Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Stone had obviously noticed Gold asleep in his classroom, as well as Hibiki "sneaking" his way , but gave then a reprieve until class actually started. Which was in 3, 2, 1.

"Any student caught sleeping will have to clean every battle floor until it sparkles. With a tooth brush, just to be clear. No pokemon assistance. Now, would you all please come to the front of the room? Freshman in the front, sophomores behind them. I'd like the sophomores to just observe for a bit, remember the things you learned last year."

Stone stepped into the battle floor and the lights around it turned on.
Gold woke up fast "whoa huh? I'm awake!" He said as Hibiki was next to him. "How long has it been, when did you get here? Oh nevermind let's just get ready for class." He said as he took out a notepad and pencil and walk to the front of the room.

Hibiki followed Gold to the front of the class, behind the freshman of course. He try not to make an eye contact with professor Stone because he doesn't want to get busted sneaking into the class, so he stand behind a tall student in front of him.
"Whatever you say, Stone." Blake and Cross said as one and sat at a desk. All Pokemon returned to their Pokeballs as one. Cross leaned back in her chair casually, since nobody was sitting behind her.

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Abby was up before her alarm clock had gone off. She was too hyped for the day to come already up and dressed for class by 7. "Time to get the year started off right." She grinned as she grabbed her pokeballs and quickly made her way down to the cafeteria grabbing only a few pieces of toast and juice. She was too excited to eat a full meal. Abby made her way into the Topaz building already seeing some of the veteran students practicing in the arenas on the first floor. As much as Abby wanted to join her she wanted her team fresh and ready in case she had to participate in the demonstration.  
Note* for the sake of simplicity Freshmen and Sophomores will have class together unless otherwise noted. Also the fluorite branches have been merged into one branch because there’s only 1 person per branch so interaction between class mates would be extremely limited. Plus they all focus on the study and development of Pokémon.

There will be special events/ projects going on tailored to each branch later on in the RP. The main teacher will be professor Jade.

Quarts will be in charge of the Pokémon clinics and running a volunteer club for those who want to work in the clinic. Amethyst will be holding small research project who go out on field studies. These Clubs and projects are open to any students even those in Topaz and Zircon.

Professor Peridot stood at the front of a large class room on the third floor her Espeon sitting on her desk watching as the students slowly drifted into class. Peirdot was excited for the new year recognizing some returning students among the newer ones. The clock struck 9am signally the beginning of class. The professor cleared her throat waiting for the class to calm down. “Well then welcome to the new year I hope you all are as excited as I am. I will warn you that this class may seem easy but its not. It takes a lot of practice and creativity to be a great coordinator. For those who don’t already know the purpose of this class is to learn how to take ordinary moves and turn them into works of art for both offence and defense. Now before I give a demonstration and get into the details of the class I’d like you all to introduce your selves and tell us what you think your greatest strength is.”


Professor Jade waited in her class as students trickled in. Her loving Octillery wrapped around her shoulders curiously watching as well. Once it was time to start she stood up from her desk and went to the front of the class. “Hello everyone I am professor Jade, I will be your professor for this year. For those who were at the rally yesterday you all know there are a lot of events and guess speakers planned for this year. But that’s not the only thing. Professor Amethyst will be having a research project going on that is open for student to participate in. And I encourage all of you to help out Mrs. Quarts in the clinics around the school. It’s one thing to be lectured and read out of a book, but it is nothing unless put into practice. So before we start I would like each of you to stand up and introduce yourselves and state what you hope to accomplish this year.”

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Davis looked at his watch. It was past time for him to get to his class. "Well cynda time for school." He picked up his bag, placed cynda in it and began to walk towards class. "Cynda, this year were going to take it in the big showcase. I want that trophy." Cynda was asleep, She could be heard sleeping. He walked and walked and walked. He made it to the campus. He walked into the building that he had his classes last year. He took his seat near the front. he noticed that most people put there pokemon away. He didn't like the fact that he had to. "Sir, I am sorry but I will not put cynda in her pokeball. If you have anything good to teach, it can be learned by cynda as well as me." Cynda and Davis did everything together and he wouldn't stand for it. @King Of Imagination
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Stone shot both Blake and Cross a withering glare, one that had been known to give students nightmares. Then he noticed Davis, heard him argue against putting his cyndaquil in a pokeball. He shot him a glare as well. These children needed to learn obedience. Oh well. "You don't need to, you may all take your pokemon out now. Just keep them in their pokeballs until class starts. If you do not have a pokeball, one will be supplied to you. Any who do not follow this rule will be put on a boat back to their home region. I don't take well to disobedience. For your argumentative attitude, you can clean the floor with a toothbrush after class. No pokemon assistance. I want it to sparkle like a shiny stone."
Davis didn't take someone talking back in a harsh tone, easily. "Alright, I will but um I got to go and grab something from my locker. I will be back." He got up grabbed his bag and walked out of the room. He walked towards his locker, and grabbed his other pokeballs. He walked back into class and sat down. He didn't like the authority. He sent out his pokemon, first his cyndaquil, then his charmander, then dratini, then vulpix. Sense he was a sophomore he had stronger pokemon then any of the others.
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Revic sheepishly joined his acquaintances, glad that he hasn't stood up like the other boy and protested. Sneasel stealthily joined him at his side, fitting in as the others released their Pokemon. He glanced around with a sort of childish awe at the other Pokemon, before remembering the authoritative presence in front of him and glancing nervously upwards.
Blake muttered with a sly smile," Hey, I think he remembers us."

"You nearly burned down the building, did you think he wouldn't?" Cross shot back, smirking.

"Nobody told me the stove in the student kitchenette was broken! There wasn't a sign or anything!"

"You still nearly took the building down!"

"I only burned the kitchen, It was an accident, jeez!"

The two continued to pass stories as they waited for class. Eevee popped out of her Pokeball and at her trainer's feet, remaining quiet and well behaved in the presence of the teacher. Axew soon appeared, sitting in her trainer's hood and looking around.

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Mari smiled and stood up her aipom jumping up from her desk to her shoulder. She loved fluorite, she tried a little bit of each school her freshman year and found this one to be her home. "Hello, I'm Mari, this is my little aipom, and I came here to research the lives and history of pokemon, but found myself floating towards the care of pokemon. Making sure they're healthy and cared for by all trainers is something that I want to do"
Victoria raised her hand and awaited to be called on by professor peridot. today, finally, she would be learning to start on a path to being one of "the greats". she quietly stood, seeing a nod in her direction by the professor. "um..." she hesitated for a moment, then regained her powerful, fruity voice. " hello fellow zircon students, my name is Victoria Cane, also known as Tori, and my greatest strength is my determination. its the whole reason I'm here," she went on.

"I was always looked down on by my brothers and sisters because I was never a strong battler, glitzy coordinator or proficient breeder. I came prepared with raw determination to make a name for myself." she went to sit back down, then remembered that she forgot to introduce clay.

"oh, and this is clay, my baltoy." she held Clay up proudly, then let him hover. some of the students sneered, almost as if to say, "that thing can be beautiful?". there was a whisper of "ugly", then someone threw a wad of paper at Clay, and one at Victoria. clay unleashed a shadow ball towards the back of the room and things went to hell. "clay, stop! Please!" Victoria tried to calm down clay, but to no avail. he was using rapid spin and throwing shadow balls everywhere. so much for first impressions. Victoria got the wind knocked out of her, stunned by an errant shadow ball. "professor, help me please!" Victoria cried.

The professor went to lecture the class when the baltoy lost its temper. She groaned seeing how not even its trainer could stop the enraged pokemon "Psychic, please" She said looking to her pokemon. The espeons eyes glowed bright red before all of the shadow balls stopped in mid hair along with the baltoy. The shadow attacks were dispersed but the baltoy held in place. "Return you pokemon to its pokebal please." Peridot asked as the class slowly got back into some kind of order. "And may I remind this class that there have been many contests won buy unlikely pokemon. In one of the more recent ribbon cups a contestant with a Cladol was able to win first place. There is beauty in every pokemon. If you cannot accept this then you will be sent off the island. Is that clear?" The professor lectured her voice going from friendly to down right scary, causing most of the freshmen students to look down and mutter their apologies."
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Cross was having a merry old time talking to her friend, when was hit on the back of the head by a wad of paper. She ignored this and kept chatting. "So, how's Rose?" She asked casually.

"Oh, she's a big shot at Zircon. People REALLY liked Cynthia and Daisy." He said.


"It's a Roselia. I know, a rose named Dasiy. So far she seems adamant on giving all of her Pokemon flower names. She calls them Rose's Flowers."

"Cynthia isn't a flower."

"It's Hyacinth. So, Cynthia."

The two friends paused, then started laughing quietly.

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Phalas woke up from Scales nudging his side. "Ah right we do have to head to class" said Phalas. Phalas got dressed and headed for his class, he sat down and Professor Jade was giving their speech. "Oh no please don't have me talk, I don't want to talk" thought Phalas.
Henry had heard the calamity "ok i do know your brother" he said with glee "if you could could you wait for us in the building over here" he pointed to the student rooms then gave her a slip and his I.D. "what for us in this room and use this card to get in now don't get caught and WE will see you after class ok?" he then patted her on the head and returned to the classroom which was now a wreak he missed all the interesting stuff.
One by one, a number of students came in. They were all asked to put their Pokemon away, which would have been fine, except that a student argued. It made Luxian smirk; There was already a brave child appearing in the class! Or possibly just stupid. Regardless, that made the teacher change his mind about the whole ball thing for the moment, so Luxian was feeling a lot better. Cyrus showed that too, as he climbed onto his master's shoulder. Taking another glance at the rebellious boy's team, Luxian smiled. Another cyndaquil trainer! Yet his team was not as balanced as one would hope for their team. Luxian simply smiled, and looked straight at Mr.Stone, waiting for what he would do next.

@King Of Imagination
Surota walked into the Topaz class, anticipating the amazing concept that is Pokemon battling. The classroom was full of many students, so her Deino stuck close by her legs. "A lot of trainers, huh, Renegade?" She looked down and said to her Pokemon. Deinos, being only around 2 feet tall, could easily be held with no problem, so Surota bent over and picked up her beloved Pokemon. "This might be a tough year with this many people" She said as she went over and sat in a empty seat, near the back of the classroom, waiting for the professor to start a lecture.
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The room had gotten pretty packed. Gold took out Eevee and held her in his arms. "So soft Eevee..." He whispered and listened to stone. He stood next to Hibiki and whispered "hey do you think she will teach us about evouloution stones?" He looked down at Eevee and thought of all the choices.
Pricking at her curiosity, Surota couldn't help but turn around in her seat to ask about this mysterious item called a "evolution stone" She looked at Gold and Hibiki, intending on asking. "Excuse me, I'm sorry for interrupting your conversation, but I was intrigued by what I heard. What is a 'evolution stone' exactly?"

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Professor Stone noticed the new girl who had come in late. He parted the group of students in fron of him and strode to the back of the classroom. He looked at the girl, a fire raging in his eyes.

"You're late. It is the first day of classes, and you're late. This will not happen again. As punishment, you will stay after with Mr. Davis over there," Stone pointed to him, "cleaning the battle floor with a toothbrush. To make it fair though, I'll pour mud all over the battle floor when he's done, so you can have just as fun an experience."

Stone turned to Gold, who was speaking to his Eevee.

"If you wished to learn about evolution, you should have been a Flourite, though I'm sure one of the Professors over there would be happy to give you a lesson AFTER CLASS. This is a battle class, you will learn strategy and train. Everyone develops at their own pace, but my goal is to quicken that pace. I want you to leave this school at the end of these four years with a greater bond with your pokemon, greater knowledge of battle, and stronger than any other. Now, all of you, be silent."

Stone strode back to the front of the room, and pointed at the shy one, Revic.

"You. To the floor. You're going to be my demonstration."

She cringed at being lectured at by a teacher. "B-but-!" To shy to argue- when she was obviously on time- she shut up after learning her punishment.

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Revic blanked out, pretending that he hasn't heard anything at all. Sure not. This can't happen to me. But it was happening, and he couldn't hide from it. He shuffled slowly to the battlefield and stood, energy-less, at the other side. Sneasel stood in front of him, jabbing the air in anticipation, but Revic was too nervous about his friend's fate.

Hibiki was realived that it was not him that being punished to clean the class, but he feel sorry to Gold and the girl. Now he put all his attention for the class so he will not get punished like them, "i better not talk anymore. This stone guy heart as same as his name" he think.


Instead of going to the dorm Aira followed Henry from the back, she want to meet her brother but doesn't want him to know that she looking for him. She just want to see her brother and not interrupt his study.
Gold's cheeks turned pink with embarresment. "Oh s-sorry professor..." He said quietly and went on listening to the lesson. Je had called another student up to the battle floor, he was just lucky it wasn't him. The boy seemed nervous like he didn't want to be here.

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