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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]"no , it's not ok those people. your family they were under my protection"

"It's too late now. Besides you were probably a kid when that happened"
"I don't know.... Anways where are we headed?" He asked with a bit of wonder since he was curious. He knew how some royals were though just saying they wanted to be friends before turning their backs and stating you were below them. It was the reason he had once left a castle from their knights position.

"I don't really mind. Do you have any recommendations, seeing as you seem familiar with this place?" She replied, looking around the garden, with childish joy visible in her face. The castle itself seemed resplendent, but she knew that looks could be deceiving. When she was around six her country went through a recession, and her home became shabby, but her parents always managed to hide it when people came over.

Clair sighed in defeat "your right i would have been fifteen at the time and in the knighthood"
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair sighed in defeat "your right i would have been fifteen at the time and in the knighthood"

"So no need to worry ok?" he smiles
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clare forced a smile onto her face "yeh , ok"

"Now lets have fun ok?" he starts to dance has the music starts to get faster
[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]"yeh ok" Clair smiled matching his pace.

he smiles "What about your life? How is it?"
Looking around, she finally found a door that seemed to lead to the outside. The cold fresh air hits her like a wave. She just starts humming a song. She read it in a book but never really heard what it really sounds like so she came up with a tune herself. "I've been sitting here staring at the clock on the wall, sitting here prayin, prayin you'd come home , it's just another call from home and you get it and be gone and I'll be be crying. What do I have to do make you see." She sings softly to herself. She never really sang around everyone she just did to herself. She continues walking around loving that for once no one was around yet it got lonely sometimes. "Why don't you stay I'm down on my knees, I'm so tired of being lonely." She continues softly, no one would really be able hear unless they were trying hard to listen. She was tempted to go back to the stables but she really doesn't want to be dragged back to the castle by a guard.

Emily came inside cold and wet but she changed her clothes in the couner. Okay that's better but i need to show you something first i know i don't know you show well. The dance well i just got here Emily said. Her clothes:
He looked at the girl with a smile. He was trying to think of somewhere to go though to where they should was not something he could think of at the moment. "Well I could tour you around the castle itself if you'd like me to" He said with a shrug as he had pretty much just that idea. There wasn't really another idea that he had at the moment and wasn't a bit knowledgeable of where she might want to go to next.

Clair looked up at the man "well my early life consisted of me playing chess and reading books , by the age of seven i beat both my father and his strategic adviser at the game multiple times. It was fun and i really enjoyed it. At the age of nine my father enrolled me in the knights school , i learned many thing during my time there and i rose through the ranks quickly. I fought on the front lines and spilled my share of blood and well thing progressed from there i guess."
Kittycat said:
Emily came inside cold and wet but she changed her clothes in the couner. Okay that's better but i need to show you something first i know i don't know you show well. The dance well i just got here Emily said. Her clothes:
Ldybug123 said:
Charlie moved around in his sleep a little. He was having a nightmare. @Ballerina
"What do you need to show me?" Kelsea asked, sitting next to the boy and stroking his hair.
"Sure, that would be really helpful! Are you sure the family will be ok with it though? I don't want to get you in trouble." Despite acting like a child when she was comfortable around someone, Ariadne knew that if the family disapproved, it wouldn't be her that was told off, and she didn't want to do that to her new friend. She hated causing problems for others, so she preferred to check that something would be alright before doing it.

[QUOTE="Mr Swiftshots]Clair looked up at the man "well my early life consisted of me playing chess and reading books , by the age of seven i beat both my father and his strategic adviser at the game multiple times. It was fun and i really enjoyed it. At the age of nine my father enrolled me in the knights school , i learned many thing during my time there and i rose through the ranks quickly. I fought on the front lines and spilled my share of blood and well thing progressed from there i guess."

"Seems... like an adventure"
FictionalReality said:
"Sure, that would be really helpful! Are you sure the family will be ok with it though? I don't want to get you in trouble." Despite acting like a child when she was comfortable around someone, Ariadne knew that if the family disapproved, it wouldn't be her that was told off, and she didn't want to do that to her new friend. She hated causing problems for others, so she preferred to check that something would be alright before doing it.
"We have a visitor..." She told him, pointing to the girl. Hopefully she didn't scare the poor girl, she knew most people would be intimidated by a full armored knight pointing at them.
She opened up her a suitcase a bunny came out and a few butterflies and two squirrels a cat and a baby kitten. They all hid behind her but the butterflies. Emily looked at both of them shyly you won't tell will you Emily asked. I was going to let the them free in the garden but I ended up here and Yes, the king and queen told me I could. I wrote a letter before all of this. They told me I could at the end of the dance letter. I- she sneezed.
FictionalReality said:
"Sure, that would be really helpful! Are you sure the family will be ok with it though? I don't want to get you in trouble." Despite acting like a child when she was comfortable around someone, Ariadne knew that if the family disapproved, it wouldn't be her that was told off, and she didn't want to do that to her new friend. She hated causing problems for others, so she preferred to check that something would be alright before doing it.
"They'd be fine with it.... besides I don't think they'd care far too much about it." He said happily, though he did know they wouldn't be angry he didn't know what they'd find. "Don't worry too much about it since we can probably get away with walking around.... besides if they call us down i'll just say we were looking for a person or something." He said with a little calm shrug.

Kittycat said:
She opened up her a suitcase a bunny came out and a few butterflies and two squirrels a cat and a baby kitten. They all hid behind her but the butterflies. Emily looked at both of them shyly you won't tell will you Emily asked. I was going to let the them free in the garden but I ended up here and Yes, the king and queen told me I could. I wrote a letter before all of this. They told me I could at the end of the dance letter. I- she sneezed.
Kelsea grinned. "Not too sure if the garden is the best habitat for these guys...but ok." She said. "It's fine, as long as the king gave you permission, may I see the letter?"
"well i wan't to meet you and your sisters tomorrow it's about something.... anyway good night." Frost kissed her on the forehead and jumped off the ledge.

(sorry i am gona be with out wifi for about 8 to 9 hours so sorry :( )

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