Pokemon RP Version

"Okay so i say we go ehhh north" Wilf said turning his map rightside up, and then started walking with lei at his side. Suddenly there was a bit of rustling "Raaatatatatata" was screamed and before the Ratata could bite Wilf there was a burst of fire and the ratata was almost burnt to a crisp, Wilf threw a pokeball and caught it! "Alright, welcome to the team... hmm.. well we can call you Cheddar!" Wilf laughed, putting the pokeball with his new pokemon in his backpack. Wilf looked over at his Lei, "So, you got pretty nervous around that girl" Wilf grinned, chuckling lightly.

Oak turned around, looking at the young boy "Oh, hello!" Oak smiled, there were a LOT of new trainers today. "Well your mom was right, before any young man such as yourself goes out on a journey, he must have a Pokedex and at least Five Pokeballs!" Oak explained, pulling the previously mentioned equipment out of a box and handing it to Night. "Off you go haha, there was a group of trainers here a few minutes ago, maybe you could catch up find them, challenge them to a battle!" Oak smiled, turning around.
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"An Abra, Growlithe, and an Eevee," Sheeta mused counting the Pokémon she had met so far on her fingers, "Well that three out of 151. So that leaves us with 98 to go. Well Nami... what do you think?" The Eevee didn't say much as it playfully nibbled on Sheeta's ear. She could tell that Nami was probably just as excited as she was.

"Well, what should we do first then?" She questioned tapping her chin as she strolled along, "We don't have to leave Pallet town at once. We always look around, who knows we might be able to see a knew Pokémon here... or better yet! We could catch one! That would be best huh?" She smiled, swinging her hands behind her back so that she could clasp them together. She didn't have to be in such a hurry, she had a far amount of time before she had to be anywhere.
Adelaide stood up, brushing herself down before she picked up Volpe. "We should definitely practice our entrances..." She huffed, shaking her head as Volpe mimicked the action perfectly. Such a odd but perfect partnership. They hurried over to Oak, a large grin on Adelaide's lips and Volpe was happily perching herself upon the girls shoulders, probably watching as usual.

Huffing ever so softly, having nearly regained her breathing she bowed before setting her hands upon her waist. "Prof. Oak! My mum told me to come here so me and Volpe" She paused, watching as Volpe seemed to mewl a happy cheer before relaxing again. "Ran allllll the way from Lavender town!" She paused, tilting her head. "Now that I think about it...we probably should of just took the trip to relax a bit..." She paused before gasping. "How did I not think of that!" She shook her head as she messed up the black locks with her hands, groaning. Stupid brain.

Professor Oak just stared at Adelaide before rubbing the back of his head. "A-ahahaha...well you must be Adelaide...your Father called me about you." Of course, most of it was the man being a idiot himself so this wasn't the biggest surprise. He passed the girl a Poke-dex before grinning. "Here, you should take this. Make sure to collect all the Pokémon you can and record them here."

She nodded before she began to mess around with the buttons before the object scanned over Vulpix, adding the data to it. She grinned before setting it and her new poke balls in her bag. "Ready!" Volpe nodded, getting onto her head as per normal before she looked over at Oak. "Thank you Mr.Oak!" She called out before she ran off once again

Adelaide and Volpe were walked towards the forest, her eyes drooping closed. "Im sleepy Volpe!" She whined, pouting slightly as her partner just hit the back of her head with its tails. "OW!" She glared at up the Vulpix who only seemed grin? She pouted, shaking her head before she continued on her path. Of course...She was probably going to get lost in this large forest.
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Leibas followed Wilf. He was somewhat glad that the girl had left. And there's a ratata! And it's in a pokeball. That was fast. He then heard someone yell for professor Oak. "I think I'm more afraid of that one." He said, referring to the voice. He shuffled through the tall grass to find a pokemon. He had taught Brain a few TMs before going, so he was somewhat confident that he could fight.
Night grinned softly and bowed once more. "Thank you sir. I shall return soon enough with pokemon!" Night took off out the door and moved towards the grass only to stop just before leaving town and perk up. "Oh right!" Night pulled his bag off nearly dropping the pokeballs still in his hand. Night rummaged the bag only to find a small pocket knife. He flicked the blade out and sketched a small crescent shaped moon. He would proceed to place each ball in a holster on the straps of his bag.

After Night finished each one of the balls he pulled the pokedex from his back pocket and looked to the small loop allowing the pokedex to have a key chain maybe. He then pulled out a keychain which held an image of a ghastly on it which he connected. Night then proceeded down the grassy patch smiling happily holding out his arm to have Eve hop up onto his shoulder.
While Lei was scrambling through the grass looking for a pokemon, Wilf noticed a small boy walking up the route "Hey you" Wilf shouted, wanting a pokemon battle "I challenge you to a pokemon battle!" Wilf said as he ran towards Night. Growly bounded ahead excited for any type of action.


C a r m i n eC l a r e t


"Just shut up and fight me."

It was quite the awkward moment between the Pokemon and Trainer. For one was flopping on the ground, gasping for water and the other was cowering in a corner, not wanting to be anywhere close to the Magikarp. It was a rather humorous sight to witness, a Trainer refusing to go anywhere near her Pokemon. You'd think most people would be estatic to get their first Pokemon! But this was not Carmine's first Pokemon, and her first Pokemon didn't turn out so well...

Glancing over at the Pokemon Professor, Carmine's eyes begged for help as she helplessly observed as the Magikarp flopped around on the ground. Although, her eyes didn't show much emotion as she was brought to having to use sign language to communicate. Sadly, the Pokemon Professor didn't know what Carmine was signing and gave up playing the endless game of Charades by handing the Pokemon Trainer a notepad and pen.

"What do I do?" The writing read, it was fine and delicate, this was rather usual due to the fact Carmine had to write out many things for people to know what she was saying. Although Carmine often carried a notepad and a pen around with her at all times, she didn't think it was necessary for crossing over to the Pokemon Lab. And if she did need to write something down, they would obviously have something, right? Of course they do.

The Pokemon Professor let out a frustrated sigh, it had only been less than two minutes and the girl was already panicking. Well, you couldn't blame her. Who wouldn't be mentally and emotionally scarred if their best friend attacked them? Carmine was doing rather well compared to other patients that had been assaulted by their Pokemon.

"Just walk over there and pet him, okay?" The Professor gave Carmine a reassuring smile, feeling sympathy and pity for the girl, but mostly hidden annoyance due to the fact that she was so scared of touching a freaking Magikarp. It was a Magikarp for Arceus's sake!

Carmine shook her head furiously as she shrank back towards the wall, pressing up against it like her life depended on it. With a shaky hand, Carmine quickly scribbled down the words:
"I don't want to." Showing it to the Professor, Carmine's bottom lip quivering her fear as squeezed her eyes closed as she did her best to get over the initial fear of the Magikarp. They couldn't do anything to her, right? Magikarps were practically useless! That was why they had chosen a Magikarp as Carmine's rehab Pokemon.

All the Professor had to do was let out a disappointed sigh and take a few steps away from Carmine, an obvious look of displeasure on his face. This caused an immense swelling of guilt and shame within Carmine's heart. What had happened to her? She was once the Pokemon Trainer who everyone looked up to! And she had become a coward, getting scared by a simple Magikarp.

A look of determination flashed on Carmine's usually emotionless face as she pushed herself off from the wall and marched stiffly over to the flopping Magikarp, whose never blinking eyes just stared up at the ceiling before abruptly moving its gaze over to Carmine. Reaching out to pet the Magikarp, Carmine felt a shiver go down her spine as she stopped just inches away from the Pokemon, quickly retracting her hand away from the fish.

Whipping out the notepad, Carmine scribbled down a word and showed it to the Magikarp. One word was all it took to begin. It was all it took for Carmine's new Pokemon adventure to resume, and that word was;


"Great! I guess we have enough for a little while, what do you think Nami?" Sheeta asked as she exited the shop, "It was a good idea to drop by the store before we started out. I'm glad mom gave us that money. Super lucky!" She flashed a smile as she tugged off her backpack and started rummaging through it. Picking up the packages of food she had bought at the store she separated one of the meals and set it aside, placing the rest safely in her pack. She then picked up the poke ball holder she had also bought. She had heard about them and seen them in the store but had never had a real reason to buy one until them. It was a belt like contraption but if you looked close enough you could see that is had small magnetic holders that a poke ball easily hooked itself to. Sheeta grin as she slipped the belt on and looked at Nami.

"What do you think?" She questioned getting a little mew from Nami in return, "Yeah I think it's cool too." Taking out the five poke balls she had gotten from Oak she connected then to the belt before withdrawing Nami's ball. Taking a second to look it over, she then sighed and hooked it to the one closest to the middle. It would be easier to find that way. With that sorted out she then grabbed her Pokedex and placed it on the loop that was on the strap of her bag. She hadn't done a lot of preparing for this but it was easy enough for her to make something simply like a pokedex holder. In was a thread that had been sown to the strap of her backpack, it was secure enough that she could get to it with ease but not have to worry about loosing it.

"Alright, I say we try and take route 1 before the sun goes down." She said depositing the rest of the stuff in her backpack and slipping it over her arms as she opened the packaged bread roll, "Nami, lets go." Holding out her arm the Eevee leapt easily onto her shoulder and they started out.
Thin fingers, littered with small scars, cuts and bruises wrapped around a low branch before it began to pull the rest of her weight up onto the branch. She shuffled to stand upon the thin branch as she reached up for the next, only to pull herself up onto the one as well. Lets just say, eventually she reached a high branch as was waving her arms happily around in delight. Volpe was practically doing the same thing, except Volpe was slightly more intelligent and remained on a lower branch.

"VOLPE!!!" She shouted loudly, slamming her hand into the tree as she stood up. "LOOK HOW HIGH I AM!" She shouted, trying to gain attention from the Vulpix which was more intent on staring at a pidgey. The trainer pouted before crouching down, throwing her legs over the side before she began to climb down, one by one.

Reaching a low branch she looked down at Volpe who only just now glanced up at her. Of course, this resulted in a glaring war between the two. Both believing the other was a complete idiot despite the fact that they both definitely were. "Volpe! Why would you ignore me! I was up really high you know!" She whined, crouching down so she was at a similar height to the Pokémon. "Mea-" Crack.

The branch broken, a flock of Pidgey scattering from the sound as Adelaide was slammed into the ground, a groan passing her lips as she had held Volpe close to her torso, protecting it from the impact of the fall. "Y-you okay Volpe?" She asked, sitting up. It was only more bruises, cuts and sprains...right? She let a smile come to her face before she put her hat on properly, letting Volpe climb up onto her shoulder before she hobbled over to a new area. Yeah, sprained ankle.
Leibas looked at the trainer battle that was going on. He also noticed a pidgey flying towards him. Time for his first official pokeon battle as a dex holder. "Synchronize!" Leibas said. Brain created a link between the two so they could use an attack without the opponent knowing. Unfortunately, this couldn't be used in the middle of battle since it required concentration. If they wanted to keep a longer link, then they would have to be out of battle. That, or just Brain being out of battle. "Don't knock it out. Fire punch!" Brain slowly levitated above Leibas' head. His hand became enveloped in flames right before he surged towards the unfortunate pidgey, punching it with all its might. It did a lot of damage to the pidgey, but didn't quite knock it out. Leibas then grabbed a pokeball and launched it at the pidgey, successfully catching it. Brain then teleported back on Leibas' head just like before. "Great job, Brain!"
Night blinked when the man asked him for a battle. "A battle? With me? Uhm......." The boy would soon freeze up scratching the back of his head. He never really battled before and the growlithe did look quite fearsome. "I-I've never really battled before." The boy looked down staring at the ground and looked to Eve and knelt down looking to her. "Eve what do you think we should do? Do you want your first battle?" He asked smiling gently seeing the small pokemon nuzzle up to him then shift looking to the growlithe in a ready like position. Night then grinned softly at his pokemon's confidence. "Well if you say so lets go." Night then bowed to the male and nodded. "I'll accept your challenge but conditions may follow. I believe you have more then one yes? You look as if you've been out here for a while. And I have only just started. So possibly work with me on this one? And only one pokemon each."
"Okay i can do one pokemon each." Wilf said, ignoring the flames behind him from Brain. "I choose my Growlithe" Wilf paused... "And i haven't been here for that long i only have 2 pokemon" Wilf said, informing the boy. Wilf picked up Growly. "Alright little guy, first real battle! Go easy on the kid, i want you to start with an ember, and if the eevee's still standing, finish him off with a quick attack" Wilf commanded Growly, who was just as excited as his trainer. "Ready?" Wilf asked his opponent.
Night nodded and glanced to Eve as he knelt down the pokemon moving in close. "Sand is on your side, lets use that to the advantage. wait until he gets close and just cover him in it. Then when he's dazed from that hit him with a tackle. Just keep moving and don't slow down." Night stood up as the Eevee awaited for the first move. "Ready when you are."


C a r m i n eC l a r e t


One hour later...

Soft waves brushed over the sand as was moved around by the gentle currents. They were at the beach. But, why? Not bothering to ask, Carmine curiously followed the Pokemon Professor up the docks and in front of a small, but clean, ferry. The Professor took a step away from Carmine as he began to whisper something incoherent to Carmine's ears to the ferry driver. Tilting her head in silent curiosity, Carmine's dark doe eyes widened in realization. She was going to be sent out of Vermilion City to begin her journey! Was that why her parents had told her to pack what she needed before she left for the Pokemon Lab?! What if Carmine didn't want to leave! What if she wasn't ready.

Panicking silently, Carmine hurried over to the Pokemon Professor and tapped his shoulder. Hurrying to scribble down the words she wanted to say, Carmine felt tears well up in her eyes as she showed him the notepad.
"I don't want to go." The notepad read, it's words rushed and scribbled, but were still eligible.

The Pokemon Professor gave Carmine a soft smile, obviously understanding what she meant.
"Sweetie, you need to go. You have to," A reassuring look in his eyes, the Professor gestured for Carmine to board the ferry. "You need to go out and see the world again, Carmine." Pausing for another moment, the Pokemon Professor helped Carmine onto the ferry. "You need to see that the world isn't as dull as you see it anymore."

With those words, Carmine was unable to move as the ferry blew its horn and began treading through the waters. The city of Vermilion began to shrink as the ferry moved farther away, it wouldn't be a long ride until Carmine reached Route 1. She was starting all over again, leaving the past she knew behind. So, why was she smiling?

The smallest of smiles on her soft pink lips, Carmine felt the tears that she was holding in flow down her cheeks, leaving a trail behind it. Taking out her notepad, Carmine wrote down two words she had for the Pokemon Professor. For everyone in fact.

"Thank you."

"Alright Growly go!" Wilf shouted, as Growly bounded off towards Eve, there was suddenly a wave of sand in the air, Oh no that's going to cover up growly! "Quick Ember! Burn the sand!" Wilf desperately commanded, the sand didn't exactly go away, instead shards of glass fell from the sky, Growly was already past it though, and he was about to burn Eve.
Leibas saw the two trainers getting ready to battle. He wanted to see a real trainer battle, so he decided to sit down and watch. Both trainers had given the first command of the battle. The first commands is a sort of basic program for them to follow. That way the pokemon aren't just standing there when the trainer isn't commanding them. When the trainers give a command, it is to change that program to adapt to the situation. Leibas eagerly waited for the next move.
Night watched as the two pokemon battled, Eevee had coated the growlithe in sand sort of and had already began rushing off to the left when the ember was used towards her. Eve had just made it past the flames only to have her fluffy tail be caught in the flames causing a small fire to emit and start burning. The pokemon then stood in a ready position getting ready to pounce (tackle) the growlithe before moving her tail around and seeing the flames. She would then dart off around the field making soft "mew" like noises as her tail burned freaking out in a sense.

Night blinked trying to keep calm, inside he was freaking out seeing his pokemon on fire now. Hopefully the flames would suppress soon enough but Night could do nothing but watch. "Eevee use the flames on the tail for an attack!" Night spoke as an idea quickly came to mind but Eve was to busy trying to extinguish the flames to listen.
"Quick Growly, while he's distracted, Bite!" Wilf shouted, trying desperately to win the fight. Growly bounded off towards the burning Eve and Bit the Eevee, landing the final blow. "Woohoo i won!" Wilf yelled, estatic to have won his first fight. that was exciting! he thought to himself. "Growly, put out the fire!" Wilf told Growly, He just because he won doesn't mean he couldn't be nice. Growly patted off the flames and layed down next to Wilf's feet.
Sheeta and Nami had only just gotten into the thick grasses and trees of route one when the smell of fire drifted over them. Sniffing she sighed, great if it was a grass fire what would the Pokémon do? Taking out Nami's Poke ball she was about to return the animal to it's holder when a loud screech filled her ears. Well, it was more like a call. A Pidgey call actually. Spinning around she dodged a few fleeing Pidgies by jumping sideways and rolling clumsily through the grasses. She groaned and pushed herself up, struggling a bit as her arm had been cut on a rock. Glancing around for her Pokémon, a panic filled her chest. Where was Nami?

"Nami?" Sheeta's voice shook as she scrambled to her feet and looked around her, "Nami! Nami! N-" That was when she spotted the tuff of brown fur and hurried over. There she was, the little fluffy animal crotched in a defensive position as it faced off a rather cross looking Pidgey. Sheeta's eyes widened as she took a step back, her eyes meeting the ready form of Nami as she did so. Did Nami want to fight? A smile flickered across Sheeta's face as she put on a confident air and glared at the wild Pokémon. She wasn't sure why it had attack so suddenly while it's fellow Pidgies fled but it didn't matter, she would take the chance to catch her first Pokémon while she had it.

"Alright Nami, first dodge the attack and get behind it!" Sheeta called out as the Pidgey took off, "Then use tackle!" Doing as she instructed Nami waited, dodging around the Pidgey's attack and looping around the back before ramming into the bird at full force. This caused the Pidgey to stagger a bit as the effects took over, however it didn't stop there.

"Alright, dodge one more time!" Sheeta shouted as Pidgey took off once more in the direction of Nami, "This time use tail whip and finish this!" Nami's body readied once more as the Pidgey shot toward it, dodged, and swung around her tail to place a solid attack on the bird's back. This time the Pidgey let out a little cry and fell to the ground, unable to fight.

"Now it's my turn!" Sheeta said happily, "Alright! Poke ball, go!" Throwing the ball at the injured Pokémon she hit the target right on. However that wasn't the end of it. Glowing a red as the Pokémon was taken into the holder it wiggled drastically, fighting the containment. After a second of battle the poke ball's red glow faded and a happy shout came from Sheeta's lips.

"Alright! I caught a Pidgey!" She exclaimed hurrying over to grab the poke ball, "Nami! We did it!"
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Leibas clapped at the battle's conclusion. "Good job, guys!" He said as he got up, "We should probably head towards the next town." With that, Leibas turned around and walked down the path of route one. He waited for Wilf to follow before going too far.
Eve yelped when she was bit only to trip over herself falling to the ground. It was obvious Eve had given up. And the flames were now dispersed from the enemy pokemon. Night would move over to Eevee only to pull a small pouch out of the side of his bag as well as a spray which he slowly sprayed it upon the Eevee. "It may sting a bit but hold on." He said smiling gently. A potion would atleast give the Eevee the ability to function seeing she was completely out of it. Night then picked up the curled up eevee then moved over to the man and bowed softly. "That was interesting thank you for my first battle." Night smiled softly and looked about the area. "I need some more pokemon but I know mines not able to do so."

He then looked to the man who offered a walk to the next town and shook his head softly. "No I believe I'm actually going to head back to Oak for a short time, I think I have some questions for him." Night said looking down to Eve who licked his cheek causing him to chuckle softly. "Lets go Eve." He said then pushed back towards Pallet and Oak's lab.
Wilf picked up Growly and turned around, Chasing after Lei, "Alright to Viridian!" Wilf said excitedly. They walked for a few minutes and stumbled into Viridian. "Alright do you want to stop by the Shops or go into the forest? I really think we can get some great new pokemon in the forest.." Wilf suggested, turning around to face Lei.
Leibas stepped into Viridan city. It wasn't very big, but it had everything they needed; a shop,a pokecenter, and a gym (which is closed at the moment). "Honestly, I'd like to go to victory road first. I heard that mankeys can be found there, and I'd really like one." He took a few steps forward before stopping. "After I visit the pokecenter." He then turned around and walked into the pokecenter to get his pokemon healed.
"Well okay if you want i read you can get Nidorans there and im super pumped at the chance to have a Nidoking, so let's go there" Wilf paused for a second "After we heal of course haha" Wilf ran off with Lei right behind him towards the pokecenter. "Hi nurse joy!" Wilf said as he put Growly in a pokeball and handed her Cheddar and Growly. "Okay just one second!" Nurse joy said as she healed up the pokemon and returned them to Wilf. "Thank you, come again soon!" Nurse joy sent him off with a wave. Wilf went outside and waited for Lei.
Leibas gave his pokemon to nurse joy to heal along with Wilf's pokemon. After the pokemon had healed, he left the center and headed to victory road. "If you find a mankey, it's mine." He said as he searched through the tall grass. As he walked through the grass, a female nidoran jumped out. "Hey, you said you wanted a nidoran, right?" He said to Wilf, although he was trolling since Wilf said he wanted a nidoking.

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