Pokemon RP Version

Eyron walked through the interior of Mt. Moon with some other Rocket Grunts. They were here to excavate some fossils. He had recently heard that Oak was assigning pokedexes to people, so there was no doubt that this place would be swarming with more than just zubats. He needed to buy the excavators some time. He already had an idea to halt their progress. With his bag full of empty pokeballs, he set off to prepare his trap with his Aerodactyl, Fang.
Sylvia Harris

Sylvia picked Squirt up from off the ground and wrapped some bandages around his wound to be there temporarily until it was properly cared for. She saw the other girl point to the city, but with an angry expression on her face. Sylvia then understood why she was mad at her. The wild pikachu was unconscious and could've been attacked by other wild pokemon being alone on the route where they roamed. Sylvia felt guilt when she realized how similar these actions were to when she first got Squirt and began to train him against her family's Slowbro.


"Sylvia Ariel Harris! What in the world were you thinking having your Squirtle fight our Slowbro?!" Sylvia's mother shouted at her.

"His name is Squirt! And I want him to be strong for when I become a pokemon trainer when I'm older!" 7 year old Sylvia protested.

The family Slowbro was sitting behind them on the couch, taking a break from helping the Harris family with boating supplies to be sold all day. Squirt was next to Sylvia with bandages all over his bruised self. Sylvia's mom sighed, "Look, I know you want to be a trainer when you're older but do you think that making Squirt, who was a gift from me after visiting your aunt in Goldenrod City fight against our Slowbro was a good idea?"

Sylvia began sniffling, feeling bad for her poor Squirtle. "I didn't mean to hurt them I-I just wanted to be a pokemon trainer! I'm sorry!" She said and burst out into tears.

Her mother hugged her, "I know you're sorry honey. Just remember that you should think about what you want your pokemon to do before they do it and how it'll affect the other one." She said.

She then picked up Squirt, "Now let's go to the Pokemon Center to make little Squirt here feel better okay?" Her mother said. Sylvia wiped her tears away and grinned, following after her mother while Slowbro watched them lazily on the couch.

-End flashback-

Sylvia was in a very similar situation now from then. The girl was acting as her mother showing her what she had done to hurt the other pokemon. She teared up in her usual emotional way, "I-I'm sorry! I should've had more control over my Squirtle!" She shouted and without thinking, ran in the direction she'd been given to the Pokemon Center. The Pikachu woke up hearing the sounds she had made when she left. It twitched its injured hind leg and watched as the trainer left it. She forgot about the Pikachu by the time she reached the forest shortcut to the city. Sylvia knew she had made the same mistake she did 6 years ago.

(OOC: Slightly edited now)
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C a r m i n e • C l a r e t

With the Pikachu still injured within the hold of her arms, Carmine felt a wave of guilt overwhelm her as she could feel the ragged breathing of the Pikachu. Slowly moving her gaze from where the Squirtle girl had ran off, Carmine's obsidian eyes found the injured Pikachu, barely moving. She could barely recall the time when this Pikachu was strong, a difficult to catch. And she was the one who ruined that. She had set this Pokemon up for death.

Tears began to well up as Carmine gently brought the Pikachu's limp body into a soft hug, careful not to break any more bones or open any blood clotted wounds. Squeezing her eyes shut tightly, Carmine bit her lower lip, doing her best to contain the tears that threatened to fall. She thought of all the Pokemon she had wounded so badly, leaving them in the tall grass. Most of them probably didn't survive to wake up, others would've been killed due to their injuries. She had caused so many deaths. Without even knowing.

Falling to her knees, Carmine did her best to comfort the Pikachu from the pain he was feeling. The tears streamed down Carmine's cheeks, dripping down her chin and onto the blood stained fur of the Pikachu, leaving wet stains. Inaudible hiccups came from Carmine, her chest heaving in an irregular manner. The Pikachu continued to stay still, having no strength to move in the first place. He just stared at Carmine, stared at her with those depressed doll eyes. This obviously wasn't the first time something like this had happened.

Breath caught in her throat, Carmine struggled to stand up, stumbling a few times before sprinting off towards the city. Holding the injured Pikachu close to her chest, Carmine could feel her asthma getting to her as she took her first steps on Route One. Ever since the incident, Carmine had many health problems, most of them were controllable, if they were taken care of immediately. Not being able to breath, Carmine pushed herself to continue running towards to Pokemon Center. If she didn't get there soon, Death would claim the Pikachu.

Was it guilt that caused Carmine to do this? Or was it really from the goodness of her heart? It could've been anything, but Carmine's mind was absolutely blank. Focused on the task before her, Carmine's breath hitched up completely as she began to see the Pokemon Center appear in the distance. She had to do this, she couldn't fail like so many of the other times.

Only a little longer. Only a little farther. Almost there. Carmine struggled even lift her legs, her head was pounding from the lack of oxygen. To others, she just looked like a slow and tired jogger. Carmine's hold on the Pikachu began to weaken as she felt her body fail on her. Using the last of her strength, Carmine pushed through the doors of the Pokemon Center and stumbled to the front.

Falling forward, Carmine did her best to cushion the Pikachu, not wanting him to get anymore hurt. She had done it. She...she... Hitting the smooth floors hard, Carmine's heart suddenly sped up to a rapid pace, causing much commotion in the Pokemon Center. She had exerted herself too much. But, wasn't this how the Pikachu had felt...?

So much pain wracked through Carmine's body, disabling her movement. Then, everything went numb. Carmine felt herself fade away, eyes drifting closed and body falling limp. Was she going to die...? No, that wasn't what Carmine was thinking. She didn't matter in this case. The real question was;

Is the Pikachu okay?

((OOC//: I don't even want to talk about how rushed this was.)) 
((OOC//: Hello? Anyone here?))
Sylvia Harris

It took her a while, but Sylvia managed to get herself to the Pewter City Pokemon Center. She left to head into the forest. She knew that Squirt’s wounds weren't enough to make him bleed to death so she could make it all the way to Pewter City in time before the bandages he was wearing needed to be taken off. She had made it pass the Viridian Forest and into Pewter City in fast time. She quickly reached the Pokemon Center from there. She looked down at Squirt who she was carrying with her in her arms. His bandages had now begun to seep blood through them. Just in time too. She opened the doors to the Center, “I need a nurse please! I have a bleeding Squirtle who needs medical attention stat!” She shouted.

One of the Center's nurses quickly took Squirt off her hands and put him in one of the emergency rooms in the back of the Center. "Please wait a little bit. Your Squirtle needs to be checked over." one of the other nurses told her.

Sylvia decided while she was waiting for Squirt that she would finally get in contact with Professor Oak to get a Pokedex from his Pallet Town Laboratory And to call her mother and tell her what's been happening to her today. First was Professor Oak. She told him her story of starting her journey and he simply told her that he'd send her a pokedex through a pidgey. It should be here by the time she's done at the Pokemon Center. Then she called her mother. Quickly she picked up the computer transceiver they had at home.
"Sylvia! I'm so glad to hear from you dear! How's your day been?" She asked her.

Even though it had only been a day, it felt longer to Sylvia. She began getting teary and chocked up,
"It's been awful! First the Viridian Forest was almost burnt to the ground, then a Pikachu injured Squirt in a battle and I ended up injuring it really badly too! I just hope it's okay with that girl now..."

"Oh no! I'm sure if the other Pokemon was with someone, they're bound to help it." Her mother said.

"B-but it's still my fault! I didn't even know Squirt was going to knock it out I just thought he'd leave it unable to hurt anyone since that pikachu was attacking the girl!"

"I understand. You feel so bad about it because you didn't know it'd turn out this badly. What I think you should do is find the pikachu and the girl and personally apologize to both of them."

"Yeah, I guess that'd be the right thing to do. But I still don't know how I can battle a gym leader when my only pokemon's temporarily injured!"

"I think I know a pokemon back home who can help you. Do you have a PC box I can put it in there?"

"Yes next to me actually."

"I'll send him over in a minute. For now I have to go dear. Good luck against Brock!"

Her mother gave her a thumbs up and Sylvia grinned and gave her one back. The computer transceiver was shut off after and Sylvia booted up the center's PC and went to her newly made storage box. After a few minutes the PC made a ping! noise. She clicked on the Pokeball and it came out of storage to the receiver desk next to her. She took the Pokeball and opened it to see what the pokemon her mother sent her was. Staryu? Ponyta? Slowbro? Sylvia was listing all of the possible pokemon she wanted in her head. But when she looked, it was the one she was least expecting. "Slowpoke!?" She shouted and stumbled back.

Slowpoke was her mom's least favorite worker pokemon for the ocean supply shop at home. He was the brother of Slowbro but acted the complete opposite of him being completely lazy with his work and barely helping with fishing even though he's good at it. Now it made sense why her mom gave him to her, she wanted him gone from the house. "Slooow." He said and lied down on the floor, trying to sleep.

Sylvia put him back in the Pokeball before he could. A nurse from the emergency came out. "Miss? You can come in now." She told her.

Sylvia went into the emergency room and saw Squirt who's wound was mostly healed and wrapped in thicker bandages. Once he saw her, Squirt jumped into her arms and grinned.
"Squirtle!" He shouted.

"Luckily the injury wasn't too bad. All that was needed to be done was stop the bleeding and keep it under bandages. But it's good you came here, he could've fainted from bleeding if he was left untreated for too long."

"Thank you! Um by the way...have you by any chance seen a girl and Pikachu at a pokemon center nearby?" She asked the nurse.

"Actually, I have. They were reported at the Viridian center it looked pretty bad for both of them. But they'll probably be able to be treated properly."

"Oh good! I hope I can see them soon then. Again thank you!" Sylvia shouted. She waved goodbye and left to go onto the first gym leader, Brock.

(OOC: i'm sorry this took so long...)
Sylvia Harris

“This is it. What we’ve been training for for the last six years Squirt. Now let’s win our first gym badge!"Sylvia shouted to her Squirtle.

Her motivational speech was said right at the front entrance to the Pewter City Gym where it’s leader Brock was ready to challenge prepared trainers. She opened the doors to the gym and the first thing Sylvia saw was Brock at the end. She nodded to Squirt and he nodded back. They both made their way to the back to begin the challenge. "So, you're here. I'm Brock. I'm Pewter's Gym Leader. My rock-hard willpower is evident even in my Pokémon. My Pokémon are all rock hard, and have true-grit determination. That's right - my Pokémon are all Rock type! Do you still want to challenge me? Fine then! Show me your best!" he told her.

"Go, Geodude!" He shouted and threw a Pokeball releasing the Geodude who was ready to battle.

"Squirt go!"Sylvia shouted, Squirt was already ready to fight. It worried Sylvia a little however since he still had bandages around his injuries.

"Use tackle!" Brock shouted. The Geodude lunged at Squirt, who quickly dodged it's attack."Water gun!"Sylvia shouted.

Squirt sprayed water at the Geodude which turned out to be quite effective against it. It wasn't down for the count just yet though. . It tackled Squirt again, this time hitting him and causing him to get knocked down to the ground."Quick! Finish him off with Bubble!"Sylvia yelled out to Squirt.

Squirt shot out several bubbles. This made it hard for Geodude to see. Squirt saw the opportunity and tackled the Geodude, throwing it down and making it unable to battle anymore. This however made Squirt unable to battle also and he fell down. Sylvia rushed over to him to see what was wrong."Oh no! I knew it was a bad idea to have you battle after going to the Pokemon Center! I guess I have no other choice but to,"Sylvia gulped,"use Slowpoke."

Brock returned his Geodude, "Finish her off Onix!" he shouted and the Pokemon Onix was released into battle. Sylvia sighed having no other choice but to use her Slowpoke. She returned Squirt to his Pokeball for once."Go Slowpoke."She groaned and sent him out from his Pokeball. Slowpoke was confused by his surroundings. He saw Onix and was startled again and hid behind Sylvia. Sylvia pushed him back out onto the arena."Come on! I know you have some powerful moves! You just have to stop being afraid and show them!"She told him."Use Water gun!"

Slowpoke was still rather frightened, but tried to do as he was told and shot out water gun. It was rather weak but still managed to hit it's opponent. Onix was dazed, but still not defeated. "Bind!" Brock shouted. The Onix wrapped it's snake like rock body around slowpoke leaving it trapped and unable to move much.

Oh crap what can he do now?!Sylvia thought, she had to come up with a plan, fast. Then she remember one of Slowpoke's moves, yawn. "Use yawn!" She shouted to him.

Slowpoke couldn't move, but he could do the attack commanded. He used yawn and the Onix began to feel sleepy.
It's working! Sylvia thought. If it managed to go to sleep then this battle would be a lot easier. Onix stopped it's bind attack and dropped on the floor going to sleep. "Now's your chance! Use Confusion and Water gun!" She shouted, might as well use two attacks at once since Onix can't fight back.

Slowpoke actually listened to the command and slowly left the Onix alone. Sylvia wasn't sure if he was doing this to avoid waking it up or if he was just lazy but either way it worked to her advantage. He combined the confusion attack with the water gun, waking up the Onix and hitting it hard. It was powerful enough that the Onix was left unable to battle and finished for. Brock returned it to it's Pokeball. "I took you for granted. As proof of your victory, here's the
Boulder Badge!" He said and handed over the Boulder badge. It reflected light from the gym off of it showing it's well made and new condition.

"T-thank you sir!" Sylvia said. She waved goodbye to the gym leader and made her way out. He was actually much nicer than he seemed at first to her.

When she got out of the gym, Sylvia showed her emotions more and joyfully squealed. Her first gym badge! She couldn't believe she managed to get it so fast in her journey. She saw slowpoke who slowly made his way out of the gym behind her and lied back down on the ground. Sylvia smiled,
"I didn't know you had it in you, being able to take down that Onix and all." She told him. Slowpoke just yawned in response.

She returned him to his Pokeball and sent Squirt back out. Squirt was looking a little better but a quick look at the Pokemon Center for him was definitely in order. She made her way to the Pewter City Center, still thinking about how Slowpoke of all Pokemon got her to win.

(OOC: I took way too long on this thing than necessary. Someone else better post soon.)

He shook his head smiling softly. "Nope, why would I mind? Your learning how to battle. So I see no problem in it." He then blinked just realizing that the man had said they call him baka. "They call you idiot? Why?" He looked in confusion then shook his head. "None the less. I'm Night Misuki. Pleased to meet you Lei." @Thesmashbro

A short while had passed as Night worked on training his pokemon in the viridian forest as well as on route 2 raising his levels of the Eevee he had along with Caterpie and Pikachu. It was a long day but Night had achieved the ability of evolving his caterpie into a Butterfree. The sun had began to lower by the time he had finished so Night had gone and took a nap on route 2 against one of the trees.

Upon awakening Night stretched out yawning. He then got up and smiled as he prepared his battle for Brock. This would be a long battle and Night knew it. His Pikachu was useless unless it had learned some way of using normal attacks but even Night knew that wouldn't be until later on.

Night rushed across the rest of the route and entered Pewter city only to go around and enter the gym. Upon entering the gym he smirked looking to Brock going around the other trainer who seemed to be off in some trance playing with his pokedex. With that Night smirked softly and held out his pokeball. "I challenge you Brock, I want your badge."

((Just going to note :/ I hate doing the battle myself cause I'll favor my own self in the end and it wouldn't be an actual battle to me, so I'm going to just go ahead and skip this scene and place me in the winning.))

Night returned his butterfree and smiled looking at the downed Onix. Staring at the pokeball he placed it back on his bag and looked to Brock as the man passed up the boulder badge with a tm. Night had refused the TM seeing no use for it and turned about heading out to heal his pokemon then head to Mt. Moon.
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Leibas was one again waiting at route 3, this time for Night to return. ...The trainer, not the time... I bet a lot of people get Night's name confused often. I guess that's what happens when you're named after a time period. How many names are named after time periods anyway? There's Night, Summer... I can't think of anything else. What was I thinking about again? Oh, right, waiting for Night. By the position of the sun, it didn't seem like it was going to be nighttime anytime soon. This was going to take awhile.
Night returned from the poke center and stepped to the entrance of route 3. With a soft smile he bowed to Leibas and nodded. "Well, good evening Leibas, I have obtained my badge finally and it feels nice." Night stepped forward nearly falling and looked back to the Eevee that had jumped up onto his shoulder. "Hello Eve." He said with a soft laugh then petted the small pokemon and began walking. "Well, lets get going and get out of here. Need to make it to Mt. Moon and wait for night to fall. Heard it was quite the experience at night rather then day."

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