[Pokemon Prismatic]Chat here!

Hopefully lots of progress lol. I really need to make more routes, but I think we soon will be able to start.

How are you today, Edward?
Oooooo, We can start with a cute & Amazing Ralts?~


Also question on how one uses the dice to decide Starter Pokemon and where to find said Dice.
Also, there is a calculator at the bottom to put your stats together without much effort on your part
Sooooo, Basically I have no idea what to do with this Dice???

Also I'm assuming I'm rolling for the Iv's??

Any advise to help a Scrub do any of this?
Let us start with gender. You click on roll at the top of the dice page.

It will say, Throwing a dice for... put gender.

you are rolling one dice so put number of dice 1

this dice has 100 sides because we are doing it from 100%

There is no modifiers because you have no item that increases gender stats of one.

if you get 50 or below, male ralts, 51 or above, female.

Try that
Thanks Captain!

Also hope that you don't mind that I ask you what comes next?~

This is probably annoying & Tedious and I do apologize, First time utilizing Dice & All~
Okay, so on the choose a starter page you will keep track of everything you are doing and create your pokemon.


Type or picture is fine

Gender: (In your case female!)

Above the gender you will copy the bbcode of the dice you rolled. One says link, one says bbcode. It will copy the roll that you got.
Question on what Do I do for the Stats after IV, Do I roll it multiple times for each one or?~

I got 1 Iv Btw.
Did As you said, I think and I got this..Is it correct or?..

HP 17

Atk = 7

Def = 7

SpAtk = 9

SpDef + 8

Spd - 8


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