Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP [Inactive]

"That's great I'll be happy to give some and its great meeting your pokemon, my only one is Pandora but I wouldn't change that for any other pokemon in the world" he patted misdreavus on the head she giggled then floated over the pokemon to get a birds eye view. " I don't actually don't have a roommate so Pandora and I have a room to are self" he neatly packed the sandwiches into the airtight container then pulled out a thermos and two cups and filled both cups then gave it to the trainer. "Its hot chocolate"


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Hibiki take the hot chocolate and take a sip, he feel the tasty warm chocolate flowing in his mouth, "it's so good, i love it". He look at his poketch and noticed it's been a long conversation and he must go to start training his pokemon, he pointed the two pokeball and a red laser beam shot out from it to Tiny and Mienfoo. "sorry i got to go, by the way if you don't have a room mate why you not change room with me? i can talk to the staff later to ask the permission" as he give the cup back to Henry.

Revic had ignored the knocks on the door, not through purposely being rude or trying to ignore, but because he was laid on the bed, pillow clasped over his head. He heard them vaguely, but his deep thoughts stopped him from taking action. They're all the same. All of them. No care for anything. He shook his head. The sooner I can get out of this hell, the better. Snapping back into reality, he became aware of the knocking that had happened moments ago. Weakly, he got to his feet and opened the door a fraction.
Mari clapped her hands in excitement "that would be so amazing, maybe we could go onto the planning committee for that, we have to do sometimes in our spare time" she laughed a little and smiled as they were finally at the counter to order some food.
Victoria's alarm clock went off for the seventh time.

"crap, its already 10 o'clock? I have to move fast. I don't want to be late for classes. this time, I'm gonna be early."

she showered and dressed into her nicer clothes. a blue polo shirt, tan slacks, and clean tennis shoes.

she tied her hair into a simple bun to keep it out of the way, and grabbed Clay out of the nightstand drawer. he floated lazily above the ground, only half awake. "I almost forgot," she grabbed some snacks out of her bag, and handed clay a plain poffin and some Pokemon chow.

"its breakfast time, Clay." he didn't eat. "Clay, we don't have time for this today." she took out a Chesto berry and gave it to the baltoy. he ate it happily, now awake.

Victoria's mouth was half full with high energy trail-mix when she remembered she had to call her mom. she dialed her mothers number into her X-transceiver.

her mother picked up almost immediately.

"hello? Victoria?"

"here I am mom, on tekite island at prism university."

"oh, hi honey, how's school?" the woman on the other side smiled.

"school is good, I'm fine, Clay is being a temperamental piece of work this morning, and I have classes soon. how's the family?" Victoria asked.

"good, max is in unova, and mark is in hoenn with sherry and Sarah. 'kiss, kiss' and togekiss says hello."

"hey togekiss!" Victoria waved to the bird.

"ah, the soup is boiling over! nice talking to you sweetie, gotta go, love you!" her mother ran to the kitchen.

"transmission ended." the screen stated.

Victoria grabbed her backpack, Clay, and wallet, then headed towards the zircon building.
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Abby ordered her food as well as some for her pokemon. The servers were quick with the food since everything was already cooked and the two girls had their food with in a few minutes. Abby started back to the dorms wanting to just relax for the rest of the day before the chaos of the next morning started. "Pfft what free time?" she chuckled. "I'm probably going to spend all my free time training this year. I managed to get by last year but I really want to improve... and with three pokemon its not going to be easy." She sighed. "Selene and Pix are good at paying attention but hex is a whole 'nother challenge. Can barely get him to sit still enough to focus. I swear if he were a child I could hear him complaining about how boring training was" Abby chuckled softly

"That's perfect I'll move my bags immediately" henry grabbed the two empty cups and placed them into his bag then called his misdeavus "we need to get our bags Pandora come on" and with that the strange pair was gone. He wold have to hurry so he wasn't late for his class.

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Hibiki took a walk at the forest looking for some wild pokemon, he want to train Picky so he could evolve. As he walking a wild wurmple is appear now it's time for a battle, "Picky are you ready? i hope you not forget how to fight!" Picky noded to his trainer and walk up to the front of the wurmple. "Focus your energy Picky, we gonna beat him with one shot!" Picky is focusing his energy through his mind and muscle but the wurmple attacking him first by using poison sting, luckily Picky doesn't poisoned by that attack Hibiki afraid he must escape if his pokemon poisoned. "are you done Picky? now attack him with Lock Kick! Make sure you make him fainted with one shot!" Picky rushed to the wurmple and using the move, but it not very efective because wurmple is a bug pokemon and Lock Kick is a fighting move. "darn it! one more time Picky! use pound so you will get him now!" before the wurmple can react Picky pound him so hard and make him fainted, he win the battle but suffer some wound. "you did a good work time for rest now" Hibiki take his pokeball and point it to Picky a red beam came out from it and store Picky to the pokeball. "i guess i need to train more" he said as he walk at the forest looking for some more wild pokemon.
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Victoria decided that training would be the best use of her time before classes began, so she and clay could make a good impression on the professors. she found and empty battle spot on field B and set clay down in the center of the field, and pulled out a plush jigglypuff.

"OK clay, lets take a look at your moves. demonstrate confusion on the plushie." Clay glowed red, then sent a ball of energy towards the plush.

the plush was enveloped in energy and now floated. clay released the plush after 5 seconds, and stopped glowing.

"good job clay! now, how about rapid spin? I'm going to throw these disks and you're going to send them back." baltoy spun like a top, and deflected the disks Victoria threw at him. they didn't go back to her, but Clay tried. "and your last move is..." Victoria read clay's id tag and wasn't very happy about it. "mudslap. really, clay? I thought we went over this. throwing mud isn't going to help in a Pokemon contest. who taught you that move?" "baltoy..." there was irritation in his voice. "oh. that's right, I did. to be fair, I thought I was going to be a topaz student, then changed my mind last minute. whatever. lets go to the library to teach you new moves."


in one portion of the library, there were shelves upon shelves of TMs. Victoria looked at them all, thinking of what new moves clay would do best with. Victoria went through all the disks until 2 particularly caught her eye. "shadow ball and ice beam, hm?" Victoria could imagine the possibilities. "OK clay, here we go." Victoria inserted the TMs into the TM case, and let it work. she was almost happy with his new move set, but not quite. she then pulled a disk for "double team" off of the shelf, and put it into the TM case, once again letting it work. she was now satisfied with clay's moves. Victoria took clay to train again, while she waited for something to happen.
A flame haired boy walked through the plaza, Axew perched carefully on his head. He carried a duffel bag with his things. His backpack is perched precariously on the back of his Rhyhorn, who had been insistent that he carry something. The large ground-type smiled happily, his head swaying. "Careful, Crash. If you lose that, you can't pick it up again." The boy warned, and the Rhyhorn immediately walked straight again. "If only Lance could be out now. Of course, he can't walk very well since he entered his awkward pupal stage. I can't wait till he evolves... I still don't know what he'll look like." Axew on his head cried out, probably agreeing, who knew. "Yeah, I'm sure your curious too." He saw the line for food and blinked. ".... Nope. Turn around, Crash." The Rhyhorn changed direction again. "'Kay, where am I going...?"

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This far Hibiki allready beat one Bidoof with Tiny and one Cranidos with Mienfoo, but now they are tired because of the fighting so he choose to end the training here and heal the pokemon first. Walking to the Student Service building he can see many people came in and out, maybe they doing training too? He get in and sit at the bench waiting the other student healing their pokemon, "maybe next time i should buy some potion" he think.
"All right i'm gonna take a shower." Mack entered the bathroom, then he grabbed a soap and a bottle of shampoo from the sink cabinet, which was open all this time when he checked his room, he placed it in the shower, then he went back closed the door and locked it. He undressed himself, got into the shower, opened it and begun taking his shower.

@Falling In Hate

Henry had grabbed all his bags and shut his door with is misdreavus behind him. The eastern rooms looked as impressive as the ones he was originally staying in one thing he forgot to tell Hibiki was that he didn't have a key to that room so he was locked out of what would be his own room. "This sucks" he murmured to himself then he had misdreavus attempt to unlock it from the other side of course, he dropped off his luggage then relocked the door afterward. "I need something to waste my energy on" he thought for a couple seconds "oh we could train for battling if we want future teammates" misdreavus was totally on board. The main gym wasn't too far away it was filled with many trainers most probably from Topaz he would do some quick training before he had to rush to class. "Pandora use shadow rush!" misdreavus had dark shadows rush tords the target smashing it to bits. he had gained to much attention for now he was being stared at "I......Im sorry!" he was pink with embarrassment.
Gold woke up late, he rushed and threw on a collared T-shirt along with some cargo shorts and ran off outside. "Oh crap! I overslept I need to get to school!" He said while he fought with his collar. Finally he met up with some other fellow classmates. "Hey... Has classes already... Started?" He said out of breath. @KeyHolder
Shura11 updated Prism University ~ A Pokemon Academy RP with a new update entry:

First day of class

Arrival and orientation went off with out any issues. Students found their dorm and their dorm mates the first of many friends that awaited them during the year.

The Dining Hall opened at 6 a.m. sharp allowing students to grab their breakfast to start their day. Veteran students and even some freshmen were pumped and ready to face the first day of classes. The first challenge being not to be late to class.

(The port of Prism University is now closed, no more students will be accepted. Also there are no uniforms in this university. its like any colledge where you wear what you want. just be mindful of your major. And the fact that you are all training along side your pokemon)

Read the rest of this update entry...
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That afternoon, Mack finished taking his shower, and went to bed very early. He set his watch alarm to 6:00 a.m. since he thought it was logical he had to get up at that time. Like at his normal school. He had a big problem sleeping. The simple fact that in the other room, there was a Sneasel. "What if it comes here and attacks us... attacks Marek." Mack thought to himself. It was just constant; he'd fall asleep, he'd wake up 30 minutes later, he'd fall asleep, he'd wake up 30 minutes later. Mack begun to even ask himself if he will ever sleep normally again.

Nonetheless, the next day arrived. Mack woke up at 5:00 a.m. One hour before the day actually started. He decided he wasn't gonna try to sleep the 1 hour that was left. He was sleeping with his jeans and watch on, on the bed by the window. Nothing else. All of his clothes where nicely placed on the desk in front of his bed. Mack always slept with his watch on. Next to him, on the other side, was Hal. He was still sleeping. There where no pokemon's in the room except Marek, who was sleeping under the desk in front of Hal's bed. There was a complete silence in the room. Mack could hear Hal and Marek breath. Mack seated himself on his bed, and looked out the window. A lot of thought's just speeded through Mack's mind. He thought of all the bad things, good things, normal things, scary things and so on forth that could happen.

Mack got out of his bed. He stretched himself and threw a few punches into the air. He walked a few steps till' he stood in front of his desk, where his clothes where placed. From top to bottom, was his tan jacket, and then his long sleeve, plain black undershirt. On the chair, there was his backpack. Mack sighted when he sled his shirt from under his jacket, and took a sniff at it. It had a scent of sweat. "I need more clothes..." The boy exclaimed. Mack putted his shirt on, then opened his backpack and took out his bottle of perfume. He sprayed a lot of perfume on his sweat-scented shirt. "I hope that does the trick." He added. He placed the bottle on top of the table. He took his jacket and putted it on as well.

He remembered he had a pair of green short pants. He wanted to put them on as he thought it would make him more comfortable, and so he did. He took of his blue jeans and threw it on the table, then he grabbed and pulled out the short's and putted them on. Now he only had to put his boots on. He went over to his boots, that where under his desk, he took them in his left hand, and then pulled out a pair of socks with his right hand. He walked back and sat down in his bed. He placed the boots on the floor, and then putted his white socks on, then he took his boots and begun with the left one; he slid them on, then the other one, and tied them both up. He stood up.

He walked over his desk again. He emptied his backpack which only had the other pair's of underwear, socks and jeans, leaving Marek's pokeball. He opened his bottom desk drawer on the right, which was the biggest, and stashed them all in there, including his previously used jean's from yesterday. He closed the drawer. Mack took a deep breath, he stretched again, and then he closed his backpack, and putted it on. He walked over Hal's desk where Marek was below sleeping. Mack picked him up gently it did not wake him up, then he opened his room door to the small common, then headed to the front door, opened it and then closed it.

The hallway was dark, no lights on, but he could still see. He took the elevator down, and then went outside. He looked at his watch, it read 5:10. There was still 50 minutes to go. He inhaled the morning breeze, it pleased him. Then he decided to go to the port, which he did. When he got there, he located a bench and sat on it. He looked at his watch and turned off the alarm for 6:00 a.m. since he already got up, and not to mention a lot earlier. Then he decided to wait for 6:00 a.m. for his new day to start.

He sat there... petting the sleeping Whismur that was Marek, staring the sea.

It was a lovely sight... the sun coming up in the horizon, changing the sea from blue to sparkling gold.

"Simple pleasures of life." Said Mack...
~Timeskip to Next Morning~

After getting his student ID, Lux and Cyrus had some lunch. They waited in line a long time, but were able to eat everything they wanted. The food was inexpensive, and great too. This made Luxian especially happy, knowing that money wouldn't be a problem in the academy. After the lunch the two went off and explored more of the student areas. They challenged another Topaz freshman in the specified battle area, and won their first match with ease. A couple students were watching the fight, and it was clear that the duo had some great chemistry. Naturally they still had a lot to work on. After the quick battle, Lux went to the Pokemon Center with Cyrus and got the Cyndaquil to full strength. They returned to their dorm after, and noticed that someone had been in the living room before they left. Shrugging it off, they went to their room, after washing up. They never saw their roommate.


A loud beep echoed through Lux's room. It caused him to turn his alarm clock off immediately , and his partner to headbutt him in the chin. "I'm awake!" Luxian said with a surprise. He looked at his partner, who'd reacted to the alarm clock with a shock. "Yeah, I hate the thing too but hey, the early Pidgey gets the Caterpie, right?" Unable to understand the analogy, the Cyndaquil tilted its head, and his partner sighed. The blonde got up, took a shower, and changed fast so he could beat the breakfast line. "5:05...Cmon Cyrus!" After grabbing his bag and all of his other tools, he down the hall and into the elevator, glad that no one was awake yet. When the elevator reopened after going down to the first floor, the boy was glad to see no one in the lobby either. Things were going good for Luxian's wake up plan. He walked outside with a grin on his face, with Cyrus close behind. Looking at his watch, he saw the time. "5:10? Aw jeez..." The boy pouted as he felt that he rushed for nothing. He remembered hearing an announcement about breakfast being served at 6:00, but it was nowhere near that time.

Sighing, the boy walked to an the benches closest to the Dining Hall and waited. He was too excited for this day, and he just couldn't wait. He looked at his partner, smiling. "You ready boy? We showed those two yesterday, didn't we?" The Cyndaquil let out a happy squeal, and they gave each other a fist bump.
Stone had been up since almost three o'clock that morning, working out, working his team, etc. He was getting ready for the first day. He had been scanning his roster, waiting for his Freshman class, which he had before the sophomores, to show up. For the freshmen he had taken out one of his less powerful pokemon, but one of his favorite recent captures.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.13b35dad1fb6f9af8a375414496dba7a.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.13b35dad1fb6f9af8a375414496dba7a.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Species: Scyther

Level: 17

Ability: Technician

Nature: Hasty


  • Toxic
  • X-scissor
  • Aerial Ace
  • Steel Wing

He couldn't wait to ruin the students' day. Show them that even a fragile pokemon that had numerous weaknesses could win. Show them not to underestimate even the weakest of pokemon. He would fight them with a magikarp, but none were on hand.



  • image.jpg
    5.9 KB · Views: 25
Cross immediately threw on her normal garb and gathered her things for class. Zero jumped up onto her shoulder as she walked out, the others safely in Pokeballs. "You excited?" She asked him.

"Pika!" He replied.

"Thought so, lets go!"

* * * * * *

Blake headed off to class with Axew. Regal looked excited to be out and about, finally. They had been training all vacation, and she eager to flex her muscles. "We're gonna kick tail." Blake said, holding up a hand, which Axew promptly headbutted.

"Let's go."

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That morning Henry woke up in a daze then remembered what today is he rushed into the shower then applied tooth paste to his teeth as he put on his outfit changing to a more dark purple scarf with red patters to symbolize his misdreavus. He then grabbed misdreavus pokeball not that he uses it"come on misdreavus were not going to be late this time" as he headed to his first of many classes he attempted to say that its morning to Hibiki then unlocked opened then locked the door. "lets go!" as he ran to the Zircon building.
Revic, after taking a quick chat with an apologetic Hal, had reclined to his room, staring blankly out of his bedroom's tiny window at the campus. His mind was a void of negative emotion. Sneasel had toyed with the possibility of leaving the room and talking to the other pokemon, but memories of the other boy's outrage made him pause and stare sadly at the wood. Revic watched another youngster battling in the field nearby the buildings. Sneasel appeared at his side, and he smiled, resting an arm on his friend's shoulder.

That night, it took Revic a little while to get to sleep; his mind was active with regrets and paradoxs. Thankfully, the bed was confortable and he did eventually drift off. And, like every night, his sleeping was tormented by vivid nightmares.


That morning, Revic trudged up to the dining hall much later than most other students. He recieved a small breakfast and began a tentaive nibble alone on a far table.
Hibiki turned to Gold and say "no, class is starting tomorrow, actualy you are not that late" then smiled. A cheerful voice calling his name from the clinic desk, "oh it's my turn now, sorry but i got to go and heal my pokemon" Hibiki walked leaving Gold that still trying to catch his breath. In front of the desk he meet with nurse joy that in charge of healing pokemon, she take all the pokeball then place it into some kind of a machine he can't understand, just a few minute and it's done "everytime i see pokemon being treated just like making a popcorn (LOL)" he think. He want to train more after his pokemon healed but this allready late so Hibiki decide to go to his dorm and take a sleep. He use the I.D card and opened the door and see Henry is allready here on the bed sleeping like a log, "what? he allready here? how did he get in here without changing the room asignment first" Hibiki paused for a second "well i just do that tomorrow, i just need some rest for now". Hibiki take off his jacket and throw it to his desk, then jump to the bed and sleep.

Hibiki woken up by Henry he ask him to open the door using the I.D card, does he even dont have one yet ? but now is time to go to the class, he walked to bathroom and wash his face then put toothpaste on his toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. Hibiki open his drawer and grab some of his jacket (actualy the same one he using yesterday, he has many of them) then wearing it, he also not forget to bring his pokeball. Hibiki steped outside and close the door before he go to the class.

Gold stopped and thought "wow i am such an idiot!" He caught his breath and let Eevee out of her pokeball and fed her and pidgey some of the poke food he bought the other day. After that he went back to his room and went to bed.


Gold wakes up and puts on a nice and clean suit. He ties his tie and heads out the door so he can at least get to class on time. He puts pidgey in his pokeball because you can't have pokemon out in the academy. "Just for a little while ok fella?" He takes a deep breath and enters the doors to the academy.
When Cross walked into class, she looked around, then held up an arm, Zero climbed up her forearm and looks around, on his hind paws. "Who do ya see, Zero?"

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Hal woke up to an empty dorm room, which was odd to him, since Combo always slept next to him. "Combo? You there, bud?" A coupld shuffles of feet and Combo was at the door. "Busken?" "Just trying to figure out where you were." He gets out of bed and takes a quick shower. Walking back into his room, Hal rummagaes around for something to wear. Once he gets dressed, he heads to the dining hall where he sees Revic and his Sneasel. He gets his food and sits down next to him without saying a word.


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