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Fantasy Power Academy (Reboot)

Robin man

Here's the main thread, now onto the other threads)

Power Academy holds a group of unique teenagers with different abilities that make the world see them as monsters. There are dangers that come with staying in this school out in the middle of Canada. But unknown to the new students, a large private company is tracking the school down to find these students. What will happen? Just have to wait and see.

The academy)

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Today was a very sunny day, which wasn't that often in this part of Canada in the fall. Today was gonna be the first day of the school year for the academy. The first day were always the most interesting that's for sure, having a bunch teenagers coming up to what'll be their new home, added with the fact they're all out of the ordinary to say the least. The academy has been operational since he late nineties. The original owners made the house for their two children to ge a education in peace, word got around to the right people. Other meta humans found the way to the academy, and within two years the academy has became a fully operational school for meta humans.

This would be the current headmaster Fredrick Arlands fifth year as headmaster, but it certainly doesn't feel like five years. When it comes to young meta humans, life gets stressful really fast. He was standing put on front of the building waiting for his new students to arrive. Besides Lawrence Edwards, who lives here full time, there were no students yet. There was usually a small bus that picks up the students that lived further away from the academy, while others possibly drove if they have a car.

Lawrence was in his dorm already. He always switched his room every school year, it makes it more interesting each year, especially since some people get room mates and others don't. Lawrence hasn't gotten a roommate in the last two years, so he was excited to see if he'll get a roommate or not.

@Elias @TurtleGod @StoneWolf18 @Gospeller @ShadowedNexus @Ruler Of The Maniae @ClouseBlackEye @Meowfyre @Ethan Hart @RyukoMatoi95 @hitman654 The rp has officially started, get posting people ^^)
Damien arrived next, a silver Mclaren 650 pulling up nearby. He stepped out, a set of black sunglasses with a navy tint to the lenses and a dark jacket despite the warm weather. He took a few steps across the tarmac road, surveying the scene before locking the car and making his way towards the headmaster, acknowledging him with a slight nod and leaning against a nearby brick pillar, pulling out a deck of cards and executing a series of complex cuts whilst he waited for his fellow students to show up.
Aight', let's get this over with. As soon as the bus stopped outside of the gate, Eesac stepped right out of it. Too damn tight in there. He was wearing what he would consider the standard uniform: a pair of black pants, black shoes, a white long-sleeved, button up shirt, and a simple red time. However, they were not worn properly. The tie was loose around his neck, and the shirt was not properly buttoned. With both hands in his pockets, and his hair a mess, he'd walk towards the school entrance. Eesac gave off a thug-ish aura, and his eyes practically pierced forward.

As soon as he arrived at the gate, Eesac would look at Damien, and then at the Headmaster. "Would ya' like us to wait here, sir?" He asks him, raising an eyebrow in question. If the Headmaster answered 'yes', then Eesac would simply step over by Damien, at the same brick wall he was standing at. Leaning against the same wall, he'd position himself a decent half meter distance from him. After all, it ain't like we know each other. If the Headmaster pointed out that they could enter, well, then he'd do that instead.
Nobu had arrived with some of the staff. The young boy couldn't get to the school himself, so he got picked up from his house by some people. He got out of the black car which had just pulled up and looked at a school with a huge smile. "It's massive" Nobu said to himself as he walked closer to it. He walked underneath the tree and past some bushes before seeing the headmaster. He then looked over at the wall and saw two people standing there. He decided to walk over and say hi. It was only natural to make friends before going in. He walked over to the two, his smile getting smaller.

"Hi," Nobu began as he stuck out his hand. "My name is Nobu Hayashi. It's a pleasure to meet you!" He waited for the boys to shake his hand before deciding to stand next to them on the wall. The bricks were a nice shade of orange. Could you call it orange? Nobu didn't know, but it looked like an orange. He waited patiently for the other students to arrive. He couldn't wait to see all the people who would have lessons with in the future. So far, he thought it was going to be a great experience.
Cayla's emotions were in a stir as she rode in her parents car. Her hands were clammy at the thought of the other student she would be living with. She had no idea what to expect out of these people. She wonder how they would act around her, would they treat her as a worthless piece of trash or would they give her a place in their hearts, she did not know, but to tell the truth she had know intentions of making friends, nor would she allow others to get close to her. Her eyes shifted from the floor of the car to her parents who were having a playful conversation to forget about their daughter and the fact that they were not know to see her for quite a long time.

Cayla looked away from her heart broken parents with tears in her eyes. She didn't want to leave her family, but it wasn't her choice in the matter and soon found her self looking out of the window to let her mind and eyes be distracted from the people she would rarely see. The girl could see it was a beautiful day and that only enchanted the view before her. A plaster of trees and plants the were covered in morning dew dazzled her eyes as the sun made the small bubbles of water glisten, but soon her thoughts were to be forgotten as her father yelled that the school was up ahead.

Her lips formed a frown as the car decelerated and the car sat idly by as her father and herself stepped out from the car and made their way to the trunk. Her father popped open the trunk to reveal a large grey suitcase that was stuffed with her necessary and unnecessary items. Her father carried the bag out of the trunk for her and placed it behind him. He then turned to face his small daughter who wore boyish brown suit and a loose fitting pure white dress shirt. Its collar however which should have been covering a small ounce of a tie, that was non existence, was fixed perfectly to her liking. Then he he gave his daughter a big hug and a kissed to the forehead before speaking with a sadness that sunk into his word "I love you Cayla, I will always love you from the bottom of my heart". "I love you too" she said back to her father. Then he left her to survive on her own. She quickly grabbed her suit case as her father dragged his feet back to the driver seat. Cayla the rolled the suit case over to the head master. She gave him a smile as she passed to go sit upon a wall that was far from the others.
As the bus rolled up to the Academy, Luke jumped out of his seat and looked out the window. Not as imposing as I was expecting, But still nice enough, he thought to himself. Lucas grabbed his stuff and tried to get off as soon as he could, Gah, that was not a fun drive at all, he continued thinking to himself. Over the course of the small trip Lucas had a small bit of car sickness due to the bumps in the road. He almost went up and asked the driver if they could stop so he could just walk there himself, but he stopped himself once he realized how far that would actually be. As Lucas rolled his small suitcase past the gates and up to the Academy, he looked at the other incoming students. Some of them seemed a bit gloomy, while others like him were pretty lively. He established himself near 3 others, who were waiting just like him and began playing with his fork.

(Dont kill me for Grammar! I did thi in a Hurry Im so sorry!!!)

"Remember Natasha....To-"

"Yes i know Grandpa...dont worry i will take My pills and aswell to do Yoga i know,I know dont worry.....I just have to be calm is all"

"...Good....Just..be carefull...I wont be there to help you....so you must take care of yourself...Ok?"

"Yes Grandpa....I will try....but No Promises"

Natasha speak with his grandpa as the man that seems on its 72 years,he was old Indeed but not enough to stop him from doing his daily life,wille Driving down he road making there way to the academy in her Grandpas Classic Corvette...was not shiny like you expect from a classic but it was old no mater what,as he Drove her she just look Foward and sigh...clearly not wanting to be in this place but still she needed to,Her red Crimson eyes staring foward at the road and her green hair Loose,she dint like it tied up or anything it was anoying,soon they came stop at a red light but her granpa would call"Natasha....here.....i hope you wont have to use it"her granpa said as she would turn her head at him and see him Holding a Syringe in its pack with her name on the package,Looking at it for a few seconds and Rubbing her face she would take it from his hand and would Open her small Satchel and place it inside,"i...will try not to..."she said with a Gulp and would continue Looking foward.

Soon the car would come to a stop infront of the school,her granfather would look at her and smile and say "
Hope you enjoy it and meet friends"he said as natasha would give a cheap smile and nod befor saying "I will try...."she said befor Opening the door and coming out,the tall 17 year old would take a breath and would make sure her Satchle was confy,as she would look back inside and would Pick out a Red Backpack Full of her needs and what not,closing the door and walking from the car to the pavement she would wave at her grandpa Goodbye as he Drives off.

"Great.....a Nother day in Prison....and hell......"

she said with sarcasam to herself as she would begine walking foward to the front of the school,was large and preaty neat to be honest an made of Brick?....huh she dosent see those much anymore Honestly.Last time she did was at her "Home"

Walking to the front she would look around seeing few People alredy,great she dint care,but she needed to be less of a ass and well ry to be nice atleast for this,as she walk she would see the head master infront wating for what seems for the students,she saw the rest were outside....soooo that mean they needed to wait? seems like it,giving a mental sigh she would stop and look to the side seeing a tree with Bushes....well wont be hat bad sitting down the shade and having a nice sitting area wille wating to enter if that was the case and aswell look desent calm too,walking towards the tree she would give a sigh and Sit down besied it...well more beside the bush Honestly,Placing her badback behinde her to soport herself and her satchel on her lap she would lean back on her backpack and relax wille waing....well....atleast this was nice till it lasted.

reaching her Pocket she would pick out a pice of paper she dint even know she had as she would see it said "
Respect if yiu whant to be respected" as it seems it was surely her grandfathers,she sigh and crumble it in to a ball and threw it away
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A stylish silvery jeep pulled over in front of the renowned school for meta-humans. Jed let out a sigh, as he watched teenangers form around the headmaster. He was quite excited to be honest, but he couldn't help but wonder how would he fit in there. He didn't have very cool powers, but they were useful enough, and dangerous, at times, a danger that he had to learn to control at this university. Academy. Whatever was it. With a sigh, he bid farewell to his adoptive parents who were sitting in the front, and got out of the car. He was wearing a green jacket slumped over his favourite T-shirt, and his black-greenish hair was messy, blowing in the wind. Trying to fix it, he ran his hand through it a couple of times, but that only made it worse. In anxiety, he started biting his fingernails, as he got closer and closer to the group.

As he finally reached them, he cleared his throat and saluted the headmaster, then politely shook the other guys hands. He procedeed to sit down, leaning against the wall, and looked at his surroundings. The academy was massive, and it was quite impressive. In a way, it reminded him of a foster home he had been in once. Then he analyzed the students. All seemed like cool guys, and he was wondering what their powers were. His eyes directed towards a girl sitting on the other side of the wall, and in another place another one who was sitting at the shade of a tree. Sighing to himself, Jed muttered.

''Welcome to your new home, Jedekiah''
Oh how the day was bright and beautiful. Tomber was dropped off at the end of the academies road as Tomber does not have a vehicle of his own so he hitched a ride with a random stranger, Slinging his back pack over his shoulder and dragged his wheelie bag behind him. He was wearing a pinkish dress shirt with blue pin stripes also with a maroon over shirt of sorts (Refer to the picture) Also he adorned a pair of comfort fit dark blue jeans with black and orange sports shoes, All his clothing looked new but nonetheless he had quite a walk ahead of him. So he began to do so as the random car drove away, The trees were a bright and a beautiful sight to look at. The grass was wet but had a remarkable shine to it. Tomber couldn't help but smile as he walked, He may not have the money like other people do but gets by without much of it and keeps himself in a clean cut look. You wouldn't even be able to tell. As some cars passed by on the road Tomber waved for the curtsy of the people in a way to wish them silently to have a nice day, also a warming smile on his face.

Eventually the academy was in sight as it was a marvelous sight, It was hard to believe this school accepted him for what little money he had. Walking past some of what he thought was students. And pas the gate a little ways seeing all the people here it was amazing! he looked a little mesmerized stopping on the walkway he saw everyone waiting around as he still had a small smile on his face he merely began to wait as he pull a book with a black leather cover out of his pocket and opened it reading it.
Winder tapped his umbrella on the floor of the car he was riding in. He was wondering what he would call the other students. The words "it's muffin time!" went through his headphones to his ears. He smiled to himself, and looked out the window. The world flew by, blending into a bit of blue, white, green, and grey. The car abruptly stopped, causing Winder to inch slightly forwards in his seat. He got out of the car, waved goodbye to his parents, and looked at the academy. He grinned, and leaned on a tree. The wall was oddly populated. The gate wasn't that far, yet it wasn't right next to him either. He sat down, still leaning on the wall, and set the song on repeat. His bag lay beside him, and a notebook was slightly sticking out of it. He hoped he had packed his suit. It really defined his amazingness. He moved his head to the music, observing the other students at the same time. He couldn't think of nicknames yet. It was too early. He quietly laughed to himself and stretched his legs. Might as well get as comfy as possible when leaning on a tree and sitting on concrete.
The headmaster watched the students walking to the entrance. He could tell from the list he had of the students that are gonna be here for this year. But he knew that the others will be here sooner then not. The headmaster cleared his throat before he spoke up. "Good morning everyone. I'm the headmaster James Dickinson, but I would prefer Mr.Dickson. Now if you would walk inside, you'll be in the lobby. Walk up to the woman at the desk and she'll five you your list of classes and dorm room number."

@the juggernaut @IceQueen @TurtleGod @StoneWolf18 @ShadowedNexus @ClouseBlackEye @hitman654 @Yonsisac @Elias @Ethan Hart @Gospeller and all others, let's get this thing rolling)
Cayla ears puckered up when the head master spoke to the group. She stood up from the wall and began to make her way into the massive building that she would reside in for the next couple of years. Her eyes picked up on the figure of a women who had what she needed to begin her school life. Her body quickly scampered over to the lady. Instead of speaking with the women directly, she ripped a small price from a blank piece of copy paper and wrote her name down. When the woman found her information it clearly listed that Cayla was a male, which was not true in the slightest. So when Cayla walked of with her papers the lady said to her "Have a good day sir". Cayla looked back at the women and sighed as she made her way to the stairs.

Room one hundred was to be on the second floor. Which screwed Cayla up entirely because by the time she made her way into the room she was out of breath. She then left her bag on the floor and proceeded to jump onto the mattress to relax.
Ulna Anderson idly clicked his fingerbones together, as he stared at the unimposing main entrance of Power Academy. A number of students, nearly all of them sheepish and malformed, milled aimlessly about the campus. Ulna silently hoped that this wasn't a school for the special instead of for the legitimately special. Spending the rest of his school career amongst spastics and cripples would be a fresh hell Ulna could not have even dreamed of.

Ulna Anderson spotted a particularly promising individual-- a brown-haired boy of no younger than 16. He seemed lucid enough, except for the fact that he had, for some strange reason, opted to stand in the middle of the school's main entrance and read a book. Silently hoping that this boy was at the very least high on the spectrum, Ulna approached Tomber Holms, grinning as he always did.

"Hey there," said Ulna to Tomber. "you're looking bright and fresh for a day like this! What's that you've got there?"
Tomber was entranced by his book as he did listen to his surrounds to see if he was able to go inside until he heard a voice that had a positive tone to it, shutting his book he looks back with with a smile as he kept it but he looked at this individual who well was bones (I assume sorry if i miss interrupt) Tomber how ever did not change his tone or expression although in his mind he was caught off guard greatly for this...being looked undead he must not be since it does not have the undead traits of a normal one however. Giving his warm positive look he shuts his book and with automatic reaction he extends his hand, "Ah hello there. Wasn't expecting anyone to approach me but I should not have been so naive or rude. Its a pleasure to meet you names Tomber, Tomber Holms."

If he shakes his hand he noticed he was looking at his book, "this? It is a script of well... my god. It is one of the four book of tenets I am merely passing time by studying its pages once more, it is more of a practice thing then a required one. But enough of my religious hoo haw. What happens to be your name? If you dont mind me asking." Feeling odd talking to this...being he was not going to judge him for it was not Tombers place to judge strangers.

Natasha sat down under the tree relaxing from he sun and Overrall away from the people...well for now that was,soon she would hear the head master who had a Funny name she would not think again...hehehe...Dickson,But she needed to be more respectfull in this place as well...no more Slacking in class and Messing around with work this one was seriuse,hearing she needed to go inside and talk to a lady to reasive her paper needs and room...she Hopes was a Confy room and Overral nice,giving a anoying sigh she would stand up and strech a she did...wait...did she just saw a ....um...skeleton?...wow...seems wen they said "This place is special" They were NOT joking...there was a walking skeleton?!....Cool!....seeing him soon walk inside and aswell looking at he sudents seems all her Thoughts of this being bad....was not gona be half at all,rolling her eyes she would pick up her backpack and satchel placing both Over her shulder walking towards the entrace,as she did she would give a single wave to the headmaster just to show respect wallking pass him,Opening the doors she would feel it alredy cold in here...atleast it was not Hot like in her "Home",seeing the lady the headmaster said she would walk up towards her.

As natasha did she would hear her say "Name Pleas"Or right hey needed her name to get all this...great...Giving a sigh she would say "Natasha Solotov"she said towards the woman behinde the Desk,as she waited she could hear the woman Typing on a Keybord infront of a computer screen as she serch her name,soon after maybe a Minute the woman would smile and hand Natasha a Pice of paper with Her name,Classes and her Room number being "066"....great were is the other 6? would make it Very akward for her,reasiving them the woman behinde the desk would say "Have a Nice day" she said as natasha would rolle her eyes and say "Yea you to"The red eyed girl said as she would walk foward Looking at the paper...ok 066 not far...Looking foward she would begine to walk and make her way towards her room ignoring Mostly anybody in her sight.do she dint minde at all just was in a slight Hurry is all.

64....65...66! Here it is! Her room for he rest of the year,Giving a sigh she would Grab the Knob of the wooden door turning it and Opening it,Honestly she wonder what it will-...Oh....as she Opend the door there was some one here aswell,she was never told of Roomates?! well she dint minde at all having one if this was the case but still she was never told,Peeking her head inside and Looking around she would lay her eyes on the boy in the room,the tall Green haird girl would Point at the Boy Tilting her head and ask slighly confused as she was never told "
Roomate Correct?"she ask looking around...dint look half bad the room...maybe this wont be that bad.

@Robin man
Ulna Anderson grinned nervously as Tomber robotically responded to him. Sure enough, this Tomber fellow was already displaying several red flags. If he was the only friend Ulna would have on campus, he'd bust his own scapular in.

"Oh, so you're one of those Pagan guys! Well, I won't hold anything against you. Just try to keep your bulls--ah ha, your own religion to yourself, okay? My name's Ulna Anderson, of the Saskatoon Andersons." With a warming chill, Ulna wrapped his hand around Tomber's and shook it gently, digging his phalanges into Tomber's skin.

"So, you got any idea where we'll be staying?"
Tomber scratched his head as he let go of his cold embracing hand, He chuckled slightly, "Well from my knowledge we are to enter and find out but I'm waiting for the crowd to die down a bit." He set his back pack on the ground turning to him once again. "No no no, I have no place to say who you can and cant worship believe me bud it is just a choice of my life style." He coughed for a moment now feeling rude from his behavior to his appearance.

"May I call you Anderson? I want to apologize man." He was now feeling a bit more relaxed now that they spoke a little, "I was caught off guard by you body structure and I hope thats not a sensitive subject. never met a guy like you. Well I assume your a man." Tomber was usually a great talker a man of smooth words but this was no normal man, so he felt bad for his behavior.
Damien stopped leaning against the concrete and attempted to walk inside as the headmaster had instructed, only to find that two boys were blocking the entrance - or rather, one boy and skullduggery-fucking-pleasant - seemed to be blocking the door. He sighed slightly, putting on his most realistic fake smile and started to walk towards them. As he drew closer he heard the non-skeletal male utter something about heretical readings, this made Damien pause for a moment... 'do I really want to get involved' he thought to himself, deciding against it he attempted to inch past them. At this point he sighed, annoyed by the two people in the door, finally managing to get past he approached the receptionist.

"Name" she asked him bluntly. "Damien Cloud" he replied, getting slightly self conscious about his last name, of all the last names his gang could've given him 'cloud' was the best they could come up with, he sighed again. The woman seemed unfazed, ticking off a register and handing him a key "Have a nice day" she said in that sickly-sweet voice that only receptionists seem to have- "you too" Damien Replied, giving her a small smile as he began to walk. He quickly reached his room, twisting the key in the lock and entering. The first thing he noticed was the second bed 'ugh, that means I've got a roommate' he thought to himself, more annoyed that he hadn't been told than by the actual fact. He quickly rattled through a list of pro's and con's of this situation and found one of each that were important. Pro - if he had a popular roommate he could easily get into a social group and make friends - and he'd seem this year's roster, this is a group you would definitely want to have as friends. Con - he couldn't have his board in the room, his computer was risky but that was too essential to move off-campus.

He quickly entertained the notion of drawing a line down the middle of the room before deciding that would probably be considered a tad hostile. He sat down on his bed, beginning to set up his computer, plugging in the desktop and wiring in the monitor, mouse and finally keyboard before plugging in some headphones.

@Ethan Hart
After the Headmaster finished giving instructions Lucas waited a bit before going up to the receptionist, preferring instead for the crowd to thin out so he wouldn't have to push through anybody. As he walked up to the receptionist he was given the usual spiel, "Name?", she asked him. "Lucas Raithor," he responded in his usual cheery tone. She handed him his room key and class list and sent him on his way. Ooh, room 100? That should be the second floor. I hope I have a window, he happily thought to himself as he headed towards it.

When he arrived at the room and opened the door, there was already another, slightly androgynous but Lucas would wait to find out before saying anything, student already there. The L other person was laying on one of the two beds in the room, seemingly exuasted for whatever reason. Lucas sauntered over to them and introduced himself, "Hi, you must be my roommate. I'm Lucas, nice to meet you." He merrily spouted, extending his hand.

Lawrence was sitting on his bed reading a book while his three marbles floating around his head. He was trying to practice on multy tasking with his metal manipulation. He heard the door opening, and he couldn't help but to look to see who it was. It was either his possible roommate or the headmaster. To be honest he wasn't expecting to see a girl standing at his door.

She asked if he was his roommate. He gave her a nod. "Yes I am. Lawrence Edwards, you can also call me meal had if you want. Your bed is there, and make yourself at home." He told her as he put a bookmark in his ok and closed it. "May I ask for your name?" He asked her as he laid down on his bed.

@Yonsisac )

welp seems atleast she was not gona get Bored all the year seeing she had a Roomate,Honestly was Nice to have a Roomate well as far she was thinking and all that,This Lawrence Edwards seem like a nice guy and that was good because last thing she would whant is geting angry,the tall green haired 17 year old would step inside looking around and soon would lay eyes on the boy as he ask her name,with a mental sigh she would sya "Im Natasha Solotov But Call be Devi if you Like..nice to meet you Lawrence"She said with a Faint smile,she was not the best at smiling but Nothing less indeed,Looking around she would see her side of the room,walking towards it she would place her backpack on her bed and would look at the boy Noticing there were 3 Metal balls Floting above the kid....sooo he had telekinesis or something?

"So..Um....Im new here so dont know much of the place as you can tell,anyway......Let me guess You Power Is telekinesis Or something?"she guess as she would Point at the Floting metalical sphears,as she did she would turn towards the bed and would Open her Backback and would start Geting her stuff out,Most Misc Items,Clothe and all,as she did she would remove her Satchle and place it on the bed,with a sigh she would strech her arms up and sit down on her bed as she would sart Unpacking,she was gona try and make herself at Home.

@Robin man
Nobu walked over to the receptionist. She asked his name quite quickly. "Nobu Hayashi!" The kid replied. "A pleasure to meet you!" He extended his arm for the receptionist to shake. The woman looked at him strangely, and then back at her work. Is no one here friendly? Jeez. With a smile, he brought his hand back as she told him his room. "Room 21? Thank you!" He said with a beaming smile. The receptionist looked at him again. She sighed and went back to greeting the others, informing them of where they were staying and giving them stuff. Lighten up a bit, sheesh. He began to walk to his dorm, wondering if he would have a room mate. He wouldn't mind having one. It could be fun. No, it would be fun. Thinking like this, Nobu rushed towards his dorm.

Once he got there, the happy boy looked inside. His room mate was already inside, setting up his computer? Did he bring one with him? Luckily for Nobu, the guy who would be sharing his room wasn't paying attention to the door, so he took it as an opportunity to play a prank. With a smile, he went invisible and walked over to Damien. Whilst invisible, he began picking up some of his possessions. He made sure that the things he was picking up were still visible. Damien couldn't tell, but he was smiling so much. He found it fun. Nobu picked up something else and walked away. He the dropped them, knowing they weren't important and went over to the door to the bathroom. He opened the door and then slammed it. That was all he could take without laughing.

As he laughed, he became visible once more. "That was good. So good." He told himself and Damien as he walked over to his own bed. "As I told you earlier, my name's Nobu Hayashi. I guess I'm sharing a room with you." Nobu told him with a smile. He sighed and laid back onto his bed. The young boy looked around at the room pretty impressed. "Bigger then I thought it was going to be." Nobu said truthfully. "I'm guessing you've already split the room into two. Understandable. First come first serve!" He said cheerfully. He then began to think who the others had rooms with. Would they get along? Nobu couldn't be sure. He got deeper and deeper into thoughts as he bag landed on the floor with a thud.

The sudden sound had shook Nobu out of his thoughts. Hayashi took a deep breath for some reason and picked it up. Nobu then stood up himself and emptied his belongings onto his bed. Before sorting them into two piles, he looked at Damien to try and get an angle. He didn't seem too bad at first glance. But he knew he shouldn't judge a book by it's cover. He could turn out to be a psychopath. That would give them something in common. Except Nobu couldn't help it. He shook his head to get those thoughts out of his head and continued to sort his stuff into two piles. Clothing and other stuff. Pretty easy sorting actually. And fast too. He hadn't bought much in the first place.

Willow sat passenger seat in her friend's hearse. "I just HAD to sleep in, didn't I?" Willow said to herself angrily. "I'm gonna miss out on getting a good look at all my fellow students!" She sighs to herself. "I'll probably be the last one there."

Her best friend Claire puts her hand on Willow's shoulder in reassurance, "Don't worry! You'll still get to meet people later!"

Willow smiles. "Thanks, Claire. You always know what to say. I'm going to miss you the most," she says, as a tear comes to her eye. She quickly wipes it away so as not to mess up her makeup.

They pull up to the school. Willow is amazed by the beauty of the school and its grounds. "Wow!" she and her friend both shout in unison. Willow hugs her friend tightly and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, Claire! I promise to write to you as often as I can!"

Claire hands Willow her backpack and suitcase. "I love you too, Willow! Give em hell!!"

Willow grabs her things and runs into the school as fast as she can in the hopes she'll get to meet some people, but it's to no avail. Almost everyone had found their rooms. Disappointed, she wandered to the receptionist's office to find out her room number. She had room number 145. She rushed to her dorm room. Willow quickly fixed her white, curly hair and her lacy dress, just in case she had a roommate inside waiting for her. When she opened the door however, there was no one. "Oh well!", she says to herself. "At least I can decorate this place however I please!"

Then she began to do just that, hanging string lights and posters all over the walls.
Ulna gave Tomber an irritated grin.

"What do you mean 'assume I'm a man', huh? Has your 'lifestyle choice' completely blinded you? Listen, guy-- I'm not trying to insult you, but you're being a real freak. You'd better shape up or else you'll never get to be normal."

Ulna briefly fished around in his pockets, and withdrew a small slip. His parents had already gone over what Ulna was supposed to do, and had even figured out his room number. Sure enough, Ulna was situated in room 192, somewhere on the ground floor.

Not wishing to spend any more time with the rather unusual Tomber, Ulna made his way to his dorm. With little ceremony, he threw open his dorm's door and lobbed his luggage through the threshold, onto one of the beds within. Grinning confidently, Ulna briefly wondered what he would do now. With a rattling sigh of resignation, he realized he'd have to socialize with the rest of the student body, and set off to the second floor.

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