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Princess Knight

Matthieu stormed in from the driving winds, a cloak of fur whipping around him, keeping the wind from penetrating the modest tunic he wore beneath it. He had been out hunting when a messenger had caught up with him. Evidently the boy had misunderstood the recipient of the message was to be his father. The scrap of parchment read, "Matthieu's bride hath arrived with dowry in tow, may our lands prosper." He had immediately turned his horse and ride full tilt back to the castle town. He was to leave for war come the spring, he couldn't waste time being married, there was no time to waste. As he entered the great hall of the hunt he grabbed a porter of spiced wine from above the fire, letting the warmth seep back into his limbs before slamming the cup down and addressing his father.

King Francis was not as imposing as he once was. The black hair now thinned and grayed, eyes now set in deep, wise sockets. He was eating a plate of fish, taking his time picking the meat from the bones with his teeth. Matthieu crossed in front of the king's table and looked his father in the eye. "What is the meaning of this Father? A bride? Is this your idea of a jest?" He waved the parchment in front of his face. King Francis let out a sigh and steepled his fingers. "Matthieu, my son, you are my only son. Your hunger for war is admirable, it is justified and needed. But I will not allow my Kingdom to be left without an heir so that you may die on some foreign sword! This marriage will draw an alliance with Brittany, and you will stay here until you produce an heir of worthy age! Then you may go to war!" He had stood up in his excitement, his old form shaking at his son's indignance. He returned to his grand chair, and turned his focus back to his fish. "Now leave, go meet your bride, before your foolishness ruins my digestion."

Matthieu left, thoroughly chastised, licking his wounds. He didn't even bother taking off his hunting equipment before going up to the tower where they kept room for guests. He would see just how this Princess thinks of her barbaric new husband.
“How dare you three take his side!” AnnaMaria screamed at her brothers, whose faces showed no sign of interest. Since AnnaMaria had received the letter from her father last week she had done nothing but act bitter towards everyone. “I’m not marriage material, look at me I’m wearing a pants.” AnnaMaria paced back and forth, her boots stomping loudly. Her black hair was in a messy braid and her clothes were stained with mud from the hunt she went on before being dragged to the castle. “The kingdom will think I’m a joke. No, I take that back I am a joke. I’m a Knight not a Princess. I mean I haven’t worn a dress since mother’s funeral. Oh no.” AnnaMaria turned to her brothers her face full of panic. “I have to wear a dress for my wedding. ” AnnaMaria breathing became more rapid with panic.

“Dearest sister you look like a madwoman. Sit down and stop rambling.” Joshua, her eldest brother and the voice of reason, walked over to AnnaMaria and lead her to a chair. “Father didn’t do this out of spit. Your whole life he gave you everything you needed in order to be a knight like you wanted.” Zachary poured AnnaMaria a cup of wine and passed it down to her. AnnaMaria quickly drank the cup. She ignored the burning sensation in the back of throat and closed her eyes counting backwards from twenty to calm down. “Exactly and now he must ask you to fulfill your duties of being a Princess. AnnaMaria, this is for the greater good of the Kingdom. We need to unite our Kingdoms in order to make a stronger one. You say you’re a Knight, then respect the orders of your King and serve him proudly.”

AnnaMaria sighed, “Perhaps I could give this Prince a chance. I mean from what I’ve heard he seems quiet interesting. However, if he lays a hand on me without my permission I’ll chop it off.”
As Matthieu mounted the stairs, he smiled to himself. He had a plan, a brilliant plan, he'd get rid of the princess. He wouldn't kill her, that wouldn't get him anything. He would make her so utterly disgusted with him as a person that she'd run back to her own cushy tower in Brittany, and he would have the leave to go to war come spring. As Matthieu rounded a landing he stopped to look at his face on the polished chest of a suit of armor. His long hair was pulled back in a knot, as to not catch on anything while hunting, his face was flushed from the wind and wine, he was wearing the fur cloak, a pale blue tunic fastened by a thick leather belt, a pair of red trousers, and knee high hunting boots. His saber and bow were strapped across his back, making him look quite warlike. He did not wear any jewels, nor was his complextion soft and white, he looked like a bandit, or a barbarian. She wouldn't last the winter being married to him of all people.

At the top of the staircase he stopped, debating over whether or not he should burst in unannounced and possibly frighten the girl, or if he should knock, and savor the anticipation. Furthering his plan would have called for barging in, but he recalled the misplaced missive, she had just arrived, with a dowry. A dowry meant servants, and servants meant bodyguards, bodyguards who wouldn't take kindly to a barbarian bursting in through the door. He rapped thrice with his knuckles on the door before calling through the door. "I am Matthieu de Arturia, I would beg entrance to these chambers so that I may greet my bride." He put on a false show of civility, the princess would surely be expecting some sort of silken gentleman after that introduction. He leaned up against the doorframe, waiting to be let in, while providing a great show of disrespect and a lack of interest. He chuckled to himself. This princess was in for a shock.
AnnaMaria leaned her chair back on two legs. She stared at the ceiling laughing to herself the great surprise the Prince would have when he meet her. “He’ll be shocked to see his future wife wearing mud stained hunting outfit.” AnnaMaria smiled mischievously. Perhaps she could convince him to call off the wedding. He’ll take one look at her and going running to his father for a new bride. “Perhaps you could change. Maybe a simple dress, or cleaner pants.” Michael gave his sister a look of disgust that AnnaMaria caught out of the corner of her eye. “That my dearest brother is the look I will get from every Lady in court when I am first presented.” AnnaMaria kept smiling at her own thoughts.

A sudden knock at the door interrupted AnnaMaria’s thoughts. "I am Matthieu de Arturia, I would beg entrance to these chambers so that I may greet my bride." AnnaMaria hopped up so quickly from her chair it crashed onto the ground. “Ugh I’m cursed to spend my life awkward.” AnnaMaria hissed at herself. Joshua like a true gentlemen attempted to open to the door for AnnaMaria. “NO!” AnnaMaria pushed her brother out of the way. “I’ll open the door.” She quietly said to him. AnnaMaria needed to see him first to reassure herself that she was doing the right thing. As AnnaMaria opened the door her wolf Remus pushed past her to greet the guest. “Pleasure to meet you Prince Matthieu de Arturia, I guess you’re as excited as I am to meet each other. Lady Constance Maria Beauchamp. You can call me AnnaMaria though.” AnnaMaria extended a hand as she studied her suitor. He looked as barbaric as her; he must’ve recently come from a hunt. Which made her more curious to ask what good hunting areas were around then to discuss planning their wedding. AnnaMaria had to admit he was quiet handsome, luckily the rumors weren't false.
Matthieu heard a crash, and voices coming from behind the door, there seemed to be quiet a commotion going on in there. He continued to lean up against the doorframe, trying to catch snippets of the conversation going on behind the door. There was a collection of voices, some male, and one female. He assumed that was his bride, but that couldn't be, she kept disagreeing with the male voices, and each time she got a little louder. That wasn't the nature of any princess he knew of. He knew that eavesdropping wasn't exactly polite, but it was hard not to listen just a little to the conversations of others, especially when they shouted just on the other side of a door. The conversation abruptly came to an end, and the door was pulled open before him.

Matthieu looked down at a girl, about a head or so shorter than him, wearing what appeared to be a thoroughly soiled riding outfit. He was taken aback at first. Less by the outfit and more by the dog now nosing up against his legs. He did not care for dogs, they were stupid, loud, and generally a waste of space. Horses were much nicer animals, clever, taciturn, and useful in all ways, be it hunting or farming or warfare. He pushed the dog's wet nose away from the space between his legs and turned his attention back to the girl. She introduced herself as his bride, the Princess he was to marry. He'd never seen a princess quite her fashion though. Perhaps she wanted to avoid attention while riding in through the mountains. He wouldn't let this unexpected wardrobe derail his plans to drive her off. Matthieu took her hand and shook vigorously. "Pleasure's all mine, AnnaMarie." She had a certain charm in her unkempt appearance, if their situation had been different they might have been good friends, if he hadn't had a war to fight he might have even considered marrying her, but as soon as she showed her noble colors all that would evaporate, surely it would. Matthieu dropped her hand and gestured back down the stairs. "I'd like to get to know you a bit, care to meet me in the courtyard? We'll go for a ride." He laughed in the back of his mind, she'd never keep up with his mare through the woods and mountain paths, she'd think him a savage.
AnnaMaria studied Matthieu as he spoke to stared at Remus. Obviously he did not like dogs, which didn’t settle well with AnnaMaria. Who doesn’t like dogs, they are loyal, protective, driven, intelligent, and resourceful animals. She always had a dog by her side everywhere she went. AnnaMaria was well known for her all white wolf Remus. Her family also owned a large pack of hunting dogs that helped with tracking. AnnaMaria notice Matthieu staring at her outfit, she questioned if she should’ve changed her pants at least. He probably thought her clothes to have been a disguise. Little to his knowledge she was dressed like this all the time.

"I'd like to get to know you a bit, care to meet me in the courtyard? We'll go for a ride." Prince Matthieu finally caught her attention. AnnaMaria heard her brothers all collectively sigh in defeat. Surely this would be a great opportunity to either scare off the Prince or perhaps get to know him. “Why wait when we can go now.” AnnaMaria quickly throw on her all black fur cloak and attached her sheathed sword to her belt. “I’ll see you boys later.” AnnaMaria winked at her brothers as she turned to walk out the door. AnnaMaria walked down the hall towards the courtyard not waiting for the Prince. “Hopefully you can keep up with my stallion.” AnnaMaria called back to Matthieu as she turned down the hall. "Sorry mate." Joshua said to Matthieu as he watched his sister leave.
Matthieu smiled, everything was going, somewhat, according to plan. She might not have been as dainty as he had liked, but a ride through the forests of Arturia was hardly a picnic. There were no roads to lead horses through, the trees were said to grab at you and try to pull you away from your mount, and of course the wildlife was more than aggressive. Boar, bear, wolf, and even deer would turn vicious when cornered. One of the men with her, he looked more noble than either he or the princess, must have been a brother of some sort, he apologized to him. He waved the comment away. "Please, I'm sorry that you had to come all this way for nothing." He chuckled and rubbed his hands together as he descended the stairs. There was a little spur of a challenge in this, it was almost fun. Matthieu made his way down to the stables. They were a sturdy set of wooden boxes reinforced with furs between the boards. He walked over to his Mare, Amalie, she was a sweet young thing, and had kept him alive on several occasions when he hadn't been watching quite vigilantly enough. He pet her nose and ears, trying to stave off the cold. "Ready to go for another run girl? Want to show off?" He grabbed a set of blankets, his quiver, and an extra shortbow. This ride would turn into a hunt, he was sure of it.

Leading Amalie to the courtyard, Matthieu readied the hunting gear for the trip. He threw one of the blankets over Amalie's back, making sure it would warm her under the saddle. He then strapped his quiver to his belt and rattled his saber, making sure everything would respond at a moment's notice. He then waited for the princess to arrive, holding on to Amalie's neck and petting her absentmindedly.
AnnaMaria arrived at her horse's stall who eagerly greeted her. "Being locked up isn't all that fun. Perhaps an adventure would do us some good." AnnaMaria throw on her horse's saddle, as she tacked him up she plotted how to ditch the Prince. AnnaMaria had travelled all over France, from the shores of Brittany to farthest village on the Alps. These mountains would be no different. Her stallion has been with her every day and night. Sebastian has been with AnnaMaria since birth. He came out of one of her family's most prized mares. The mare was resilient, brave, and loyal. Sebastian got all of her qualities which was good since his father was a true ass. AnnaMaria could ride blindfolded into battle and the stallion would still trust her to guide him. AnnaMaria had the same trust in him. Her family believed it was important to have a trustworthy mount.

AnnaMaria paused before she left the stables, a set of arrows and a bow caught her attention. "I've heard of how plentiful the lands are here. Oh, but I shouldn't Dad would kill me." AnnaMaria said to herself debating what she should do. AnnaMaria sighed and gave into temptation, she grabbed the bow and arrows hiding them around cloak. AnnaMaria walked out to where the Prince was waiting patiently. Trying to be polite AnnaMaria smiled and suggested. "Perhaps you should lead the way since you know your country better than me." AnnaMaria tightened Sebastian's girth before mounting him.

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