Pokemon RP Version OOC Thread.

Did she not follow Akashi? Blargh, need to read up on the posts first. ^^ The next post will include:


Terrible autocorrect




Utmost confusion.
Mmkay. This will not be in my fancy layout I always do but I'll fix it up all pretty tomorrow. This'll also be my last post of the night since I need to sleep.
Posted. My phone froze two times so I had to redo it...I know it's crappy but I'm just going to sleep it off now. Goodnight everyone. ^^
Pai, you forgot poor Sylvia... @Lunar-Eclipse, you can just follow after Carmine. Your character still needs to get a Pokédex, right? I think that's where Carmine is currently going, so you can just force yourself on her. You could follow Akashi, but he's the tougher of the two to get along with.

@UnholyRedemption, you can choose to follow either Akashi or Carmine at this point. Akashi prefers Pokémon over people and Carmine still has a phobia of Pokémon due to her past incident with her Beedrill. Carmine seems like the easiest way to go, but that doesn't mean Akashi isn't an option.

-Glares at Senpai-


Well, I dont get internet on my phone till Wednesday so I cant reply to anything till I return home but I have product design club after school so Ill be back around 5 my time .

She didn't interact with me so I didn't know what to put and my mind was not creative enough to magically conjure something up. *yawns* I'll add something for her though. ^^
She asked if Carmine was okay before Akashi left. It's small and the text is hard to read, so it's easy to miss.
Mmkay. I'll also add that once I get home from school because I'm just sneaking around currently.
[QUOTE="Lunar-Eclipse]Ahh now everyone's ditching Sylvia! 0~0

You can just follow Carmine. I think she still needs a Pokédex and you do too, right?
She has her old one, Sebastian. Remember how I mentioned she used to be a successful Trainer? Yeah.
Sylvia can still follow her though, maybe she wants to help her with her wound. Carmine still hasn't done anything with the bag yet. xD

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