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Fantasy Princesses and Princes?! (Alway accepting!)

Ldybug123 said:
(Haha xD ) "Yeah...but it's better than having water coming through your roof whenever it rains..." Charlie said quietly to Kelsea. @Ballerina
Kelsea raised an eyebrow underneath her helmut. " That's true..."
Amadeus opened the door very quietly. He knew he was running really late so he had to run to the place. He was heaving. "I wish I got the letter sooner. Don't know why I didn't though" he thought.

"Or, you were simply just too timid to see who was waiting outside for yo-"

"Quiet down, will ya?" he thought, conversing with his other form. As he entered, he went straight for the nearest seat in a table. There was no other people in sight and thought it would be fine to talk to himself. "Anyway, what do you think of my suit?" "Umm, I barely got to see you in the mirror. I think you look fine though.". Amadeus was wearing a rather fancy suit for the evening, recommended by his mother; it was like a tuxedo. Armafell thought he looked funny honestly but he wasn't telling.

"I wonder what we can do while waiting?"
Noticing some activity in the ball room he turns back to the princess "uh you want to dance?"He asks her smiling trying to lighten up the mood.

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"It's no problem, my hair will always find a way to get messy." She smiled slightly at his formality, giving a little curtsey in return. She straightened up again after a few moments, smoothing her dress out slightly and running her fingers through her hair to make herself at least slightly presentable. "Would you like to come for a walk with me?"

I just got here and i'm soaking wet Emily said outside stables. She was cold and wet. Great, i'm cold and wet and i mint have frost bite Emily thought. Just then she sneezed. It sounded like a cute kitten.
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Ldybug123 said:
"I dunno..." Charlie said quietly to Kelsea. @Ballerina
Kittycat said:
I just got here and i'm soaking wet Emily said outside stables. She was cold and wet. Great, i'm cold and wet and i mint have frost bite Emily thought. Just then she sneezed. It sounded like a cute kitten.
"Looks like we have a guest..." She told the boy, chuckling.

Walking around the castle was interesting.She did find her way down to the lower parts of the castle eventually trying her best not to get lost. She saw some guards from time to time but they just stood there silent. She had never really been in these parts of the castle before and they look a lot more...common. Things weren't as fancy and it was a nice change actually. She just saw some windows, some doors but didn't dare go through them or near them. She was assuming this was were Ollcios was talking about when he said he worked in the lower parts of the castle. She thinks this is where he was talking about. She actually had a good time talking to him and it would be nice to have someone that wasn't royalty as a friend. She just thought about that but she was trying to make her way back to the parts she knew but she had to say, she was lost in her own castle.

@anyone willing to help that won't get her in trouble​
He smiled at her too not quite sure if he remembered exactly what he was supposed to be doing. Though he wasn't sure if he had anything to do or anyone to talk to. He knew he was going to talk to princess Elizabeth later though since he had said he would but for now he could probably hang out with Her. "Sure.... I don't believe I have anything better to do" He said with a gentle smile as he looked to the girl.

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She smiled gratefully at him, pulling her sleeves down so that they hid all but the tips of her fingers. She anticipated that is would likely be cold outside, but the hall was uncomfortably warm as there were so many people crammed inside. She looked over towards the doors for a second, then back at him. "Let us go then!" She exclaimed, before flushing with embarrassment when she realised, through annoyed looks from others, how loud she had said it.

"As you wish M'lady" He said before noticing how she looked a bit different. "Are you alright?" He asked not sure as to whether she had fallen ill or was embarrassed. He was ready to follow after the woman though that was he could both ensure her safety and do as he had said he would do to begin with.

"I'm fine, I just said that slightly too loud..." She trailed off at the end of her sentence, and took a deep breath, before going back to her happy self. "You don't have to be so formal!" She giggled slightly, before heading towards the doors, attempting to keep pace with him. "What do you do in your spare time?"

"I see. As for what I do though.... I train quite a bit" He said with a smile to her as they continued to walk in there way together. He walked at the same speed as she did that way they could still walk together rather then separating on accident. "Mainly though, I trade swordsmanship and ride a horse to become better at it... though it doesn't always work the best" He said smiling still to her.


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