Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

Cross looked from the back of the class and muttered, "He's got a better chance then he thinks."

Blake looked at her, curious, "Huh? It's a Sneasel versus one of Stone's bugs."

"Exactly. Sneasel is a dual Dark-Ice type-"

"I already know that," Blake interrupted.

"And Scyther Bug-Flying. Ice is super-effective against flying. I didn't say was going to win, he has a better chance then he thinks.

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Stone shot a look at Cross, then smiled slightly.

"She's right you know. You've got a bit of an advantage here. You've also got a decidedly faster pokemon than I do. Let's see how you use that to your advantage. Challenger has the first move."

Scyther clicked it's scythes together and stood ready. While Sneasel had a type advantage with its ice type moves, Scyther had a bug type move and a steel type move, both super effective to one portion of sneasel's typing, and not negated by the other. Simply put, this battle would be more of a test of speed and knowledge. When head on attacks don't work, you gotta get creative.
"If anyone demeans or teases another trainer about their pokemon they will be kicked off this island. And I'll have professor stone do it himself." Professor Peridot warned. All of the sophomores tensed and muttered to each other causing the freshmen to get antsy. The professor sighed softly as the class came back under control. "Now then would anyone else like to introduce them selves?"

Abigail crossed her arms hating first day trials. Part of her thought he did this just to boost his own ego however there were some over confident students who needed to be knocked down a few pegs. she sighed sighted softly feeling bad for the freshman.
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Revic fumbled in his pocket for an awkward while, retrieving an old fashioned pokedex. He loaded it up, waiting even longer, and began to scroll. He hated the limelight, and under pressure had forgotten his Pokemon's moves; he barely battled anyway and it had been a long time since he had done anything. He cast his mind back to the words of Professor Birch, and made a reluctant decision.

"Fake out." he stated, and a grinning dashed towards the mantis at ridiculous speed, striking it with a surprise attack. Despite his lack of experience, nothing could challenge the creature's instinct; it had not forgotten how to fight.
Stone nodded as scyther sucumbed to the fake out, flinching away, unable to do anything. He quickly recovered however, and stood ready.

"Scyther, X-Scissor."

Scyther charged quickly and slashed at the Sneasel with his scythes in an X shape.

(Extra info: X-Scissor is a bug type move. Sneasel is 2x damaged by it. If you choose to take the hit that is.)
Gold returned Eevee to her pokeball. He recorded every move sneasel used and how much damage it did, same for scyther. Sneasel had type advantage and probably speed advantage. Scyther was a strong pokemon with good speed. "So fake out for sneasel and X-scissor for scyther..." He jotted all the data down, who knew he may end up fighting one of these trainers.
Surota hugged her Deino close to her, intently watching their two Pokémon battle. "This is how real trainers fight, Renegade. I hope we can be like them someday."

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Vice sighed. Most found the freshman fights exciting. He did not. Not anymore at least. He had forgotten that they are only allowed one Pokémon. He hoped the fight would be over quickly. Hopefully Stone would choose him to battle first once he got to the Sophomore s.
A painful screech echoed through the air as Sneasel was viciously attacked, sending the creature rolling to Revic's feet. The trainer's face contorted with genuine worry, and he trembled with anger.
Cross watched intently. Blake was muttering like a professional commentator. "And Scyther used X-Scissor! This could be the end for our freshmen classmate, what do you think, Daniella?"

"Blake, shut up, I'm watching the battle." Cross shoved him.

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Stone called scyther back, allowing Sneasel a chance to get up. Stone was already preparing his next few moves. Toxic would be used, and depending on whether he dodged or not, it would be another x-scissor or a steel wing. Either super effective technique should end the battle, unless Sneasel got a good hit off, or managed to slow scyther down.
How can people do this without remorse? Revic thought, furiously. He wanted to shout at Stone, but reasoned that would achieve nothing. Therefore there was only one logical course of action for the youngster; revenge. Sneasel climbed to its feet, visibly pained but still standing.

"Sneasel, prepare for a close attack!" Sneasel cried out enthusiastically, and began to dash directly towards Scyther, as if he were about to make a physical attack. However, Sneasel ran past Scyther and, as it turned, Revic yelled: "Ice shard, now!" Suddenly, crystals of ice appeared in Sneasel's arms, crystals that he threw at the surprised Scyther, leaping up and landing, concentrated and alert. Revic felt the rush of a successful attack; that had shown him!
"Scyther, use steel wing to deflect it." Scythers four back wings turns a metallic gray and he turned, letting the ice shards bounce semi-harmlessly off of him. A few of the shards managed to get past the wings, and Scyther stumbled slightly.

"Scyther, use toxic." A stream of poisonous purple liquid spray out of Scyther's mouth, leaving puddles all over the battle field aiming towards Sneasel.
Surota was feeling uncomfortable about the situation, because Sneasel was probably not going to win and Stone was being to harsh. Renegade, Surota's Deino wanted to chip in because he knew Fire Fang, which was super effective against Stone's Scyther. "Renegade, I know you want to because Sneasel is suffering, and I want to help too, but we can't because I could get into more trouble"

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Revic gritted his teeth. He's not even trying; he could finish us off much faster without a status move. "Use a quick faint attack!" Sneasel understood and turned invisible for a moment, using this to dodge the attack, toxic puddles splashing aroud where he had been mere moments before. Sneasel reappeared to slash at Scyther's face, finishing the attack with an acrobatic leap over the mantis' head.
Davis watched. He didn't like that he had to stay after. He never had to stay after last year. He wondered. "Maybe I could..." He shook his head. He was a teacher and he wouldn't. For all davis knew he could bite the heads off of vulpix's in the morning. He didn't seem to care. Davis walked out of the class. It wasn't respectful, but davis had never had to deal with someone like that, and he didn't really care. He kept walking, Cynda followed him. "Cynda, I can't deal with this, or him. It's not in my nature to deal with authority
Scyther took the dark type attack in stride. Stone watched Davis walk out without permission. He needed to end this and then make a point.

"Scyther, end this. X-Scissor." Scyther turned struck at Sneasel with its two scythes. Stone didn't even watch to see if it hit, he turned and started walking towards the door.

"Everyone, lets go, field trip." He walked out the door and after Davis, grabbing him by the back of the collar. "Field trip." He said menacingly.
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Victor rolled his eyes. Stone was always into his open displays. If the kid wanted to throw his parents' well earned money away, he said let him. With a shrug, Vic stood and motioned Ali to follow him as he made his way outside to see what "Field Trip" Prof. Stone had miraculously planned for them today.
Davis felt the tug at his collar. But he fought back. Eventually he pulled his shoulder forward with everything, breaking the grip. "NO, I am angry and I don't want to deal with you....Do you want a battle right now. You fought a freshman, anyone can bet them. But I am stronger then any of them, Do you remember who won the underclassmen tournament? It was me, so if you want a true challenge then I challenge you to a battle." He was angry, and it could be heard in his voice.
Stone didn't feel like putting up with this.

"I was fighting a freshman for a reason. They have class before you do. I was battling one of them as a lesson, but it seems that means little to you."

Stone pulled out a pokeball and let out Kangaskhan.

"Kangaskhan, carry him. If he tries to get away, carry him in your pouch." The motherly pokemon picked the boy up over her shoulder and started walking beside Stone.

"Now, Davis, we're going on a field trip. If you'd still like to battle after that, I'd be happy to ablige. But I won't be using Scyther, he was simply a pokemon I have for the freshmen. You'll be facing my full team."
Cynda jumped onto davis's shoulder. She was trying to calm him down. "NO NO NO N..." Cynda put her hand on his face. "I...I.. I understand." He sighed. "Fine, but why don't we also show the freshman the battleroom." He looked at his professor with a cunning look. "And you will have to take on my team as well."
Stone looked at Davis.

"You think that just because you beat some of your peers last year that you're anywhere near my level. Diantha is on my level. Alder is on my level. You are not. If you want to battle, fine. But after."

Stone walked off campus with Kangaskhan and Davis, assuming his students were following. They climped up a small hill as far to a cliff.

"Now, you have two option. Jump or be thrown. There's deep water at the bottom, don't worry. If you say anything other than jump, you will be immediately thrown. If you say jump and you do not jump as soon as Kangaskhan let you down, you will be thrown even further. Really, I suggest jumping out as far as you can. If you get thrown, you're going to have a long swim back."
Davis climbed out of the pouch. He knew what the professor is doing. "I might not be at your level, But I am not afraid." He walked over to the edge, turned around, so he was facing everyone else. "I'ma do a backflip." He started to lean back, moving further and further. "YOLO." Flipping them the bird. He screamed out as he began to fall.
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Stone's hand whipped out and grabbed his collar, lifting him up and tossing him out into the open water. He put Kangaskhan back in her pokeball and walked back down the hill.

"Back to class everyone, Davis will join us when he's dry."

Stone strode back with almost a bit of pep in his step.
Before davis hit the water, He grabbed his pokeball and let out dratini. "Dratini it is time for us to get back to the school." Dratini landed in the water first. Davis followed. He got on Dratini's back and they began there way back to the school. It was going to be a nice long trip. He watched for other people to follow but they didn't "That mother....." They left and made there way towards shore. Shouting could be heard.

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