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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rp OOC

Do you want one of us to control Magnezone for this, or is it covered in your next post?
It's up to you guys. If you think it'll be easier to have a bot for you guys to use, then do that. I can do Magnezone if you guys want. Mainly hes just gonna inform you guys of the previous attacks, the fact that it's a flying pokemon for sure, and that more often then not, it happens in town, so the vigilante has to be hiding out near by.
Post is up, excuse any errors, I am uber exhausted. I left the actually giving of the mission open in case Hex wanted to do it. If not, we can just imply it and skip to you guys meeting the communicator pokemon. Essientally communicator pokemon are small fast flying types that travel with each team with purpose of communicating information back to the league or to surrounding allies. You guys can pick the bird pokemon to join you on your mission. Remember small and fast.
Dooplighost Dooplighost CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell GamerKitty205 GamerKitty205
I think I'll just include magnezone in my next post, (unless mdebourg mdebourg or Suyasuya Suyasuya have an issue with it), which most likely will be sometime tomorrow. (August 13, technically today for me I guess since it's past midnight)
Sorry my post came up later than I said, I thought I would've had more free time than I ended up having today.

I couldn't really think of how the post should go, so I had fun with it, but I can always edit it into something simpler if anyone wants me to for any reason :P

AnthraxBurrito AnthraxBurrito : I also had an idea to replace #8 on your list of the top ten teams. If you liked it, I could always make a CS for them at some point. I thought of a team called "Serpentine Strikers" that consisted of a Serperior, Seviper, and Arbok.
I'm gonna officially call it on this rp. It seems we've lost most of those who showed interest initially, and I have to admit, I myself am not feeling this concept as much as my original plan for the small group rp. It's sad to see it fall before it could begin :(

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