Pokemon RP Version

"Not much sunlight left," Sheeta grumbled as she and Nami strolled through the grasses, "Wonder if the other trainers have gotten very far. Have they battled anyone yet?" She thought about it for a minute. Would she fight if she was challenged? She wasn't so sure. She assumed if she was challenged she wouldn't be able to back down, not if her pride as a Pokémon trainer was at stake. She looked at Nami then down at the second Poke ball on her belt. A Pidgey, she had caught another Pokémon. What attacks could a Pidgey do? She racked her brain, her feet stopped moving, and a puzzled expression on her face. What could a Pidgey do? She wasn't actually sure but she imagined that it had to be something powerful?

"Ah! Pokedex!" She exclaimed grabbing at it as she picked out Pidgey's poke ball and released him, "Alright, Pidgey. Lets see what you're all about." She smiled a bit as she scanned the Pokémon; her Pokémon. #016, Pidgey is a normal/flying type Pokémon. A common sight in forests and woods. It flaps its wings at ground level to kick up blinding sand.

"Well, that's nothing I don't know already." She grumbled, "What else can you do Pokedex?" Squinting at the tiny screen she glared at the stats before giving up. No use since it was getting dark. She sighed and looked over her Pidgey. Should she give him a name? She shook her head and looked around. It was best if they made camp and worried about the rest later.

"Pidgey return," She commanded as the Pokémon glowed a red and returned to it's container, "Alright Nami, lets make camp and then you should be going to sleep as well."
"Very funny, Lei." Wilf said, punching him in the arm. "It's getting dark, we better start collecting some leaves and make a camp." It was a thoughtful suggestion, as it was getting dark. Wilf gathered a bunch of small twigs and Growly lit them on fire, its a helpful Thing, Having a fire pokemon. Wilf thought to himself. Wilf reached into his backpack and pulled out some sandwiches and handed one to Lei, "Here, Eat up." Wilf said, taking a bite into his sandwich.
Sylvia Harris

It was just another average day in Vermilion city. There was an ocean breeze where Sylvia was while she was training with her Pokemon Squirt. “Alright now let’s try it again Squirt! Use water gun!” She shouted to her Squirtle. Squirt was quick to respond to the command and shot out a water gun at the mannequin Sylvia borrowed from her aunt’s shop and hit it as full blast and caused it to collapse onto the ground.

“Nice going Squirt! You did a lot better than yesterday’s training!” Sylvia said and Squirt grinned at the compliment she gave him.

Squirt usually didn't do water gun very well when they practiced it. In fact it was the hardest move for him to do. Suddenly, Sylvia's mother called her back to the house and she ran back as fast as she could with Squirt on her shoulder. "What is it mom?" She asked her mom as soon as she made it back home.

"I've been seeing you and Squirt practice lately and it's been making me think about you wanting to be a Pokemon trainer. I think you're ready honey." Her mother told her.

"Really?! I-I mean I have been waiting to go for a while now but...you really think I'm ready to leave today?! I thought we were going to Johto again to visit my cousin I mean-"

"We can put that on hold dear. But I think that now that you're thirteen you're ready to pursue your dream. And I know Squirt here is up for the challenge." Her mother smiled and Squirt grinned in excitement.

"If you say so...I guess I should be heading on out then if you wanted me to go today mom." Sylvia said.

"Yes. But only if you want to do it." Her Mother told her.

"I do! I'll be right back!" Sylvia shouted in her usual enthusiastic way.

Sylvia grabbed all her trainer essentials, her Satchel, Pokeballs, and her first aid kit with all the emergency medicine and essentials. She quickly ran outside and gave a farewell to her mother and father and left along with Squirt to route 6. But after she left, she realized she forgot one essential to becoming a Pokemon Trainer. "A Pokedex! Oh how could I have forgotten! I'll have to go get one from Professor Oak!" She shouted and ran as fast as she could to get herself to Pallet Town.

(That's where Professor Oak is right now right? Sorry just wanted to be sure! >_<)
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C a r m i n eC l a r e t


Carmine's POV

We're here. Route Seventeen. We're actually here. So, it wasn't just a dream. Or a nightmare, depends on your perspective. It seems that I had fallen asleep on one of the sofas of the main room. Funny. I remember that I did this a lot when I was younger. My Beedrill would often snuggle up close to me and keep watch.

My...Beedrill....? I wonder what made you do such a thing...we could've gone so far together, even beat the Elite Four. Why did you do that..? No sense in asking you now, you're dead. How is it up there? Did you meat Arceus? Or were you sent down to Pokemon Hell. I hope it was the first one, even if you did attack me, you weren't the worst Pokemon out there. I just wished...that we got farther, that's all...

Third Person's POV

Carmine's eyes snapped open as she heard the loud blare of the ferry, signally that they were at the dock of Route Seventeen. After such a rude awakening, most people did their best not to bump into the frail teenage girl. Or maybe it was due to the fact that she had a Electrode stuck to her back.

"Hey! Thunder! Come back here!" A young Trainer called out to his Pokemon, who turned around to show the electricity he was generating. "W-wait! Thunder! Don't!" The Trainer failed to convince his Pokemon to let go of Carmine's back, who didn't even notice she had an Electrode stuck to her. "I-I'll give you some food!" The Trainer held out a few berries to the Electrode. The Electrode let go of Carmine's back and rolled towards the Trainer, happily munching on the berries.

Feeling someone tap her shoulder, Carmine turned around to stare at the Trainer who was holding berries, the same berries he had used to feed his Electrode.
"I'm sorry about that, you must've been pretty scared." Giving Carmine a sheepish grin, the Trainer rubbed the back of his neck.

In response, all Carmine gave him was silence. Her pure obsidian eyes showing little to no emotion at all, she just stared at him, straight in the eyes. Well, it's not like she could say anything anyway, and this guy probably didn't understand sign language, so what should she do? It's been awhile since Carmine had to deal with people who didn't know she was mute. Even if her expression showed nothing, her mind was rummaging through the information she had, trying desperately to find something to do.

But, it was too late. The Trainer had already left with his Electrode, most likely muttering about just how rude Carmine's actions were. She couldn't help it, you know, it's not like she wished to be mute. A small frown on Carmine's lips was all that showed her displeasure of how the conversation of some sorts had ended. Was this what the Professor meant by seeing the world?

Carmine had already seen the world, as a child. She was practically famous for Arceus's sake! Was this Pokemon Adventure really worth it? Couldn't she just stay at home and write fanfictions all day? Trailing her hands over her one Pokeball, that contained Magikarp, Carmine frowned as she ran the name over in her head.

Magikarp. Carmine was never one to give nicknames to her Pokemon, they were just....them. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Carmine took a step forward as the line began to move swiftly. From what she remembered as a kid, lines tended to be orderly and quick, right? Well, as a teenager, Carmine figured out that she was wrong. The lines were messy and rough, kind of like a struggle just to get out of a boat.

It was stuffy, warm, and gross. Too much body heat in one area. Oh, how Carmine longed to get out into the fresh air like she would always do at home. Laying under the sun and sketching doodles of...nothing in particular. Now, if only that guy behind her would stop purposely rubbing against her.
Leibas was disappointed that he would have to wait until tomorrow to catch a mankey. He bit into his sandwich and thought for a minute. Were they that poor? They couldn't find a hotel in Viridan? Oh well; some wild pokemon might attack them in the middle of the night. That would be exciting. He sat down next to the fire and continued eating his sandwich. Brain, like usual, didn't move from his spot on Leibas' head.
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Fidgeting around in the spot she had picked, Sheeta looked around her. The sun had set quite quickly but all that meant was that it was closer to rising. She had already returned Nami to her poke ball after feeding both her and Pidgey. Sheeta still had a time trying to figure out what Pidgey could do but she figured that she could always test it out tomorrow when the sun rose. Leaning back against the tree she let her eyes close.

"Already been a day," She mumbled happily as she tried to go to sleep, "I wonder what Pokémon I'll catch tomorrow. What kind will it be? Earth, flying, grass, so many of them." She smiled in happiness and shifted about again. She'd been to find someone to travel with pretty soon. Maybe even test out her knew Pidgey in a battle. Nami seemed to have done very well against the flying type, though it had taken two hits to take down the Pokémon. They would need to do some training before they faced off with anyone. Maybe a friendly dual was the best? Sleep now. Battle later.
The Gentle sun shined over the Unlikely pair of Lei and Wilf. "Wake up" Wilf said, nudging Lei. Wilf turned his attention to his Growlithe, who was yawning and rolling around in the dirt. Wilf picked up his pokemon and noticed some rumbling in the grass, too small for a mankey Wilf thought to himself, Awesome, this must be my chance for a Nidoran! Wilf readied Growly and slowly approached the small purple figure. The Nidoran posed himself to attack, oh no a poison sting! Wilf thought as it began to jump. "Quickly, growly, ember!" Wilf commanded as the flames burst from growly's mouth before Wilf finished his sentence. There was a loud whelp as the horn hit Growly, while the Nidoran was almost dead, Growly, still hurt, bit the nidoran and knock it out. Wilf threw a pokeball and caught it! While it was a cheap catch it was easy. "Alright I guess ill name you Arthur!" Wilf said, putting the pokeball in his backpack. He ran over to Lei and proudly smiled. "Look what I caught" Wilf said happily.
Lei got up after Wilf nudged him awake. He was ready to catch a mankey today. "Try reading some minds around here so I can find a mankey." he said to Brain who was still on his head. Soon after, Brain pointed towards a patch of grass. "Alright, Ace." He said said as he released his pidgey from his pokeball, "Use gust on mankey!" Ait stirred around Ace's wings as he shot wind towards the mankey, which was super effective. The mankey became raged by the surprise attack and charged towards Ace and did a low kick, causing Ace to fall over. "Tackle him!" Leibas said as Ace got up. Ace then rammed his body into the mankey, causing it to fall over. Leibas threw a pokeball at the mankey, successfully catching it. He briefly did the Final Fantasy victory theme before picking up the pokeball. "What to name you..." He mumbled to himself before seeing that Wilf had caught the pokemon he had wanted as well. "Good job." He said as he put the pokeball away, "So, are we headed to Viridan Forest now?"
"Yes i do think that would be a logical plan of continuation." Wilf said, picking up his backpack and stretching. "Do you think i could get a pikachu there?" Wilf asked, since that was a pokemon he wanted. They set off for the shady overhang of Viridian forest. They got there in about an hour, because they had to stop whenever Growly wanted to take a ten minute nap. The rustling of leaves and the tweets of pidgeys floated through the air. "Well we are here, do you want to take the lead?" Wilf said, as he was unsure where exactly they were.
"Anything's possible." Leibas said in regards to finding a pikachu. He didn't really want one; they were overrated; but it would help against the water-type gym. "Alright, I'll lead." He then closed his eyes, pointed away from them, and started spinning. "We're going..." He then stopped spinning and opened his eyes. "That way!" He was pointing back at the entrance. He then just pointed to his left. "That way!" He said as he turned left and starting walking down the path. As he walked, he was singing

. He seemed to have some training. He wasn't 'Kanto Idol' material, but he was better than Justin Beiber (not like that's a real feat though).
Wilf was unfamiliar with the catchy tune but it started to annoy him after an hour of walking in circles. "Okay so where exactly are we?" Wilf asked sarcastically. Wilf started at Growly for a split second. Fire. Fire burns wood and grass... maybe... While Wilf knew he wasn't exactly thinking straight, he had to take a chance, being in this forest was driving him insane, but there was one thing making it worth it, there was a bright yellow tail hopping around in the grass Pikachu! Wilf knew he had to act fast so he shouted it out "Growly, Ember!" Wilf spouted and then flames licked at the tail of the yellow creature, barely missing it and landing on the tree behind it oh arceus what have i done Wilf had no time to think "Uh fire!!!" He shouted grabbing Lei's arm and running through the tree's its not THAT big of a deal, the Fire/Fighters will show up soon. Wilf smiled as he saw the bright sun and a large building rising up over Pewter city, Oooh, the museum. Wilf thought "Okay well we are here" Wilf chuckled, trying not to turn around and gaze at the wildfire he just started.
(sorry I was late, didn't get the alert till today saying I was accepted.)

Pewter city.

Hester woke up. Tails was licking his face. She was just like any other normal vulpix, but she was his vulpix. He looked at the clock." Oh crud.I'm late." He mumbled. He scrambled to get to his feet and get dressed. He ran, grabbing everything he would need on his journey. His mother told him, "have fun dear" as he scrambled out the door with tails right behind him. He was walking down the street. " I need to go and see the pokemon prof." He was going to begin his adventure today and he needed to stop in and see him, to get his pokedex.
Lei couldn't believe what he was seeing as he was dragged behind Wilf. Everything was burning. He didn't have any water pokemon, so he couldn't do a thing about it. He didn't see any pokemon on the way out; they seemed to have escaped alrady. Then he saw a caterpie. Without hesitating, he captured it in a pokeball (It had no objections). When they stopped at the entrance of Pewter city, Leibas was still frozen with the pokeball in his hand as he looked back at the fire.
"Oh don't worry about that too much, there should be a squirtle squad or something coming to clear that up in a few minutes, for now i say we heal up and head to the gym!" Wilf said, shrugging it off as if it were nothing. Wilf casually made his way to the Pokecenter , ignoring the ever strong smoke smell as people rushed outside of their houses saying things like "OH MY ARCEUS." and "CRAP, A FIRE! RUN!" Nurse joy healed his pokemon relatively quick and Wilf went outside to see Lei staring at the forest in shock. "Ehh, it'd be better if we went to the gym and ignore this..." Wilf suggested, trying to get away with this terrible accident.
Hester noticed the fire on his way out of the city. "Oh gawd, what idiot would start a fire." He yelled out. Tails hid behind hester." its alright tails. the squrtles are on their way." A group of squrtles and a blastoise put out the fire. "alright, now on to prof. oak." Hester and tails began their journey to see the prof. They both started to walk down route 2.

Viridian City

Before leaving his house, Daniel checked his backpack and made sure that he would have everything he needed for his short trip to Pallet Town. His mother was reluctant at first, she knew all boys left home someday but Daniel would always be her baby boy and the idea of him going out alone on a big adventure worried her. But she trusted her son, and knew what kind of person he was, that he longed for something other than being a Pokemon Breeder. He was so kind and gentle towards Pokemon. His mother stood at his doorway, watching as her son checked his bag for everything he needed, quickly leaving and returning she approached him. "A few potions should be just fine for your trip to visit the Professor... Ah! Can't forget Pokeballs either..." With a faint smile she placed the items in his backpack and paused for a moment feeling tears well up in her eyes.

Daniel watched his mother knowing how this affected her and placed his hand on her shoulder, trying his best to reassure her that he would be just fine.
"I have a new goal mom, to collect the Gym Badges and eventually challenge the Elite Four." Daniel's Dratini exceeding over five feet made her way on Daniel's shoulder, wrapping her tail gently around his neck and nestled her mouth on his ear making Daniel chuckle a bit. "And with Dratini by my side, I'll be just fine." He tilted his head slightly smiling gently and gave his mother a warm hug, and after he made sure she was okay he placed his backpack on. Thanking his mother for the essentials, he began to step outside of his room and head downstairs to the front door. Just before he left his mother told him to make a visit on his way back to supply him with better equipment, nodding as a response he exited his house and with a bright beam of light flashing him and his Pokemon, Daniel began his journey towards Pallet Town.

Dratini seemed very happy and eager which boosted Daniel's mood even more, and together they traveled to Route 1. As they continued down the path towards Pallet Town Daniel came across a Pidgey who was searching for worms within the ground, smiling a bit he fixed his eyes on his Dratini which was comfortable on his shoulders.
"Lets see if we can make a new friend?" The wild Pidgey fixed it's eyes on the young trainer, waiting to see if he was any threat. Confident in his Pokemon, Daniel commanded his Dratini. "Dratini, use Thunder Wave!" Dratini's expression turned into an intense one, as she swirled within the air shooting the wave of electricity towards the wild Pokemon. Being distracted, the wild Pokemon did not have enough time to react and was soon paralyzed by Dratini's attack. "Finish it with Twister!" Within seconds Dratini whipped up a vicious twister trapping the Pidgey within the attack and causing a substantial amount of damage.

As Pidgey hit the ground when the attack ended Daniel flung a Pokeball towards Pidgey and after clocking it on the head, Pidgey warped within the Pokeball. Watching as the Pokeball struggle in place for a few seconds, there was not much fight at all left in Pidgey and soon Daniel had caught his Pokemon.
"We did it! Great job Dratini!" Dratini let out a cheerful cry and tackled Daniel to the ground licking his cheek. They both laughed together for a moment and soon Daniel was back on his feet and continued for Pallet Town.



C a r m i n eC l a r e t


Here it is. Route Seventeen. Carmine strolled down the route, observing the Pokemon Battles that were going on around her. It seemed that there were a lot of Trainers in this area. Carmine's thoughts slowly drifted off to the times when she was being challenged, each Trainer that came up to her were brutally beaten. Beedrill and her had made a great team.

Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, Carmine was given a few strange glances as the people around her what was wrong with the girl. But, these stares were easily ignored. Although, it still unnerved Carmine to be looked at, it was like the cameras all over again. They would continue to watch her, judge her every move and point out her every failure. It was a good thing that the hat she wore usually covered her face, if it didn't, she'd be swarmed with the media.

Wanting to get off the over populated trail, Carmine took a detour down into the forest. Pausing for a moment, the Trainer - if that's what you would call her - took out a silver can and sprayed the gas all over it. Pokemon Repellent. Hopefully this would ward any Pokemon away from her, Carmine could scream after all.

Readjusting her shoulder bag, Carmine took a step into the forest, followed by another, and another, until she was completely surrounded by the dense trees. What had she gotten herself into? Well, at least she wasn't surrounded by people again.

A light shiver went down Carmine's spine as she tilted her signature hat over her eyes and stared at the ground. Not looking where she was going, Carmine just followed the path of the forest, unaware of her surroundings. Her eyes began to drift shut as her feet kept moving, following the direction of the path.
It was too late when she realized that there was smoke in the air.

Dark eyes snapping open in horror, Carmine's mouth gaped like a fish out of water as the fire before her eyes ate away at the evergreen trees of Viridian Forest. How had she not noticed the sudden change in the temperature? Or the difficulty to breath? Instantly getting down to the ground, Carmine's mind was in a state of panic as she realized that she was in a troublesome situation.
Leibas was relieved that some water pokemon took out the fire. His pokemon were unhurt, so he didn't see the need to go to a pokecenter. However, he couldn't believe how apathetic Wilf was. That guy just burned down a forest and he wants to pretend it didn't happen! He needed to keep an eye on that guy; there's no telling what could happen. He walked with Wilf to the gym to challenge Brock. He was feeling confident sicne he had a good fighting type pokemon.
Sylvia was just now making her way to the Viridian forest. She had to sleep overnight in Pewter City thanks to Squirt being too lazy to run all the way to Pallet Town in a day. She arrived to the entrance of the forest when she saw a large group of squirtles and blastoises trying to finish putting out a fire. "Oh no! What happened here?! I have to help! come on Squirt!" She Shouted and ran as fas as she could to the source of the fire with squirt on her shoulders.
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After getting onto route one, he finally made it to pallet town. "Profesor Oak, Profesor Oak." he called out with tails right behind him. He stopped right in front of Profesor oaks house. He knocked on the door." Oh no, please don't tell me I am late and he already gave his speech." His brother told him about how profesor oak gave this amazing speech. Tails finally caught up. "sorry about that tails, I was in a hurry and didn't notice you were gone." Tails give him an sigh and sit next to him waiting for profesor oak.
Akashi adjusted the red and white cap on his head, blocking out the sun shining above Kanto. Today was the first day of his journey and he was already setting out. He had picked up his Pokédex earlier today from Professor Oak, along with some Pokéballs. He was able to leave immediately after, since he didn't have to stop to say goodbye to anyone in Pallet Town. His mother didn't have much to say about his leaving, so there wasn't any intensely emotional talk about his leaving to keep him waiting.

He removed his gloved hand from the red brim and laid it at his waist. There wasn't any point in wasting time, he had everything he needed. Today, he would follow his passion for the creatures in their world known as Pokémon. Now he would set out and accomplish everything he set out to. He took a step, the first of his new life. Well, at least he tried to.

Clutching onto Akashi's leg, was a Charmander. It appeared very uneasy about taking this step. It would be the first time the orange creature had ever been out of Pallet Town. The town was his home since birth and it was where he met his partner, so of course leaving was unsettling for the little guy.

Akashi managed to turn around and bend down on one knee, the orange grip sliding from his pant leg. "We can't go back, Fiamma. We're only on the first route and we haven't been a step over the border." The Charmander known as Fiamma still looked nervous about leaving his home.

Akashi's crimson eyes trailed over his partner's worried expression. Fiamma had always been meek and timid since they met and leaving the only place he's ever known was easily understandable for his emotions. Although many saw Fiamma as weak, Akashi still chose to keep him as a partner. He could care less about how strong he was. Besides, he knew that Fiamma had potential.

He placed a hand on his friend's head and Fiamma looked up from the sudden contact. Akashi gave the Pokémon a comforting smile as he rubbed his head. "I know it's scary, but I'll be with you all the way. We'll get through this together, one step at a time, alright?" Fiamma looked at his companion with shining eyes and released a grin of his own, revealing his sharp fangs. "In that case, let's be off."

A few ways down the road...

The two made their way through the first route, avoiding the tall grass. At the moment, Akashi didn't think battling would be the best choice. Fiamma still needed to get used to the outside world before he could be out into a battle. The most they had ever done were private training sessions.

As they walked, Akashi picked up the sound of a bird. After looking to the side, Akashi noticed a Pidgey on the outskirts of the grass. It was unusual, as Pokémon tended to stay within the grass or atop the surrounding trees. The Pidgey jumped up and down, trying to get the attention of other trainers. It seemed to be looking for a fight, but nobody would give the small bird the time of day. Its attempts at antagonizing others with its small tweets fell on deaf ears.

Out of curiosity, Akashi approached the bird Pokémon. He wondered why nobody seemed willing to battle this creature. Everyone on this route was starting out, so they should've been jumping at the chance to get their first capture, especially with the target showing so much bravado. As he got closer, Akashi realized why the Pidgey had been ignored.

The poor thing had an injured wing, explaining why it was simply jumping and not flying. It made more sense to him now why others ignored the creature. Nobody wanted a broken Pokémon, especially for their first. Perhaps that was why the bird wanted to fight so badly. With a damaged wing, nobody would even look at the Pokémon. It wanted to prove itself and make others take notice.

As Akashi stood close to the crestfallen bird, it turned to him, it's eyes staring straight into his. It repeated the routine it had used with the others, but Akashi saw something in its eyes. It seemed to be pleading. After looking at the Pidgey and thinking about its circumstances, he looked to his partner. "Fiamma, would you be willing to fight?" The Pidgey immediately began jumping faster, hoping that it had finally found someone willing to take it seriously. While the bird was happy, Fiamma still appeared worried.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, it's completely up to you." Akashi wouldn't make Fiamma battle if he didn't want to. The Pokémon did the fighting, so why shouldn't they be allowed to decide when they did it?

Fiamma looked back and forth between Akashi and the Pidgey, looking as if he was sweating. While he was scared to fight, he also felt bad for the bird. After a moment of staying silent, the Charmander climbed down from Akashi's shoulders and stood in front of the Pidgey, putting on his best brave face.

Akashi smiled at his partner before looking back to the determined looking Pidgey. "Thank you, Fiamma." He took a stance, as Fiamma hesitantly did the same. "I know it's your first battle, but don't be scared. Just do what you do during training." With that, the Pidgey charged at Fiama with its pointed beak. "Fiamma, Scratch."

A few moments later...

"Fiamma, Ember." Fiamma opened his mouth and released the small flames, trying to end this battle. This Pidgey wasn't an average one by any means. Despite being wounded, it was still strong and was determined to prove itself. Fiamma was also doing pretty well for his first battle, even though he was hesitant with attacks in the beginning.

As the fire hit the Pidgey, Akashi thought that would be it. However, the bird was determined to prove itself one last time. Out of nowhere, the Pidgey opened its beak and released the same amount of fire. Akashi was slightly shocked to see it use a fire move. The shock was replaced by awe, as he remembered the move that only strong Flying types could use. Those other trainers were truly foolish to ignore a Pidgey that could use Mirror Move.

Fiamma managed to dodge the attack after scrambling away from the attack and prepared for another attack. However, that attack never came. The Pidgey collapsed onto the ground, still conscious, but breathing deeply. The fight must've taken a lot out of it, especially with its injury. It tried to get back up, but its body simply wouldn't allow it to do so.

Akashi approached the Pidgey and knelt down to its level. "That's enough, you've fought well." The Pidgey looked up, but quickly put its head back down. It had lost and it felt like it wasn't good enough. It thought it could prevail even with its injury, but it was wrong. Now it would probably just go back to being ignored. "How would you like to come with me?"

The Pidgey looked up in disbelief after hearing those words. It had lost, so why was this trainer making such an offer? "You may not have won, but you fought wonderfully. You should be proud that you made it this far with that injury of yours. I don't care about strength, I care about character. With good character and determination, you can overcome anything. You certainly have those qualities and I'm impressed. So, what do you say?" Akashi removed the red and white ball from his belt and held it in front of the noble avian.

After a moment of hesitation, debating if this was really happening, the Pidgey released a happy tweet. It pecked the center of the ball with its beak and was overcome with joy as it was captured. This stranger was a good person and had approved of him. That's all it ever really wanted.

Akashi looked at the sphere with a smile, as the glowing red stopped and the gong, signaling that the Pidgey had been captured, rang. "Welcome to the family, Ventus. Take a well earned rest until we can get you to a Pokémon Center."

He looked at Fiamma, as he placed the ball on his belt. "I'm really proud of you. You faced your fears and were able to help someone." Fiamma rubbed the back of his orange head and gave a modest grin. The Charmander climed back onto his partner's shoulders and held on as they began to walk.

As Akashi thought about the new addition, he saw the flames emitting from Viridian Forest. The entire forest was on fire, the heat radiating. The Squirtle Squads doused the flames with water to contain the fire and prevent it from spreading. He looked away from the forest to look at Fiamma. Almost instantly, he took on an expression that seemed to say "It wasn't me!".

Akashi walked into the forest, as the flames were already being contained. It wouldn't be too long until the place was back to normal. He barely managed to catch the flash of yellow as he entered the brush.
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Wilf walked into the gym, brock was standing there, ominously. no one told this guy about the fire, Wilf chuckled to himself. Suddenly brock boomed out in a large voice "MY ROCK-HARD WILLPOWER IS EVIDENT IN MY POKEMON, MY POKEMON ARE ALL ROCK-HARD AND HAVE TRUE GRIT DETERMINATION. THATS RIGHT, MY POKEMON ARE ALL ROCK TYPE" The gym leader sent out a Geodude easy thought Wilf "Go Arthur!" He yelled, throwing the pokeball into battle, only for it to be the wrong one, and out popped Cheddar "Oh, uh, okay i can work with this" Wilf said semi-confidently, "Cheddar Quick attack and then tailwhip!" Wilf commanded the ratata, in his first battle. The Ratata soared up in the air only to be crushed by a Rock Throw that was unannounced.... "Cheddar, return!" Wilf commanded, returning the ratata and sending out Arthur. "Arthur, Double kick, and make it ROCK HARD" Wilf said, mocking Brock. The Nidoran skittered along the ground and with two short kicks, geodude was down, and out. "GO ONIX MY ROCK HARD POKEMON WILL MAKE YOU REGRET THAT." Brock yelled, sending out the huge pokemon. Two Double kicks, one dodged rock throw, and Wilf had the boulder badge! "Did you see that?" Wilf laughed, turning to Lei.
Night exited Oak's lab only to looked to the burning forest his eyes widening as he rushed to it. He could feel the pain of the trees burning deep inside. Hear the pokemon screams in his head, the screams saddened him. Night quickly passed by a few pokemon Eve leaping onto his shoulder. Night hated this feeling and knew he had to get there fast.

A short time had passed as Night entered the forest seeing the squirtle squad leaving the scene. The flames were all out but the damage it left would always be a scar to him. Night looked about the scorched area seeing a small 'Y' shape with a green ball being stuck to it. Night's heart jumped hearing the simple words of distress. To anyone else it would be silent but Night heard the pokemon's words and heard it well. The boy quickly grabbed a pokeball from the strap on his bag throwing it to the pokemon to capture it. Was it wrong to capture a pokemon like this? Yes but Night wanted to help this pokemon. He picked up the pokeball and rushed back to Viridian only to move into the pokemon center speaking with nurse joy to heal his pokemon.
Leibas was stunned by Brock's shouting and the unintentional double entendres. What is WRONG with everyone?! Shaking his head as if to shake away those thoughts, he got his mankey's pokeball ready. "Synchronize!" He said before releasing mankey. "It's our turn, Brock. This time, no puns or anything; let our pokemon talk for us. Brock nodded and sent out his healed geodude. "Brawl, use low kick!" Leibas said to his mankey, Brawl. Brawl then charged towards Geodude and kicked at the lower part of its body. "Defense curl!" Brock said to Geodude, which curled up into a ball. The damage was reduced greatly, but Geodude was still knocked back towards the wall. "Use the momentum; tackle!" Geodude rolled along the wall and ramped off it to ram into Brawl with increased speed and power. The hit was devastating as Brawl flew backwards, crashing into the wall. This was the power of a gym leader. But... why wasn't it this difficult for Wilf?

"Are you going to give up?" Brock taunted at Leibas. Leibas just smiled. "Give up? I'm just getting started," The dust around Brawl faded to reveal that he was focusing his energy. "and he's just getting angry. Pokemon with the anger point ability hate being one-upped by an opponent. That's why when they hit them with an attack like that--a critical hit--they'll put all of their energy into attacks. Fury swipes, then finish it with low kick!" Brawl charged forward with incredible speed. Brock, who was a bit panicked, countered. "Again, defense curl!" The geodude curled up again to block the attacks. The fury swipes chipped away the defense, however, and the low kick finished it off. "If I used low kick again, you would've done the same counter. That's why I needed to get rid of your defense with fury swipes before using my real attack." Leibas said, "Are you going to give up yet?"

Brock smiled. "Clever, but rock types are not just for defending." He returned Geodude into its pokeball and grabbed the pokeball with a healed Onix in it. "I'll show you their attack strength as well! Bind him, Onix!" He released Onix, who immediately charged at Brawl and coiled around him. "Now tackle!" Onix then released Brawl and rammed into him before he could react, bringing him close to fainting. "Finish him! Rock tomb!" Onix threw multiple rocks at Brawl in an attempt to bury him. Right before it hit, Brawl disappeared in a red light. "That's enough, Brawl." Leibas said, "You did well."

"Alright, as we planed." Leibas said to Brain who left his position on top of his head and floated above the ground in front of them. Brain then hit his fists together as one of them was enveloped in flames. "Special move!" Leibas yelled like his usual self, "Iron fist of the fire dragon!" Brain charged at Onix and landed a fire punch straight in the face, knocking it back a bit. "That's it, a fire punch? You won't defeat him like that!" Brock taunted at Leibas. "True, but I always wanted to say that." Leibas replied, "Also, that was just to distract you." Brain then teleported behind Onix. His hand was now enveloped in a cold air. "Onix, behind you!" Brock yelled, but it was too late. Brain landed the hit, causing massive damage and defeating the beast. Leibas then turned to Wilf and smiled. "Did you see that?"
Thesmashbro said:
Iron fist of the fire dragon!" Brain charged at Onix and landed a fire punch straight in the face, knocking it back a bit. "That's it, a fire punch? You won't defeat him like that!" Brock taunted at Leibas. "True, but I always wanted to say that." Leibas replied, "Also, that was just to distract you." Brain then teleported behind Onix. His hand was now enveloped in a cold air. "Onix, behind you!" Brock yelled, but it was too late. Brain landed the hit, causing massive damage and defeating the beast. Leibas then turned to Wilf and smiled. "Did you see that?"
(So we can make up our own moves now?)

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