Senior Member
Despite having clear plans to drop their luggage off before doing anything, Tome was given a sharp reminder of the unfortunate hand he'd been dealt in life. Specifically, a pokemon who couldn't not want to pose for pictures at any vaguely pretty location. With a sharp woof, he is taken from his thoughts as Lady suddenly veers off in the lobby before they even make it to the hall, head pointing towards one of those touristy pictures things where you pose with the sign.
"This? Right here, right now?" He asks, though he's pretty sure he receives a scowl when he doesn't immediately pull out his phone and start snapping pictures like a fanatic. Lady has already settled into her pose of choice, reared up with one of her paws against the sign in a 'Look where we are!' sort of way, head tilted to the side to face the phone camera that Tome reluctantly pulls out - obediently snapping a picture.
Obviously one is not quite enough, and the Furfrou goes through several poses, showing off her meticulously trimmed fur and graceful build with each new one she chooses. When all is said and done, she trots back over expectantly, and Tome bends down to let her see the pictures. They've built up an understanding by now. If she growls, it means the picture isn't up to her standards and must be deleted. A paw on his knee means she likes that one especially, and general indifference means it's okay.
As the photo selection process occurs, Tome does a general glance around the lobby, picking up on the sight of each individual pokemon and...was that a shiny Growlithe? The fur color is different, and even though he's met Growlithes before, he's never seen a shiny one in real life, and his interest is piqued. It was also looking Lady? He wouldn't be surprised, she was the world's most spoiled attention catcher.
A growl from Lady takes his attention, presumably irritated at him looking away. She looks at what he's looking at, and sees the Growlithe.
"Hey, do me a solid." Tome whispers, lowering his voice to his partner pokemon. She side eyes him, and growls lowly - though it seems to be one of displeasure as opposed to actual anger or annoyance.
"You're about to spend all my money. I just want to look closer. It's my job." He reminds pointedly. "My job that pays for your trims, clothes, food and shelters. Remember? Just go say hi."
With the most reluctance you'd think he was pulling teeth, Lady grumbles out a noise of agreement, trotting over to the Growlithe in question, head lowered to sniff in Hachi's direction with a polite nod. Her tail gives a loose wag, body language calm and open to show a friendly demeanor - for she was no aggressive mutt (except sometimes really.)
Tome stands up from his previously bent down position, as if he had no idea where his pokemon went. Oh, she was just such a rascal - would saying something like that be too weird to say? Honestly it sounded weird in his head. He's also pretty sure that he'll get Ninetails styled cursed if Lady hears him call her a rascal. She could stand socializing, but being called anything other then a beautiful, amazing, wonderful gift bestowed upon him by Arceus just wouldn't do.
Tome clears his throat as he goes over, though he's not entirely set on what to say. He'd like to say he's good at socializing - but really he just says something and hopes it works.
"Hello, sorry about her - she likes to wander." He says, voice vaguely apologetic. "I hope she's not bothering you or your pokemon."
Offering a polite nod, he's thrilled to bits to be this close to the shiny Growlithe. He's only seen a handful of shiny pokemon in his time, so this feels like a nice little treat. He can't let this go to waste, he has a million different questions. Like is the fur color the only difference? Were any of the parents a shiny? How do other pokemon -namely those of the same species- react to the difference in coat? This was entirely Tome's researcher brain activated and working at the forefront of his mind - though he looks largely the same, maybe some slight intrigue in his eyes.
Though before he can work out the best way to ease into these questions, there's some commotion by the front desk - paired with an announcement that follows shortly after.
Lady especially perks up, the Furfrou's tail wagging. Tome catches the expression on her face and knows that they'll definitely be attending - because who is he to say no?
♡coded by uxie♡