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Fantasy Converging Fates (IC Posting)

The forming party's revelry and quirky chatter soon gave way to serious discussion, though, not quite quickly enough for Rella to throw in another remark in support of... er, 'body enhancements'.

"Seeeee, just the thought of me with massive mamms made him fork over the goods."

"Not my cup of tea," Wulfram added, also in a cheeky audible whisper.

Grimm's demeanor had shifted to a dead seriousness. It was impossible to overlook how passionately he spoke of equal pay. The demands spoke of someone who had been cheated in the past—a support specialist viewed as less than other members of his team.

"I... don't see the logic," Wulfram retorted, his grin having faded completely. He locked eyes with Grimm, leaving no room for thinking he was joking. "Behind every great warrior, there are strong supports holding 'em up. If no one can see that, then they're not fit to lead, let alone be a member of any guild." It was one bold statement in support of another, nothing left to interpretation.

Out of six experienced adventurers, it came as a surprise when five refused the role. Rosaire volunteered, but at least three present had a history with the thrower, and it didn't sound pleasant, if their tones gave any hints. If half of them were already in opposition of their only 'candidate' thus far, it foretold a bleak future under his leadership. Though Wulfram gave his companions the benefit of the doubt, infighting could easily sink a new party, regardless of who was right.

"I say we meet in the middle," the bluntsman advised, butting into the debate. "I've seen the hot mess they call a 'standard' model, and it's pathetic... but we also run into problems with purely merit-based pay, in that it's pretty arbitrary in our line of work. This isn't some sales gig, where you meet a quota for... I dunno, brooms sold or some crap. We should all receive an equal base pay, plus bonuses—but the bonuses shouldn't be enough to make or break you. Just a healthy little something to say, 'Thanks for saving our asses.' Fair enough?"

Now, for the actual figures... Wulfram swiped a form from Marcy's stack and the pen, then scrawled notes on the back corresponding with his idea sharing. "How 'bout this: Marcy, you're smart with numbers. Come up with a spending plan fit for a team of seven. We've gotta consider costs of living, maintaining and upgrading our gear, and equal pay with minor incentives. We'll then read over it, to make sure it stays in line with non-negotiable terms." Sliding over his notes, he shifted topics. "That said, I guess I could fill the leader role. Wasn't expecting to, and I hate paperwork... but who doesn't? That's just part of being an adult and a sergeant."

AnonyMouse AnonyMouse ERode ERode GojiBean GojiBean Little_Red_Cassette Little_Red_Cassette Phayne Phayne
The (In)Glorious Adventures of "Sir" Matteo
(And the suffering of her best friend Cherreign)

After quite a few smacks from one of Flower's familiars, "Sir" Matteo had finally calmed down. Cherreign sighed just as one of the newcomer's lend her hand to her, but not "Sir" Matteo. She gladly took it and got up to her feet. She turned to her fallen friend and used her two hands to pick her up back to her feet in one fell swoop. With that situation over with, it was time to discuss something about the party.

Salka and Althea, the latter who acknowledged Cherreign's reputation, asked for her service. "Well, I don't mind if I teach you a thing or two of what I've learned during the hundred of years of isolation. Just be sure to keep my insane friend at all times. And I do mean "at all times"." She spoke and then she turned to "Sir" Matteo who is as excited as before upon noticing the new people that came to them.

"Forsooth, thou party hast formeth! If wished to seeketh the knowledge Lady Cherreign of the Grand Observatory, then so be it."

Goonfire Goonfire @BuggaBoo Nellancholy Nellancholy Solivagante Solivagante
Ersatz was amittedly prideful in her ability to contiribute so much to the conversation. Marcy would know- this woman talked to as few people as she could get away with in her day to day; it wasnt a stretch to call her the unfriendliest librarian there ever was. and yet, when the chips were down, she did what she had to with swift efficiency. she knew that library as though it were the back of her hand, and swiftly pointed people in the direction of whatever they needed.

"If we cannot agree to an even payment between supporters and combatants outside of leadership roles, then I for one cannot agree to the formation of this party"
the abruptness of such a forwards statement was somewhat suprising to her. and yet... entirely understood. afterall, she was in this mess right now because her previous party gave her that same short end of the stick that resulted in her... current disposition. at the returning memories of the incident that served as the spark to an ever rising pile of tinder brought on by the slow shavings of disagreements passed, she subtly grabbed her arm. the one kept under the cloak at all time, except for showing its fingers when she held her tome. she held it, briefly, until she felt a grouping of tentacles slowly slither down it. she let go, slowly releasing the tension in her shoulders.

in all honesty, her gratitude at grimm bringing up the issue and bending the conversation was VERY appreciated. there was a reason she saw this as the worst of the conversation, and needing to voice oneself like this was a big part of it. she kept to the sidelines on the matter, merely nodding along in respect to the others agreement.

"Seeeee, just the thought of me with massive mamms made him fork over the goods,"
she let out a sharp siiigh at the claim of success over their hopefully-soon-to-be party member bringing them the liquor she asked for, pinching the bridge of her nose "why me..." she mumbled. there was always a companion like this. one that tried to bend the magic bearers to their whims. irritating, forceful, and unrelenting. she took a deep breath, dragging her fingers down, and looking to the cieling in a slow reminiscense, rotating in her head the last party member she had that fell into Rellas... Category...

perhaps... hmm. maybe she could use it this time? hmm. hmmmmmmm. she looked down, towards Rella. that look of irritation being replaced with a look quite sinister.

"tell you what, you want to look a slut? fine. ill see what it is i can do, but you will serve as your own test dummy until i solve it!" she said, her smile cricking up further "AND you will help me in my studies of magic! consider it payment for the favor!" she said with a subtle chuckle, that bordered on cackle, he grin cricking up further. "i can assure you it will be done, but i will get what i desire out of it just as much as you will." she said. jesus christ, just who in the hell were you getting yourself into a party with here...? after a few brief moments, the sinister look abated, turning back to the subject at hand.
“Well, I’ll put my name for leader then.”
OH thank goodness, FINALLY getting somewhere on the leader fro-

"Denied. And stop laughing,"
COME ON, ersatz let out an audible little huff along with the denial, as it would since put the total down to a square SIX of the total seven that were refusing to take up the mantle, blast it all. listening to Marcy's brief comments on the matter. Ersatz more than likely wanted this through with more than anyone else here, and they needed a leader in charge, and should no one else be able to take up the mantle, it seemed the only one who might be willing to change their mind for the sake of necessity could be...


a chill went down her spine at the thought. she was able to do what was necessary, but had little desire to be the proprietor of negotiation. "now, now, lets not dismiss the thought so readily here." she began, the desperation of needing a leader being subtle, but there for the keener eared. "while im not entirely aware of his character, if we merely need a spokesperson and not someone to regulate decisionmaking and money, someone who has his sort of confidence and flair can be a fair asset in that situation. should he have a decent idea of how to de-escalate situations and come up with solutions... he could be decent. and often times the best way to cultivate the attitude of a leader is to be in the position for a time." she stated, pausing for a minute "if no one decides to take the position, i suggest giving him a chance, and should patience wear thin, we can take him out of the position and change it to someone else based on a vote. this group- considering we are running F rank dungeons among those with some experience- will be a low stakes environment to see how well he does in the position, and will give us room to determine different avenues from there." she finalized with a slight sigh, silently hoping the compromise will be able to win the hearts of those questioning. if only for a time.

shifting back over to the dreaded money fiasco, she listened to each of them say their part... the party coffer idea was far from a bad one, by any means "should our leader be only a spokesperson for our group, i will side with Marcy's suggestion here. i feel like we should keep a coffer for necessities first, followed by personal, followed by bonuses. considering this is the start of our party, and this place is... less than ideal for our start, i feel the split between necessity, personal, and bonuses should be 40-40-20, respectively. possibly even 50-40-10, should we be too nervous."

"How 'bout this: Marcy, you're smart with numbers. Come up with a spending plan fit for a team of seven. We've gotta consider costs of living, maintaining and upgrading our gear, and equal pay with minor incentives.
she put up a hand about halfway through his suggestion, issuing him to stop for a few moments. "youre forgetting something. a strict spending plan is difficult to make for adventures due to one key reason." she said, pausing for dramatic effect

"dungeon loot." dungeon loot, ahhh, dungeon loot. one could question where exactly it came from, but again, one could question where the entire dungeons came from in the first place. coins, artifacts, baubles, possibly even gear. a draw for many to become adventurers in the first place, tapping into the riches brought about by dungeon hearts once every so often, taking them back up despite the odds, and cashing in. these dungeon pieces were wierd, to be sure, but thats what made them valuable.

"im sure we all know that the jobs themselves are not the best paying. a gold coin or two for the highest on f tier. but dungeon loot supplements that significantly, when we engage- certainly not if. its hard to tell exactly how much money we will be able to throw around at the end of the day, how much new gear we will have or need to replace, and how much we will be willing or able to sell what we obtain for." she said with a huff. "i suggest figuring out what the minimum we will need at the end of each day will be, an going from there." she looked away a bit "not to mention i would love to study some of its properties before we go selling it off willy nilly..." she said quietly.

Goonfire Goonfire GojiBean GojiBean Phayne Phayne AnonyMouse AnonyMouse ERode ERode
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