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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

[QUOTE="Lady Ravenshade]I've edited my character sheet and it's all good and updated. So I'm about done as well >.o

Looks good! I like her motivation to be spoiled by Princes, lol. That will help us make sure she doesn't get isolated by the plot. ;)
DemonKitten said:
I was going to wait for her brother to be made,but I will just keep him almost out of her history. I am done
Great! Leaves lots of interesting points to explore about the King and how he may be leading to his country's downfall...also interested to see how her "snake" will appear throughout the RP!

We will go ahead and add a note that anyone looking to play your character's brother should try and collaborate with you.
I haven't read through everyone's OC's yet (neither have I read through 'Neutral Characters'), but so far this has intrigued me!

You guys have made quite an expansive world, that allows people to be open to a lot of creative outlets. Plus, the idea itself is something I've never seen done before. (So extra points for that!)

I'll most likely be applying for a character slot soon, not too sure on what I want to go for though...
TheGossipLink said:
I haven't read through everyone's OC's yet (neither have I read through 'Neutral Characters'), but so far this has intrigued me!
You guys have made quite an expansive world, that allows people to be open to a lot of creative outlets. Plus, the idea itself is something I've never seen done before. (So extra points for that!)

I'll most likely be applying for a character slot soon, not too sure on what I want to go for though...
Awesome! We have put a lot of work into this RP, so we are happy that someone appreciates it OTZ.

We will be starting today but no rush! This RP will be open as long as we have slots to fill. ^ ^

Hope to hear from you soon.
On that note...


After much discussion with @wizard nibblers , we have recalculated the plot to allow for the absence of the "replacement princess" until such a time that she may be found! So at the beginning, the princess will merely be missing...and depending on how long she is gone for, the plot will certainly become heated, quick!

I will be opening posts with the NPCs and my character today! Afterwards feel free to post.

We will be allowing a few days for people to make introductions that can detail your characters' travels towards Saint Lyon for the opening evening of the Cendrillion Ball! After that, the plot will take over.

Really excited to RPing with you all, and hope to hear from you soon. ;)

@DemonKitten @Demense @ParadoxalPaladin @Lady Ravenshade @Unwavering Knight

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Wow...went through a lot of Internet troubles today (also some drama surrounding the word 'subconscious' which I am never allowed to misspell again), but we're finally live! I will be posting my own character's reactions in a bit, but anyone is free to post as of this time. :D

ParadoxalPaladin said:
@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers Alright, sounds good! Also, is wizard nibblers going to get a character sheet up, or am I just missing it somewhere in these tabs?
Haha yeah I have been bugging her to finish it, too (I think she's just being a perfectionist -cough cough-). But as she's been experiencing some rocky times IRL we must be patient, and I will do my best as GM in the meantime.

The character she will play is "Kip," the Princess's tutor, who I bunnied a bit in my opening post. But bunnying of our NPCs is a GM privilege! No one is else is allowed to unless given express permission, lol.
Demense said:
If anyone wants Evangeline, they can have her, rather than having to make a new character.
Ah, yes. We are sorry to see you go, but good look taking care of things!

From this moment on, the role of "Princess of the Marine Kingdom" will go back to being open.

I will make note of Demense's willingness to donate her character in the sign-up tab.
I SWEAR I'M STILL HERE the end of my semester is approaching rapidly so it's overdrive time-- But Kip's profile is up and depending on how things go I might take a prince...
[QUOTE="wizard nibblers]I SWEAR I'M STILL HERE the end of my semester is approaching rapidly so it's overdrive time-- But Kip's profile is up and depending on how things go I might take a prince...

The flipping cheese wand

Until we have a Princess Kip might not have much of a chance to shine, but afterwards he will become most important.
I think I would like to apply for the princess post I just saw given up. I just have a few questions about the kingdom she comes from first so I know how to make her. I was wondering a couple things, like if they have communication with any other nations that are at the ball, even if they're not in good terms with the hosting country. I also wanted to know if they had a strong Arien presence so I could maybe work that into her story. I noticed you wanted Demesne to develop the country, but if you guys made decisions in her absence I can work with whatever canon you give me. If not I have some ideas for the country that I think would give the princess higher stakes at the ball.
Arcadian said:
I think I would like to apply for the princess post I just saw given up. I just have a few questions about the kingdom she comes from first so I know how to make her. I was wondering a couple things, like if they have communication with any other nations that are at the ball, even if they're not in good terms with the hosting country. I also wanted to know if they had a strong Arien presence so I could maybe work that into her story. I noticed you wanted Demesne to develop the country, but if you guys made decisions in her absence I can work with whatever canon you give me. If not I have some ideas for the country that I think would give the princess higher stakes at the ball.
Great! We are always keen on getting new interested parties. B)

As you noted, we tried to keep things vague as far as the Marine Kingdom (and many of the countries, actually) go in order to give as much creative power to the players. The only real canon we have is what has been written (though we try to make small updates occasionally on the sly lol). So if you have ideas, then go for it! If not, then we can surely help you brainstorm. If you have ideas about the Marine Kingdom's relationship with other countries, I'm sure anyone else in the RP would be up for plotting as well. ;)
Ok, great! I am loosely basing them on France, pre-Revolution. With the recent uprisings in Lepumir and Rameria there has been a recent rise in the civil rights movements, and calling for the destruction of the monarchy and installment of a democracy under their general, the princess's bastard brother. There has been a massive political upheaval as everyone clamors for power and the monarchy struggles to prevent an all-out war. The monarchy desires stronger ties with other countries to lend them troops in case their military refuses to act on the commands of their princess and instead follows their general. Her half brother, if permissible, may also attend the ball for the same reason, hoping to gain foreign support for their revolution. However, many people suspect that the true motivations for the majority of people supporting the revolution is chauvinistic, as the princess is set to be the first unmarried queen their country has ever had, breaking unwritten, fundamental laws of the country. It's all a little complicated and jumbled in my head right now, but that's the gist of it.
Arcadian said:
Ok, great! I am loosely basing them on France, pre-Revolution. With the recent uprisings in Lepumir and Rameria there has been a recent rise in the civil rights movements, and calling for the destruction of the monarchy and installment of a democracy under their general, the princess's bastard brother. There has been a massive political upheaval as everyone clamors for power and the monarchy struggles to prevent an all-out war. The monarchy desires stronger ties with other countries to lend them troops in case their military refuses to act on the commands of their princess and instead follows their general. Her half brother, if permissible, may also attend the ball for the same reason, hoping to gain foreign support for their revolution. However, many people suspect that the true motivations for the majority of people supporting the revolution is chauvinistic, as the princess is set to be the first unmarried queen their country has ever had, breaking unwritten, fundamental laws of the country. It's all a little complicated and jumbled in my head right now, but that's the gist of it.
I cannot give full commentary without consulting wiznibs (who is 9/10 asleep right now lol), but it all sounds good to me so far! I'm happy you are putting much thought into the country's affairs.

Would you be playing both the princess and her half brother in this scenario (Demense did give permission for someone to use her character, if that would make it easier)? But sounds like a lot of room for future tensions...Already there's much more going on at this ball than meets the eye, so racking up the ante seems devilishly fun. (B^D)
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I was planning on taking both because I knew you wanted princes, and also because their stories are heavily intertwined. If that's ok of course.

Also, I am debating using some parts of Demesne's character. But I have a story in mind that won't work completely with that. The picture I may nab though. I really like that look.
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Arcadian said:
I was planning on taking both because I knew you wanted princes, and also because their stories are heavily intertwined. If that's ok of course.
Yup, it's fine! I guess we didn't specify it anywhere, but you are allowed to have as many characters as you believe you can handle. Well, within reason. ( ;) ) Really what we need is harem queen Replacement Princess but ssh she will come, in time...
If you need a queen, I can handle that too. I prefer to commit to a few role plays and play multiple characters than join a bunch with only one in each anyway.
Arcadian said:
If you need a queen, I can handle that too. I prefer to commit to a few role plays and play multiple characters than join a bunch with only one in each anyway.
A queen? Well the queen of the Euthalia kingdom is missing at the moment (not missing as in state crisis just has yet to make an appearance). Mostly because I had an idea for her I hadn't talked over with @wizard nibblers yet due to our schedules not colliding lol. The queen of the Marine Kingdom would likely not be making an appearance as the main action (at least for a while) will take place in Euthalia, and she's not invited lol. Why don't you work on your first two characters and see how things go from there? We are hopeful we have enough dedicated players to at least keep charging through the storyline.......for now, in any case. But holes may appear later as the plot develops. ;;;

In any case, glad to hear you are interested in joining, and look forward to seeing your sheets soon. :)
@Arcadian : Thanks for submitting your profiles! Due to the fact that the Tristan Coopers CS has a "WIP" tag, we will refrain from passing judgement. There is also a section ("Other Distinguishing Traits") which has been left blank in Marine Princess's profile, but since I do not see a WIP tag just assuming that's a blip.

In any case, everything looks good! @wizard nibblers suggested thinking about what caused the original split (when the Marine Kingdom's founding line left Roserasia), maybe due to their more radical views.

In any case, she will be added to the database and feel free to start posting with her. :)

(Also bonus points for accidentally stumbling into an inside joke between the GMs haha)
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Pretzel Heart] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/27858-arcadian/ said:
@Arcadian[/URL] : Thanks for submitting your profiles! Due to the fact that the Tristan Coopers CS has a "WIP" tag, we will refrain from passing judgement. There is also a section ("Other Distinguishing Traits") which has been left blank in Marine Princess's profile, but since I do not see a WIP tag just assuming that's a blip.
In any case, everything looks good! @wizard nibblers suggested thinking about what caused the original split (when the Marine Kingdom's founding line left Roserasia), maybe due to their more radical views.

In any case, she will be added to the database and feel free to start posting with her. :)

(Also bonus points for accidentally stumbling into an inside joke between the GMs haha)
Ok, great :) I just need to finish writing out Tristan's bio and maybe do some digging for a better surname. I will probably add the split somewhere into Sabine's story simply because she studied history while away at college while Tristan had no formal education and probably couldn't tell you what happened anyway.

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