Pokemon RP Version


C a r m i n eC l a r e t


The fire. It had been put out. Carmine slowly got up from her crouched position near the ground. Dusting off the dirt that had managed to stick onto her clothing, the Pokemon Trainer's eyes dashed around the area for a moment, scanning it for any sign of a flame. She didn't want another fi--

There it was. Hurrying over to a tiny little spark that lay under two dry leaves, Carmine stomped on it harshly, the dry leaves crunching under the weight of her foot. A small frown on her lips, Carmine quickly made sure that the fire was out by reaching for her Pokeball. Hesitating at the last moment, Carmine furrowed her eyebrows together slightly and threw the Pokeball.

With a flash of light, a Magikarp lay flopping around in a puddle of water, using its signature move Splash. Not knowing what to do, Carmine's bottom lip trembled as she pointed a shaking hand at the crumbles of leaves by her foot. Gesturing for the Magikarp to use one of his water type moves on it, Carmine let out a frustrated inaudible groan as she pulled at her hair.

He wouldn't listen to her. No, that wasn't the problem. The problem was that she couldn't say anything. Crouching down on her haunches, Carmine hung her head, letting her raven black hair fall in front of her face. How was this even going to work? If Carmine couldn't give any commands or orders, she'd lose each and every Pokemon battle she was challenged to. How could she train Pokemon like this? How would she beat the Elite Four once and for all?

No, she had to do this. This is what the Professor meant, didn't he? She needed to push back! She had to regain that sense of pride she used to have as a child. With a determined look on her face, Carmine's head snapped up to stare intensely at the flopping Magikarp. Maybe she could use mind control? Or get a physic Pokemon to translate her thoughts? No, that was impossible.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Carmine stood up straight and walked over to the Magikarp stiffly. Taking out her notebook, Carmine scribbled down a few words and showed it to the Fish Pokemon.
"Magikarp, use Splash!" The writing said, still as neat as possible. Although, it seemed that the pencil had been pressed harder into the paper, making the words look darker.

It didn't work. The Magikarp continued to flail around, gasping for water. Oh, this was utterly useless. Pokemon can't read! Hugging the notebook to her chest, Carmine shrank back and began to have second thoughts on this whole Pokemon Adventure thing. Maybe she really wasn't meant to be a Pokemon Trainer, Arceus had already given her a sign with the Beedrill, so why try go against the God Pokemon?

Taking her cap off for a moment to run a hand through her hair, Carmine closed her eyes for a moment, taking in the fresh air of the forest. Although the scent of the smoke was still there, Carmine already felt a sense of familiarity. She recalled travelling through this same forest, meeting different kinds of Pokemon. Wasn't this the same forest where she had caught her Beedrill? Well, she was actually a Weedle at that time, but Carmine could still remember it vividly.

She was only ten years old when Carmine first entered this forest.... She was so determined to catch a Pikachu, why did she want a Pikachu in the first place? Carmine couldn't understand her ten year old mind. Chuckling softly, no sound came from Carmine's mouth as her dark eyes fluttered open to stare straight into the giant beady eyes of...of...of...

A WEEDLE!! Carmine jumped back, trying to scream in terror. It was a Weedle! It seemed that Carmine's sudden movements had startled the Pokemon, causing him to bare his tiny sharp little teeth. This made Carmine's complexion pale to the same degree as a ghost. Was she going to die? A Weedle was going to attack her and all she had was a useless Magikarp!

Tears prickling at her eyes, Carmine broke down crying as no sound came from her. The waterworks fell as the Weedle seemed to stare at the Pokemon Trainer in disbelief. How was a human scared of a little Pokemon like him? Carmine wiped the tears from her eyes and stared at the Weedle, her vision still blurry from her crying.

Bug Bite! The Weedle latched itself onto Carmine's arm! Let's just zoom out into game mode:


WEEDLE ♀ Lvl. 3

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3a6fe99_FullHealth.jpg.86d5faf71f5f60dbae8682d952aa6740.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7488" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3a6fe99_FullHealth.jpg.86d5faf71f5f60dbae8682d952aa6740.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>




<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3a750da_HealthBar6.jpg.c17c1af028fba0f79e2ded0052de9538.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="7490" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_10/57a8be3a750da_HealthBar6.jpg.c17c1af028fba0f79e2ded0052de9538.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


What will CARMINE CLARET do?





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"That was pretty cool, lei" Wilf said, excited for his friend. "Well do you want to stop by the museum, or should we head off to Mt. Moon?" Wilf paused for a second, Yes, Mt. Moon seems like a good idea, it's either that or climb over the top... Wilf laughed "At least Mountains can't catch on fire. " Wilf wondered if that was the right thing to say, because the perv in the room was the closest thing this town had to authority, and may punish Wilf for arson oh arceus i do NOT want to know what the punishment for arson is. Wilf shivered and healed his pokemon with potions, and also Lei's because, he had some extra. "So, go to cerulean, or check out some old stuff?" Wilf asked becaused he wanted to get out of this gym as soon as possible.

((It's not really his own move it's more of a special tactic that you can create. Like if i wanted to create a 'tactic' or 'special move' i could call it Oven: Growlithe jumps and covers the entire pokemon with a pure cube of fire.))
[QUOTE="Lucem Tenebris](Yeah, but there's no such thing as an air punch, which he used to defeat the Onix.)

I'm still wondering how an Abra can learn Fire Punch...
"Mm... Nami... Nami stop nibbling on my toes..." Sheeta mumbled, the first rays of sun playing on the outside of her eyelids. She shifted, kicking her leg lightly so that the Pokémon was pushed away from her bare feet. She then took this time to roll over, her eyes still pressed closed as she pleaded with her mind for a few more minutes of sleep. Cuddling against the spot of grass that had become warm due to her body heat, she let out a very pleased sigh and yawned. What day was it? Sheeta didn't even know but its not like it really mattered since she wouldn't be off route one until later that day. Once she'd ask questions when she reached Viridian City but for now she had to concentrate on not getting lost. Perhaps she could find a few wild Pokémon to battle, it would be good to train Nami and her Pidgey a bit more so that they were stronger. Speaking of Nami, Sheeta didn't remember letting her out of her Pokeball this morning and the creature was once again nibbling on her toes.

"Nami! I told you to stop!" Sheeta snapped as she threw herself into a sitting position. Her head span a little from the movement as her eyes struggled to adjust to the sudden blinding sunlight. Groaning and regretting her flare of anger she blinked a few times at the Pokémon before her, letting the blurred form slowly take shape. Sheeta blinded once more, reaching her hands up to rub her eyes a few times before she looked back down at the Rattata frozen in its place in front of her. Sheeta let out a loud squeal-like scream as she scuttled backward on all fours, her mind reeling in surprise. The Rattata, whom had been frozen in either fear or surprise, took this time to jump backward just as quickly as Sheeta had; it's face now a mask of confusion as it watched the curious trainer. Shaking slightly, Sheeta reached a hand down and picked one of the pokeballs at random, hoping to god that it contained one of her two Pokémon inside.

"J-just save me!" She stammered as she released the Pokémon from it's container and watched as the red light revealed her Pidgey, "H-help! Just get it! Get it! Get it!" Sheeta loved all Pokémon, however of them all Rattata and any other rat-like Pokémon were easily not her favorites. This being said, having to wake up to a Rattata chewing on your big toe was not a very pleasant experience for this trainer. Glancing back at his new trainer, Pidgey looked more lost then before. Still the bird turned to face the Rattata without hesitation and puffed up it's feathers a bit, ready to defend his knew master. Swallowing hard and realizing that Sheeta couldn't let her Pokémon down, she scrambled to her feet and pulled out her Pokedex. Sheeta knew the names of most Pokémon, it was their abilities she was most interested in though and it was something she hadn't had the time to memorize in the past. #019, Rattata. A mouse Pokémon. Will chew on anything with its fangs. It is small and very quick. If you see one, it is certain that 40 more live in the area. Sheeta made a face. So there was more of them then, just her luck. It was a good thing she'd be able to pass through quickly enough and wouldn't have to come back in the near future.

"Alright, if it's quick the we'll just have to hit it before it can hit us!" Sheeta called out, her face falling into a confident grin, "Pidgey! Let's see what you can do! First, sand attack and while it's confused hit it with a tackle!" Swinging her hand around she pointed at the Rattata as she talked, a commanding presence suddenly washing over her. Doing as it was told Pidgey moved forward, dousing the small animal in sand then darted in to hit it was what was supposed to be a tackle. However, the Rattata was indeed quick as it saw through the plan and moved just enough so that Pidgey flashed by in a failed attempt at an attack. This was when the Rattata took life. Not even pausing to collect itself it changed direction and in a blink of an eye, was right on top of Pidgey. The force of the speed only magnified the tackle, sending Pidgey flying across the clearing. Slamming into a tree, Pidgey let out a noise that Sheeta knew wasn't good and cursed herself for fighting an already injured Pokémon. She hadn't even had him heal since when she captured him, she had been reckless and hoped that her stupidity didn't effect Pidgey in a horrible way.

"Pidgey return!" She called desperately holding out the Pokeball as she grabbed Nami's in her other hand, "You did good, Pidgey. Quick! Nami, before it get away." Tossing up her second Pokeball she watched as the red light faded to release the small brown Pokémon. This time she had to be serious, she hadn't realized just how low her Pokémons' levels were until she had faced this animal. Sheeta was surprised the Rattata hadn't fled in the moments she was changing out Pokémon, but the look on its face said it wouldn't leave until it was forced to. She grit her teeth and looked between Nami and the Rattata. What was she going to do? It was quick, really quick. Not to mention that it had a strong tackle that only got stronger the faster it was going. She'd had to change her approach on this, if she couldn't stun it first then perhaps...

"Alright, Nami!" Sheeta called her mind whirling at the possible attack combinations she could do, "Since confusing it right off won't work then we are just going to have to face it head on. Hit it was a tackle! Give it all you got!" Scratching the ground a bit, Nami pushed forward as her speed increased. It was a matter of seconds and time began to slow and the space between the two Pokémon lessened. Then, without much effort the Rattata dodged away from the speeding Eevee.

"Yes! Quick, Nami turn and give it a sand-attack!" Sheeta yelled as her heart began to race, "Then finish it off with another tackle!" The moment was almost to quick. Spinning 90 degrees, Nami hammered down on the earth causing it to spit up dirt just as the Rattata changed directions in the same manner it had last time. There was a big difference between the time Pidgey had been fight it though, since this time Sheeta had seen this coming. The speed wasn't as impressive and the attack was predictable. Just as the Rattata headed in for a tackle a wave of sand engulfed it, effectivally stunning it long enough for Nami to connect her own tackle to the opposing Pokémon's midsection. The Rattata went flying, rolling a few times as it hit the ground before stopping in an unconscious lump. A victorious laugh came from Sheeta as she ran forward, unclipping an empty Pokeball from her belt and successfully catching the Rattata without much of a struggle.

"Yeah! We caught it!" She yelled in happiness, "Good job Nami! It was a bit of a rough match for Pidgey but you two both did well!" Nami returned the praises with a joyful mew and leapt up the arm that Sheeta was holding out for her. So that was it, she had successfully caught her second Pokémon! Looking down at the Pokeball in her hands she grinned. She didn't like Rattatas, they always seemed a bit frightening to her, but this one was fast. Surely she was starting to collect a pretty good team. She shook her head, she was talking like she wanted to actually become a trainer, like she wanted to try collecting the badges. A glimmer of curiosity flickered across her face. Why not? It's not like becoming a Pokémon Master was the worst thing that could happen to her. First she had other things to worry about. Like getting to Virdian City and the Pokecenter to heal her Pokémon.
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Akashi traveled through the Viridian Forest, the burnt resources crunching beneath his feet. It was a shame that such a thing happened to a beautiful place like this. Well, at least the Squirtle Squad was here. It was confusing how the forest became covered in flames in the first place. There were no Fire types in the forest, so it had to be caused by a campfire or a trainer's Pokémon. However, a trainer would never be that careless, would they?

The balls connected to Akashi's belt bounced slightly as he moved. He looked down, wondering how Fiamma was faring inside the capture device. Fiamma had never been in one before, as Akashi didn't believe in keeping Pokémon in their balls unless needed. Fiamma didn't like the confinement very much either. The ball made him feel claustrophobic. As for why Fiamma was in his ball in the first place...

"How long are you gonna continue with this?" Akashi shouted his question for the yellow mouse in the forest to hear. All he received in response was another shock. The creature had been doing this since they met and it looked like he had no intention of stopping.

When Akashi had first arrived, he found the Pokémon trapped under a fallen log. Of course he tried to help, but the Pikachu didn't take to well to that. Rather than allowing Akashi to help him, the mouse surrounded its cheeks with electricity. It was clear that the Pikachu didn't want his help and didn't appreciate his presence. Akashi still felt like helping, but the Pikachu was fiercely independent. So, Akashi went in a different direction. He proposed to the electric mouse that he would free him and they could immediately seperate after they reached the city. The Pikachu reluctantly agreed and now they were traveling together. However, Akashi never knew how annoying this Pokémon would be.

Akashi continued to walk, electricity shocking him along the way, until he came across a perculiar sight. In the middle of the forest, a girl was crying,. He couldn't hear the familiar sounds of sobbing, but he could see the tears fall. The one responsible for this confused him. It was just a Weedle. Weedles were practically harmless.

Akashi walked over, intent on putting a stop to this. However, not in the way most would've thought. As he reached the girl, he plucked the Weedle off of her arm and kept walking, not even stopping to look at her. He continued to move at his usual place, observing the Weedle in his hands. He spoke to it in a low voice as he looked it over. "What's the matter, young one?"

As the young trainer began to exit Route 1, he spotted a woman in the distance successfully catching a Rattata. This brought back memories of his mother raising quite a few Rattata back home in Viridian City, since they were especially popular in this region. Not quite being much of a people person, Daniel simply smiled at woman's success and continued walking down the path towards Pallet Town eager to meet the well known Professor Oak. Having his Dratini within his Pokeball, he felt she needed a good rest after her battle with the wild Pidgey, which he was also eager to begin raising after he had tended to it's wounds from the previous battle. Night was beginning to fall now, and within a few minutes, Daniel had reached his destination. Entering the large structure he took a look around and noticed the Professor himself working on something towards the back of the area. Walking towards him he stood a few feet away and spoke with a soft tone.

"Hello Professor, I'm here in need of a Pokedex for my adventure... I was hoping you could point me in the right direction...?" Being better with Pokemon than people, he scratched the back of his head and closed his eyes smiling awaiting a response. The Professor glanced back at the young man with a surprised expression and approached him, his hands both behind his back and holding a kind smile. "Ah! Well aren't you out late? So your here for a Pokedex are you? I see your already familiar with Pokemon." The Professor glanced at the couple of Pokeballs located on Daniel's belt strap. "There's been quite a few trainer's lately in need of one, perhaps you could meet up with a few of them to help you on your adventure?"

Daniel glanced at Professor Oak with a blank expression at first, then fixing his eyes towards the floor he smirked and thought about his Pokemon. "That would be nice, I suppose... Though, I think I would feel more comfortable with the friends I already have..." The Professor would raise an eyebrow, instantly sensing the young trainers relationship with his Pokemon. "Very well." The Professor said. "On the desk there is my invention, Pokedex! It automatically records data on Pokemon you've seen or caught! It's a hi-tech encyclopedia! Take this with you on your journey." Daniel's eyes widened a bit as he obtained the Pokedex, and after thanking the Professor, he headed back out on his journey. "Hm, well I believe I need to head right back from where I came..." Walking the path towards Route 1 he made his way towards Viridian City, deciding to head towards the Pokemon Center to rest for the night and heal his Pokemon without wasting Potions. Upon entering the Pokemon Center he came across a young man who seemed to be a trainer much like himself, having an Eevee as his partner. Walking up to the counter and speaking with Nurse Joy, Daniel had his Pokemon healed and fixed his eyes towards the boy, not really being one to engage in conversation.

It was interesting, the thought of have two more Pokémon then she had not to long ago. Two Pokémon, two days. Sheeta smile as she glanced down at her belt, the gleam of the setting sun flashing against the metal of her Pokeballs. Three. Three out of 151. That left only 148 to catch and 146 that her Pokedex had yet to scan. Pulling out the device now, she flicked it open and ran her fingers over the smooth surface. Two days, two Pokémon, one pokedex, five pokeballs, and one nibbled on toe. That was what she had to show for the time she had been away from home, and it wasn't a bad collection. Stuffing the Pokedex through the loom on her backpack, she strolled into what she guessed was Viridian City. According to the map she had this was a city that served as a type of fork in the road between two main routes. Sheeta could continue straight through it and find herself on route 2 or she could go left, in which case she would find herself on route 22 leading to Victory Road. Well, the name of the place just about answer any questions Sheeta had about it. She figured that in some point in time she would venture there but it wasn't really necessary right then. Nope, Sheeta simply wanted to get to the Pokecenter to heal her Pokémon. She had already wasted enough time trying to hunt down all of her things in the forest.

"Sorry, but could you heal these?" She questioned as she passed her Pokeballs over the counter to Nurse Joy, "Oh... and one more." Picking Nami up off of her shoulder, she set the Pokémon down on the counter and returned her to her ball before passing that over as well. It wasn't a long waiting process, the Pokecenters were always very quick and thorough in their work. She was passed her Pokeballs, taking them out of tray and connecting them to her belt before she really took a look around at the place. Picking out a comfortable spot in the corner of the Pokecenter, Sheeta then released her Pokémon and looked them over. They seemed better now, even Pidgey had a more relaxed and healthy look about him.

"I'm glad..." She mumbled pulling out some Pokefood and laying it out in front of them, "Eat up. We have to find somewhere to sleep after this. I suppose Viridian Forest would be a good place." She pursed her lips slightly as she thought and tapped her chin. If she was going to stay in the forest again then she'd need more Pokeballs. Perhaps a shop was open and she could stop by.

(Sheeta is unaware that there had been a fire having only just arrived in town)
Night turned around only to stop and blink looking at the boy who was looking to him. He looked quite familiar and he could tell they were from the same town, Night had seen him in the mart a few times and around the town. He would slowly approach the boy and bow softly to him smiling. "Hello there. Your from here too right? I believe I've seen you around here a time or two." Night spoke gently and motioned for Eve to come over who rushed up to his side. "This my Eevee, I call her Eve." He then noticed as the man looked to be busy. "Sorry I'll be over here."Night would then bow softly to him as he moved off to one of the chairs and sat down placing his bag onto the ground looking at the pokeball seeing the mini-version of caterpie. "Name...hm, what should I name you?" Night blinked a few times and looked up in thought. "Huh...." The boy then shook his head giving up smiling softly. "I'll just call you caterpie for now."

Night let the pokemon from the ball and reached into his bag rumaging about grabbing a few of the pokefood out and fed it to the caterpie and to Eve. "Here you two go eat up." He said before taking out a small bag which held a sandwich in it. Opening the small bag, Night pulled out the sandwich and began to eat that looking around the room.
Lei walked up to Brock and received the boulder badge. After receiving it, he walked back to Wilf. "Honestly, I see no reason to go to the museum. We should go to Cerulean City." He said. Once again, Brain was on top of Leibas' head. It was as if that was his favorite spot. Leibas walked out of the gym and got ready to head to the mountain.
Sylvia and Squirt just got finished up with the last if the fire. They thanked the squirtle squad for their help and left to go onto Pallet Town. But when she turned to leave, she saw a girl and a boy getting a weedle off the girl's arm. She knew she had to help them too so she ran over to them. So much disaster in one day!
Pulling her knees up to her chest, she wrapped her arms around her legs and looked at the three Pokémon. She then placed her chin on her knee as she watched them eat away. Nami was easily the more dominant of the three, whether that was because she had beat them both or simply because she had been with Sheeta the longest was unknown. However, it was clear both of the other Pokémon seemed to look up to Nami. Then there was Pidgey, he seemed to be the one that would need the most work. He didn't have any secret skills like Rattata's speed. Still, she had enjoyed the first battle she had faced against Pidgey, the bird was a good catch. Enough that she figured it probably deserved a name just as Nami.

"Sora? Hmm... what about Sora?" She gazed at the bird for a minute as it continued to eat, "No? Well... then maybe Indra? No... no, I don't like that one either. Then... Rangi?" Flapping it's wings a little the Pidgey looked up, letting ou a pert chirp before hopping over to Sheeta. Well, Rangi was it then. Sheeta then turned her attention to the Rattata, well she still wasn't sure about him. He was fast, so very fast. She grumbled and scratched her leg a bit.

"I suppose Rat wouldn't work for you huh?" She questioned with a sigh, "Something that has to do with Grass then. Maede maybe? Or... green... Maede then? Yes?" Rattata didn't look to interested but it's ears perked up a bit when Sheeta listed off the name. So it was Rangi and Maede then. She sighed and looked up, her eyes catching hold of the other group not far away. She smile, a boy with three Pokémon just like her. She watched for a bit as his Pokémon munched away at the food then blinded as she spotted a small purple form darting over.

"Ah! Ra- I mean Maede! No!" Sheeta yelped scrambling to her feet and rushing after, "That's not our food! What are you doing, stupid rat!" Maede had hurried over and pushed his way into the other pike of food, which he then started to eat. Going over, Sheeta grabbed the Pokémon and lifted it out of the bunch as she scolded it. She needed to train these guys, looking back over her shoulder she groaned. Pidgey had disappeared as well. Pulling out her pokeball she put Maede back in his container and grabbed at Rangi's ball.

"Where did that blasted bird go," She grumbled, "Nami! Find him, please." She then turned back to the trainer and slapped her hands together in a quick apology. She turned just in time to see Nami herding Rangi over, whom Sheeta returned to the pokeball.

"I apologize," She grumbled, "I just got them and they aren't the best behaved yet..."
The delicate sound of feet crushing innocently dead leaves was the only sound heard near Adelaide. Why? Her ankle hurt! A lot! That was the only reason why the normally loud and optimistic girl was locked in silence. "Tree's hurt Volpe..." She murmured in a hushed whisper, her eyes on the ground as she pouted. The small Vulpix just mewled, padding along side her within the area of Viridian forest.

The two were lost and it was clear by them stopping every five seconds to look around. Circle.... Yes, they got lost only after arriving in the forest a short time ago! Adelaide collapsed onto the floor, groaning as she ran a hand through her hair, her hat resting on her lap as she wrapped her hand around her ankle. "I want to get rid of that damn tree now...." The girl complained, falling onto her back with a sigh.

Bringing her bag close to her she grabbed some food for the both of them, letting the small wrapped blanket settle on the floor between Volpe and herself. Pulling it open she grabbed one of the sandwiches as she took a bite, Volpe in return beginning to eat her own food. Surprisingly, the idiotic and stubborn girl was a good cook! Ever her father was surprised. Regardless, the girl had made some food before they left. Scratch that, she made a lot.

Adelaide looked over at Volpe with guilt in her eyes, a frown forming upon her lips. "Im sorry Volpe...I didn't mean to get hurt...If I wasn't we could of gone to make some new friends or move on to the next area..." She whispered, only receiving an affection nudge from the Vulpix who wanted the girl to eat. She grinned in return before returning to her food.

Once the two were done she yawned before she tried to stand up. No, it still hurt. The girl gasped, crouching down to hold her ankle for a second before she nodded, standing up properly. "I'll walk it off." She stated, determination in her black eyes as she grinned. "Let us go make some friends Volpe!" She cheered.

The two went searching. Secretly walking around in circles again in search of a Pokémon. About to give up Volpe began to cry happily, her beady black eyes upon a passing Caterpie. The Pokémon had tears in its large eyes as he looked with fear at Adelaide and Volpe. The two looked at each other for a moment before the girl squealed. "Look at the cute Caterpie!!!" The Pokémon just looked at the two with terror before it curled up further. Adelaide walked up to the small bug Pokémon, taking it up in her arms as she smiled. "You are just adorable! So what's wrong?" The Pokémon, still fearful of Adelaide just remained quiet, trying to squirm away.

The girl looked sadly at the Pokémon before she reached into her bag, pulling out some of the food she made for Pokémon as she let the bug type munch away. She would never turn down a Pokémon after all. She watched the Caterpie eat, her smile getting bigger each moment before the Caterpie turned to her, having eaten it all. It nudged its head against her, causing the girl to laugh happily. "You like it huh?" Adelaide never understood why Pokémon liked that food. Well, that was because she had tried eating it before.

Ignoring that the girl simply spent her time with Caterpie and Vulpix for a bit, quite enjoying the company. It eventually reached a point where Volpe tugged on her shorts, trying to get the girl to move. She looked at Volpe before gasping. "Ah! We need to find a way out of here!" She turned to Caterpie. "I have to go little one. Im sorry..."

The Caterpie just followed her when she went to leave, causing her to pause and glance over at the small Pokémon. "Are you following me?" Seeing it nodded she stared for a few more moments before crouching down. "How about you come with me and Volpe then?" Receiving a small sound in response she nodded, bringing a Poke' ball from her bag. Adelaide held it out to the small bug Pokémon who slowly made its way up to the contraption before head-butting it. That, confused Adelaide. Was the Caterpie stupid like her? It was engulfed in a red light momentarily before it was drawn into the ball.

It shook. Once, twice and three times. Caught.

Adelaide stared at the ball with a grin before turning to Volpe. "We have a new friend!" She cheered before throwing the ball up. "Come out Camaro!" The bug Pokémon slowly appeared from the Poke' ball, mewling happily before the trainer picked him up, setting Camaro on her hat before Volpe snuggled in her arms. After all, she just wanted to travel and make friends. With that the trio went in search of someone who would know the way out.
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Daniel leaned over resting both of his forearms on top of the counter as he waited for his Pokemon to be healed by the generous nurse Joy. With a calm expression he fixed his eyes on the trainer who approached him, and listen as he began to speak. Remaining quiet as usual, he remembered the trainer who was named Night in his childhood years, with his silver hair and Eevee by his side. While Night's Eevee ran towards his side, Daniel smiled, easily seeing the bond they both had together. Night must have figured Daniel was busy, and took off before he could say anything to him, this left Daniel with a somewhat dumb-founded facial expression. After hearing a dinging sound he turned his head towards nurse Joy. "Here you go! Your Pokemon are fighting fit, we hope to see you again!" As Daniel received his Pokemon from nurse Joy, he grew happy seeing them in top shape, and quickly remembered to scan the new member of his team in his Pokedex. Releasing his Pidgey from it's Pokeball, a red light zapped out and the bird Pokemon flapped it's wings and landed on the floor staring up at Daniel.

#016 PIDGEY the Tiny Bird Pokemon A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps it's wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.

Not really being the type of person to nickname his Pokemon, Daniel closed his Pokedex and kneeled down to meet his Pidgey at eye level. Placing his hand on top of his head he smiled and began to pet the Pokemon gently. "I hope I didn't give you too much of a rough time during our encounter... You were the first Pokemon that I actually caught." Releasing his Dratini which immediately hugged around Daniel's neck. "Dratini, say hello to Pidgey." Dratini then lowered the upper part of her body to greet Pidgey, her tail still wrapped around Daniel's neck. The two Pokemon began speaking in their language, though Daniel understood that they both liked each other from reading their thoughts.

Glancing over at Night, Daniel walked over to him after thanking nurse Joy for her assistance, his Pidgey now on Daniel's shoulder sharing the space with Dratini. Standing over him he placed his hand down in front of Night with a kind smile. "Hello Night, my name is Daniel, it's a pleasure to meet someone who treats their Pokemon well." Awaiting his response, Daniel would then propose to travel together, thinking it might be a better idea to team up instead of being alone. Two minds are better than one as they say, and with that Daniel also offered for Night to pick up essentials at his mothers house. Daniel usually didn't talk with people much but for some reason he felt an exception with Night, being that they were both from Viridian City, and that he was also a trainer of Viridian Forest. Dratini let out a happy cry as Daniel tilted his head. "So, what do you say Night?"

Night blinked as the rattatta had began to eat his caterpie's food the small pokemon would sulk only to shift away being slightly scared of the pokemon. he would then look to his side seeing Eve rush off to chase after another Eevee that was in the pokemon center. Night had only laughed softly at this and nodded to the apologetic trainer that approached him. "No problem it's fine, I'm sure your pokemon was just hungry." When she returned the pokemon Night pushed Caterpie softly back to the small section of food giving him permission to eat again.

When Daniel approached him Night smiled softly and nodded to him. "Hello Daniel, how are you and your pokemon doing?" Night enjoyed seeing the two together they always seemed happy to eachother. He would then listen to the proposal of traveling together and gave it a quic nod. "I believe that would be fun to travel together. Maybe share pokemon to fill up the pokedex faster as well."
"Yeah... but he's already eaten all of his food and some of Nami's," Sheeta grumbled rubbing the back of her head with a sigh. Bending to pick up Nami, she vaguely listened as another boy approached. It seemed they knew each other as they started into a conversation about teaming up. She bite her lip, wanted desperately to jump in on the situation. Glancing at Nami, the Pokémon shrugged it's little shoulders and tilted it's head to the side. Well, that was all Sheeta really needed to speak up.

"Ah... sorry, but you guys don't happen to be new trainers?" She questioned, "I.. well I'm Sheeta, Sheeta Jones." She held her hand out to them, first shaking hands with the boy whom owned the other Eevee before she turned to the second boy and smile. She believed they had called each other Night and Daniel. With a little smile she motioned to Nami and then her pokeballs.

"I'm new also," She explained, "actually, I'm more of a collector. My goal is to catch every type of Pokémon there is and eventually bring them back to my home town so I can study them up close." She shrugged slightly as she looked between the two boys. She felt a bit weird saying all of this to people she didn't know but to be honest she knew she had no chance at all out there alone. If she had some people with her then she might be a bit more lucky. Not to mention she wouldn't oversleep like she did that morning.

"I was wondering if I could join you...?" The question came out confident but she felt awkward saying it, "Well at least as far as it takes for me to catch them all."
Hester was finally meet with professor. "hello, how may I help you." "Professor Oak its me Hester." "Ah Hestor, it is good to see you in person. well I guess your here for this." He handed him a pokedex." today you start an adventure, that will shape your life. you have chosen your partner." Tails yelps, and moves close to hester. "Tails will grow, and one day become a nine tails, but you will meet many other pokemon on your adventure, heave a good day." professor Oak walks into his office and gets a few pokeballs. " oh this is yours." he handed the pokeballs to hester, these will be your instrument. now go and have your adventure." He finally went into his lab and started working.

"well tails you want to get on the road, and get our party started." She yelps, and they start making their way on their adventure.

Agreeing that it would be quite fun having someone to travel with, he had initially thought that sharing Pokemon information would also be quite useful and was glad they were on the same page. His attention turned towards the young woman near the both of them, being sort of startled and felt somewhat rude as he did not notice her during his conversation with Night. Daniel shook her hand with a welcoming smile, accepting her to join them for as long as she needed too.

"I know how weird it can be getting to know new people... But from my experience with Dratini here, it's always good having friends to rely on. It's a pleasure to meet you, Sheeta."

He had remembered spotting the young female on Route 1, and knew that she had a few Pokemon under her belt. Hearing her goals to catch them all, he expressed his goals to her of becoming a Pokemon Master and agreed that exploring this vast region alone would be quite the hassle. Daniel suggested that they went to his house within the city, with his mother being a Pokemon Breeder, she had a lot of useful items that would help them on their journey, at least for a little while.

Exiting the Pokemon Center with his new team, he walked up the road towards his home, his mother quite excited to see him after a day of being away from home.

"Daniel! You and your Pokemon are looking great! You made friends? That's so nice!"

Feeling slightly embarrassed, he blushed slightly and reminded his mother for the essentials she had told him about. Laughing at his reaction, she handed him a map of the region and offered everyone else a map if they had not already had one. Restocking him with Potions and a few antidotes, along with extra clothing and food, she kissed his cheek and wished him a safe journey feeling much better that he had people around him now. Eager to continue on, he thanked his mother for everything and waved goodbye leaving his home and venturing out back into Viridian City.

"Well, I think we should make our way up north towards Pewter City, of course we'll have to travel through Viridian Forest... Which I'm all too familiar with." Daniel smirked at Night, knowing he too was a trainer of Viridian Forest. Daniel waited for his new team's response as to what they wanted to do.

Night smiled and nodded to the girl as well standing up only to bow softly to her. "I enjoy having company and with the three of us working together I'm sure we could get our pokedex's filled. I'd enjoy becoming a breeder myself and obtaining each and every badge." Night would soon glance down to the small caterpie whom was crawling about the ground and up his leg. Night stiffled a small chuckle before holding his arm down for the pokemon to crawl up his arm. The caterpie would then rest itself on the back of the boys neck closing it's eyes as if going to sleep. Night soon smiled and shook his head before returning the bug pokemon to the pokeball placing it on a slot on his straps. "Eve you ready to go?" The Eevee mewed happily rushing back over to Night before leaping into his arms.

He agreed with Daniel and nodded softly. "I believe that would be a good choice. Your mom can pass us a potion or two maybe even a revive pill." Night then proceeded to follow Daniel and headed for his mothers house thinking about the many things things they would be able to accomplish with this small group. There were many possibilities and many ways they could go about each thing. His next thought would be which pokemon he wanted for his team.

Upon entering Daniel's house he bowed to his mother and smiled softly. "Hello, nice to see you again." He said with a goofy grin and laughed softly to the way Daniels mom treated him. After a few moments of Daniel's mom passing out the supplies Night took it and stared at the map studying it hoping to figure out where and how he would take the route upon getting each and every badge, maybe he would get lucky enough to finish before everyone and meet more pokemon for a team upon the way.
After waling for a little while Hester ran into a pidgy. This was hester's first real battle, he was excited. He let tails do the honors. Tails first used ember, trying to burn it. The pidgy somehow dodged, and countered with tackle. tails couldn't dodge. It hit and was of normal effect. "I guess I'm going to bring it up, Come on tails I know you can do it." tails used ember again on the wild pidgy. This time it hit and did some damage, it brought him to the top of the yellow zone.

Pidgy attacked with tackle again. Tails dodged just barely, and countered with ember again, this time it hit and did massive damage. He was finally in the red. "Go pokeball." he threw the pokeball, and it hit the pidgy on the wing. The red lazer hit him and began the process of catching him.

One move. "come on, come on." the second move."Oh baby, come on." the third move."Your mine." hester said as the pokeball went certcher. Pidgy was caught. He rushed to the next throught route one, into the pokemon center." Nurse joy. nurse joy. Help." he said as he went over to the counter, can you heal my pokemon." she being nurse joy, took his pokeballs and put them on the machine, and began to heal them. After she finished she handed him the pokeballs. "thank you." he said as he was walking towards the door.

Outside the door he began to walk towards the entrance to route two. He noticed two strange people standing by the entrance. He tried walking past them but they stopped him. "hey kid, wanna talk about joining team rocket." He ran into the forrest. "god that was close." he said as he leaned against a tree. "I don't think I am going to leave for a little while." He sat near the entrance.
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Sheeta smiled happily as both boys agreed that she could tag along. It seemed like they were quite alright with more teammates and she had to say that they both looked like promising trainers. Surely with these two she'd be able to fill up her Pokedex and reach her goal. If things went as planned then hopefully she'd be able to help with their goals as well since they both aimed to earn badges she'd suggest training together later on. However, all of that could wait until they set off for Pewter city. At the moment it looked like they planned on going to Daniel's home, where his mother greeted them with a friendly hello. She was cute as she fluttered over her son, inquiring about his new friends and pressing an endless amount of supplies on. The was something Sheeta wasn't really used to because her mother tended not to be this helpful. Being a collector she had to spend a lot of time training her Pokémon so she didn't often fawn over Sheeta the was Daniel's mother hurried about him. Waving away the map she rummaged through her bag and pulled out her own with a friendly smile, getting a comment on how prepared she was from Daniel's mom.

"Well, I'm from Cerulean City so I've been away from home for a little while," She said sheepishly, "I wanted to get my Pokedex from Professor Oak himself instead of getting it sent via Pidgey so I made the trip. I thought it would be a good idea." She gave an approving nod before handing out the rest of the supplies and wishing them a farewell. It was as they were heading out that Daniel made the comment about Pewter City. She had no objections to going there at all, that was next place on her list anyways but first she had something she wanted to do.

"Mind if we stop by the Mart first?" She asked them, "I want to buy more Pokeballs for Viridian forest since I know there are quite a few Pokémon there." She gave them a faint smile. She figured that just traveling through was enough for her this time. If she had to double back to Viridian forest at some point then she'd do so but she just wanted to keep moving. Once she had traveled the Kanto region at full she would concentrate on catching the Pokémon she hadn't gotten in her journeying.
Sylvia made her way quickly over to the girl on the ground at the other side of the forest. Once she got there, the boy had already left, along with the Weedle attached to the girl from before. She knelt down to the ground with squirt still on her shoulders. "Are you okay? It looked like that Weedle was giving you some trouble there!"

After brainstorming ideas with his fellow companions, Daniel happily accepted Sheeta's decision on making a stop at the Poke Mart for extra supplies. He concurred on Sheeta's view to keep moving forward throughout their journey instead of having to go back. Since her goal was to catch them all it would make sense to be well prepared for the encounters they would surely face. Returning her faint smile with a gentle one, he beckoned her with a tilt of his head and while placing his hands within his pockets the team made their way towards the Poke Mart in Viridian City. Daniel had all the items he needed at this point in his journey, and the Poke Mart in Viridian only had so much to offer. Having special items being delivered to his home as a child due to his mother's profession he knew that if you wanted the good stuff, Celadon City was the place to go.

After obtaining everything they needed, the team departed for Route 2.

As they began walking near the entrance to Viridian Forest, Daniel paused. He could hear the thoughts of wild Pokemon in Viridian Forest, how a lot of them lost their homes due to a fire. He felt his heart sink at that moment, closing his eyes he had to take a deep breath to regain closure. Suddenly hearing a loud voice bark at him with an angry tone.

"Hey look it's a group of twerps! There's been quite a few of you crawling around!"

Daniel's eyes widened as he heard the shouts, looking up to see two men dressed in black attire with a large red "R" on their shirts guarding the entrance to Viridian Forest. They both held wicked grins, and there faces were barely visible due to the dark caps they were wearing. The two men eyeballed the young trainers Pokeballs.

"It's going to cost all three of you p1,000 if you want to get through! Or you could hand over those Pokemon you have!"

The two men laughed at the sight of the startled trainers.

Daniel's expression turned into a calm one, as he glanced at his team knowing the obvious answer to this problem they encountered. With his right hand he reached for his Pokeball and leaped back a bit, tossing it towards the air. "Pidgey! I choose you!" Within the red light Daniel's Pidgey took flight letting out a loud confident chirp. Daniel smirked, "I would get out of the way if I were you, we're not giving you anything!" The two men furrowed their brow at the sight of this, angry that they didn't cooperate.

"So you wanna play hardball huh kid!?"

The first man tossed a Pokeball, and within the red light appeared a snake-like Pokemon letting out an ominous hiss. This caught Daniel's attention and he immediately scanned the Pokemon within in Pokedex.

#023 EKANS the Snake Pokemon. Moves silently and stealthily. Eats the eggs of birds, such as Pidgey and Spearow, whole.

Daniel stared down the mysterious trainer with a now more serious expression. He didn't know who these people were or why they wanted their Pokemon, but it didn't matter. They were just a couple of thugs, and he had to think fast if he wanted to get out of this situation. Quickly commanding his Pidgey, Daniel drew the first attack. "Pidgey, use Sand Attack!" The tiny bird flapped his wings kicking up large amounts of blinding sand towards the enemies Pokemon also blinding the two men somewhat.

"Ugh! Ekans! Get that stupid bird!"

Ekans slithered, remaining as close to the ground as possible trying it's best to avoid the dust, and leaped upwards towards Daniel's Pidgey with the intent of using Wrap to constrict the bird. "EKANSSS!"

Daniel was already expecting an upfront assault. "Pidgey! Dodge it!" Pidgey flapped his wings lifting above the enemy Ekans barely dodging the snakes leap. This of course would have not been as easy to do without the advantage of Sand Attack taking place. "Now Pidgey, use Gust!" Pidgey soared in the air and after letting out a loud chirp he began to flap his wings letting out a powerful wind, launching it towards Ekans. Confused as to what was going on behind all the dust, the mysterious men waited for the dust to clear, only to find Ekans falling a few feet from the sky and landing in front of them. Slightly injured, the Ekans trembled a bit and glared towards Pidgey with the intent to kill.

Being able to read the thoughts of his Pokemon and not wanting to alert the mystery men in any way, Daniel's Pidgey understood what to do next. Before Ekans could react, Pidgey appeared next to Ekans at blinding speed, striking Ekans in it's side. With a successful Quick Attack, Ekans fell to it's side with X's for eyes indicating it could no longer battle. The first man broke a sweat and growled, sending back his Ekans inside it's Pokeball.

"Why you little... How could a kid like you..." The man clenched down on his teeth, red in the face from embarrassment and aggravation. "Team Rocket wont forget this, you better watch your back!" The one man rushed away, while the other following him rather quickly, they both entered Viridian Forest fleeing the scene.

Daniel let out a soft sigh not being too happy that he had already made enemies, his Pidgey flew into Daniel's chest happy about their victory instantly changing the trainers mood. Daniel let out laugh and embraced his Pokemon. "You did so great Pidgey! I'm so proud of you." Pidgey let out a cocky chirp indicating, well what did you expect? Daniel smirked and stared forward to the entrance of Viridian Forest. "If we hurry up we could probably catch those guys... Team Rocket..."

Night followed the two and as the female did he obtained a couple pokeballs as well using money his own mother had given him just before he left. Hopefully the pokeballs would assist him in catching a few pokemon. Night would then step out of the mart with a small bag holding the pokeballs he had just bought, he would then proceed to mark each one with a moon until all of them were marked.

Night smiled and flipped his bag around him following the two to the forest and placed the pokeballs in his bag, it was only about ten or so, which should hold him off to the other end of the forest. Upon reaching the forest Night blinked reaching for his pokeball only to stop looking to Daniel who had already chosen the pidgey. Night would simply watch and take notes of the damage and use of the sand attack as well as the different moves. Night then looked to the two smiling. "Good job, and I don't think they'll be coming back for a while. Running off like that we wouldn't catch them either unless they ran into someone else.

Night then began to walk off in a random direction cutting between a few trees heading towards the other side of the forest. With him being a child of the forest this gave him an edge of getting through it quicker. Night knew all the neat little shortcuts and areas where a few decent pokemon may be.


C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

Still in shock, Carmine's lips lay parted slightly as her whole body seemed to freeze, as if she had turned to stone. Just what in the world had just occured? Carmine couldn't completely comprehend what exactly tookk place. With her mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water, Carmine's obsidian eyes were wide with shock, the previous terror slowly fading from it, along with her life. She had been bitten. By a Weedle. Which was a Bug/Poison type Pokemon. What if the bite had inflicted poison onto her?! This would....this would be the same as the Beedrill...


"Beedrill! Beedrill! Come on, we've got to get through Diglett's Cave already!" A ten year old child, ran through the dark corridors of the underground tunnels, her sneakers causing the dirt on the ground to rise as they hit the floors. Her neck length raven hair wiped around as the Trainer sprinted through the tunnels, narrowly dodging the sharp turns and any other blockages that were in front of her.

The Beedrill seemed to have a melancholy expression on her face as she hurried along behind her master, a soft buzz come from her wings as they moved at a rapid pace. Only a few feet behind her Trainer, Beedrill's sensory antennae began to twitch violently. The Pokemon suddenly collapsed on the ground, as if having a seizure.

Being the good Trainer she was, Carmine turned around to check on her Beedrill, only to find her Pokemon twitching on the ground as if someone had sprayed her with bug repellent. Fear and worry struck Carmine's heart as she rushed over to her Pokemon and rummaged through her bag, trying to find some sort of elixir to berry that would help her Beedrill.

"Beedrill, just calm down. I'm right here..." Carmine mumbled soft nothings to her Pokemon as she continued to search through her bag. What was wrong with her Beedrill? Carmine recalled hearing something like this happening on the news. Pandemic Pokemon Sickness, or something like that. Being ten years old, Carmine didn't really know what pandemic meant, but the symptoms were not good.

Beedrill was in a lot of pain, her pupils seemed to shrink and turn into a more...animalisitic view. Her shiny red eyes seemed to have lost it's intelligent glow as all Beedrill really was was a....an animal. When Carmine glanced into her Pokemon's eyes, a cold shiver went down her spine as an ominous feeling covered the air.

A high pitched scream echoed through Diglett's Cave as--

~End Flashback~

Carmine's eyes snapped open as she fell back into reality, out of her past. Dark eyes dashing around the area as if something was going to pop out of the bushes, Carmine's sight landed on the Trainer and the Weedle. Oh, no. He was going to get bitten, wasn't he?

Hurrying over to the Trainer, Carmine glanced over to her Magikarp with wide eyes. With rapid hand movements, Carmine did her best to order the Magikarp to tackle the Trainer. He wouldn't listen to her. The never closing eyes of the Magikarp seemed to stare into Carmine's very soul, kind of creeping her out a little.

A burst of anger ran through Carmine's veins as she forcefully grabbed the Fish Pokemon and literally threw him at the Trainer. Magikarp used Tackle! It was super effective! I guess that's another way of battling with Pokemon.

"Karp! Karp! Karp!"
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