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Fandom Pokemon Survival IC (Open)


Tome Ryuu


Despite having clear plans to drop their luggage off before doing anything, Tome was given a sharp reminder of the unfortunate hand he'd been dealt in life. Specifically, a pokemon who couldn't not want to pose for pictures at any vaguely pretty location. With a sharp woof, he is taken from his thoughts as Lady suddenly veers off in the lobby before they even make it to the hall, head pointing towards one of those touristy pictures things where you pose with the sign.

"This? Right here, right now?" He asks, though he's pretty sure he receives a scowl when he doesn't immediately pull out his phone and start snapping pictures like a fanatic. Lady has already settled into her pose of choice, reared up with one of her paws against the sign in a 'Look where we are!' sort of way, head tilted to the side to face the phone camera that Tome reluctantly pulls out - obediently snapping a picture.

Obviously one is not quite enough, and the Furfrou goes through several poses, showing off her meticulously trimmed fur and graceful build with each new one she chooses. When all is said and done, she trots back over expectantly, and Tome bends down to let her see the pictures. They've built up an understanding by now. If she growls, it means the picture isn't up to her standards and must be deleted. A paw on his knee means she likes that one especially, and general indifference means it's okay.

As the photo selection process occurs, Tome does a general glance around the lobby, picking up on the sight of each individual pokemon and...was that a shiny Growlithe? The fur color is different, and even though he's met Growlithes before, he's never seen a shiny one in real life, and his interest is piqued. It was also looking over...at Lady? He wouldn't be surprised, she was the world's most spoiled attention catcher.

A growl from Lady takes his attention, presumably irritated at him looking away. She looks at what he's looking at, and sees the Growlithe.

"Hey, do me a solid." Tome whispers, lowering his voice to his partner pokemon. She side eyes him, and growls lowly - though it seems to be one of displeasure as opposed to actual anger or annoyance.

"You're about to spend all my money. I just want to look closer. It's my job." He reminds pointedly. "My job that pays for your trims, clothes, food and shelters. Remember? Just go say hi."

With the most reluctance you'd think he was pulling teeth, Lady grumbles out a noise of agreement, trotting over to the Growlithe in question, head lowered to sniff in Hachi's direction with a polite nod. Her tail gives a loose wag, body language calm and open to show a friendly demeanor - for she was no aggressive mutt (except sometimes really.)

Tome stands up from his previously bent down position, as if he had no idea where his pokemon went. Oh, she was just such a rascal - would saying something like that be too weird to say? Honestly it sounded weird in his head. He's also pretty sure that he'll get Ninetails styled cursed if Lady hears him call her a rascal. She could stand socializing, but being called anything other then a beautiful, amazing, wonderful gift bestowed upon him by Arceus just wouldn't do.

Tome clears his throat as he goes over, though he's not entirely set on what to say. He'd like to say he's good at socializing - but really he just says something and hopes it works.

"Hello, sorry about her - she likes to wander." He says, voice vaguely apologetic. "I hope she's not bothering you or your pokemon."

Offering a polite nod, he's thrilled to bits to be this close to the shiny Growlithe. He's only seen a handful of shiny pokemon in his time, so this feels like a nice little treat. He can't let this go to waste, he has a million different questions. Like is the fur color the only difference? Were any of the parents a shiny? How do other pokemon -namely those of the same species- react to the difference in coat? This was entirely Tome's researcher brain activated and working at the forefront of his mind - though he looks largely the same, maybe some slight intrigue in his eyes.

Though before he can work out the best way to ease into these questions, there's some commotion by the front desk - paired with an announcement that follows shortly after.

Lady especially perks up, the Furfrou's tail wagging. Tome catches the expression on her face and knows that they'll definitely be attending - because who is he to say no?

♡coded by uxie♡
Pax D. Lockhart

Location: Cosmic Resort Lobby
Interactions: Tome ( Minteafresh Minteafresh )
Mentioned: Archer ( CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT ), Yuki ( THEKAZUHA_ANEMO THEKAZUHA_ANEMO ), Maydeucea ( Scatterbrain Scatterbrain )


Lady grumbles out a noise of agreement, trotting over to the Growlithe in question, head lowered to sniff in Hachi's direction with a polite nod. Her tail gives a loose wag, body language calm and open to show a friendly demeanor

Hachi's ears perked at Lady's approach, tail wagging behind him at her greeting, his own nose twitched as he sniffed in her direction and gave a soft yip in greeting. He was excited, but was doing his best not to be rude about it.

He had to play it cool, after all. Standing a little prouder, he introduced himself to Lady with his own nod, hoping she was in any way impressed with what she was seeing.

"Hello, sorry about her - she likes to wander." He says, voice vaguely apologetic. "I hope she's not bothering you or your pokemon."

Admittedly, Pax hadn't expected to be approached by the Furfrou and their trainer, but he may as well talk with the man.

“She's not bothering us at all, she's a very lovely Pokémon,” Pax replied, his tone light and friendly even as he added, “He probably would've tried to say hello at some point, he's a curious little guy.” The Growlithe was also being rather well behaved, and if the blonde had to guess it was due to the man being the Furfrou's trainer more than anything else, or else Hachi would have barked at the other if he got too close into their personal bubble. Glancing down at his partner he saw that, by now he seemed to be speaking to Lady as he stood proudly next to him, Pax could only assume that Hachi was taking a page from his book and giving the Furfrou compliments on her appearance.

If I were him, that's the angle I'd start from. She seems well cared for, and the few Furfrou's I saw back in Sinnoh and even Unova had been rather…snooty.’ Pax thought, briefly reminiscing of the parties he had to attend in his youth and one particular actress he ran into at Pokéstar Studios who had made a rather negative impression on him in particular.

Before he could try and properly introduce himself, a commotion at the front desk took Pax's attention from trying to find the words to say, his blue eye landing on a man hassling the clerk at the front desk caused him to tilt his head and quirk a brow as he studied the woman's posture and demeanor for a second.

His gaze snapped to the man specifically, however, when he dramatically fell to his knees one second only to spring up and say something absurd the next.

Was the man so desperate he became stupid, announcing that he was going to steal a vehicle? Didn't he know that if he was planning a theft not to announce it? The blonde almost wanted to roll his eye as the guy was dragged away.

Amateur thief.’ he thought, as if he himself had not been an amateur himself in his early grunt days.

As the man was dragged away and the clerk calmed the rest of the people scattered throughout the lobby with assurances that the man had a tendency to perform ‘pranks’, Pax felt that he wanted some answers on what in Arceus’ green earth had happened with the, apparently, local weirdo.

Good afternoon, guests, tonight we will host a welcome party in the venue for all of you. We wish to thank you for choosing Cosmic Island Resorts to be your number one choice for a vacation. It starts at 7 p.m. Please don't be late. We are excited to see you all there.

Ah, that gave them about an hour to get things settled. That seemed like more than enough time. He gave the lobby a sweep of his gaze, seeing a redhead some distance away near another woman. He could only assume those two were part of the cruise, then there was the woman and her Ekans. She gave off an air that reminded him of that actress with the Furfrou, but also the people he saw at the parties his father dragged him to as a kid in Sinnoh.

Eh, looks can be deceiving and I might be judging too soon.’ he thought, returning his attention to the Furfrou's trainer. He wouldn't be surprised if he clocked it right either. From what little he remembered of the rare family vacations as a young child, or the even rarer ones outside of the Sinclair’s home region, these kinds of places attracted the rich more often than not. Not sparing them another thought for now, he decided to speak up to the Furfrou's trainer now that he had Pax's full attention again.

“Hm, a ‘local nutcase’ that's known for pulling pranks, huh? It's a pretty awful prank to pull, don't you think?” The questions were more rhetorical than anything, but he was still close enough to the desk that the clerk likely heard them and could respond. The man said they were in danger, but didn't say what the supposed danger was. The last thing Pax wanted, on this vacation, was some random wack job to ruin it with some form of ‘danger’ that may not be real.

Besides, those without a water or flying Pokémon big enough or strong enough to carry them were out of luck from whatever scenario was in the man's head.

Pax resisted the urge to grill the clerk for answers, it wouldn't help to be aggressive and demanding in the long run and he had a feeling that she might not even grace him with a satisfactory answer. Maybe before the welcome party, he could see if she'd shed some light on what that was all about.

“Ah, right, name’s Pax by the way, and the little guy is Hachi. Nice to meet ya.” He introduced, holding a hand out for a shake, if Tome felt like doing so.
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Time: 7:00p.m.

The doors to the venue are open, music blaring through the speakers, the room decorated for a special event, the welcome party has begun. On the left side of the room is a bar, the right contains a buffet table consisting of finger food. Lastly, the stage was half open from the foreground, yet velvet curtains rest in the background. There are employed pokemon ready to greet the guests at the door, comfey, aipom, Allan Raichu and chatot specifically.

Guests flood the room with their lovers or pokemon partners, taking up their drinks and start to mingle. The atmosphere filled with a calming aura as folks enjoyed themselves. Many came in with the mindset of the whole event to be dull, or pompous; however, one would discover it's not as bad as it seems when putting in the effort to have fun. There were plenty of folks who wanted to have a bit of fun. Whether that would be flirting, sharing jokes, or stories. The alcohol might be the reason for all of the chatter. A bit of encouragement juice as they call it to motivate a person.

At some point, the floor became lively enough for the employees to whip out a limbo pole for the guest’s entertainment. Crowds gather around, cheering for each participant. The employees keep a watchful eye while also finding the time to have some fun.

279b7f708cfa4c60ef19b6bf37209aca.jpgThe music dropped, the muffled tap of the microphone caught everyone's attention. On stage stands a male with pastel pink hair in a black suit with a tag pinned to his chest. “Good evening, everyone! My name is Takuya, and I am the manager of this resort. I hope everything is to your satisfaction. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our welcome party for you. While this is a weekly banquet, we do our best to show appreciation to each and every one of our customers. Big or small, it is our pleasure to serve you.” He raised his glass as if to say cheers, but more of an offer to the audience.

“Cosmic Island Resorts is a luxurious place for all of you to kick back and unwind. The same could be said about your pokemon.” His eyes gloss over every pokemon, his lips curve into a smile nearly reaching his eyes. “I see many of you have brought your partners tonight. The bonds you share with them show how deeply you care for eachother—which is why I want to use this chance to inform you that we provide facilities to groom and care for your pokemon partners as well as play rooms while you enjoy yourselves.”

Two of The employees stand on the edge of the stage beside a set of stairs. “If you wish for them to have their own celebration, we will gladly guide them to another room where you are free to check up on them as you please. Simply walk on stage and exit left. You may even take a bow.” Takuya winked,his joke breaking through the laughing crowd. The first to go was a Jigglypuff, the rest followed, encouraged by the manager.

cbcee535aed2ad67c66a74b7019ce72b.jpgHalfway through, the herd, the same man from the front desk barges through the double doors. “Stop! Don't listen to him! Don't let him take your Pokemon, it's a trap. He wants to rob you of your pokemon.” The crowd gasps frozen with uncertainty of what to do. Should they trust the manager or a stranger? Answers were needed, but not given.

”That is absurd! Somebody get that man out of here.” Takuya demanded. As the two assistance took their first steps, the newcomer shouts,

“Sableye, raise the curtains!” A purple ghost pokemon spawns into existence, their permanent smile plastered on their face when cued to drop down from a height, raising the curtains to unveil pokemon compacted into a giant, soundproof, glass tank. They whimpered and cried behind their jail for help. To the owners, it was a horrific display. Their eyes now set on the manager as an angry mob formed.

“Damn it! Guess we have no choice. Here I thought it would be an easy score.” In a swift strip of his clothes, suddenly the supposed manager and his assistants are wearing Team Rocket uniforms. The red r is globally known, more infamous in the Kanto region than anything. “No point in keeping up the charade. Lock the doors.” Aipom closes the door behind them, locking everyone in the room. Team Rocket members put on a mask the moment Takuya brings out a Venemoth and uses sleep powder.

“Sableye, run!” The spectacled man commanded, the ghost disappeared, but it was hard to tell if they made it out or not as an assistant chased after them. Every pokemon and trainer succumbs eventually. As soon as the room aired out, the next step was to tie up everyone and keep them hostage. By the time anyone wakes up it will be an hour later tied up with their arms behind their back, and ankles in a noose. The room will be quiet, the tank remaining with everyone's pokemon inside while Team Rocket guards the outside of the door. More grunts will appear than before like some sort of military base, scouting the perimeter. There will be faint rumblings felt below.

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Alright. Into the woods they go. His eyes scan the woods alongside his temporary buddy. He laughs at the compliment, sheepishly scratching the back of his head. "Thanks! Though nothing wrong with wandering around. So long as you got the time for it. It's fine taking things at a slower pace. Though this isn't really the time to take it slow, huh?" It was better to find Eevee and get out of here before trouble they didn't want showed up. "Aww. Yeah, then that makes sense. Kids will run off if you don't have them by the hand. A kid is a kid, no matter what species it is." At the mention of Deino he glanced down at his own buddy who was doing his own wandering but staying within' eyesight. His trainer was weak!! He needed to be around him so he wouldn't get hurt by anyone other than him!

"More like I've had to patch myself up. But yeah. Cherry's got his own share of injuries. But it builds character! For both of us."

Even Tobias was getting a bit worried with how deep they had to go. He was going to stick with him the best he could...even if this is slowly turning into a more dangerous idea. Thankfully! It seems Eevee was found. "Jeez. There you are, Eevee. No biting, Cherry." He motions for the Denio to go greet Eevee. He complies. Since this Eevee seems really young. No roughhousing with kids. Crying out happily as it bumps its head against the Eevee before chatting along. He awes at the scene as well. Cherry is making friends!!

That joy quickly vanishes when he noticed the somewhat rotting environment the other was walking towards. "What the hell??" His eyes widened at the blackened areas. "That's so gross...I've never seen anything like this." Cherry didn't pay it much mind. But made an effort to not go anywhere near it. Even hissing at it a bit before resuming his chat with the Eevee. "Ah right. Let's not get busted now." He lit up at the mention of a party. "No problem! I'm glad we found them. If we see each other at the party let's chat some more!" Names also kinda slipped his mind as they began heading back to the hotel. Yet he was still talking and yapping the whole way back. What a chill time and a new friend!


He really didn't expect a party day one! But he was totally for it! Getting showered and then dressing up with some cargo shorts, a nice shirt, and a blazer to go on top of it. It was more on the tame and casual side. It didn't seem like this would be a big knock out party like some he's had back in the city. Thankfully, there were drinks! Downing a few shots for good measure to really get relaxed. Though he wasn't getting tipsy yet. He didn't need to be tipsy to have fun chatting it up before getting some food in his system. Drinking on an empty stomach is never a good idea. He joined in on the games danced around a bit with Denio on his heels the entire time. He did keep his eyes out for the guy he had met earlier...but he was getting big distracted. And it wasn't long till a pink-haired host appeared on stage.

This seemed like a good break, so he and Cherry sneaked back to the food table. Feeding Cherry some of the pokemon treats there while eating his own food. Listening to the greeting and the mentions of a Pokemon daycare. He didn't really think about it. Cherry would throw a fit if he had to go on his own. Which was annoying, and he didn't want any of the employees to deal with his attitude.

But that seemed to be more of a blessing than a curse when shit started hitting the fan. With a guy running in claiming their host was a pokemon stealer and then revealing the trapped pokemon. "So much for a party." He could feel his stomach drop when the iconic R of team rocket was scene. Oh god. He hasn't seen or really heard about these guys in a while. His eyes dart around as chaos ensues. Other guest shouting and pushing each other around. Getting ready for a possible battle, maybe? He stayed a bit off to the edge where the food was. Swiping Cherry off the ground and holding him before he got stepped on. He was thinking fast and hard. Looking for anything that could be useful in anyway to try and help them. But nope! And there wasn't time to look any longer as the Venemonth was brought out. He tugged his blazer off tugging it off to cover Cherry as he held his own breath. It helped them last a bit longer...but the blazer wasn't even that thick and he couldn't hold his breath forever. Eventually slipping into a deep slumber. Clutching the drowsy pokemon under his blazer in his arms before the two eventually knocked out together. So much for a relaxing vacation!!

And so an hour passes. When Tobias finally comes to he feels like he just had the biggest hangover of his life. Yet he barely drank anything! He blinks awake. Trying to move around only to realize he can't. "Are you serious..." He mumbles quietly to himself into the floor before lifting his head up a bit. Cherry was gone...most likely in the guarded tank with the other pokemon. He's been moved more to the center of the room with the majority of the other guest. And there were some other grunts around the edges of the room. He bites his lip before resting the side of his head on the ground. He didn't want any attention.

What did he have on him...he pats his pants pocket...there's some trash, gum, his keys...his keys!! Bro. His swiss army knife keychain has never failed him. He can file his nails, crack a cold one open, screw some screws, and now escape from a kidnapping. But not right away. He tries to stay as hidden within the other bodies as he can. Both to not be seen and try to cover up any sounds that he can. Keeping his eyes closed as he feels around his pockets. Finding the right pocket. Grabbing the swiss knife, that's cute and has like tie dye and stickers on the handle, and then opening it. Pricking his finger in the process, giving a small but sharp suck in before biting down on his lip to shut himself up. He can't see shit bro. And then slowly saws at the rope. Cutting it little by little. It'll take him a bit but he stops when the rope is barely intact. Still holding on but loose and easy for him to rip what's left of the ropes apart himself. He also peeks his eyes open every now and then. Seeing if there was anyone else in the process of waking up.

digital artist


  • filler tab!

♡coded by uxie♡
Maydeucea Labuschagne-Sinclair-Devereaux-Pennington did not simply walk into a room, she arrived.

Draped in silk and diamonds, her backless gown clung to her curves in all the right places, a dangerously high slit revealing long, toned legs, and an equalling daring neckline that plunged all the way to her navel, designed to make men drool and women seethe. Behind her, the more self-conscious Ekans, wearing a bowtie embroidered with white gold and black diamonds, slithered sheepishly along the polished floor.

A group of well-dressed men; bachelors, husbands, fiancés alike, turned the moment she stepped through the door. As soon as Maydeucea moved toward the bar, half a dozen vying suitors had already flocked to her side like Pidgey to breadcrumbs. Meanwhile, Ekans found himself fighting for his life as he tried to keep up with his trainer, only to be nudged, stepped on, and nearly kicked aside in the deluge of expensive footwear. And yet, Maydeucea did not spare him so much as a glance, instead, she lounged effortlessly against the bar, sipping at a freshly offered glass of champagne, while the men competed for her attention.

As the evening unfolded, her admirers laughed at her jokes, agreed with her opinions, and hung onto every lazy wave of her manicured hand but her fun was eventually interrupted when the manager, Takuya, began making an announcement. The pink haired man wasn't actually that bad looking so she did him the courtesy of listening, albeit half heartedly, if only so he could finish whatever it was he wanted to say and let her get back to being fawned over. Then things unfortunately got worse as the doors slammed open and a bespectacled man rushed in, shouting something about stolen Pokemon.

Maydeucea frowned before making a vague gesture toward her adoring fans. "Someone deal with that, would you?" But before any of them could properly respond, the curtains were ripped open and, behind the stage, stood a massive, glass tank filled with stolen Pokémon. With the jig up, Takuya tore off his suit to reveal the unmistakable black-and-red uniform of Team Rocket and released his Venomoth, immersing the room in sleep powder. Maydeucea tried to fight it but barely managed to throw herself into the arms of the nearest man before her legs gave out.

“No! NO! THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!” she shrieked. “I AM FAR TOO WEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL TO BE KIDNAPPED LIKE SOME—SOME—COMMON TOURIST!” She could feel the powder dragging her under but she used every last ounce of energy to point a finger at the Rocket leader. “YOU’LL REGRET THIS! I HAVE CONNECTIONS!” she screeched. “I KNOW PEOPLE! DANGEROUS PEOPLE! YOU WILL NEVER—”

When she awoke, it was to the feeling of rope against her wrists and ankles. It had been a long time since she found herself in a situation like this and it was one she never hoped to repeat again... at least not without her consent. Then Maydeucea saw the state of her dress and, for one long moment, she simply stared at it before exploding. AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!” Her screech shattered the quiet like a thunderclap. “YOU CREASED MY DRESS! IT'S SIGNATURE MAISON DE MAYDEUCEA! ONE OF A KIND! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH IT COSTS?!” She thrashed around violently, like a Magikarp on land. "WHEN I GET OUT OF HERE, YOU WILL REGRET THE DAY YOUR MOTHERS DECIDED TO BRING YOU INTO THIS WORLD! I WILL HAVE YOU ALL FINANCIALLY RUINED BY SUNRISE! I WILL PERSONALLY SEE TO IT THAT..."

Her tirade continued for several minutes until her anger finally subsided enough to allow some modicum of rational and reason to return. "EKANS! MY DARLING! MY SWEET!" Maydeucea wailed, though her tone was more dramatic than truly affectionate. "GET OVER HERE AND FREE ME AT ONCE!" From somewhere nearby, a miserable hiss echoed through the silence and Maydeucea saw Ekans stuffed inside a tank with some other Pokémon. Oh... Somebody was going to pay for this.
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Val’s fingers drummed against the counter as she waited for another customer, when the shrill brrt-brrt of her phone cut through the salty afternoon air. She fished it from her pocket and looked at the screen. The number was familiar—too familiar. She exhaled sharply through her nose before pressing the phone to her ear. "Mr. Black," she greeted, her voice slipping into something light and sweet, though a bead of sweat pricked at her temple. "Lovely to..."

The voice on the other end was deep, clipped, and all business. No pleasantries, no wasted words. "You sent me the wrong pearls."

Val gritted her teeth, leaning one hip against the counter as she forced a smile that no one could see. "Oh? Now, now, Mr. Black, those were high-quality pearls. Some of my finest! If you just..."

"I don’t care about the quality." His tone was flat. "I asked for a pearl from a Clamperl."

Val’s lips parted, but for once, no lie came fast enough. Damn it. Of course she had known what he wanted. But Clamperl pearls were rare, hard to come by. They were produced once in the Pokémon's lifetime. She looked at Shellder, who gave her a concerned side eye. He could produce a pearl far more quickly and frequently. Val thought that would have done just fine, or so she had hoped. "Well, I..."

"I’m on the island."

That stopped her dead. "You... what?"

"We’ll talk at the welcome party. Tonight."

A cold weight settled in her gut. Given her reputation across the island, attending a party in the hotel itself would be a nigh impossible task. And even if she could get in, her reward would be to see a man you never wanted to meet.... "But....."

"You’ll be there."

The finality in his voice made her stomach twist. Click. The line went dead. Val pulled the phone from her ear, staring at the black screen with something like contempt. Shellder, still perched lazily on the counter, cracked one eye open at her. She snapped the phone shut with a scowl.


The waves lapped lazily but even the tiniest wave threatened to knock Val from her perch on top of her partner, Shellder, who was doing most of the work in keeping her from being tossed into the drink. The salty breeze tugged at the brim of her oversized sunhat, the edges flopping as she adjusted her grip on it. The oversized sunglasses obscured half her face, and the hat, while ridiculous, did its job in keeping her identity hidden. But the worst part was the dress. While pretty, flattering and a beautiful shade of blue, Valerie hated spending money.

Shellder gave a final push, gliding up onto the sand back first of the private resort beach. She wasted no time hopping off, lifting the hem of her dress just enough to keep it from dragging in the wet sand. "Quickly" she muttered, tipping off her hat to scoop up her partner.

Wobbling inside, Val place her hat hastily back on to head, her neck dropping a few inches though she gritted her teeth and bared with it. Val adjusted her hat, tugged down the sunglasses, and strode forward. The resort grounds were impeccable—rows of evenly spaced palm trees, lanterns strung between them casting a warm glow, the swimming pool practically sparkling under the lights. Val kept to the edges, moving between the trees and past the tiki bar. Ahead, an open doorway led into the main event. Through it, she could see the grand hall bathed in soft golden lighting. A stage stood at the far end, where someone had just stepped up to speak. Perfect.

With the smooth confidence of a woman who belonged exactly where she wasn't, Val swept into the building, casting a quick glance around. The moment her eyes landed on a lively group of tourists, she adjusted her pace and slotted herself in beside them. Inside, the party was in full swing—elegant decor, a long table stacked with appetizers, and the hall packed to the brim. But none of it mattered. What mattered was finding Mr. Black. Hard to do, she thought bitterly, for a man I’ve never seen.

She bounced slowly from group to group, hoping to hear the familiar voice of her buyer, doing her best to filter out the man on stage. Shellder however couldn't deny the appeal of a private party, Val's hat rocking back and forth from the bivalves Pokémon excitement. "Stop that" she snarled quietly.

The room began to thin, as Pokemon slipped by the searching shopkeeper making her job easier until a man came racing in, trying to put a stop to proceedings. A man she had grown to recognise. A man almost as disliked as her on the island. Takuya.

Keeping her head down, she slinked as far away as she could from him, not wanting to draw any of his attention or others ire. A curtain raised behind her and for a moment, Val thought the horrified faces of the crowd were aimed at her. She smiled woolooishly. Damn it

However their anger was not towards her but rather turned to the stage. Val followed their stare, just in time to catch the man on stage reveal himself as Team Rocket. Taking a step back, Valeries foot hit glass causing her to turn and putting herself face to face with an unsettled Spoink. A lightbulb went off in her head. "You're not with Mr..."

But as quickly as the realisation dawned, it was good night Valerie, her face sliding down the glass as she was put to sleep by Venomoth.
code by opaline
Archer Amarante Mulberry
❛ The Model ❜
Sirius, the Froakie settled in his arms, had called out to Archer when another person-or more likely trainer-approached him. She held eyes that were shining in interest, and he couldn't help but smother another sigh. Don't tell me she recognizes me from somewhere. Yet, the girl had seemed to not have any intentions he thought she would have. Instead, she just exclaimed about his Pokémon.

"You shouldn't boost Sirius' ego, and even though he might not show it, he's definitely enjoying that compliment." Archer nodded over to the the creature the person he was speaking to was also managing to hold. "Sneasel? Is my opinion I would've gotten the Johtonian one, but the choice was yours. I suppose the colors of it matches you. You could call me Archer, if you wanted." The woman laughed, only for that same Sneasel to growl slightly in the half-hearted insult.

"Ivy here is a bit feisty, and not in the mood." She held out her hand to him. "Yuki, or just Ms. Iwata. What's your story for coming here? Just a vacation, or something behind it?" Iwata was clearly one that shouldn't be ignored, so he saved her her time and replied.

"I needed space, that is all. It's a pain when both of your parents are breathing down your back for everything." Yuki had risen a brow, a look of familiarity clearing her gaze, and yet Archer didn't push her for questions. There was a post-poned silence following after, before Yuki had brought up another subject. In the mean time, Sirius jumped away from the two and had ran off-probably because coming right after him was Ivy. The rest of the trainers' time spent on the beach was shooting each other with various types of questions, finding themselves similar in many ways.



Returning back to the room he had gotten out of his pay, Archer had been told to get dressed and head off to a party. In order to show some sign of respect, he decided to go on, however that did not mean he typically wanted to be stuck with several other people that crowded the place. He could nearly feel the way Sirius mocked him, yet the frog kept quiet once Archer entered the lit place. Dudes and dudettes were all walking by, bustling about and clinging drinks. He nearly shrank away at the sight, but fought the anxiety and strode inside like how any normal being would.

Archer decided to lay back and just watch the scene open before him, and so he took one of the back seats. The sight of a pastel-pink haired man approaching the stage made his attention shift. Sirius was wary from the commotion, and instead hopped down near the red-head's legs as if to hide in some sort of way. An announcement had been put on, but was abruptly interrupted by another voice. A cry for help, it sounded like, but Archer couldn't quite tell.

Suddenly, curtains were shifted, and gasps filled the room. Right in clear view was a huge tank caging tons of other Pokémon. Chills ran down his spine, and Archer felt the same fear he swore Sirius might've predicted. Either way, he couldn't do much as a thing when a Venomoth appeared. Sleep powder was tossed to all sides, the spell casting over him too until he felt dizzy. Quickly getting out of his chair so he wouldn't fall from it, he prepared himself for the knock out. The last thing he could remember was Sirius trying to drag him underneath the table, but then fail and trip over.

The time that went by had felt like forever, because when Archer sat up from his unconscious session, the room around felt different. The most terribly wrong but important thing was that not a single spur of familiar light blue was hopping around him. And, Archer's hands seemed to be bound to his back. His fingers searched for the ends of the rope typing him down, in a way to search for the knot. Once he did so, untying the knot came to be fairly easy. Soon the threads fell from his arms and he was free.

Easy tactic to learn. Around him, he couldn't quite tell if some others were waking up too. Archer lifted his head, only to be surprised with a yelling woman who was calling for...well, revenge it seemed. Sometimes trainers were a bit overreactive. And he emphasized a bit.

Tome Ryuu

Tome was not a lover of parties, despite the many that he had attended. From hometown celebrations to researcher gatherings, he had found over the years that he much preferred smaller gatherings, ones with close friends.

Unfortunately for him, Lady did not share the same sentiment. She loved parties, because it gave her a special reason to dress up. With her fur already perfectly trimmed, the duo arrived with Lady flaunting heart shaped sunglasses, a fashionable scarf, and a skirt that complimented the pink in her fur. Tome wore nice clothes too - a simple button down and slacks, which was as much effort as he put in.

The party was fine. Tome had a few conversations with people about how cute Lady looked, and maybe a few about their own pokemon - nerd that he secretly was.

When the man, Takuya, came onto the stage - Tome's focus shifted, his interest piqued at the mention of grooming and play areas for pokemon. He considered it for only a moment, knowing that Lady was the most picky Furfrou to exist - her rather not subject the staff to her displeased growls on the off chance that they messed up her coat. And she wasn't really a 'mon for play. More like a pokemon with the soul of a middle aged woman who wanted fine wine and yacht rides. Regardless, he figures he'll ask.

Though Lady glares at him before he opens his mouth, as if anticipating his question. After that one bad groom it seems, she had trust issues higher then Mt. Coronet. And she had a preferred stylist, because why wouldn't she?

"Maybe we could check it out later. It could be nice for you." He offers anyway, and the diva gives a 'hmph!' noise, turning her head away to delicately nibble on a pokepuff.

Or course, such a peaceful moment is unfortunately interrupted by the man from earlier coming in, and the ensuing showdown. Team Rocket? Had they not disbanded? Was this some group using their name? Or a comeback? It was hard to tell, but the following sleep powder makes his thoughts hazy until he passes out.

When he comes to, Tome is greeted by the sound of shouting. Some woman yelling about a dress?

"There have got to be better things..." He mutters under his breath, taking a moment to assess the situation as his senses come back online. Tied up - and Lady was gone.

Lady was gone.

The fear that grips him is rather strong, grey eyes scanning the room. He can't even manage a sense of relief when he does spot her - because she's in the tank; little scratch marks in front like she's already attempted to claw her way to freedom.

Tome wiggles, testing the knots. He doesn't exactly have anything to free himself here, and a small survey of the room tells him that there's several others awake - and two of them seem to be working at freeing themselves. Though that begs the question of what one should do after they were free. Regardless, he decides to focus on it one step at a time.

"Pardon me." He manages a polite tone despite the mixture of emotions he's feeling - speaking to the redhead nearby. "I don't suppose you'd mind untying me aswell?"

He's never even thought to learn such a skill, though who ever thinks they'd end up in a situation like this? Evidently, he'll need to note this down for later reference.

♡coded by uxie♡
Pax D. Lockhart

Location: Cosmic Resort Venue
Interactions: Maydeucea ( Scatterbrain Scatterbrain ), Open
Mentioned: Tome ( Minteafresh Minteafresh ), Archer ( CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT ), Yuki ( THEKAZUHA_ANEMO THEKAZUHA_ANEMO ), Tobias ( Bloody_Death Bloody_Death ), Team Rocket :3c ( Pumpkid Pumpkid ), others


Once he had the time to get his stuff settled in his room, Pax had showered and changed into a simple white button up and dark jeans, along with wearing the same sneakers as before. Pax had never really been one for parties or banquets, especially ones that seemed fancy. They brought too many memories of being a bored child that had to dress up and sit still, only allowed to stay at the table the whole time. There were those rare occasions where there was an area for children to play and socialize but half the time his father made him stay with the adults at the table as punishment for causing trouble or simply deemed him too troublesome to keep out of his sight.

At best, the food was decent. The food served here was alright, though he grabbed the first glass of alcohol he saw and had been slowly sipping at it the whole time as he stuck to a wall. He spotted a few people he had seen earlier; the woman with the Ekans (who really did give off the vibes of the rich he grew up around and that one particular actress), the tall redhead that had been speaking to the blue haired woman, he even noticed a guy with a Deino at some point. Pax hadn't expected to see a Unovan ‘mon. There were quite a few interesting characters and their Pokémon filling in the room, and it was almost overwhelming the longer this event was going on.

As much as he'd like to walk the perimeter of the room out of habit, Hachi had wandered off at the prospect of food the minute they had entered the space, and he had to guess the little fire type was under the tables messing with folks and getting them to drop food. So, he stuck near the wall by the tables, blue eye doing a slow sweep of the area as best as he could. He was sure he'd find the Furfrou and her trainer again, and he knew Hachi would be delighted to see her again in particular.

Pax himself wasn't quite sure what to make of the man the Furfrou belonged to himself. While talking to the man, he seemed to have sharp eyes, but also seemed a bit awkward at first when he spoke to Pax. The blonde couldn't blame the man, it was always awkward starting a conversation with a stranger.

Why is it so hard to talk to people as an adult? It's so stupid.’ he thought with a soft huff and roll of his eye as he lifted his glass to drain the rest of his drink, just as a pink haired man made his way to the stage.

Good evening, everyone! My name is Takuya, and I am the manager of this resort. I hope everything is to your satisfaction. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our welcome party for you. While this is a weekly banquet, we do our best to show appreciation to each and every one of our customers. Big or small, it is our pleasure to serve you.” He raised his glass as if to say cheers, but more of an offer to the audience.

Cosmic Island Resorts is a luxurious place for all of you to kick back and unwind. The same could be said about your pokemon.” His eyes gloss over every pokemon, his lips curve into a smile nearly reaching his eyes. “I see many of you have brought your partners tonight. The bonds you share with them show how deeply you care for eachother—which is why I want to use this chance to inform you that we provide facilities to groom and care for your pokemon partners as well as play rooms while you enjoy yourselves.

Two of The employees stand on the edge of the stage beside a set of stairs. “If you wish for them to have their own celebration, we will gladly guide them to another room where you are free to check up on them as you please. Simply walk on stage and exit left. You may even take a bow.” Takuya winked,his joke breaking through the laughing crowd. The first to go was a Jigglypuff, the rest followed, encouraged by the manager.

Pax's brows furrowed, was that a new addition? They could have offered such services at the front desk when mentioning the banquet if not. Though, spending so much time traveling with Hachi, and having to chase the little guy down when he's wandered off to cause trouble he could at least tell that currently the Growlithe was more interested in food than playtime since he hadn't come out from under the tables. Besides, more often than not he'd rather have Hachi nearby and in his sights, since the other was a shiny and also like another younger sibling.

After a while the blonde wanted to get some air, setting his now empty glass aside he removed himself from the wall only to pause, eye glancing down at Hachi's snout poking from under a table cloth, nose twitching as he sniffed Pax out.

Pax was sure his heart melted at the intense feeling of affection towards his little troublemaker of a partner.

“Hey to you too, bud.” He chuckled, only to jump as the doors to the room slammed open and he was a little surprised to see the man who caused a scene earlier so soon. He assumed it'd have been at least a day or two before the man might have shown up again or found a way off the island himself.

“Hachi, stay there.” He muttered, eye on the man that entered while Hachi returned to being under the tables.

Stop! Don't listen to him! Don't let him take your Pokemon, it's a trap. He wants to rob you of your pokemon.

Damn it! Guess we have no choice. Here I thought it would be an easy score.” In a swift strip of his clothes, suddenly the supposed manager and his assistants are wearing Team Rocket uniforms. The red r is globally known, more infamous in the Kanto region than anything. “No point in keeping up the charade. Lock the doors.” Aipom closes the door behind them, locking everyone in the room. Team Rocket members put on a mask the moment Takuya brings out a Venemoth and uses sleep powder.

Pax's mouth went dry at the sight of the rocket uniform, heart rate spiking at the thought of how bad the situation could possibly get. The fuck were they doing here? They disbanded years ago so why were they here?

Hopefully, they didn't recognize him at all. He worked hard to get his life back on track and he was not going to let them change that and cause him anymore unnecessary headaches.

Shit.” He hissed under his breath the moment he saw them mask up. Crouching he covered his face best he could with the sleeve of his shirt, despite knowing in the back of his mind it was pointless at this point. He hoped they'd at least miss Hachi when doing their rounds of the room and the Growlithe could find a chance to escape.

Every pokemon and trainer succumbs eventually. As soon as the room aired out, the next step was to tie up everyone and keep them hostage. By the time anyone wakes up it will be an hour later tied up with their arms behind their back, and ankles in a noose. The room will be quiet, the tank remaining while Team Rocket guards the outside of the door. More grunts will appear than before like some sort of military base, scouting the perimeter. There will be faint rumblings felt below.

He blinked out one moment, and found himself waking up with his wrists and ankles tied the next. He blinked tiredly for a second before trying to regain his bearings for a few minutes, slowly testing how tight his binds were as his eye tried to count how many grunts were in the room with them, or at least in his line of sight. He could just barely see Hachi with the other captured Pokémon on the stage, but the Growlithe was trying to break out with double kicks at one spot repeatedly in the tank as if trying to weaken it at a point, but that didn't seem to be working. It was a bit hard to see in general for Pax, being on his right side where his good eye was on top of still being just a bit groggy from the Sleep Powder.

He kept movement to a minimum so far, but stopped when he thought he heard a sound amongst his fellow captives, like one of them were in pain.

His backpack was in his room with all of the supplies he brought, but that was fine, he could be patient. The Rocket grunts might let some important information slip about their operations, and if he had to guess they had other bases throughout the resort and, potentially, underground.

They did love their underground bases.’ he thought almost sarcastically.


Her tirade continued for several minutes until her anger finally abated enough to allow some modicum of rational and reason to return. "EKANS! MY DARLING! MY SWEET!" Maydeucea wailed, though her tone was more dramatic than truly affectionate. "GET OVER HERE AND FREE ME AT ONCE!”

“I doubt they care much about your dress, they only care about getting a bag. Be glad they didn't take any of your flashy jewelry on you or that dress on top of knocking you out.” the blonde scoffed under his breath once she finished screaming. Pax was beginning to feel a light pulsating sensation behind his eyes. He almost wished he was asleep still to ease the growing headache.

Save the negative energy Pax, throw it back at Team Rocket, or whatever Lisa would say at this moment.’ he thought, missing her ability to try and look at the good and bad of a situation.

He almost wanted to laugh, because despite the loud woman's validity in being angry at the situation he doubted Team Rocket cared about their hostages as long as they could still find a way to ensure they still made some kind of profit at the end of the day. Unless, there was a way to get them to disband for good.

Arceus forgive me for thinking this…but I hope she takes away any potential recognition from me by drawing their attention’ he thought. He didn't necessarily feel bad about thinking it, and he was sure someone else in his position would think the same regarding him no doubt. He still knew he was a bit of an asshole for thinking it.
Yuria Genkei

Yuria looked to be rather grumpy as she attends the party. The card incident still pissed her off, whatever the excuse he has, she would make sure gave that face one or two good smacks. To console herself, she used this opportunity to stuff herself full of expensive cakes and fine wine. Her rookidee also seemed to enjoy pecking on a blueberry muffin that he snatched from the table.

She listened as the supposed manager of the resort gave his speech and offer the guests play room for their pokemon. Yuria glanced at her rookidee, wondering if she should put him there. He was a very independent pokemon, so much so that she sometimes wonder if she actually trains him or it was the other way around. However he was rather stiff around other pokemon and had always been having a hard time making friends. Maybe one or two hours playing with other pokemon would do him good... Then again the last time she put him in a daycare he hate it so much that he headbutted her in the face when she come to pick him up.

So maybe later. She would rather keep her face for today.

The atmosphere drastically change when a man barged through the door and unveiled the truth behind the party. Yuria couldn't believe what she saw when the team rocket revealed themselves. As a part time trainer it wasn't her first time dealing with dubious team like this, even though she could only do her trainer activities during the weekend sometimes all her time was spent to deal with their shenanigans.

"Not again..." She groaned at the situation. First the card, then this. Her hopes for a proper vacation had been blown away. She didn't know what kind of weird goal they had in mind but she wouldn't let it prevent her from enjoying all these cakes and wines! Unfortunately for he before she could take another bite she was knocked unconscious by the sleep powder.


Yuria woke up with a throbbing headache and tied limbs. Looks like she drank a bit too much alcohol, that or maybe she hit her head on the table when she fell unconscious. Around her she could hear people started waking up, some were whispering to each other while some others were screaming at the grunts.

Her first priority was to ensure that her pokemon was safe. She frantically looks around until she spotted her rookidee curling alone in the corner of the tank with the other pokemon. He seemed to be really distressed, not because he was held in a tank but because he was trapped with the others panicking pokemon. The bird pokemon immediately perked up when he noticed that his trainer had woken up, Yuria gave him a reassuring smile.

Now what to do, all of them were either tied or trapped in a tank. There's not much they could do, but she could hear some of the other hostages trying to free themselves. If they could keep the grunts occupied enough they might be able to do it. Yuria had a rough idea, but she wasn't sure on how to convey it to her rookidee without yelling it. Oh well, she must as well just try.

"OH NO! MY BABY ROOKIDEE! YOU SHOULDN'T PUT HIM THERE WITH THE OTHER POKEMON!!" Yuria yelled at the rocket grunt, although her eyes was looking at her rookidee hoping that he would play along. "HE HAS... HE HAS SEVERE SOCIAL ANXIETY!!"

As if a switch in his bran just clicked, the rookidee's eyes briefly widened as he managed to grasp what Yuria was trying to do, probably. He immediately flipped upside down on his back with his claws stiffly pointed upward and his tongue out like he was dead. Yuria wasn't really sure if social anxiety would kill a pokemon but she's glad that her partner understand. For an evil team, the pokemons were like their profit, hopefully it was enough to bait them to get the bird out of the tank.​
code by opaline
Yuki Iwata
❛ The Waitress ❜
Just after the sleep powder incident, Yuki was forced to a unfaithful slumber. Her dreams remained uncalm, despite the fact the ability put on her was caused by a Pokémon. A slight blurry vision of Ivy being forced away from her, and the poor waitress trying to cling onto her Pokémon. The world around her blacked out, and yet, it was just like an old nightmare. With a groan, the blue-headed girl rose her head.

Her once free hands were no bound, and Yuki was unable to speak due to a strip of cloth dragging back against her jaws. With a muffled noise, she tried to sit up, failing a few times before adjusting herself. A chair nearby waited for her, and she rubbed the back of her head quickly but steadily onto the pole. Soon the gag wore down, and she could breathe through her mouth again. With quick haste, she unknotted the ropes by digging into them with her nails. Having a manicure so early before vacation was paying off more than what she'd like to admit.

Yuki's dress, now body fully untangled, was a bit shriveled at the ends. She patted down the edges that were a bit ruined, but she guessed it would be alright. A soft tapping nearby got her attention, and she gasped. The Hisuian Sneasel of hers was trapped in the same glass tank she remembered the Team Rocket group being exposed by just prior. A chilled breath left her mouth, and she tried to make eye contact with her Pokémon. They both shared a knowing glance, but her concentration ended when two women started howling dramatically. At least people were awake!

The trainers talking were doing a great job at distracting, but Yuki clucked her tongue. Such thing would bring the Team Rocket crew back, caging the awake ones together. She couldn't just miss her chance at saving her lost team mate. Moving around too much would prove to be too much of a hassle, yet she could most notably see a man settled down just like how she was a few ways away. Then there was, on her right, the madam complaining about a crease on a dress.

"Instead of whining, I think being more collected will prove to be more helpful," She whispered under her breath.
code by opaline
Archer Amarante Mulberry
❛ The Model ❜
Archer looked up, hearing the voice of another man speak up to him. They seemed to have scooted up a bit closer, and the red head simply gave a nod. "Wouldn't at all," He whistled, fingers deftly meeting the ropes that held the other trainer's arms. These knots were clearly more tightened, possibly caused from the wriggling the person had made.

However, it was a quick removal once Archer found the ends, and twisting them inward and back outwards through some small holes was all it took to set the person free. There was a bit of a reddened mark left on the both of their skin, a practical trophy showing how they beat the first obstacle that was hurtled at them. Once he was done with his task, a slight frown marked his face. Quickly padding over his body, his device seemed to have been lost in the chaos. Had he set it down, or lost it? It wasn't much of a big deal.

Archer could technically get a new one, but this also meant calling for some help from some specialists wouldn't happen just yet. Getting to the room areas first, and then tackling on Team Rocket, seemed a little too great, but it was confirmed that it couldn't be possible without running into someone. The villainists around probably had Pokémon themselves too, making things a even greater threat.

(Short post to interact)

Espen Inazuma-Aberdeen
“on ice, Snowy”

Snowflake glanced up at his trainer and gave a nod of affirmation.

The doors lay just a few feet ahead of them, as unprepared for what was in store for it as everyone on the other side.

Snowflake leapt onto Espen's shoulder as he sped through the door, then bounced forward from his perch while releasing an ice Shard attack followed by icy wind.

[Shortly Before]

Espen admired himself in the mirror, doing and undoing the third from top button on his shirt a couple times before settling on leaving it unbuttoned. Give the masses a view, he decided. His frost blue button-up shirt perfectly matched Snowflake's coat, a custom bit of tailoring done for Espen personally after his first major contest victory. The shirt was neatly tucked into a pair of cream-colored corduroys and paired with a small collection of silver rings and necklace inlaid with gems of various blues.

After a few hours spent relaxing in the shadiest spot they could find on the beach, Espen and Snowy had gone to the resort to get ready for the welcome party being hosted that evening. Surely their family could wait a little longer for them to arrive at the lab- call it fashionably late. First, they needed to socialize!

The party was already well underway when Espen slid through the doors right past a shocked Alolan Raichu- the superior breed of the species as far as Espen was concerned- sending the ‘mon into a momentary panic as Snowflake unleashed his attacks.

Shards of ice crept along the floor ahead of Espen and Snowy, who skated along the surface of the ice with practiced ease. Espen caught the eye of an attending employee as he slid by and his hand snaked out to grab a drink from her serving tray. The glittering ice that hung in the air from Snowflake’s icy wind settled on the surface of the drink, to which Espen laid no mind as he stepped off of his own personal skating rink with a casual sip of his drink.

Behind them the path of ice they had left quickly broke apart and melted away, leaving no evidence of their flashy entrance aside from a slightly damp floor.

For the rest of the party Espen flowed from group to group, making easy conversation with everyone he met and drawing a fair crowd wherever he went after his flashy entrance. Meanwhile Snowflake made a show of strutting underneath a limbo pole that had been set up for those of human size, giving a smug bark at the human passing under behind him that caused the poor man to fall onto his back.

After a time, a man in a black suit stepped onstage with a microphone calling for the room’s attention. It was awful rude of him, Espen thought, to steal the spotlight from him like that. The group of party goers who had up until that moment hung upon his every word now abandoned him for the pink haired man on the stage, who introduced himself as Takuya- the apparent resort manager.

His offer of a place for pokémon to mingle on their own reached Snowflake’s ears, but it was his invitation to step onstage and take a bow that hooked him. Never one to turn away an invitation into the limelight, Snowy happily trotted onto the stage.

Looking out over the crowd he let out a satisfied chirp accompanied by a show of glittering ice flakes, taking a deep practiced bow before vanishing behind the curtain. Espen couldn’t help but giggle at this despite his jealousy that Snowflake had gotten to take a bow onstage and not him.

A loud bang caused him to jump out of his own skin and spin around to see what caused such a commotion- a man bursting through the wide double-doors at the head of the room. The deranged man shouted his warning to the guests and Espen’s heart leapt into his throat. Spinning on his heels, he stared at the curtain his pokémon had walked through moments before.


From thin air a Sableye materialized at the stranger’s call, plummeting down as the curtain rose behind it to reveal an enormous glass tank housing all of their pokémon. Espen desperately searched the tank until his eyes settled on a sight most horrifying.

Snowflake was pressed against the glass of the tank, tears pouring freely from his eyes. His snout moved in an inaudible cry for help, and his paws shook in a struggle to remain on his feet as fear overwhelmed his nerves.

Exposed, ‘Manager Takuya’ abandoned his suit for a guise he felt more at home in. The red ‘R’ emboldened in the center of his chest was easily recognizable to Espen, having grown up so close to the Kanto region where Team Rocket was widely known.

With any pretense of deception destroyed, Takuya released a Venomoth and ordered it to use sleep powder. If he couldn’t take their pokémon by subterfuge, it would be by force.

Espen’s eyelids began to grow heavy, his feet stumbling as he struggled to remain on them. Carefully he slipped to his knees before the effects took him completely, making sure his trip to the floor was a gentle one. A bruise marking up his perfect complexion wouldn’t help the situation at all now, would it?

[Some time later]

Espen's eyes fluttered open, squinting in the harsh unnatural lighting. Had Vera left the lights on last night, or was she already awake? His ribs didn’t hurt and nobody was yelling at him to get out of bed, so she must still be sleeping.

He tried to reach a hand to his hair to ensure he hadn’t caught a bad case of bedhead only to realize his arms were firmly secured behind his back. Confused, he looked around the room to orient himself.

On the far end of the large banquet hall his eyes settled on a large tank packed to capacity with pokémon. His heart began to race in his chest again as he finally got his bearings on his surroundings and remembered everything that had happened.

Snowflake was trapped in there, somewhere, afraid and alone. How long had he been asleep? Where was Takuya, and the rest of his rockets?

Espen flinched away as a woman nearby him let out a blood-curdling screech. Once the ringing in his ears had subsided, he nodded along with her as she ranted about her dress- an understandable reaction to such an offense against fashion- but slowly stopped and looked away as her tirade in defense of high-class tailoring turned into a colorful string of threats that burned his ears to listen to.

Another woman who was positioned to his left began to yell as well, about her Rookidee’s severe social anxiety- poor thing, perhaps Snowflake could give it some lessons in social etiquette. A few pointers and the bird would be the center of attention- no, no not the center, but something center-adjacent. Like an accent piece. He and Snowflake would be the center, of course.

Oh, Snowflake- his poor Snowflake! Tears sprung to his eyes as he thought about his poor pokémon trapped in that large glass tank, at the mercy of these terrible thieves.

“Don’t worry yourself darling,” Espen tried to reassure her in spite of the watery warble in his voice, “I’m sure your Rookidee will be alright. My Snowflake will take excellent care of him, he’s a perfect gentleman”

Espen followed her eyes to the Rookidee in the tank, laid on it’s back with it’s legs in the air, and paled. Was it dead? That’s terrible! Those monsters, how could they do something so evil to a poor sweet pokémon!

His tears streamed freely now, and he bit back the tail end of a sob. “He... He’ll be just fine, I’m- I’m sure of it. They’ll all be... oh, Snowflake! Please- Please be okay!”

He couldn’t hold back the tears any longer and though he wanted to sling his arms around the poor girl with the Rookidee in a hug, he was unable with his arms tied. Instead he just rested his head on her shoulder while he cried in a show of solidarity.

LOCATION: Resort Ballroom

MENTIONS: Scatterbrain Scatterbrain
INTERACTIONS: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Coded by AnemoVictorious
Art: Crisalys

After that memorable interaction with the sales woman that was selling fossils, Jace had taken his beloved partner Pokemon to the other side of the beach. While there, they both began to search the sand. Finding solace in their solitude. Digging through the sand, laughing and having fun all the time, they searched for the other half of the fossil that they had purchased. Of course, he could have just asked that wonderfully eccentric woman about purchasing the other half, but there was something entertaining about the idea of searching for it himself. Plus, he had to leave her with a little bit of mystery. To be honest, he found himself returning to the thought of her. She was definitely odd, but he had to admit that he found it a bit appealing. Perhaps it was the way she was so confident about herself, but he guessed that didn't matter. He wasn't much for social interaction anyways.

The day stretched on as they continued to search through the sand. Aron chirping his cute little noises as they continued to dig. The tiny Pokemon bouncing around in the sand as it's trainer looked at every Rock they could find.

Aron had moved away from Jace, only about a few paces away when it called to its trainer. The chef turned his head, watching his little friend bounce up and down, excited about something it had found digging in the sand. Jace stood up, dusting the sand from his clothing as he walked his way towards his Pokemon. Upon reaching the site he got down on his knees next to his metal companion. He looked at the rock that the little Pokemon had found.

"Let's see what we have here buddy."

As he dusted the sand from what he realized was a fossil, all thoughts had slipped from him. All unnecessary thoughts anyways. He knew that there was some sort of party going on at this point in time, but he found himself caring little about it. Mostly because it was way too many people. He had never been one for gatherings or major social events. All it ever seemed to do was drain him and he was in no mood to feel like that. This was his vacation after all.

He continued to work, dusting the sand out of the crevices before pulled out a fossil guide book. He had bought one before he went on the cruise, knowing that he was coming to a place that was pretty well known for all the fossils.

Sitting in the sand, his partner Pokemon waiting anxiously beside him, he flipped through the pages. First, finding the piece that he had bought from the shop owner. Realizing he never actually asked for her name. However, once he found the piece he had purchased he began to search through the pages, eventually finding the piece he was looking at.

An excited smile spread across his face as he looked down to his little partner "We actually got it buddy. This is the other half!"

Aron squealed and chirped excitedly as it began to bounce all around in the sand, quickly changing angles to bounce in a different direction, much like you would expect an excited toddler to do. Jace couldn't help but laugh at his partners excitement. He was excited too. To be honest, he didn't think he would be able to find it, but here he was. Holding the second half to a fossil that he had found only hours beforehand.

He stood up once again, dusting himself off and putting the new fossil into his bag next to the one he had bought. He looked and saw how dark it was getting. He pulled out a snack that he had made and tossed it to his partner, the metal Pokemon jumping and catching the snack with ease, only chewing it after it had landed "Alright bud, how about we go back to our room? I'm all partied out for the day."

Aron chirped happily, clearly satisfied with the idea. Jace turned and motioned for his Pokemon to follow him, making their way back from the secluded area of the beach.

Something strange had happened. Or was happening. He stopped as he saw lights and heard massive noises. What was it? It sounded like tracks? Eventually he saw that the lights were coming towards the resort. He had an extremely bad feeling. Looking down at his partner, it was clear the small Pokemon had the same bad feeling.

Quickly, Jace grabbed up his pokemon, diving behind a Boulder that peaked through the beaches Sandy shores. He peeked over to see what was happening.

He took notice of all the people, pulling up in big trucks and even tanks. All of them wearing similar outfits that he couldn't quite make out at this distance in the dark. He could tell that they were setting something up. Workers bringing out machines and technology that he didn't quite recognize. Each one had their own partner Pokemon out. Yet, they didn't really seem like partners. More like tools that they were using. It gave him a sickening feeling. It was pretty common knowledge that some people used pokémon as tools and there were even entire teams dedicated to doing something with Pokemon. He couldn't tell if this was a team or anything else, but that was his best guess.

He kept himself low behind The Rock, feeling the sand underneath him, his body covering his partner. His mind began to wander, wondering what was happening. Clearly this was not a part of the resort process or festivities. There was no way he could fight them all by himself. Aron was not strong enough and they were just far too many.

Every so often he would peek out, trying to get as much information as he could. He took mental notes of everything they were setting up, trying to piece together what they might be doing. Unfortunately, he didn't really know what they were trying to set up. However, one of the team members came close enough for him to see the logo on there outfit. Team Rocket. Of course it was Team Rocket.

He could tell that they were spreading out, so staying there was not an option. He looked down to his partner, pressing his finger to his lips to signal the Pokemon to be as quiet as possible. He began to crawl his way towards the rocks heading inwards toward the island. Slowly raising himself up till he was crouched and moving as fast as he could. Aron following suit.

They managed to dodge Team Rocket, though only just barely as they made their way towards the party they knew was happening. Jace managing to find a wall to hide behind and look over. He saw that they were using Venomoth to put everyone to sleep, then separating them from their Pokemon. It was a horrible sight to watch.

However, he managed to sneak around enough to follow the Team Rocket goons, watching their movements as they tied people up and begin to move them somewhere. Slowly he managed to follow them, the sounds of an active working site all around them. Team Rocket members hustling to do their jobs and looking for others to tie up. Luckily, Jace had become pretty good at avoiding people and Aron was just small enough to be hard to notice in the dark.

Eventually he finally found her they were taking people. The massive tank which was supposed to be where the party was. Did that mean this whole Cruise was a setup? He shook his head, not having time to deal with that.

He kept himself decently hidden, searching his head to try and find a way to make some sort of move here. He couldn't fight them all on his own, but maybe if you released all the other people they could get their Pokemon and maybe stand a chance? Of course this was all conjecture based on the information he had, but honestly, he couldn't come up with anything better.

Dressing up for a party was no easy feat, especially when trying to fit the theme. Marshall was not fashionable as he mainly kept it simple. A black shirt with a duskull at the center, jeans, high top boots, and his army jacket. Usually he wore his flannel underneath, but considering he’s on a tropical island with the blistering heat, he could stand to lose one layer of clothing. As he stood in front of the mirror, it made no difference than the clothes he arrived in. At least people can know he tried.

From the mirror, he spotted eevee bouncing on the mattress. “Eevee, stop.” There was no ounce of intimidation found anywhere. He knew eevee was having fun as a passtime until he finished dressing up. Eevee yipped repeatedly. As soon as she comes back down, Marshall catches her, arms outstretched and brow raised. Eevee praises him for being quick. “How in the world are you supposed to be my guiding light when it feels like I’m the one keeping you safe.” The words of his late sister echo,

“Eevee is more than just a pokemon, they reflect the type of person you will become, a guiding light after me to show you peace. One day everything will make sense.”

The memory fades into the back of his head. A flashback he never wants to remember, afraid of breaking with no one around, alone. He couldn’t do that before, and now he has no excuse, but spending his vacation crying is not what he wanted to do when the nurses wished him to unwind, yet sitting in isolation with an eevee felt like the gates were bound to open. A year of grief is not enough, if one can call it that. Skipping the tears after being dried out for a month then distracting himself with work to bottle everything away. Eevee senses the uneasiness in Marshall’s heart. They tilt their head when placed on the ground. Their paws press on his pant leg worriedly.

”I’m fine. I was lost in thought.” Marshall searches his breast pocket for a cigarette. As he pulls one out, eevee calls to him. Their cheeks puffed, annoyed and disappointed he would try to light one up. Marshall shoves the stick back in it’s packaging sheepish of his habit. “Sorry. It’s going to take a while. Let’s go. I don’t want Nurse Joy to think I never participated in socialization.”

On the way, Marshall thought about the infested plants in the wilds. It scared eevee and deino enough to communicate the black gunk is bad news, yet the stick was fine. Did it hurt organisms? Black lilies grew in place of the cosmos like a mutation.

The blaring music derailed his concentration. The venue was jam packed with people which was surprising as it seemed many were enjoying themselves. Marshall thought it would be awkward or boring, but after a second glance, the drinks in their cup and the bar being surrounded showed the alcohol is the cause. The soles of his shoes crunched on glass? No, it’s ice. Someone must have dropped a cube or something. Eevee noticed the cold sensation, inspecting the liquid with a sniff before aggressively lapping the floor clean. “Eevee, no! That’s gross. You don’t lick shit off the floor, kiddo.” Again, Marshall reduced to carrying the little troll until he felt he could trust her to behave. Eevee took it upon herself to hop on their shoulder. Better than getting lost in a sea of legs capable of crushing her.

Much like the others, Marshall moved to the bar for at least a cup of whiskey on the rocks. One sip is all it took to take the edge off and relax. A bit of brave juice wouldn’t hurt before he makes a fool of himself. He scans the room recognizing some of the folks from the cruise. A woman dressed to the nines, another wearing an outrageous hat, and a few others presenting themselves as if they were the star of the party. His acquaintance. Their eyes were also scouring the room as if searching for someone. Did he really mean it when he said he wanted to talk more? He thought it was an invitation rather than a meeting. “Oh, crap.” He better cross the dancefloor and say something. The last thing he wanted was to disappoint someone.

However, as luck would have it, the volume dropped and a pink-haired man presented himself showing great appreciation by going above and beyond. Clearly, he was charming the pants out of everyone, that is until he provided the guests a chance for the faculty to take their pokemon and watch over them for the time being. It was strange, why didn’t they do it before unless it was a new detail or for safety purposes. It wouldn't be a good idea if two drunkards started a pokemon battle during a celebration. None of those ideas mattered as a black-haired man barges in to point out the manager’s ruse. His Sableye partner unveiling a ghastly sight of everyone’s pokemon compacted into a tank. No room for them to move around. They were suffocating inside.

Marshall grits his teeth, wanting to step in, but he has no combat experience. At least he can think on his feet. He weaved through the crowd trying to escape. No explanation was needed. He can sense disaster is approaching, and just as fate would have it, freedom was out of sight as the double doors closed shut no thanks to a snickering aipom. The manager and the two assistants tore their clothes off revealing their uniform. The R was familiar. He’s seen it before. Team Rocket only the R is shaped a little differently. The same could be said about their outfits. They were disbanded, how could it be? His questions were not answered, concerned about the wrong thing. He has to move! The Venomoth denied any chance of escape by using its sleep powder.

His body felt weakened, soon he fell and sleep started to take over. Eevee had already been knocked out. He held them in his arms only for a grunt to take her away along with the others. “Eev…ee...” He reaches out weakly before he blacks out.

An hour later, Marshall came to the protests of a privileged woman. His eyes fluttered open, vision blurred as he searched the room for his whereabouts. Everyone had managed to stir awake finding themselves in the same situation, tied from their ankles and wrists tied behind their backs. Many searched for their precious pokemon only to discover they were taken, shoved into the tank with the others. A prison holding his eevee too who kept getting squished, trying to find a gap where they could surface, but their tiny body wasn’t as strong to break through. A horrid sight with nothing to do but watch helpless. Marshall tugs and wiggles around trying to free himself, yet his bindings were too tough to unravel. He will have to find another way.

In the center of the room sat the guy from earlier who warned everyone about Team Rocket. If they couldn’t escape, why not pry some answers. It’s obvious he knew something. “Hey, you there.” He called out. “You’re the man who marched right in here. Care to tell us what’s going on? You owe us that much.”

The spectacled man hung his head as guilt consumed him. All eyes fell upon him while some still huddled close out of fear for their lives. He exhaled heavily and gave a nod, ”My name is Henry Ellis and…I used to work for Team Rocket until recently.” The gasps in the room filled, many were confused, furious even if he’s an ex-con. Marshall was taken by surprise as that was not the answer he was expecting. ”I know, I’m a bad guy for partnering up with these people, but I didn’t know at the time that they were Team Rocket.”

“You mean the red R on their uniform didn’t give it away?”

“No, I mean they did not say they were Team Rocket. They did not flaunt the R around when I first started working with them. They convinced me that they wanted to do good, they seeked justice against worldwide corporations; so they wanted to use their science for the good of people and defeat their competition, to prove there are humane methods of serving the public without getting their hands dirty. I never expected the opposite.” It’s hard to tell when people were lying, but judging by Henry’s tone of voice it sounded genuine. The remorse he felt for his actions that have led to this point.

“When I found out, I was shocked. I refused to work for Team Rocket any longer knowing what they plan to do. I felt the need to redeem myself by warning the resort to evacuate the island or at least their tourists, but the receptionist refused and it was too late.” Henry recalls the scene he created realizing he could have gone about it the right way, but given how two of the staff members were grunts, the chances were Team Rocket had already infiltrated the resort. “Before I escaped, I managed to skim over their plans to use this island for something. The resort happens to be one of the bases of operations. They’re going to use some type of machinery, but in order to unlock it, they need a key which I managed to steal to postpone their schemes. There are three others in the hands of dangerously skilled Pokemon hunters. They are my employer’s right hand men. Sableye has one of the keys, I just hope they’re okay.” Henry looks around wondering if their partner was still on the run or not.

There was so much to process. Team Rocket was back with a brand new agenda that involves the islanders. The worst part is no one outside of the resort knows what’s going on. Maybe if they can sneak their way out and to the next town, everyone can be saved. However, Team Rocket is tenacious, ruthless even. The chances of police being able to take down an organization would be slim, but not hopeless. Marshall begins to pant, anxiety spiking at the thought that the island would be his grave, but at the same time…eevee’s cries along with the other pokemon snapped the male out of his dark thoughts. Now was not the time to fall into depression. The pokemon were in danger, and they needed to find a way out. Luckily, the same sableye appeared on Henry’s shoulder just as he asked about his status. “There you are! I’m so relieved you’re okay. Do you think you can help us get free?” Henry gestures to his ankles to which the pokemon gladly removes his bindings. Next was Marshall and moved on to the others who in turn helped those in restraints.

Marshall rubbed his reddened wrists, the marks burning briefly before moving to the computer. “Damn it, this needs a code. Any ideas?”

“The code is probably: 1,2,3,4 or you can smash it to cause it to short circuit.” Marshall glances at the scientist as if to say ‘really’. “You would be surprised how forgetful and stupid some of them can be.

As soon as the code was entered and accepted, the pokemon were freed from their container and reunited with their partners. Marshall held eevee letting her sit on her shoulders. ”It’s good to see you too, buddy.” The relief was evident, his shoulders felt lighter knowing eevee was by his side. Standing on stage and facing everyone. “Now that we’re all free, we have to get out of here. The chances are there are grunts surveying the building. Two of them kept circling the grounds by the window.” He points in the direction of the windows as said grunts walk by with their pokemon.

“Team Rocket is probably setting up their base as we speak, meaning we have a small window to leave before more grunts show up and it’s too late. Their small forces are just the beginning. Your best bet is to head to the next town if you can make it and find a professor named Martin Davis. He should be taking refuge at an inn. He might be able to help you get off the island.” Henry turns to Sableye and opens his hands for the pokemon to spit the silver key from its mouth. The young scientist hands the key over to Marshall. “Team Rocket will be searching for me. I think it’s best if you take it to Professor Martin.

Marshall glances at the spit-coated key. As disgusting as it was, he was glad it's a necklace to hold onto at all times. He dries it and pockets the key in his zipper pocket. “What am I getting into?” He sighed. He would rather reject the item and hand it off, but that was the least of his problems. He didn’t want to be a target, and if he can escape, he can just give it to the professor before he gets off the island. It’s not like he’s going to keep it for a while, right? “Alright, any ideas on what we should do?” He waited for anyone who has a plan of attack, a truce for the moment.


Tome Ryuu


@ user

Tome holds still as he's untied, hands coming from behind him to rub at the sore wrists.

"Thank you." He gives a nod of appreciation, a slight frown on his face as he eyes the darker shade of skin. Though there were bigger things to worry about - and he manages the one on his ankles with less finesse, but they fall undone after several moments.

His head perks up ever so slightly when one of the hostages begin talking to the familiar man who'd caused the prior spectacle - attention slightly taken for the moment. He tunes in, since its not like it's a private conversation, and watches as the code is input and pokemon are freed.

"Lady!" The Furfrou bounds through the crowd without delay, her tail wagging in a display of happiness - much more different from her normally reserved and posh manners.

Tome bends down, arms open to catch her as she leaps into his arms with a 'Froo!'. He cradles her tightly like the treasure that she is, a hand coming up to card through her fur, allowed some leeway in the momemt.

"Are you okay?" He asks, voice soft and edged with worry. Lady gives a scoffing sound, though makes no move to try and squirm her way down to the floor. She was shaken as he was, that much was obvious.

Most of his attention was on fussing over Lady, smoothing her fur down and readjusting her accessories, but he still hears Marshall speak.

It's easy to tell that Team Rocket is a problem, especially when no one knows what they're actually under. How many other people were pretending to be apart of their schemes? What were they building? What did they want?

No doubt something bad, and it was a worrying thought to imagine - yet Tome was a researcher, and researchers got answers to questions.

"Well, with our pokemon we should be fine to take on a few grunts." Tome speaks, mind working to find a solution to their current problem.

"Though it would be best to not draw too much attention to ourselves, so we should find the quickest exit. Perhaps through the kitchen, I believe there's a door to it that leads outside. There also might be supplies we could take, assuming this resort isn't just a con to steal pokemon."

♡coded by uxie♡

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