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Realistic or Modern Pride Lions RP Thread

"Hmm? Oh, it means um, 'he who tells bad jokes'." He waited a moment for her to not laugh. He was grinning.
"I'm kidding. It means "new dawn"...I..dunno if that's much better. Heh, I think it's sort of pretentious actually..." He laughed.
Kayzu laid his head on his paws and looked up at her, grateful for the moment, hoping it would last. He felt sleep pull at his eyes and tried not to yawn.
"Hey Grace?...about Dismal...what choice would you make?"

Kitteh Kitteh

(( gingingin gingingin I think you can jump back in while we wait for Cosmos to reply, if you want to.))

"I don't think so." Grace remarked honestly.
"It's poetic."
She settled down deeper into the earth and yawned.
"Oh. Well, I'd probably stay neutral for as long as possible while keeping Abyss safe. I'd never openly challenge Smokey- his pride is bigger and he's more aggressive. I think at the Gathering I wouldn't use the group hunt idea- too easy to organize an accident, especially because Grayling is so sly."
Tentatively, she leaned deeper into Kayzu.

( SilverFlight SilverFlight )
( gingingin gingingin you totally can ^^)
Hana looked over to Ikila, "Whenever you're ready, I can come with you if you'd like!"

She surveyed the camp, before her eyes falling on to Kayzu and Grace. She dipped her head to Ikila as if she was excusing herself before walking over to the two.

Once she got there, she smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ah, am I interrupting something~?" She said in a teasing manner. She then laid herself on the other side of Grace, and laid her head on the ground.

"What were you two talking about hmm..?"

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight (tysm!! i love you guys <3)​
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"Poetic huh? Well, if you like it, I suppose it can't be all that bad."
Grace gave her advice and it was very good, even filtered through his sleepy mind.
"When you're right you're right...and you're right."
She leaned into him and he felt his heart jump. He couldn't stop smiling. He drew in a content sigh, and then Hana's voice slammed him back into reality.
Kayzu shot to his feet.
"Oh! Hey! Hana...you are so quiet."
He cleared his throat and chuckled sheepishly, scratching an ear with the claws on his hind foot. "Um, we were talking about...names. And then, what to do for the Gathering.."

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
Hana looked over to Ikila, "Whenever you're ready, I can come with you if you'd like!"

She surveyed the camp, before her eyes falling on to Kayzu and Grace. She dipped her head to Ikila as if she was excusing herself before walking over to the two.

Once she got there, she smirked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Ah, am I interrupting something~?" She said in a teasing manner. She then laid herself on the other side of Grace, and laid her head on the ground.

"What were you two talking about hmm..?"

Kitteh Kitteh SilverFlight SilverFlight (tysm!! i love you guys <3)​
"Poetic huh? Well, if you like it, I suppose it can't be all that bad."
Grace gave her advice and it was very good, even filtered through his sleepy mind.
"When you're right you're right...and you're right."
She leaned into him and he felt his heart jump. He couldn't stop smiling. He drew in a content sigh, and then Hana's voice slammed him back into reality.
Kayzu shot to his feet.
"Oh! Hey! Hana...you are so quiet."
He cleared his throat and chuckled sheepishly, scratching an ear with the claws on his hind foot. "Um, we were talking about...names. And then, what to do for the Gathering.."

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

Grace jumped a little.
"Hey, Hana. "
As soon as Kayzu commented on Hana's quietness, Grace agreed quickly.
"Yeah, Hana, really sneaky."
The spell had been broken. The calm lethargy that had swept over Grace vanished and she shifted against Kayzu sheepishly.
"So, uh, how's your healer friend doing?"
Noticing suddenly just how close she was to Kayzu, the sandy-gold lioness moved away from him just a bit- to the point where they were just barely touching.

( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin )
Hana stammered, "m-my apologies Kayzu.." She quickly brought her head back up and dipped it in apology, as she did not want to anger her ruler. She then stuck her tongue out at Grace, "Oh really? I guess I'm good for hunting then right?"

She then laid her head back down, "Ikila? Yeah, she's fine. I just hope her and Abyss are okay.." Her voice began to trail off before snapping back to reality. "You two seem tired.. a nap once in a while wouldn't hurt yeah?"
"Pfft, you don't have to apologize to me." Kayzu felt a bit awkward in the face of reverence. He did jump upon her teasing comment however: "Says the lioness who missed such a good hunt just this morning."
Hana's advice on naps was sound and Kayzu looked and Grace and shrugged happily. "Healer's orders."
He settled back down in the grass. He was tired. Truthfully, he had been staying up most nights, at dawn and dusk, patrolling the borders and making sure his new pride was safe.

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin
"Pfft, you don't have to apologize to me." Kayzu felt a bit awkward in the face of reverence. He did jump upon her teasing comment however: "Says the lioness who missed such a good hunt just this morning."
Hana's advice on naps was sound and Kayzu looked and Grace and shrugged happily. "Healer's orders."
He settled back down in the grass. He was tired. Truthfully, he had been staying up most nights, at dawn and dusk, patrolling the borders and making sure his new pride was safe.

Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

"Those who stay out of hunts don't get to say that." She teased.
Grace nodded at Kay's comment. "If Hana says so."
Ever so slowly, she snuggled into his side again. Delicately, she laid her head against Kayzu's mane and closed her eyes.
Sleep tugged at the corner of her mind.

( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin )
Hana grumbled as if she were mad , "Next time you get hurt, don't come to me!" She replied, clearly joking. After a few moments, the two had agreed to taking a nap, and Hana felt happy. She smiled at the two, and mentally patted herself on the back.

The lioness' thoughts trailed off.. she wanted to see the outside world for what it really was. She wasn't really held captive here though, so if she wanted to, she could. She shook her head, no, she was a healer.. And if the healer of a pride were to die..

That wouldn't be good. Hana thought about it for a few more moments. Going out into the wilderness wouldn't be so bad once in a while.. maybe she would finally meet someone new. Maybe even a prideless?? She chuckled softly, making sure not to wake the others. Once this whole Ikila situation was sorted out, she'd take a walk.

(i think we should wait for Cosmos Cosmos until we continue.. so we can progress the plot and stuff! everyone is asleep as well lolol)​
Kayzu smiled gratefully at Hana.
He shifted so he could support Grace as she lay down. He rested his head over top of hers and looked down with pure affection in his eyes. Slowly, his eyes began to close too, and before long, he was sleeping more peacefully than he had in a long time.
Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

((It's time for me to go actually so it works out))
Kayzu smiled gratefully at Hana.
He shifted so he could support Grace as she lay down. He rested his head over top of hers and looked down with pure affection in his eyes. Slowly, his eyes began to close too, and before long, he was sleeping more peacefully than he had in a long time.
Kitteh Kitteh gingingin gingingin

((It's time for me to go actually so it works out))
Hana grumbled as if she were mad , "Next time you get hurt, don't come to me!" She replied, clearly joking. After a few moments, the two had agreed to taking a nap, and Hana felt happy. She smiled at the two, and mentally patted herself on the back.

The lioness' thoughts trailed off.. she wanted to see the outside world for what it really was. She wasn't really held captive here though, so if she wanted to, she could. She shook her head, no, she was a healer.. And if the healer of a pride were to die..

That wouldn't be good. Hana thought about it for a few more moments. Going out into the wilderness wouldn't be so bad once in a while.. maybe she would finally meet someone new. Maybe even a prideless?? She chuckled softly, making sure not to wake the others. Once this whole Ikila situation was sorted out, she'd take a walk.

(i think we should wait for Cosmos Cosmos until we continue.. so we can progress the plot and stuff! everyone is asleep as well lolol)​

((We'll start back up tomorrow when Cosmos Cosmos gets back. Bye!))
Ikila watched as Kayzu gently dealt with the irritation to the other females coat, eyes wide and full of an odd sense of wonder at it. Abyss wasn't a cruel ruler, but she couldn't say she'd ever seen nor heard of him participating in a hunt, let alone doing such a simple task unprompted. As the male turned back to her she snapped out of it, sitting up straight suddenly in slight startle once more and listened intently as he spoke.

Ears pushing down a little nervously unsure of how genuine the statement of being upset truly was, unable to see the wink from her angle. "Oh!- uh, my sincere apologies! I'll um, dig in... th-thank you." She stated with a bow of her head, looking to the meat before slowly lowering herself once more, having to adjust a few times to find a comfortable position that didn't place pressure on her stomach and looking rather clearly disgruntled at the annoyance.

Beginning to eat the chunk of meat she was once again caught off-guard as Hana suddenly reappeared, looking over with a clearly blissful expression from the food with the eyes of a cub who just got caught by their mother sneaking off somewhere. Mouth still full of food she swallowed and let out a nervous chuckle, "Th-Thank you! this is more than enough to get us through dry season as long as nothing too extreme occurs~..." She said with a tone both pleased and worried.

"Don't feel like you have to trouble yourself with it if you're busy? I can handle myself ya' know~" She said turning her head away in a stubborn but evidently lighthearted manner, one ear flicking a little before turning back to give the other a nod, "I'll be done shortly- don't wanna waste the meat after it was offered n' all. I'll come find you when I'm finished." She smiled, trying not to seem like a burden to the other, this wasn't even her own pride after all.

It was another few minuets until the lioness finished the meal and rested on her side, head pointed over towards where the Regal pride ruler and Grace were laying beneath a tree, Hana walking over to the pair as they seemed to chat together happily.

"... Must be nice. I can't help but feel jealous she has such a good relationship with him..." She mumbled to herself with a saddened smile before flicking her tail and getting up, shaking off any dirt and the thoughts clouding her mind. It wasn't any use getting worked up over such silly little things, she loved her pride. They'd raised her and despite how much trouble she'd caused they never turned their back on her. She owed them these cubs, whether-.... well regardless of if she felt happy about being the mate of Abyss. It wasn't that she hated him- she just.... knew so little about him, it always seemed like she was something he felt obliged to keep around after finding out about the litter from that night.

Making her way over she gave her usual chipper grin to the group, noting Kayzu and Grace fast asleep whilst laying beside one another, gently rubbing her head against Hana's side to notify her of her presence without wanting to wake the pair. "They're cute together~... I've never seen a ruler like him before, he's- different. But in a good way, or at least I hope so" She whispered whilst still watching before turning and walking to the pile of herbs, picking them up in her jaws gently before beginning to walk off into the tall grass.


Tags: ( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin Kitteh Kitteh )
Grace's eyes flicked open. Despite how short her nap had been, she felt better.
She blinked sleep away from her mind.
Oh. Ikila was walking off- she should go and wish her well.
Realizing that Kayzu was still leaning against her, Grace tried to move as slowly as possible away.
She slid out from under Kay and stood, stretching her legs lazily.

( SilverFlight SilverFlight gingingin gingingin Cosmos Cosmos )
Hana nodded at Ikila's comment about the two, "Kayzu is amazing, I'm sure he'll do great." She whispered the reply. She then watched as Ikila left, a bit saddened by her absence. She looked back over at the two, a bit surprised that Grace had woken up so shortly after.

She smiled, "Good afternoon Grace.. you look like you slept well~" She said, in a teasing manner as she got up from her spot. She looked back at Kayzu and then at Grace. She had given Ikila almost the last of their herbs.. a stupid thing to do when you are the healer of a large pride.

"Grace.. I'm going to get more herbs and such, to add to the storage. I will be back!" She quickly said, eager to take her "walk".

The healer left not too long after Ikila had, though she had taken a different path than the other. As she walked off, she sniffed around for a variety of things.. not really knowing what she was searching for.

Hana sighed, how stupid of her to give another pride half of their resources. Now she had to search for some more in this hot weather.. The fluffy lioness huffed, and sniffed for some water to quench her thirst. As she followed the trail, her nose picked up another scent.. Ikila? No, she had a certain sweetness to her scent. It wasn't of Regal.. and she didn't recognize it.

Her eyes then fell on a lion, a large one at that. She titled her head at the sight, where was his mane? She let out a light gasp, was it a lioness?! She calmed herself, and did the dumbest thing known to lion.

She walked over to the lioness and sat not too far from her.. and began drinking from the same pool of water. She silently prayed to whoever was listening that this wouldn't be her last drink of water.

Cosmos Cosmos Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu shifted and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked, and when Grace came into focus beside him he smiled at her warmly.
"Did you get enough sleep?" He asked in a gentle voice, getting to his feet and stretching himself.
He wasn't sure what had just happened between them, but he hoped it would last.
Kitteh Kitteh

Kayzu watched Ikila turn to go.
"Send a greeting to Abyss for me. I look forward to meeting him at the Gathering."
Cosmos Cosmos
Kayzu shifted and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked, and when Grace came into focus beside him he smiled at her warmly.
"Did you get enough sleep?" He asked in a gentle voice, getting to his feet and stretching himself.
He wasn't sure what had just happened between them, but he hoped it would last.
Kitteh Kitteh

Kayzu watched Ikila turn to go.
"Send a greeting to Abyss for me. I look forward to meeting him at the Gathering."
Cosmos Cosmos

Grace peered down at the tired lion, and felt her heart beat a little faster.
Her face relaxed into a gentle smile and she watched as he stood.
What was he thinking about? It was something she wondered a lot. How did Kayzu see the world?
To Grace, most lions were friends, lions who could rely on her. She knew she could rely on them, too, but it was hard.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
"What is it?" Kayzu asked with a smile. "I don't think you've ever looked at me like that before."
After stretching he went to stand beside her. The pride had eaten their fill and was settling down in the shade of the trees.

Kitteh Kitteh
"What is it?" Kayzu asked with a smile. "I don't think you've ever looked at me like that before."
After stretching he went to stand beside her. The pride had eaten their fill and was settling down in the shade of the trees.

Kitteh Kitteh

Grace sat down and looked at him.
"Just wondering. If a strange lion stumbled into the clearing right now, before they said anything, what would you think or say?"
She looked him up and down before meeting his eyes again.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
Kayzu had a sinking feeling that this was a test.
"Well, I wouldn't assume they were hostile, at the same time, I'd probably get the vulnerable back, call the defenders. I'd talk to them myself. If they needed help, I'd help them, if they attacked, I'd fight."
He met her eyes confidently, trying to glean whether or not he had passed. Then he smiled. "Don't worry, I wouldn't ask them out or anything."
If she smacked him he would agree that he'd have earned it.
Kitteh Kitteh
Kayzu had a sinking feeling that this was a test.
"Well, I wouldn't assume they were hostile, at the same time, I'd probably get the vulnerable back, call the defenders. I'd talk to them myself. If they needed help, I'd help them, if they attacked, I'd fight."
He met her eyes confidently, trying to glean whether or not he had passed. Then he smiled. "Don't worry, I wouldn't ask them out or anything."
If she smacked him he would agree that he'd have earned it.
Kitteh Kitteh

As he spoke, Grace nodded along thoughtfully.
She was just about to open her mouth and add onto him when his joke about asking them out cut through the air.
What. Grace visibly flinched.
"Wh- ah, hmm? D'ya care to explain that, Kayzu?"
She snorted and laughed. Oh, she wanted to stop, but everytime she calmed down she just started wheezing again.

SilverFlight SilverFlight
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Kayzu laughed too, as long as she did. It was infectious. He loved it.
"Say, I don't suppose you're going to patrol the territory this evening? I always forget who's turn it is. If you are, I'd be happy to keep you company."
He wasn't the only one who had seen the hyenas skulking nearby the night before, and it worried him. They usually never came so close, so he had asked for extra patrols.

Kitteh Kitteh
(Please don't mind me existing xd)
*Scarlett slowly began sniffing around*
"I'm sure I might find food around here"
Kayzu laughed too, as long as she did. It was infectious. He loved it.
"Say, I don't suppose you're going to patrol the territory this evening? I always forget who's turn it is. If you are, I'd be happy to keep you company."
He wasn't the only one who had seen the hyenas skulking nearby the night before, and it worried him. They usually never came so close, so he had asked for extra patrols.

Kitteh Kitteh

"I don't have a shift guarding camp tonight, but if you like I wouldn't mind walking the borders with you."
He was thinking about the hyenas, wasn't he? She'd heard him order the patrollers extra patrols.
Sure, Grace had picked up a shift here and there, but she was guarding a lot during the day.
"I do have one tomorrow, so you'd better not keep me out too late, Kayzu." She teased.

(Sorry I disappeared-)

SilverFlight SilverFlight

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