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Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

Willow finishes decorating her room to her liking and, using her telekinesis to grab her lipstick and eyeliner, fixes her makeup. "Time to scope out the students. Hope there's some cute ones," she thinks to herself as she once again adjusts her dress. Willow wanted to make sure she made a good appearance. She leaves her room, excited to finally be around people like her.
Tomber watched as he said to him that he was acting like a freak!? Tomber grit his teeth anoyance to his comment when he was trying to be polite. When he walked away only a scowl swept across his face watching the back of the skeletons skull on anger could be felt for a moment as he took a deep breath. Shaking his head he sets his book back into his bag. Thinking to himself, 'When you try act nice to a guy you'd think you would get curtosy.' He then says allowed talking to himself "Guess not all people have a normal sense of conversation. Now for that room number." Picking up his bags he heads inside letting people pass by for the was being polite. Getting to the desk he smiles nodding to the girl and says "Tomber Holms madam." She blinks not expecting the madam as she shuffles through papers getting his room number and key she says 65 giving her a nod and a quick charismatic smile only few would overlook he accepts it and walks down the hall counting the numbers.

Once he gets to the door he unlocks it and walks further in and throws his things in the furthest bed from the door sitting down he sighs seeing the bed and other one. Roommate huh? Tomber gives a sigh "Please don't be like that skeleton guy by heironeous."
After finishing his unpacking, he decided to head out and look for the best place for him to hang out. "I'm gonna go look for somewhere cool. I'll inform where it is when I come back. Later!" He told him with a smile as he jumped of his bed. Nobu almost got lost as soon as he left his room. He laughed to himself at that. How was that humanly possible? He got lost after walking a few minutes? Well, he did get distracted by all the paintings as he walked. In fact, he got distracted by most of the things he walked by. They were just so different for him. He didn't have loads of stuff like this growing up. Finally, he made his way back to the entrance. "Am I even allowed to go out now? I hope so..." Nobu said to himself as he poked his head out the door.

Damien finished assembling his computer - that Nobu guy seemed like the complete opposite of him but he had very interesting power. Invisibility... he wondered whether there was some strange irony to the universe - that guy seemed incredibly extroverted and for some reason he had invisibility... Damien chuckled slightly before following Nobu out the door, locking his bedroom door behind him. He quickly found Nobu sticking his head out of the front door for some inexplicable reason. "Sup" said Damien, approaching him.

"If you're wondering whether you can go out, I think the headmaster has some kind of speech or something first" He said, reading Nobu's intentions "But we're free to explore the building I believe" He said, nonchalantly.
Winder tried his hardest to hold back a laugh, and instead let it out as an exhale. Dickson. He wiped a single tear from his eye and stood up. He zipped up his backpack, slung it over his shoulder, and stared blankly ahead. How were schools with dorms supposed to work again? Where was the main office? He stumbled around a bit and finally found it, grinning as he stepped inside. There was a woman sitting behind the desk, typing something.

"Er, hello, I am-" he said, getting cut off very quickly by a question.

"Name?" asked the woman behind the desk in an obviously irritated tone.

"Winder Pinwhee-" he said, getting cut off again by a piece of paper being stuck in his face. He read the small letters after taking it out of her hand. Room 25. Even funnier than 24. He laughed a little at his internal joke and went off searching for the room. His umbrella over his shoulder, he entered the building. He looked around, finding his room relatively quickly. It seemed his roommate hadn't yet arrived. He fell onto his bed and closed his eyes.
Headmaster Dickson was still in the lobby room when he saw two male students were looking out of the door and into the outside. He cleared his throat loud enough to make sure that the two can hear him loud and clearly. With his tall lengthy physique, he was able to stand oer the two students. "I advice you two to head back to your dorms, there's gonna be a greeting dinner tonight in the mess hall. Every one is suppose to make themselves comfortable in their dorms until then." He told the two.

@Ethan Hart @hitman654 )

Lawrence was sitting on the bed when he saw a girl walking into his dorm. She must be his roommate for the year. "So what d you think of the academy so far? Imthink you will like it." He told her, he was hoping on the inside that she won't be a problem, that last thing he needs is to have a episode because of his roommate.

@Yonsisac )
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Natasha would hear the Boy ask of her what she thinks of the academy,she woud Frown Mentaly as she dint get a responce of his power was really telekinesis...Oh well maybe he was distracted or something but Nothing less,she would taise her head towards him and look at Lawrence as she would then reply "wYea i might like it but for now i think of this place as a Cell for me as nothing has happend but maybe my Thoughts would change of the place wen time passes but for now...I think i will declare it as a Cell"she said towards the Boy and gave a Force smile towards him as soon she would sigh and would look at her Packpack and Remove a Rubicscube that was not compleat,she would place it on the small stand beside her Bed and leave it there,looking around she would say "Gota say not half bad room you got here Metal head.....i expeced it to be more Dirty but i was wrong...."she said with a Grin befor Sreching her arms up and Cracking her Knuckles,she would reach inside her Satchle and would remove a Pice of Bone...it was chew up and had Theeth marks all over it,natasha would open her mouth and place it like a cigar befor she started chewing on it,crawling back on her bed and siting down on it soporting her back agains the wall beside her bed she would cross her hands as she face the boy and would say as she chews the Bone "So this i my First time here....sooo Metal head what can ya ell me of this place Hmmm?"

(Sorry @Robin man i took so long dint know you change it xD )
Nobu hadn't realised that Damien had followed him. "Oh really?" He asked Damien a bit disappointed. He really wanted to head outside. "Oh well, guess I'll just look around inside." As Nobu finished the sentence, someone cleared his throat. Was someone there the whole time? Who could it be? With Nobu's luck, it turned out to be the headmaster. Just great. "Uh, sorry sir. I was very unclear about what we were supposed to do. May I say, you look amazing today." He complemented as he grabbed Damien "Well, we better go our dorm, shouldn't we!" The teen began to pull his room mate back to the dorm.

As he turned a corner, he began to slow his breathing down. He may seem loud, but he can be really quiet at times in need. He needed to be quiet now more then ever. His dorm was empty, and rather boring. He had done all that he needed to do, and was supposed to sit there for a long period of time. Nope, he couldn't do nothing for very long. "You ever gone invisible?" He asked as his breathing got to the slowest he could make it. "Because, I can let you go invisible. It's easy." Nobu told Damien with a smile

@hitman654 @Robin man
Willow was about to sneak outside when she overheard the Headmaster tell other students to head back to their dorms. She hangs her head and sighs as she wanders back to her room. She wanted to check out the school grounds, but that would just have to wait.
Damien raised his eyebrows at this, this sudden influx of information putting him slightly off balance - his roommate seemed very extroverted... that was interesting and potentially useful if he could exploit it - Damien had gone invisible before but that was not something Nobu needed to know, the less the others knew about his Vegas history, the better. "Do It" Damien muttered back quietly, wondering what the nearby girl was doing loitering about "Why do we need to be invisible" Damien asked quietly, feigning innocence about the whole matter.

@Ethan Hart
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Vera groaned as she trudged down the hall. New students were supposed to arrive today, bloody lovely. Pausing for a moment, a thought passed her mind. Could she gain a roommate? A slight frown tugged on her lips as she continued to dwell on the subject. Well it wouldn't be that bad, as long as they aren't a dick, right? Eh, there could be various things worse than that. Shaking her head as if to clear it, Vera gave an exhausted sigh and continued her trek.

Arriving at the door, Vera slowly pushed it open. Walking in, she closed it, the solid oak frame creaking slightly. Oblivious to whoever was in the room, she took weary steps over to a desk. Vera then began to finish work she hadn't done earlier. Though she has only been here for a month, it felt like years.

A few hours later, in the main dining room. All of the current students and staff members were sitting at some of the dozen or so round tables. The students sat with only students, same with the staff only sitting with staff members. Headmaster Dickson stood up and walked over to the podium. He tapped the microphone to gain everybodies attention. He cleared his throat first.

"Now that I have all of your attentions, I would like to formerly greet you all to Power Academy. One of the best places in the world meta humans of any kind. Now tomorrow, you'll all go to your classes that listed on your slips of paper you got from Carrie, the woman at the front desk. Now since its your a first full day tomorrow, it's just gonna be mainly just the teachers talking about how their classes are gonna work through the year. Now I except good manners from all of you, now during each quarter you'll have three strikes, first one you'll serve detention for the teacher, the second strike you'll serve a three suspension from any activities, including any activities like sports, co-curricular activities, or any demonstrations, essentially anything that's fun, and the third strike is you'll either be expelled or worst, that depends."

Surprising for his thin frame, he had a surprisingly deep bass tone, some people tend to find him kinda intimidating. "Now if any of you any questions about myself, or the school. I'll be happy to answer." He told the group.

@Yonsisac @ShadowedNexus @IceQueen @the juggernaut @TurtleGod @StoneWolf18 @hitman654 @RyukoMatoi95 @Ethan Hart @ClouseBlackEye @DrBones @Elias dinner time!!)
"The reason I asked earlier..." Nobu told Damien as the headmaster finished "Was because we were going to either prank some people or walk out like nothing happened. My plans weren't going to be stopped that easily. It would have been fun..." Nobu was a bit disappointed that he didn't go through with it. Now, he would have to wait until tomorrow break to explore. Maybe he would have to wait until lunch! That was too long for him. Could he ditch a class? No. He couldn't get expelled from this school. So, the kid was stuck with having to wait. That was just great. The boy was impatient and he was being forced to sit by for a whole day? Such rotten luck. Then, an idea struck. He stuck up his hand and waited for his question to be asked.

@hitman654 @Robin man
Willow hardly only payed slight attention to the Headmaster as he was speaking to the students. She was too distracted by all the people around her. She was practically bouncing up and down in her seat in excitement at the sight of all the new faces. All the students sitting close to her began to get antsy and excited as well, due to her ability to affect others' emotions. Willow forced herself to calm down a little bit, but she still couldn't wipe the smile off her face.
Natasha was sitting on the chair and well whanted some maners especially here,she would have her feet on the ground insted on the table like she always dose,hearing he headmaster for her was mostly Blabla and all but still she Understand,Not having any questions she would give a small sigh and let her face faceplant he table silently as she would wait,laying her chin the table her red Crimson eyes would scan the people near looking as well she dit care who they were but this was a academy so better be nice and aswell meet some people and give respect,...wont be easy but the least she would whant is geting expeld so yea....better be "Nice" for now,she look and see a Plate with meat and steak....was tasty,using the fork she would grab the stake and would raise it up her sharp theet Very easy sink in the meat and get a Good chunk of it in her mouth,she dint Chew it she just swallow it down,did it again like 2 More times and the only thing left were Bones...sigh escape her mouth as she would say sofly to herself "Ugh....i need a nap later"she said with a yawn as she would look at the students...not much but meh were cool so yea.
Winder's mind spun into action with the mention of questions. He stood and locked eyes with the Headmaster.

"Riddle me this. If you are truly are a headmaster, you must know that chances are rare and you must acquire all of them. If this is true, then you realize... Three strikes are little more than molecular. Correct? A whole year begs for action, however this action must have chances to sprout." he said, feeling oddly confident. It wasn't really a question, but rather a... Proposition. Hmm. How would the Headmaster take his proposition? As a strike? If that was truly what were to happen, it would only prove his point.

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