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Fantasy Primum Movens: Open!

Pretzel Heart

Afterimage of Broad Daylight

Welcome to our RP!

Thanks for showing interest in joining us on this journey of whimsy and despair. Feel free to post here about ideas, questions, life problems, secrets to the universe, or even plans to finally visit that restaurant you've been eyeing.

Wiznibs and I will also be using this thread for updates, so try and keep on it if you can. (
;) )

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Also, I forgot to mention that the version of the story in the 'Overview' tab is slightly more detailed than in the Interest Check, so please give it a glance if you can.
@Demense Thanks for applying! (And your beautiful photo...Furby is happy).

You have been added to the application database and we'll let you know once applications go up for review. ( ;) )
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Ok, fabulous! Any estimate on when that'll be?

EDIT: Also, do you have any feedback for improvements you'd like me to make? I'm always open to criticism, and I'm working on developing fuller characters right now actually, so any advice would be much obliged.
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@Demense As soon as possible! But we want to give people a chance to think about their characters and apply. So we haven't set an exact date at this point....but soon >,> <,< >,>

Thank you to everyone who has sent us questions! It makes us happy that people are able to put so much thought and creativity into our RP. (>u>)

Since multiple people have requested additional information on the Witches, I have updated the 'Lore' tab with a more detailed account in their section. Hopefully that helps! We have also decided to add an 'NPC' tab (no information there yet though, sorry!) as well as an events calendar (found in the 'Overview' tab). It's iconographic, so have fun trying to predict what's ahead. :P Here's to hoping we can make it through to the end of the Ball!

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@Demense I LOVE HER... the leg thing might be my favorite part! I think her backstory is really awesome and thorough!

@Lady Ravenshade You too! You get a really good feel for her in her bio!

Everyone's applications are so cool I'm just-

Really excited :D

Also, all apps up to this point have been added to the application database.οΌˆγ‚γ€‚βˆ‚οΌ‰
@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers

Hello! I got up my character sheet very recently, and I was looking through your tabs and something confused me a little bit. Under the "Overview" tab, under the list of countries and their attributes, it talks about how...

[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]The smallest of all countries on Roserasia is the Dorimun Dukedom. Since they are a very tiny land that relies heavily on arien magic, they have the most to gain by forming a partnership with the Euthalia Kingdom.

I was wondering if the connection to arien magic was incorrect and it was meant to refer to a partnership with the rebellion, or if it meant its small size would be benefited by the connection to Euthalia Kingdom? Just a thought.

ParadoxalPaladin said:
@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers
Hello! I got up my character sheet very recently, and I was looking through your tabs and something confused me a little bit. Under the "Overview" tab, under the list of countries and their attributes, it talks about how...

I was wondering if the connection to arien magic was incorrect and it was meant to refer to a partnership with the rebellion, or if it meant its small size would be benefited by the connection to Euthalia Kingdom? Just a thought.

Thank you for your application! Our first 'prince' so we were very excited. B)

As for your question...sorry I'm a little confused what you mean. Dorimun relies on arien magic because their main export is magical accessories and other magic-crafted goods. There is also a thriving industry connected with the university, attracting many skilled arie to their country, thus fueling the cycle (ie: they can make more lucrative magically-crafted goods). They are also on the forefront of magic-related advances because of this. So basically their entire economy relies heavily on magic and aria. But the Rebellion hasn't hit them yet; the only country with a visible outbreak of violence is Lepumir. But there may be some student protest type things / general unrest; we can leave that up to the players to figure out since it would also depend on the stance the royal leaders were taking and how they were responding to the news in Lepumir.

Hope that helps @,@

Sorry for being slow about updates these past few days...got a lot of group presentations going this week which has required long, mind-numbing analytical meetings @,@

But tonight we will be adding more information and hopefully getting started on the acceptance process and getting back to people about ideas, though there are a few more applications we are waiting for before we can officially begin. Thanks to everyone for your patience and for showing interest in our RP!

@wizard nibblers @Demense @Lady Ravenshade @DemonKitten @ParadoxalPaladin @Unwavering Knight (think that's everyone)

[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]

Props for a Man of La Mancha reference....at least I think that's a Man of La Mancha reference. Anyways I've always liked that quote. ;)

Haha, finally someone noticed!
[QUOTE="Pretzel Heart]As for your question...sorry I'm a little confused what you mean. Dorimun relies on arien magic because their main export is magical accessories and other magic-crafted goods. There is also a thriving industry connected with the university, attracting many skilled arie to their country, thus fueling the cycle (ie: they can make more lucrative magically-crafted goods). They are also on the forefront of magic-related advances because of this. So basically their entire economy relies heavily on magic and aria. But the Rebellion hasn't hit them yet; the only country with a visible outbreak of violence is Lepumir. But there may be some student protest type things / general unrest; we can leave that up to the players to figure out since it would also depend on the stance the royal leaders were taking and how they were responding to the news in Lepumir.

Sorry, it just confused me in how it was talking about who would be an important partner. I get it now!
@Pretzel Heart @wizard nibblers

after awhile of searching I managed to come across something I'd like to use, however I simply wanted to cover if this was acceptable as an Arien, or are they varied and far in between as one would imagine?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445052239883.jpg.b3e5feb77b5a4df8462127630b772e85.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="97046" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/1445052239883.jpg.b3e5feb77b5a4df8462127630b772e85.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@Pretzel Heart[/URL] @wizard nibblers
after awhile of searching I managed to come across something I'd like to use, however I simply wanted to cover if this was acceptable as an Arien, or are they varied and far in between as one would imagine?
Uuuuu that image is really cool, but normally arie don't have any human characteristics (think more like a talking animal with cute little clothes on lol). Someone mixed like that would be a Witch. Witches aren't normally integrated into any type of society outside of their culture. HOWEVER we would be willing to make some sort of exception if your character was to have mixed bloodlines (remember, this means that they would have something like cross-species pollution, which would definitely be looked down upon by polite society). Also if they are a guard military success could warrant esteem / promotion (maybe your character was involved in putting down the Ceasar Kingdom [now Sea Republic] uprising)?

Their magic would have to be very diluted though (nowhere near the level of a Witch, also they would have had to be raised in Witch society in order to learn about Witch magics anyways), but maybe inherently more powerful than arie, depending on how they were raised (whether they would have been learning about arien magic or not).

Hope that helps! (Also wiznibs and I spoke offsite about this, so I'm summarizing both our opinions here). ;)

Not gonna lie these things are quickly becoming addicting -coughs-

Today information on magic in Roserasia was finally added to the 'Lore' tab! As well as some starting information on some of Roserasia's current VIPs. B)

Please read through that when you get a chance, as it may provide some insight as to the political climate on the continent, which will be largely fueling this RP.

We are waiting on a few more character applications, but hope to starting getting back to people and (hopefully) begin the RP this weekend! So if you are planning to make any changes to your CS, you still have a day or two to get to it.

Thank you for all your patience...sorry for the wait!

@wizard nibblers
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Alright, sounds good, I'll get to work soon enough.

-Best Professor Farnsworth voice- Good news, everybody! The first "deadline" for character sheets has come, and not only has there been no repeats so far, but everyone's characters look great! So we would like to welcome all of you to the RP! Just a few notes:

@Demense : Please start (if you haven't already) thinking about the state of affairs in the Marine Kingdom. We purposely left it vague so that the players may come up with ideas themselves (ie: what is magic like, what is the relationship between arie and humans, has there been a rebellion-type-thing, how was it solved, are they further along in progress or less along than Euthalia, ect.). You can discuss ideas here with the whole group or privately with us in PM.

@DemonKitten : Since 'WIP' is still in your CS, we will not officially judge it or accept you yet. If you are still interested in the RP, let us know when you finish your profile. (But it all looks promising so far :) ).

@Lady Ravenshade : Can you please be a bit more specific about your characters' animal attributes? The Witches would have characteristics of both animals and humans so as to be readily recognizable / visibly different from others. Other than that, she looks great! Also (if you haven't already), please start thinking of reasons why your character would come all the way to the Cendrillion Ball. Again, feel free to pop ideas around here or PM the GMs. :)

@ParadoxalPaladin : Accepted!

@Unwavering Knight : We are very interested in your ideas for your character...where you plan to take him / ect. If you have a specific story plot in mind, could you kindly PM the GMs about it? (Or post it here if you don't care). We are hopeful about weaving any ideas you might have with the main scenario.

So thanks everyone so far for your efforts! Also the character I will be playing is added to the Neutral Characters tab (for sake of clutter), as will @wizard nibblers ' character shortly.

Now for the bad news..........

As much as we would love to start RPing right away, unfortunately we haven't had anyone volunteer to fulfill the most necessary position......the princess!!

Wiznibs and I will be working hard to find someone to fulfill this role..........or some sort of workaround, but unfortunately until we figure that out, we cannot start the RP. I am so terribly sorry, and I hope that you all will stick with us as we sort this problem out. D:

Until then, hope everyone has had a groovy weekend. B)

@Demense[/URL] : Please start (if you haven't already) thinking about the state of affairs in the Marine Kingdom. We purposely left it vague so that the players may come up with ideas themselves (ie: what is magic like, what is the relationship between arie and humans, has there been a rebellion-type-thing, how was it solved, are they further along in progress or less along than Euthalia, ect.). You can discuss ideas here with the whole group or privately with us in PM.

@DemonKitten : Since 'WIP' is still in your CS, we will not officially judge it or accept you yet. If you are still interested in the RP, let us know when you finish your profile. (But it all looks promising so far :) ).

@Lady Ravenshade : Can you please be a bit more specific about your characters' animal attributes? The Witches would have characteristics of both animals and humans so as to be readily recognizable / visibly different from others. Other than that, she looks great! Also (if you haven't already), please start thinking of reasons why your character would come all the way to the Cendrillion Ball. Again, feel free to pop ideas around here or PM the GMs. :)

@ParadoxalPaladin : Accepted!

@Unwavering Knight : We are very interested in your ideas for your character...where you plan to take him / ect. If you have a specific story plot in mind, could you kindly PM the GMs about it? (Or post it here if you don't care). We are hopeful about weaving any ideas you might have with the main scenario.

So thanks everyone so far for your efforts! Also the character I will be playing is added to the Neutral Characters tab (for sake of clutter), as will @wizard nibblers ' character shortly.

Now for the bad news..........

As much as we would love to start RPing right away, unfortunately we haven't had anyone volunteer to fulfill the most necessary position......the princess!!

Wiznibs and I will be working hard to find someone to fulfill this role..........or some sort of workaround, but unfortunately until we figure that out, we cannot start the RP. I am so terribly sorry, and I hope that you all will stick with us as we sort this problem out. D:

Until then, hope everyone has had a groovy weekend. B)

I forgot I haven't actually finished her. I shall do that this afternoon
I was going to wait for her brother to be made,but I will just keep him almost out of her history. I am done

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