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Fandom Powerworld: Superhero Crossover OOC

Welcome to the OOC

First order of business is hammering out what the Empires are and who the Emperors are

My suggestions

New Apocalypse (38-40) - Darkseid is the overall ruler of Powerworld known as the God Emperor

The Wall (41) is the home of the Superman Corps under the command of Emperor Thragg. They are the personal force of the God Emperor.

Alien Empire (1,2) under the Alien Emperor, I suggest Rookshir but open to suggestions. This empire will be where all the aliens are.

Magic Empire (13-21) under the Magic Empire, Malebogia alongside his Hell Lords which can now include Demon lords from other verses

Tech Empire (4-12) under Tech Emperor need suggestion, they’ll be served by Braniac, Robot, and Ultron. High tech and scientific society inhabited by scientist, normal humans, androids, and other uses of technology.

Posthuman Empire (13-28) under Posthuman Emperor All For One, contains all posthumans such as Quirks, Mutants, Metahumans, Inhumans, etc.

Atlantean Empire (7 and the Ocean) under Atlantean Emperor, (need suggestion) Contains all aquatic based life and Altanteans across the different verses

Eastern Empire (29-37) under Eastern Emperor (need suggestion), an eastern fantasy empire inhabited by marital artists, ninjas, monks, samurai, and the like.

SirPrompto15 SirPrompto15 PlusUltra PlusUltra Lost Martian Lost Martian Terry Bogard Terry Bogard
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Darkseid being the overall ruler and rest of the regents does put them firmly in the Evil category. As for Territory my characters would be from, i think Posthuman Empire would work for them...but at the same time i think them travelling around might also work so that was the initial starting point but not starting point for the start of the RP...Unless the RP starts when new arrivals show up.
Todoroki and Bakugo will be in the posthuman empire for sure. Alien Empire for Rocket and Edna,maybe the tech empire.
Depending on who’s Regime and who’s Resistance

For example, Deku and All Might will be Regime to preserve the order of Powerworld

The plan is start things off with an event of own side attacking the other perhaps a rebelling territory coupled with Darksied unleashing one of his “Plagues” on a territory
So I’m thinking that both my characters would probably be in the Posthuman Empire, as Daken is a mutant, and Barnaby is a NEXT, his world’s equivalent to mutants or people with Quirks. Barnaby will also definitely be on the Regime side as he is more status quo and protecting the peace. I’m debating if Daken will start as part of the Resistance or be neutral.

As far as suggestions for emperors, here’s what I got:
  • Alien Empire - General Zod from DC.
  • Magic Empire - Mephisto from Marvel.
  • Tech Empire - The Maker from Marvel.
  • Atlanetean Empire - Namor from Marvel.
  • Eastern Empire - Ra’s al Ghul from DC.

Also, have we decided if our characters have the memories of their original universe still?
I didn’t want all Marvel and DC Emperors hence why All For One is the Posthuman emperor

Besides that looks like this is kicking off in the Posthuman empire.

We’ll go with some memories but not all of their old world
Honestly all those suggestions were just things off the top of my head, which ended up just being Marvel and DC as those are the franchises I’m most familiar with. Out of all the ones I mentioned, the only one I have an attachment to is the Maker as the Emperor of the Tech Empire. I love the Maker as a character and thus would love to see him be in this roleplay.

But since I last posted, I came up with another suggestion that I like. I’m not sure if you would allow Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a part of this, though the franchise did start initially as a superhero comic, but if you do I would really like to see the Shredder as the Emperor of the Eastern Empire. But I will understand if the turtles don’t exactly work for this setting.
Honestly all those suggestions were just things off the top of my head, which ended up just being Marvel and DC as those are the franchises I’m most familiar with. Out of all the ones I mentioned, the only one I have an attachment to is the Maker as the Emperor of the Tech Empire. I love the Maker as a character and thus would love to see him be in this roleplay.

But since I last posted, I came up with another suggestion that I like. I’m not sure if you would allow Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as a part of this, though the franchise did start initially as a superhero comic, but if you do I would really like to see the Shredder as the Emperor of the Eastern Empire. But I will understand if the turtles don’t exactly work for this setting.
Does open up a plot of DOOM as a Regent absolutely detesting The Maker Regent. As for TMNT, I think they can fit Shredder is a cool fun character in various versions, either the Ultrom/Ch'rell version (Which opens up some crossover with the Alien Zones), or the 2012 CGI Version (aka The Ultimate Hater) Version.

For Mutants, Using the Krakoa council maybe as a version of Several regents of different areas coming together could be a idea.

For magic, maybe drawing some inspiration from Witchblade could combine the Curator and some other aspects, with someone like The Collector, or maybe use that sort of thing for Darkseid as "Grand archivists"

So for Nominations for Potential Emperors. DOOM naturally leads to one for Magic/Tech, Cecil or The Immortal (Invincible), Doc Seismic of a underground area

Malebolgia if we want to pull in the Spawn stuff or maybe even Spawn himself

Maybe some Eldritch zone nobody messes with if we want to pull in some of the Image comics like Ice Cream Man

A East of West Zone (Image comic, sci-fi Western Dystopian series starring the 4 Horsemen. Would be a interesting area) Would include people like Johan Hex, Old man Logan and a few others.

The Umbrella Academy might also be interesting to include maybe in a more "Normal Area" with Reginald Hargrees being in charge but it not being a known thing.

Godzilla is comics as well, so maybe having him as a Regent? a Zone full of Monsters from the various franchises, would be a way to tie in those Endbringers from the Worm series i was using for my characters.

This is more throwing ideas at the wall to see if any stick or interest people. Just options, most of them beyond just Marvel/DC. Interesting areas to mix in, visit, or include in story elements.
PlusUltra PlusUltra
I would love to see a whole Doom versus the Maker thing going on as they jostle for power in this combined world. As far as what I was thinking with my Shredder recommendation, I was thinking of the original comic iteration, a regular human, albeit a ninja, who dies at the end of the first issue. Most of my knowledge of Ninja Turtles comes from the cartoons and movies, as I haven’t the comics IDW is putting out, not because lack of interest but more because there are just so many of them that it would be a huge time and money investment.

I like the idea of the Quiet Council of Krakoa from Marvel being like smaller regional leaders of the Posthuman Empire under All for One. However I don’t really have experience with things like Witchblade or Ice Cream Man. Spawn I mostly know from the movie and HBO show.

Also I completely forgot about East of West before you mentioned it. I read the first little bit of it years ago, but never ended up finishing the series. Do you think I should go back and finish reading it?

And if you couldn’t tell by my avatar, I am a huge Godzilla fan. I would love for there to be a part of the world that is just inhabited by kaiju. Besides monsters from the Godzilla franchise, you could have Fin Fang Foom from Marvel or Titano from DC.

But that’s just some of my ideas, so I would like to hear what the other players and GM think about it.
Honestly if you were enjoying it after first few issues i would finish East of West for sure.

As for Shredder, the brief version of the 2012 one is he is a Human that solos most of the Cast even when they gang up on him for most of the shows run and REALLY hates Splinter.
Thats fine, there have been several comic characters that crossover into the bigger named universes but guess not all of them fit what your going for. Heck there are Looney Toons crossovers with DC which while some are amazing (Batman/Elmer Fudd) i get that there not the right style.

Another potential Regent could be Ozymandias from Watchmen universe (Dr Manhatten is a little too much given the whole time thing),
Thats fine, there have been several comic characters that crossover into the bigger named universes but guess not all of them fit what your going for. Heck there are Looney Toons crossovers with DC which while some are amazing (Batman/Elmer Fudd) i get that there not the right style.

Another potential Regent could be Ozymandias from Watchmen universe (Dr Manhatten is a little too much given the whole time thing),
Aren’t the watchmen technically apart of DC now? Tbh I haven’t heard much of their participation outside of Doc Manhattan. Ozymandias would be a good choice then because they’re like DC’s not talked about black sheep. He’d fit as the Tech Emperor.
They have the rights but outside a crossover big event they are there own world really i think

Speaking of Elseworlds, Emperor Joker would be a option if toned down, that or Batman who Laughs with the Dark Metal cast of evil Batman fusions. (Ares Batman, Lantern Batman, Aqua Batwoman, Cyborg Batman, Flash Batman, Doomsday Batman)
They have the rights but outside a crossover big event they are there own world really i think

Speaking of Elseworlds, Emperor Joker would be an option if toned down, that or Batman who Laughs with the Dark Metal cast of evil Batman fusions. (Ares Batman, Lantern Batman, Aqua Batwoman, Cyborg Batman, Flash Batman, Doomsday Batman)
That works then

Emperor Joker or Batman Who Laughs as the next aspiring God Emperor. Perhaps even the one organizing uprisings against Darkseid.

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