. When the staff allready go far she get out from her hiding place and start walking again, she take a closer into one of the building and put her face on the glass, "aawwww, there was too many student here! i can't find him from outside" she said. She decide to get in into one of those building but she doesn't know what building is it, she just looking building with many student in it.
As Henry was talking to Cassie his misdreavus noticed a little girl with pink hair run buy so she informed Henry of the intruder "what do you mean?!" He got up and walked to the hall where he saw a small girl wondering and looking for someone "excuse me miss but are you looking for someone"


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Aira-Unknown person

An unknown person is approaching her, she was panicked and start runing to the side of the corridor and take a peek from it. She hold on the wall tightly "who are you?" she said with a shy face.

"I'm Henry son of Clara and Simon and student of the zircon academy for coordinators" he knelt down to her level even if it would stress on his back "and who are you" he said with a lower voice so he wouldn't get her caught by anyone.

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Aira-Sad girl

She respond with a low voice "my name is Aira Kuze", she still shaking with fear. "im looking for my brother", she began to shed a tear from her purple eyes. "i want to meet my brother" she said while wiping tear on her face with her sleeve.
"No no no no not tears" it was mostly because he didn't want to attract people into the Hall "now tell me what is your brothers name and I'll try to help you find him" then mumbled to himself "hopefully" he almost seemed worried for the girl. Hopefully he had seen her brother before or he will be making empty promises.

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"It's not him I don't like," Revic whispered, "it's what he stands for. His Pokemon ideals." Then 'he' had spoken at the front of the class, and suddenly, Revic came to the painful realisation that Sneasel didn't have a Pokeball. Tense, he shuffled his friend underneath the table where it crouched, rather obviously.

Hibiki made it out to enter the class without being noticed by professor stone, but then there was another problem. Gold is sleeping beside him but he can wake him up because Stone is looking every student like an eagle, Gold is lucky he not found out sleeping in the class. "wake up you idiot!" he whispered to Gold with hand in front of his mouth.


After Henry say he will help Aira find her brother she hold out her tear and start talking again "Hibi...". She stop crying, for now, but as Henry give her a hope she try to smile a little to him.

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