Pokemon: The League [Completed]

My rolls have been limited to ones, twos, and the four that I was recently blessed with. Although, I'm sure that it will still be blocked.
I laughed a bit, then cried internally.

My distress grew even worse when I rolled that one against the Hyper Beam.

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]Good ole RNGesus. He finds amusement from this, I swear.

I hope his mother is proud.
[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]likewhatarethefreakinchancesbothofthoserollswouldhappen

It's 0.04%


unless i'm botching probability in it's entirety.

which is pretty probable.

heh heh heh...
damn it i was hoping for DRAMA

Also now I can post this,

[QUOTE="White Masquerade]Hm. Hm. I like you Bandit. Luce, I found someone else i like =)

[QUOTE="The One Eyed Bandit]damm it i was hoping for DRAMA

Ah, alright then.

I've been cast aside like table scraps. How could you do this, White? My heart has been cut in two. After everything we've been through. I ache. Betrayal now knows my name. Sorrow was never sweet.
That happens to me a lot. My best solution is to just click inside the text box and let your mind wander. Some form of post will appear eventually.

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