Pokemon RP Version

Hester noticed a group of people about his age walk towards the entrance. "Hey." He called out, and jumped out of his tree and caught up with them. "Hey, mind if I join you, I grew up in Pewter city, and I would go on walks in the forest." Tails jumped out of the tree and landed near Hester. "oh and this is tails, I have known him for about 2 years now. If fact I meet him here." he began to have a flash back.

flash back begin

"Hey hester come over here." Danial called out. Hester walked over to his brother."what is it danny?" "hey come and look at this vulpix, she looks a lot like you." Hester punched him in the arm. "yeah well you look like a magikarp." Danial just laughed and shook it off. "I think I'm going to catch this one." He threw out his slowpoke. "come on Pokky." Slowpoke came out, and used bubble beam." it was effective. He caught the vulpix. "why don't you name her." "Hows about tails that sounds nice." "alright tails it is." He began to walk towards pewter city. "oh and one more thing, Tails. come out." the newly caught vulpix came out." Vulpix this is your new trainer, My little grimer of a brother, you both belong together."

flash Back end.

He snapped out of his million mile stare. "Oh so sorry about that... I was um... thinking." He said as tails nudged at his leg. "what?" he noticed tails ears were popped up."what is it tails?" he began to wimpier. He pointed to the two team rocket members who were trying to take some pour kids eevee. "Hey what do you think your doing?"
Akashi walked along the forest path, observing the Weedle. It seemed like an ordinary Pokémon and wasn't particularly vicious. The bug seemed very obedient in actuality. Akashi has asked it to do a few things like moving its arms and legs, which the Weedle seemed more than happy to do so.

After thinking about it, Akashi came to understand something about the creature. The Weedle was pretty clueless when it came to things. Perhaps that was why it did what it had to the girl, it didn't know what it was doing. It was pretty obidient and even soldier-like. Just like people, Pokémon needed direction in life.

As he walked, Akashi heard the sound of footsteps. Turning his head, he saw a girl around his age standing near him. Beside the girl, was a Magikarp. He was confused why she would release her Pokémon in an inhospitable environment. Magikarp needed water and there was none to be found in the Viridian Forest.

As he looked on, he saw the girl make multiple hand gestures with her hands. Was she trying to order the fish Pokémon to do something? If so, why not just give it a command? Could she not speak? There would be a lot of problems as a trainer if you couldn't talk to your team.

Akashi saw the girl become frustrated and lifted the Magikarp from its position on the ground. As the Magikarp came into her hands and she cocked her arm back, Akashi began to see what her intention was. 'She wouldn't honestly do that, would she?'

Apparently, she would. The girl tossed ten pounds of solid death right at him. Instead of moving out the way, Akashi allowed the Magikarp to connect with him so he could safely catch it. The Weddle scurried across his arm, avoiding the flailing red. If he had dodged, it would've had a rough meeting with the forest floor.

Akashi managed to catch the Magikarp in his hands and checked it over. "Are you alright?" Akashi had completely forgotten about the one who had thrown the fish in the first place and focused completely on the Pokémon.


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Magikarp's POV

"Karp! Karp! Karp! Karp!" I flopped around in the Trainer's hands, obviously panicking about something. My wide eyes stared straight at the Trainer, never letting his face leave my sight. It was somewhat creepy how this boy looked so alike to my master, it was like...he was the male version of Carmine. Perhaps they were related? Well, there's no need for such confusing thoughts, I must finish what my master wanted me to do! I cannot disappoint her!

With an extra exertion of strength, Magikarp jumped up and slapped his tail straight across the Trainer's face. Tackle succeeded! Now I can swim right back to my master and--

I fell straight to the ground when I tried to wiggle my way out of the Trainer's arms. Are you sea-rious? Whale, you'll never get an op-perch-tuna-ty like this to be on land. I did my best to flop towards my master, I had to teach her not to fear Pokemon after all. But she seemed to stand still, like a rock.

"Karp! Karp!" I called out to Carmine, but her eyes seemed to have blanked out. Professor told me that I had a job to do, and that job was to make my master the great Pokemon Trainer she was before! It was rather surprised that they actually entrusted me, a Magikarp, to do such an important job. After all, Magikarps were rather pointless. Until we evolve, of course.

((OOC//: I'm sorry for the short post, I don't really know what to say. ^^"))
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As the tail slapped across his face, Akashi found that his guess was correct. The trainer had ordered the Magikarp to attack him apparently. For what reason, he did not know. Was she violent, evil, or was it just miscommunication? Akashi wasn't sure about anything really. The Magikarp seemed pretty determined to deliver the blow, so he was sure it was an order. He didn't understand people as much as he did Pokémon. At this point, all that he knew was that he was attacked for no reason.

"Why?" He spoke in his normally flat voice, expression unchanging. While he wasn't a talker, he felt that a reason was necessary. It would be bad of a Pokémon had a trainer that randomly threw them at people. He made sure to use sign language that he had learned from a book as a child. He wasn't sure of she was def or mute, so he talked and signed.


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Why did she do that? Quickly bringing Magikarp back into his Pokeball, Carmine's mind raced with millions of thoughts as she did her best to calm down. With an emotionless expression on her face, Carmine's eyes glazed over with a layer that seemed to block her from the rest of the world. That boy could've been hospitalized because of that Weedle! Or even worse, killed! Carmine was generally calm around Pokemon, wary yes, but she tended to keep her cool. But coming in contact with that Weedle brought too many bad memories back to mind as it left a bite on her arm. Blood was leaking out, but it could easily be patched up.

Paling as if she had seen a ghost, another flashback came to mind as Carmine subconsciously took in the sight of the Trainer trying to sign with her, he seemed to have messed up a fingering, but Carmine knew what he meant.

"Why?" That one word could sway a person's emotions, a question that could challenge someone, bring them up, or strike them down. It was also that question that Carmine once asked when her Beedrill had attacked her. She was like the Trainer before her, understanding to Pokemon. Now all she sees in them is danger. Even a simple Magikarp could hurt someone.

Paranoid and scared. That's what the Pokemon attack hsd left Carmine. Staring straight into the other Trainer's eyes, Carmine's hands began moving rapidly as she signed out her own reply
. "The Weedle is dangerous." Showing her bit and bleeding arm, Carmine's eyes shifted over to the rather innocent looking Weedle and back to the Trainer.

After a few moments, Carmine realized that the Trainer would most likely not know what she had just signed. Taking out her notebook, Carmine quickly scribbled down in her neat writing,
"The Weedle is dangerous." She didn't know if the Trainer would understand what she meant at first, so writing would probably be the most easiest way to convey.

Akashi understood what she was signing, but he couldn't be sure if she knew. The Weedle hand't been the least bit threating since it was in his hands. When she wrote down on the pad, he was sure that was what she meant. He couldn't honestly see the creature being dangerous at this point. Perhaps it was just her or the situation that happened. Instances like this weren't particularly rare in a habitat that belonged to Pokémon. Perhaps it was just protecting its home or it was what Akashi had guessed and it was simply naive.

Akashi removed one of the spheres from his belt and placed it on front of the Weedle. After a moment of eye contact between the two, the bug stood straight and raised the spike on its head, the gesture similar to small soldier. With that, the capture device took in a resident and a new member was added to the team. If that Weedle was at all dangerous, it seemed rehabilitated, for a lack of a better word.

Afterwards, Akashi stared at the wound on the girl's arm. Akashi placed the ball on his belt and removed the black bag that he carried. He unzipped the bag and started removing its contents. He rummaged his hands through the section containing the emergency supplies and removed a few bandages and sprays. They could be used for both Pokémon and their trainers, which is one of the reasons he bought them.

He put the supplies in a smaller plastic bag and tossed it over to the girl. The supplies would be more than enough to heal the wound and any others in the future. While Akashi admittedly didn't care for people as much as he did Pokémon, he wasn't completely heartless. He would make sure that the Weedle wouldn't be doing things like that in the future, but it didn't seem like the incident would happen again at the moment.

With that, Akashi slung the bag around his shoulders and turned the opposite way. He didn't need to be here any longer and if the trainer was in any further trouble, there was that other girl he had noticed. He simply had no reason to stay and his question had been answered. He really didn't feel like staying either. Besides, he still had to get this Pikachu into the city.

As he began to walk, Akashi managed to avoid a spark. Akashi's eyes narrowed at the yellow creature in the trees as it still had that wary look on its face. The Pikachu was definitely troublesome, but he had a deal to uphold.
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Sylvia wasn't very sure what she just witnessed. Not only was there a girl who was terrified of a Weedle, but now that girl used her Magikarp as a weapon against the boy who just saved her? It was a very unusual and rather confusing sight for her. Then Sylvia saw the boy beginning to go after a troublesome pikachu watching and attacking him from up in the trees. Before he could continue to go after the Pikachu,she suddenly blurted out to him, "Wait! Where are you going exactly?"
Akashi stopped moving as he was called. As his feet rested on the forest floor, he sidestepped to avoid yet another shock. This Pikachu really didn't like he situation it was in. Well, it only had to deal with it until they reached the city. Afterwards, they would part ways. Hopefully the Pikachu didn't make a habit of electrocuting people. If it did, there would be problems in the future.

Akashi hardly looked over his shoulder, before turning back. "Wherever I wish." That was a pretty simple answer. Honestly, Akashi didn't like talking to others. He was fine with Pokémon, but people weren't exactly among those he liked to interact with. It had been like that since birth and it wasn't going to change anytime soon.

He pulled his Pokédex and scanned the Squirtle as he turned. He still had an obligation to Professor Oak to complete the Pokédex. The Professor had assisted him, so he was simply returning the favor.

Squirtle. This Tiny Turtle Pokémon draws its long neck into its shell to launch incredible water attacks with amazing range and accuracy. The blasts can be quite powerful.

With the entry recorded, Akashi continued on his way. The Pikachu still followed, zapping at him from its position in the trees. The sooner he got to Viridian City, the faster the risk of getting electrocuted vanished.
"I'll take this one and this.... and this!" Sheeta announced happily as she piled a few pokeballs onto the counter in front of the Mart guy with a smile. She then waited patiently for him to ring up the object and paid him before collecting her things and hurrying out to meet up with the boys. It seemed they were pretty interested in moving on then so without much more discussion they pushed on toward Route Two and Viridian Forest. Well, at least what used to be Viridian Forest. Eyes wide in horror, Sheeta looked around the blackened land in disbelief. How could something like that happen? It wasn't like there were any fire Pokémon native to this area and it couldn't have been any humans from this area, they were all very careful in the forest. The conclusion was that it had to be from someone passing through. Sheeta's heart stopped a little as she remembered the trainers from before, the Growlithe popping into her mind. Scrambling for her pokedex she flipped through the few files she already had to the one she was looking for. Growlithe, fire Pokémon. She sighed, hoping it wasn't one of them that had started this fire as she trailed after Daniel and Night.

"Horrible," She muttered, "So horrible." Her eyes even began to water thinking of the homeless Pokémon that were now wandering around. Well, it gave her all the more reason to catch as many of them as she could. Clinching her fist she smiled, a sudden fire fueling her. That was when the men appeared, team Rocket according to them. Sheeta had heard of them once before but had never really taken them seriously, there was no need to after all. She clenched her teeth unhappily as they demanded that they hand over there Pokémon.

"Like I'll do that," Sheeta snapped as Daniel stepped forward, "W-wait... To fight them is..." She mumbled as he summoned his Pidgey and the battle began. She had to admit that it was an impressive fight, it made her want to train her Pidgey hard so that it could last in a battle like that. However, as it was clear that they lost it seemed Team Rocket wasn't very keen on sticking around. Gritting her teeth Sheeta took off after them, Nami following after.

"Damn... lost them..." She grumbled as she stopped a few minutes later, her breath coming out a bit harshly. They had completely disappeared despite her trying to catch them. Perhaps they had get away vehicles somewhere, it made her a bit angry. She sighed as she straightened and looked behind her. She shouldn't have taken off without the boys but it didn't seem like they would be very hard to find. Looking at Nami with a little shrug, they started back to find the boys in virtually the same place.

"Sorry, I didn't think they should get away." She stated in depression, "But in the end they got away anyways... To try and steal someone's Pokémon. Unforgivable." She shook her head, bending to pick up Nami.


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Catching the bag in her hands, Carmine's eyes widened in shock and confusion as she watched the rather weird boy walk away. Why would he give her such a thing? She did not need this much supplies anyway, besides all of this must've cost money. Frozen in one spot, Carmine felt her lips twitch as a smile creeped its way into her face.

Spotting a young girl out of the corner of her eye, Carmine listened into their conversation. Was she his girlfriend? Perhaps. A hint of a smile shown in her eyes when Carmine caught the boy's answer as she ran her fingers over the cut the Weedle had given her. Maybe there were too many people here than she thought there would be.

Tilting her head down and covering her eyes with her signature cap, Carmine scribbled down the two words she had to say to the funny Trainer. He reminded her a lot of herself, not just because of the uncany similarities they had in appearance. That Trainer was almost exactly alike how she was as a child star.

No. Carmine glanced up to stare at the Trainer, a light blush dusting over her cheeks. He was a lot different. That Trainer understood Pokemon more than she ever did. He had that special something to become even bigger than what Carmine used to be. He had potential.

With the notebook still in her arms, Carmine ripped the piece of paper out and began to expertly fold it into a familiar shape. Sending the paper plane flying off into his direction. Turning around, Carmine reached up and tilted her cap down once more, walking off towards Route One. She disappeared into the trees, taking a hidden path that she had found when she was younger. Carmine didn't even glance back to check if the Trainer had gotten her note or not. She knew he had.

"Thank you."

((OOC//: Edited...a bit.))
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After the event that occurred, Daniel remained in confusion for a short while. After hearing Night's thoughts on being pointless to chase them, Sheeta rushed forward after the mysterious men who called themselves Team Rocket. Daniel reached his hand out towards her as she ran, indicating that she shouldn't, but no words escaped his mouth as he was still lost in thought. The idea of her having to battle those men alone bothered him, so Daniel along with Night took off after her, only to find Sheeta walking back towards them shortly after. Stopping in his tracks, Daniel stared at her.

"Hey, don't take off like that... Who knows what could have happened."

Sighing a bit, he heard some rustling from the trees and then footsteps run up from behind them. With his nerves still being uneasy he immediately reached for his Pokeball and sent out Dratini, who instantly guarded Daniel. Turning around he noticed it was only a young trainer who began to speak to them, making Daniel feel silly for reacting in such a way. Scratching the back of his head and staring at the young man named Hester, he attempted smiling in the best way he could and nodded in response for him to join them. A Pokemon then leaped from the trees standing next to his owner, this caught Daniel's attention, and changed his mood completely. Taking out his Pokedex he scanned the Pokemon.

#037 Vulpix the Fox Pokemon At the time of birth, it has just one tail. The tail splits from its tip as it grows older.

Smiling more kindly now, he put his Pokedex away and greeted the trainer properly.

"Hello Hester, my name is Daniel. This is Night, and Sheeta. We're all heading towards Pewter City for the Gym badge and your more than welcome to join us."

Beginning to walk with Dratini now wrapped around his neck, though Daniel was saddened by the destruction the fire brought to the forest, he was also glad that he had so many friends already. Being familiar with the forest as well, Daniel knew the shortcuts through the forest. Before they were near the exit, Daniel turned and asked his friends if they wanted to continue to Pewter City or train in the forest a bit more.

"Viridian Forest has a couple of good Pokemon to offer, and if you guys wanted to do a few practice battles to train to be able to get the Gym badge easier I wouldn't mind."

He smiled waiting for their response.

"Well, I'd like to do both to be completely honest." Sheeta stated looking down at her Pokeballs, "My Pokémon are far from battle ready but first I want to look around for some Pokémon. I don't think I'll take long if you guys don't mind sticking around here." She smiled as she looked at them each. She hadn't expected the group to get so large so quickly but she wasn't going to complain because with more people it meant more practice. However, before she did that or concentrated on the Boulder Badge, she needed to get some Pokémon that worked against rock type. As much as she loved her Pokémon they really wouldn't be able to hold their own against rock type. Sheeta didn't have any Pokémon that would do any good against the rock types even if they were ready for battle. So that meant she had to bulk up her team with Pokémon that effected Rock type. Water, Grass, Fighting, or Ground types were the ones that were super effective against the type that the trainer, a guy named Brock, favored. This also posed a problem though because Viridian Forest was home to mostly bug Pokémon, a type that wouldn't necessarily help her. She needed to do her best though and if worst came to worst she'd just have to tough it out but using pure strength over tactic. She sighed, maybe she shouldn't type for a Boulder badge; she technically didn't need it to be a collector. She wanted the satisfaction of saying she had collected the Badges as well as the Pokémon though. When she returned home she wanted to show her parents that they didn't make a mistake by letting her out try at her dream.

"You guys should try a battle until I'm back," Sheeta announced as she headed out in a random direction, "When I get back I'll battle the winner!" She suck her thumb into the air and winked before turning and jogging off into the trees with Nami at her feet. Tugging at her Pokedex she pulled it out and started flipping through her entrees. She had been doing various scans of the Pokémon she had come into contact with including Daniel's Dratini, the Vulpix from the new boy, and the Ekans from Team Rocket. With those two added she had a total of eight Pokémon of 151; leaving her 143 unseen Pokémon. Out of those she had three, meaning 148 Pokémon she had yet to catch. She sighed in depression realizing she still had a long way to go. Well, she could always not include the evolutionary forms of the Pokémon. If she did that then there would only be about 78 different types of Pokémon; which would mean she's a bit closer to her goal. She made a face as she slowed to a stop.

"Still so many to go," She grumbled as she looked down at Nami, "This is going to take awhile..." Nami let out a small noise in agreement before turning to stroll in front of Sheeta.
Night looked to the boy who had appeared and simply nodded softly. "You could join us. I'm fine with this." He said before turning back around and pushing on through the forest looking about for more pokemon. A few voices had caught through his head as the pokemon seemed to mourn over their lost homes but Night had tried to clear the thoughts from his mind. He didn't like the way they sounded and would find the trainer who did this.

Night stopped in his tracks seeing a zig zagged yellow tail stick from a bush moving up and down. Night would then grin and move over to it quietly grabbing one of the pokeballs from the slot on his bag. He would then toss it near the pokemon as his Eevee released itself from the ball. "Eve, tackle." The eevee responded as it attacked the pokemon in the bush only to reveal a pikachu who shocked the Eevee in return. Eve would then wince from the shock only to pounce the pikachu again. "Use sand attack blind the Pikachu then strike with another tackle." The Eevee soon responded and did as the trainer said. Pikachu had dodged the sand and retaliated with another shock. Eve soon fell to the ground with another jolt of pain before standing up pouncing the pikachu once more this time landing an attack. Eve then hopped back and began to throw sand towards the pikachu before doing the same again this time grazing the pikachu. The pokemon would then attack Eve this time with a tackle attack.

Night grumbled as he returned the fallen Eve only to send out his caterpie. "Caterpie coat the pikachu with your string shot, then tackle it. Night watched as the caterpie did as it was asked and threw a pokeball towards the pikachu. The red light would light up and suck the pokemon into the ball before wobbling back and forth a few times before the light dimmed out into nothing. Night smiled softly as he moved over to the pokeball and picked it up before catching up to the other two who were at the end of the forest. He would then listen to Daniel and nod softly. "I think I might go into the city and heal my pokemon up before returning to the forest. Eve took some hits on catching this pikachu." He said while staring at the ball smiling.
Sylvia Harris

Sylvia was being left alone by the only two people she could find out in the woods. She couldn’t decide which one to go after. The boy? Well, he seemed rather reserved and not one to team up with anyone but so did the girl. The girl, for some odd reason had a notebook on her and kept writing in it. Did she not like talking so she wrote her responses?

Sylvia decided to follow after the girl since she seemed a bit nicer. She also remembered seeing that she had a wound from the weedle and wanted to help her heal it. Luckily Sylvia remembered the direction of the secret passage she took when she left.

Sylvia quickly grabbed Squirt and kept him on her shoulders like the usual and ran after the girl. The girl was already almost through the forest passage. "Excuse me! Wait up Miss! I can help you!" she shouted to her.

"I can help you with your wound there! I have some bandage wrap for it!" She said and got her first aid kit out from her satchel. She got out the roll of bandage wrap from it. "Well, if it's okay with you."


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Turning around to face the girl, Carmine quickly tilted her hat down to block most of her face from view. Staring over at the female Trainer, Carmine's hearing zoned out as her dark obsidian eyes focused on the girl's lips, reading the words that came out of her mouth. Her hearing was like that of being underwater, blurred and stirred by the currents.

Snapping back into reality, Carmine tilted her head up for a moment to get the full view of the girl's face. She was blabbering on about helping her or something. Why would she need help? Carmine felt a frown come upon her face. She was perfectly fine, was she not? Unless there was another wretched Weedle following her, Carmine had enough Pokemon repellent to keep them all away. Wait. Wasn't that repellent....expired?

Furrowing her eyebrows together, Carmine let out an inaudible sigh as she continued to zone out the girl's blabbering. Looking up into the Trainer's eyes, Carmine took out her notepad and wrote down in her neat and clean writing,
"I'm fine." Showing the notebook to the girl, Carmine paused for a few moments to let the girl's eyes trail over it before turning back and writing again. "You can head back now. I'm sorry for troubling you."

Maybe Carmine had caused a misunderstanding? Perhaps this girl thought she was going the wrong way and getting lost? Well, Carmine practically knew almost this whole region, although her memories as a ten year old Pokemon Training superstar was a little blurry since the accident, she still felt a sense of familiarity in places. Especially this one hidden trail in Viridian Forest.

Hugging the notebook to her chest, Carmine looked down and reached up to tilt her cap to cover her eyes from view. With the plastic bag still clutched in her hands, Carmine proceeded to take a step back and walk on to Route One, making her way to the city. Hopefully there would be some sort of outlet that she could use to charge her Pokedex. What is she thinking? Of course there would be one.
Akashi waved his hand through the last of the brush, crisp leaves falling to the forest floor. They had finally made it to Viridian City and the first stop of his journey. Being here meant that he would be able to heal Ventus' wounds and finally get rid of that wing injury. However, being here meant something else.

"I told you to cut that out!" Akashi jumped to avoid yet another spark from the Pikachu. "Look, we're here, you don't have to follow me anymore." Now that they were in Viridian City, his end of the deal had been completed. "You're free."

The Pikachu raised its paws and gave one last shock, before running off into the city. Akashi let out a small sigh as the yellow mouse ran into an alley. Hopefully it didn't cause touch trouble. While he could take the electric attacks and just pass them off as annoying, others might not be so lenient. While the creature got under his skin a bit, that didn't mean he didn't care about its safety.

Akashi stuffed his hands into his pockets and began to walk through the town. He needed to find that Pokémon Center. As he walked, the familiar red roof came into view and the rest of the building along with it. With a change in direction, Akashi headed over, intent on getting out of town as soon as possible.

A few moments later...

Akashi adjusted his cap as he exited the facility. With his Pokémon fully healed, he could continue with his journey. He could either travel around the surrounding areas or head straight for the Pewter City Gym. As he thought it over, a small explosion went off north of his direction. Akashi managed to catch a small flash of yellow, before dust blocked off his vision. He knew what had caused the explosion and didn't like it. He hurried off to the sounds, intent on figuring out what was happening.

As Akashi rounded the corner, he found that his guess was correct. In the middle of the street was the Pikachu from the forest, but it was not alone. In front of the yellow creature, stood two men, metal batons in hand and red Rs marked on their shirts "Damn rodent! Hurry up and catch it!" The man shouted at his shorter counterpart, obviously frustrated. "I'm trying! It tries to shock me before I can even get close!"

Akashi had heard rumors about those who wore the same uniforms that these men did. They were called Team Rocket, people who stole Pokémon and sold them for profit. They used the creatures for business and they were very large in size for a criminal organization. They must've been coming from the forest and capturing the Pokémon that resided there. It appeared that they were doing the same with this Pikachu.

"Quit whining! I'll handle it then!" The man raised his baton intent on having the hard material connect with the Pikachu's head. It attempted to shock the man, but like Akashi had done before, he dodged. The man was obviously angered by this and tightened his grip. "You little rat!"

As the man brought down his arm, the grin disappeared from his face. Rather than connecting with yellow fur, the baton connecting with flesh. Akashi held back the baton with his arm, before kicking the man in the chest with the tip of his shoe. As the man staggered back, Akashi made some distance between them, the Pikachu in hand.

Akashi looked down at it, ignoring the bruise on his arm. "Are you alright?" Surprisingly, his tone hadn't changed much, except for the concern that was slightly distinguishable. The Pikachu looked up, surprise on its face, but it soon turned to anger, sparks charging around its cheeks. "I'm not going to hurt you, calm down."

The Pikachu did stop its intended attack, but a glare remained, as it wriggled out of Akashi's arms. As it landed on the floor, it looked back at the recovering Team Rocket Grunt. "Hold on, you can't do this by yourself." It obviously didn't like hearing this, evident by the spark sent Akashi's way.

"I'm not trying to control you, alright? I'm not that kind of person. I want to work with you as your partner, not your master." Akashi looked into the Pikachu's eyes, removing a sphere from his belt. "Alright?" The yellow mouse stared into his eyes at will, knowing that the human was not lying. It didn't hate people, it hated being controlled. It wanted to be an individual not some slave.

The Pikachu nodded, its pointed ears falling back slightly. Akashi gave the creature a small smile, before raising his ball. "Then, let's get to it, partner." Akashi threw the sphere, releasing its contents. "Fiamma."

A few minutes later...

"Acula, String Shot." The Weedle raised its stinger in salute, before wrapping the fallen criminals in string. "Thank you, rest in your ball for awhile, you've earned it." After returning Acula to his ball, Akashi removed a potion from his bag and sprayed it over the wounded creature next to him. "You're a tough guy, aren't you?" The Pikachu fought hard in that battle and had suffered a few wounds, although it didn't show it.

"So, what now?" One of its ears went to the side, showing confusion. "Would you like to come with me or go on your own." Akashi held a ball in his hands, stretching it out for the Pikachu to observe. "You don't have to say yes, it's your decision, just like everything else. You are your own and you don't have to submit to another person's will."

The Pikachu looked at the sphere and back at Akashi, honestly contemplating its decision. After awhile, the Pikachu pushed away the hand with the ball, rejecting it. Akashi nodded and put the Pokéball back on his belt. "If that's your decision, I'm-" Akashi was cut off by the streak of yellow climbing up his arm.

After reaching his shoulder, greeting Fiamma on the opposite side, the Pikachu gave a smirk. Akashi grew a small smile on his face, before raising from his position on the floor. "Alright then, welcome to the team."

Akashi stretched his legs out and scanned the enemy Pokémon, before walking out of Viridian City. It was time to continue his journey. "We've got a long road ahead of us, so be prepared, Mico."
Sylvia Harris

Sylvia wasn't quite sure what to do with the rejection. She only wanted to help the girl with her wound yet she acted like it wasn't even there to begin with. Was she even listening to her questions? Guess not. Squirt seemed to have a rather angry look on his face and Sylvia patted him to make him feel better. "It's fine Squirt. She was probably just nervous talking to us." Sylvia assured him.

Squirt got off of Sylvia's shoulders and landed on the ground in front of her. He pointed to the direction of Route 1 where the girl was headed.
"You still wanna go after her Squirt?" She asked him.

Squirt nodded and began tugging on Sylvia's sock.
"I'm not sure if we should though. I mean she didn't really seem like the type to travel with others."

"Squirtle Squirt!" Squirt shouted to her in a demanding tone.

"Well, I guess it's worth a try. We'll follow after her but let's try not to be too much of a bother okay?"

Squirt grinned and got back on her shoulders and they continued after the oddly silent girl.
After healing his pokemon at the pokecenter, Leibas walked to the entrance of route 3. He didn't have anyone to travel with, so he decided that now would be the perfect time to do what he wanted to do. He grabbed Brawl's pokeball and released him in front of him. He then set Brain down on the grass and crouched down to look at Brawl. "Look, I'm not really good at saying stuff like this, but would you like to spar with me?" He said. Brawl was confused by what he was saying. Leibas continued. "I know it's weird, but I want to be able to get myself out of a mess if you guys are somehow unable to battle. I know it's probably not going to happen, but Team Rocket pulls a lot of dirty tricks." After a few seconds of thinking, Brawl gave an imitation of a 'thumbs up', though it needed work. "Alright, let's go!" Leiabs said as he charged towards Brawl.

A few minutes later, Leibas was on the ground beaten and bruised. "This is going to be harder than I thought."
Adelaide yawned, stepping out of Viridian forest with Volpe resting in her arms and her new friend Camaro resting upon her hat. Yes, the girl and her two friends had just walked into Pewter city. Of course, it was a couple hours later from their meeting with Camaro and they strangely were each littered with scratches and shallow wounds but they made it!

This was why Adelaide's mother was so reluctant to let her go on a journey.

She glanced around, black orbs staring at the city as she grinned, throwing her arms up "Doesn't it look amazing Volpe? Camaro?" She asked the two Pokemon. Now don't think that she did nothing in Viridian forest because she did. She battled with some wild Pokemon so she could improve her two new friends. Yes, they were a lot stronger now and Adelaide was increasingly proud.

Heading towards the Poke' center she headed inside before she allowed the nurse to go and check her Pokemon. She huffed, leaning against the counter as she looked at the ground. Even if they were gone monetarily, she missed Volpe and Camaro. Adjusting her hat she turned around, a large smile upon her lips as she took her Pokemon back, letting them climb to their respective places before heading out.

Stepping out of the center she blinked before she began to wander around. She had to admit...she was bored. However, she didn't feel like moving on yet. Volpe leaned up, paws pressed against her shoulder as his teeth clamped down upon her head. Black eyes went wide before a loud screech was heard.

Glaring over at the fire Pokemon she groaned, pouting slightly
"Why would you do that Volpe!" She hissed, watching the smug look upon his face before it settled back in her arms like nothing happened. Rolling her eyes she glanced over at Camaro. "We could ask to stay at the Pokemon center or go shopping. What do you want to do Camaro?"

Minutes later, the trio was sitting on a bench, one yawning tiredly, another running around as it played with a few children and the last was sitting next to the first. Volpe had gained the attention of a few kids, leading the Pokemon to the end up playing 'tag' with the children. Camaro on the other hand was just sat next to Adelaide. Of course, most of the kids were afraid of Camaro which seemed to upset him a lot.

The Pokemon lover glanced over at the Caterpie, tilting her head before she patting its head softly, a smile upon her lips.
"Don't be upset Camaro, Some people just have preferred types."She whispered, frowning as she watched the Pokemon fall into its own depression even more. "Cheer up, I'm sure we will meet people who will find you just as adorable as I do!" She cheered, watching the Pokemon perk up as the girl passed the Caterpie some of her personally made Pokemon food.

It seemed that the other trainers wanted to stay and train a bit more, which was completely understandable given the disadvantage everyone against the Rock type Gym Leader. Agreeing to this objective, Daniel knew that even though he could damage Rock type Pokemon normally with Dragon type attacks, he too should buff up his Dratini a bit more just incase of a backfire. As Sheeta suggested a battle between Night and himself, Daniel's eyes fixed his eyes upon Night, who was happy on obtaining a Pikachu and was going to move on ahead to heal his Pokemon. Perhaps later then, Daniel thought to himself, as he watched the two trainers leave for a while Hester being the only one who remained.

"I guess I'll head off too, unless you wanted to challenge me."

Turning his back to Hester he placed his hands within his pockets and walked off slowly into the forest following a dirt path. Feeling comfortable in the forest, Daniel held a calm expression, until his attention was caught on a voice calling him out.

"Hey! You have Pokemon? Let's battle them!"

Turning around, a trainer who appeared to be a bug catcher wanted to have a Pokemon battle. Daniel smiled softly and nodded as he reached for his Pokeball, tossing it onto the grass with Dratini appearing out of it. The bug catcher sent out a Weedle, which had a confident look on it's face, most likely high in level for anything around these parts. This of course didn't worry Daniel, despite Weedle's poison attacks, he had a few tricks up his sleeve. Sharing thoughts with his Pokemon, Daniel told Dratini to start it out strong with Twister. This sent Weedle into the air doing enough damage to be able to knock out the Pokemon with another move. The bug catcher had a nervous look on his face, as he made his Weedle retaliate with Poison Sting. Though Dratini attempted to dodge the poison barb that shot directly at him, it caught on her tail at the last second causing her to wince. With a smug expression, the bug catcher commanded Weedle to use Poison Sting again this time directly with it's needle.

"Now that your Dratini is poisoned, this battle is in my favor!"

Weedle shot towards Dratini with its sharp needle on top of the Pokemons head drenched with poison aiming directly at it's target. Daniel smirked as the Weedle hit Dratini's tail again, though as the needle hit it went right through dead skin. Using the Shed Skin ability, Dratini cured herself of the poison before taking damage while confusing Weedle to hit a fake body all together. Already knowing what to do next, Dratini wrapped around the Weedle, constricting it before making the bug Pokemon faint. The bug catcher returned his Pokemon with a disappointing groan while Dratini returned to Daniel happily wrapping her now longer figure around his neck resting on his shoulders. Placing his hand upon her head he pet his Pokemon while letting her know what a great job she did.

"You're getting heavy Dratini..."

He laughed as he began to walk off to where he came from, hopefully his new friends would be finished with their business by now.

Night grinned as he passed Route 2 only to stop once he reached the grey stone streets of Pewter City Night would then look around the city in amazement. He had never been here. Only thought of it. Night would then glance about before heading straight down the path seeing the pokemon center not to far ahead.

Upon reaching the center, Night would step into the center looking around seeing two men trading their pokemon along with another sitting in the back with a jigglypuff. Night would nod and move to Nurse Joy and bow softly. "Hello Nurse Joy." She would then respond with. "Welcome to our Pokemon Center! Would you like me to heal your pokemon back to perfect health?" Night would nod and pass her the pokemon as she continued to place them in the machine. A few moments would go by before the machine beeped saying they would be finished. Night would then take the pokemon the nurse responding to this action. "Thank you! Your pokemon are fighting fit! We would hope to see you again." Night would thank the lady and leave and head back to the forest.

When Night had made it to the forest he glanced to Daniel who was standing there as if waiting for someone. Night would then grin and move over to him his Eevee releasing itself from the pokeball on his side only to scale Night's shoulder. Night would wave to the boy as he stopped just a few feet from him. "Hello Daniel, your Dratini looks larger, did something happen while I was gone?"
"Nami, I don't think we are going to be able to catch a Pokémon that's good against rock type," She grumbled as they trailed through another bunch of trees, "So far we haven't seen anything. The fire probably scared them all away." She had to admit that she was a bit disappointed. What was she going to do if she couldn't find a Pokémon to use against the rock type Pokémon? She'd be in deep trouble. Picking out a Pokeball at random, she looked over the red and white ball before tossing it up and down a few times. Nami gave a small unhappy noise before darting off, causing Sheeta to panic.

"N-Nami! wait!" She called, following the Pokémon into a grove not to far away, "Nami! I said wai..." Sheeta's voice trailed off as her eyes caught hold of the tree above her friend. T he tree looked as if it could be alive as the Metapods cloaking it shifted about. It seemed the fire had herded them all into this area where they could huddle together for safety. Of course this also meant that Sheeta could take her pick of the best one. A smile lit up her face as she pulled out her pokedex, scanning across the tree as her eyes watched the stats.

#011. Metapod, bug type Pokémon. Metapod hardens its shell to protect itself. However, a large impact may cause it to pop out of its shell.

"A hard enough hit, huh?" Sheeta questioned as her eyes locked on a certain Metapod that rested a few branches up, "You should do just fine." She then reached down to her Pokeballs, her fingers closing around Rangi's container. Tossing the ball upward, the red light flashing, she smiled at Pidgey before pointing at the correct Metapod.

"Pidgey, use gust to get that Metapod on the ground." She commanded, Rangi jumping into action without much hesitation, "Nami. Use Tackle as it's falling, make sure you hit it hard!" She didn't like the idea of teaming up on a pokemon but if she could get the Metapod to evolve into a Butterfree then she might stand a chance against Brock. The Metapod was the right level, all it needed was a little push in the right direction. So she'd have to do it, push it to the edge and force it to evolve. Sheeta swallowed as Pidgey's gust took effect, causing the Metapod to wiggle then eventually fall. That was when Nami darted forward at full speed, slamming her body into it causing it to slam into the tree just behind it. Then it was time to wait as the Metapod shifted, it's body slowly starting to glow and morph. Then, within seconds, wings sprouted from the back of the bug Pokémon and it took flight.

"Not so fast!" Sheeta yelled pointing at it, "Pidgey, use gust!" Doing as she instructed, the Pokémon darted forward sending the wave of wind in the Butterfree's direction. This cause the already damaged bug to stagger and fall to the ground where Sheeta captured it in a pokeball without much of a struggle. She grinned down at it before putting it on her belt and turning back toward where the boys should be.
Leibas got up after eating an oran berry. "I'll never understand how those work." He said to himself as he looked around. Brain and Brawl should be able to get him through the cave, but his other pokemon were underleveled. They needed some training. It would also pass the time as he was waiting for another group to come by. Unfortunately, the only pokemon around here are flying types and an occasional jigglypuff. That wouldn't be good for his caterpie. I really need to name him. kitty? Nah, that's overdone. He evolves into a butterfree... Butter? I know, I'll name him Buddy! Now that he thought of a name, he headed back to Viridan Forest so he could train Buddy.

(If anyone wants Leibas to join their group, now would be the time.)


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

As the former Pokemon Trainer walked calmly through the woods, she could clearly hear the footsteps of the girl behind her. It was rather silent through the forest, a little too silent for comfort. Then again, when was Carmine actually comfortable? In Vermillion City, of course. The smell of fire was still in the air, the ashes rising up from the woods and polluting the skies. It was still a little hard to breath, but it was easier than before.

Tilting her hat down over her eyes, Carmine continued to walk, only stopping to reach over and spray another layer of Pokemon Repellent. She really needed to get more and non-dysfunctional ones when she reached the city. Letting out an inaudible sigh, Carmine tucked her hands into her pockets and began to whistle a melodic tune that sounded a lot like Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Soon the melody turned into a high harmony as Carmine continued to walk through the path of the forest.


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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4c12860_HealthBar.jpg.7a90ea5d8bbedd290462a6048119ed91.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="8274" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be4c12860_HealthBar.jpg.7a90ea5d8bbedd290462a6048119ed91.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




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What will CARMINE CLARET do?



((OOC//: I guess this should do it for now.))



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The young trainer rested his eyes for a moment, enjoying the cool breeze that swept through Viridian Forest. Contemplating on what his next move would be, he still had such a long way to go. Snapping out of his thoughts, he quickly looked over at Night with a confused expression. Dratini licked Daniel's cheek, checking to see if he was okay. "Oh, yeah, she did get a bit bigger didn't she? I had a battle with some random bug catcher." Daniel smiled letting out a quiet sigh as Dratini squealed in happiness. The expression in Night's face indicated that he still had business within the forest, Daniel figured he had some time to spare, while leaning back onto a tree with his hands within his pockets he glanced at Night. "Well, you wanted to get that Caterpie a bit stronger didn't you? How about a quick battle? The set up you have now won't cut the cake for Brock." Smirking a bit, he waited for Night's response, knowing that his goal ultimately was to obtain a Butterfree for obvious reasons.


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