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Fandom Pokemon Survival IC (Open)


Tome Ryuu


Despite having clear plans to drop their luggage off before doing anything, Tome was given a sharp reminder of the unfortunate hand he'd been dealt in life. Specifically, a pokemon who couldn't not want to pose for pictures at any vaguely pretty location. With a sharp woof, he is taken from his thoughts as Lady suddenly veers off in the lobby before they even make it to the hall, head pointing towards one of those touristy pictures things where you pose with the sign.

"This? Right here, right now?" He asks, though he's pretty sure he receives a scowl when he doesn't immediately pull out his phone and start snapping pictures like a fanatic. Lady has already settled into her pose of choice, reared up with one of her paws against the sign in a 'Look where we are!' sort of way, head tilted to the side to face the phone camera that Tome reluctantly pulls out - obediently snapping a picture.

Obviously one is not quite enough, and the Furfrou goes through several poses, showing off her meticulously trimmed fur and graceful build with each new one she chooses. When all is said and done, she trots back over expectantly, and Tome bends down to let her see the pictures. They've built up an understanding by now. If she growls, it means the picture isn't up to her standards and must be deleted. A paw on his knee means she likes that one especially, and general indifference means it's okay.

As the photo selection process occurs, Tome does a general glance around the lobby, picking up on the sight of each individual pokemon and...was that a shiny Growlithe? The fur color is different, and even though he's met Growlithes before, he's never seen a shiny one in real life, and his interest is piqued. It was also looking over...at Lady? He wouldn't be surprised, she was the world's most spoiled attention catcher.

A growl from Lady takes his attention, presumably irritated at him looking away. She looks at what he's looking at, and sees the Growlithe.

"Hey, do me a solid." Tome whispers, lowering his voice to his partner pokemon. She side eyes him, and growls lowly - though it seems to be one of displeasure as opposed to actual anger or annoyance.

"You're about to spend all my money. I just want to look closer. It's my job." He reminds pointedly. "My job that pays for your trims, clothes, food and shelters. Remember? Just go say hi."

With the most reluctance you'd think he was pulling teeth, Lady grumbles out a noise of agreement, trotting over to the Growlithe in question, head lowered to sniff in Hachi's direction with a polite nod. Her tail gives a loose wag, body language calm and open to show a friendly demeanor - for she was no aggressive mutt (except sometimes really.)

Tome stands up from his previously bent down position, as if he had no idea where his pokemon went. Oh, she was just such a rascal - would saying something like that be too weird to say? Honestly it sounded weird in his head. He's also pretty sure that he'll get Ninetails styled cursed if Lady hears him call her a rascal. She could stand socializing, but being called anything other then a beautiful, amazing, wonderful gift bestowed upon him by Arceus just wouldn't do.

Tome clears his throat as he goes over, though he's not entirely set on what to say. He'd like to say he's good at socializing - but really he just says something and hopes it works.

"Hello, sorry about her - she likes to wander." He says, voice vaguely apologetic. "I hope she's not bothering you or your pokemon."

Offering a polite nod, he's thrilled to bits to be this close to the shiny Growlithe. He's only seen a handful of shiny pokemon in his time, so this feels like a nice little treat. He can't let this go to waste, he has a million different questions. Like is the fur color the only difference? Were any of the parents a shiny? How do other pokemon -namely those of the same species- react to the difference in coat? This was entirely Tome's researcher brain activated and working at the forefront of his mind - though he looks largely the same, maybe some slight intrigue in his eyes.

Though before he can work out the best way to ease into these questions, there's some commotion by the front desk - paired with an announcement that follows shortly after.

Lady especially perks up, the Furfrou's tail wagging. Tome catches the expression on her face and knows that they'll definitely be attending - because who is he to say no?

♡coded by uxie♡
Pax D. Lockhart

Location: Cosmic Resort Lobby
Interactions: Tome ( Minteafresh Minteafresh )
Mentioned: Archer ( CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT ), Yuki ( THEKAZUHA_ANEMO THEKAZUHA_ANEMO ), Maydeucea ( Scatterbrain Scatterbrain )


Lady grumbles out a noise of agreement, trotting over to the Growlithe in question, head lowered to sniff in Hachi's direction with a polite nod. Her tail gives a loose wag, body language calm and open to show a friendly demeanor

Hachi's ears perked at Lady's approach, tail wagging behind him at her greeting, his own nose twitched as he sniffed in her direction and gave a soft yip in greeting. He was excited, but was doing his best not to be rude about it.

He had to play it cool, after all. Standing a little prouder, he introduced himself to Lady with his own nod, hoping she was in any way impressed with what she was seeing.

"Hello, sorry about her - she likes to wander." He says, voice vaguely apologetic. "I hope she's not bothering you or your pokemon."

Admittedly, Pax hadn't expected to be approached by the Furfrou and their trainer, but he may as well talk with the man.

“She's not bothering us at all, she's a very lovely Pokémon,” Pax replied, his tone light and friendly even as he added, “He probably would've tried to say hello at some point, he's a curious little guy.” The Growlithe was also being rather well behaved, and if the blonde had to guess it was due to the man being the Furfrou's trainer more than anything else, or else Hachi would have barked at the other if he got too close into their personal bubble. Glancing down at his partner he saw that, by now he seemed to be speaking to Lady as he stood proudly next to him, Pax could only assume that Hachi was taking a page from his book and giving the Furfrou compliments on her appearance.

If I were him, that's the angle I'd start from. She seems well cared for, and the few Furfrou's I saw back in Sinnoh and even Unova had been rather…snooty.’ Pax thought, briefly reminiscing of the parties he had to attend in his youth and one particular actress he ran into at Pokéstar Studios who had made a rather negative impression on him in particular.

Before he could try and properly introduce himself, a commotion at the front desk took Pax's attention from trying to find the words to say, his blue eye landing on a man hassling the clerk at the front desk caused him to tilt his head and quirk a brow as he studied the woman's posture and demeanor for a second.

His gaze snapped to the man specifically, however, when he dramatically fell to his knees one second only to spring up and say something absurd the next.

Was the man so desperate he became stupid, announcing that he was going to steal a vehicle? Didn't he know that if he was planning a theft not to announce it? The blonde almost wanted to roll his eye as the guy was dragged away.

Amateur thief.’ he thought, as if he himself had not been an amateur himself in his early grunt days.

As the man was dragged away and the clerk calmed the rest of the people scattered throughout the lobby with assurances that the man had a tendency to perform ‘pranks’, Pax felt that he wanted some answers on what in Arceus’ green earth had happened with the, apparently, local weirdo.

Good afternoon, guests, tonight we will host a welcome party in the venue for all of you. We wish to thank you for choosing Cosmic Island Resorts to be your number one choice for a vacation. It starts at 7 p.m. Please don't be late. We are excited to see you all there.

Ah, that gave them about an hour to get things settled. That seemed like more than enough time. He gave the lobby a sweep of his gaze, seeing a redhead some distance away near another woman. He could only assume those two were part of the cruise, then there was the woman and her Ekans. She gave off an air that reminded him of that actress with the Furfrou, but also the people he saw at the parties his father dragged him to as a kid in Sinnoh.

Eh, looks can be deceiving and I might be judging too soon.’ he thought, returning his attention to the Furfrou's trainer. He wouldn't be surprised if he clocked it right either. From what little he remembered of the rare family vacations as a young child, or the even rarer ones outside of the Sinclair’s home region, these kinds of places attracted the rich more often than not. Not sparing them another thought for now, he decided to speak up to the Furfrou's trainer now that he had Pax's full attention again.

“Hm, a ‘local nutcase’ that's known for pulling pranks, huh? It's a pretty awful prank to pull, don't you think?” The questions were more rhetorical than anything, but he was still close enough to the desk that the clerk likely heard them and could respond. The man said they were in danger, but didn't say what the supposed danger was. The last thing Pax wanted, on this vacation, was some random wack job to ruin it with some form of ‘danger’ that may not be real.

Besides, those without a water or flying Pokémon big enough or strong enough to carry them were out of luck from whatever scenario was in the man's head.

Pax resisted the urge to grill the clerk for answers, it wouldn't help to be aggressive and demanding in the long run and he had a feeling that she might not even grace him with a satisfactory answer. Maybe before the welcome party, he could see if she'd shed some light on what that was all about.

“Ah, right, name’s Pax by the way, and the little guy is Hachi. Nice to meet ya.” He introduced, holding a hand out for a shake, if Tome felt like doing so.
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Time: 7:00p.m.

The doors to the venue are open, music blaring through the speakers, the room decorated for a special event, the welcome party has begun. On the left side of the room is a bar, the right contains a buffet table consisting of finger food. Lastly, the stage was half open from the foreground, yet velvet curtains rest in the background. There are employed pokemon ready to greet the guests at the door, comfey, aipom, Allan Raichu and chatot specifically.

Guests flood the room with their lovers or pokemon partners, taking up their drinks and start to mingle. The atmosphere filled with a calming aura as folks enjoyed themselves. Many came in with the mindset of the whole event to be dull, or pompous; however, one would discover it's not as bad as it seems when putting in the effort to have fun. There were plenty of folks who wanted to have a bit of fun. Whether that would be flirting, sharing jokes, or stories. The alcohol might be the reason for all of the chatter. A bit of encouragement juice as they call it to motivate a person.

At some point, the floor became lively enough for the employees to whip out a limbo pole for the guest’s entertainment. Crowds gather around, cheering for each participant. The employees keep a watchful eye while also finding the time to have some fun.

279b7f708cfa4c60ef19b6bf37209aca.jpgThe music dropped, the muffled tap of the microphone caught everyone's attention. On stage stands a male with pastel pink hair in a black suit with a tag pinned to his chest. “Good evening, everyone! My name is Takuya, and I am the manager of this resort. I hope everything is to your satisfaction. Thank you for taking the time to participate in our welcome party for you. While this is a weekly banquet, we do our best to show appreciation to each and every one of our customers. Big or small, it is our pleasure to serve you.” He raised his glass as if to say cheers, but more of an offer to the audience.

“Cosmic Island Resorts is a luxurious place for all of you to kick back and unwind. The same could be said about your pokemon.” His eyes gloss over every pokemon, his lips curve into a smile nearly reaching his eyes. “I see many of you have brought your partners tonight. The bonds you share with them show how deeply you care for eachother—which is why I want to use this chance to inform you that we provide facilities to groom and care for your pokemon partners as well as play rooms while you enjoy yourselves.”

Two of The employees stand on the edge of the stage beside a set of stairs. “If you wish for them to have their own celebration, we will gladly guide them to another room where you are free to check up on them as you please. Simply walk on stage and exit left. You may even take a bow.” Takuya winked,his joke breaking through the laughing crowd. The first to go was a Jigglypuff, the rest followed, encouraged by the manager.

cbcee535aed2ad67c66a74b7019ce72b.jpgHalfway through, the herd, the same man from the front desk barges through the double doors. “Stop! Don't listen to him! Don't let him take your Pokemon, it's a trap. He wants to rob you of your pokemon.” The crowd gasps frozen with uncertainty of what to do. Should they trust the manager or a stranger? Answers were needed, but not given.

”That is absurd! Somebody get that man out of here.” Takuya demanded. As the two assistance took their first steps, the newcomer shouts,

“Sableye, raise the curtains!” A purple ghost pokemon spawns into existence, their permanent smile plastered on their face when cued to drop down from a height, raising the curtains to unveil pokemon compacted into a giant, soundproof, glass tank. They whimpered and cried behind their jail for help. To the owners, it was a horrific display. Their eyes now set on the manager as an angry mob formed.

“Damn it! Guess we have no choice. Here I thought it would be an easy score.” In a swift strip of his clothes, suddenly the supposed manager and his assistants are wearing Team Rocket uniforms. The red r is globally known, more infamous in the Kanto region than anything. “No point in keeping up the charade. Lock the doors.” Aipom closes the door behind them, locking everyone in the room. Team Rocket members put on a mask the moment Takuya brings out a Venemoth and uses sleep powder.

“Sableye, run!” The spectacled man commanded, the ghost disappeared, but it was hard to tell if they made it out or not as an assistant chased after them. Every pokemon and trainer succumbs eventually. As soon as the room aired out, the next step was to tie up everyone and keep them hostage. By the time anyone wakes up it will be an hour later tied up with their arms behind their back, and ankles in a noose. The room will be quiet, the tank remaining while Team Rocket guards the outside of the door. More grunts will appear than before like some sort of military base, scouting the perimeter. There will be faint rumblings felt below.


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