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Fandom Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Rp OOC

Im just as baaad with names sowwy guys, but seriously adorable characters
Dooplighost Dooplighost Haha, depends. What Pokemon are you playing?

Just posted in the character sheet! Essential I’m going with a used-to-be-bad-but-now-good type character through Garchomp. He’s straight to the point personality wise and strives to be the strongest of all so Team Best Team might not be too ridiculous here lol. But something cool sounding would also be good.
It's going to be a slight delay on getting the main thread up will be up tonight.

As for our new characters, welcome aboard! I like the aspect of grachomp being on a sort of parole, and I'm interested to see the way your characters interact. (Though I do wonder how they'll get down the ladder into the guild lol)
I'm glad I checked in here, I wasn't getting any notifs XoX

mdebourg mdebourg No need to thank us, you have the most sensible and fitting character for the role, while still being adorable~

Miniapollo17 Miniapollo17 Something like Rescue Warriors works! I think it might be hard because there's no particular theme with the members typing-wise, it seems like the theme is more about them all being rookies, which I don't think anyone would want to name themselves after, or maybe the fact that they all have aspects that they get carried away with, which I'm not sure how to use for a team name, unless we go for like something cheesy and generic or trying too hard like... idk "Legendary Heroes" or "Treasure Town Troopers" or "Poké Protectors" I'm sorry I really do suck at names asdfghjkl or maybe using the higher Rank names like Platinum or Diamond in them, but that might suggest an overblown ego x'D

Thanks for the lore page AnthraxBurrito AnthraxBurrito ! Good to know the main places in Treasure Town. I get the feeling Oishii will have a field day at the Tripe M Dojo.

Also can I say that I love Sanada and Gary? Because I love them, I think they have such an interesting contrast, both with each other and with the other teams~
I kinda like treasure town troopers, actually. The alliteration is fun.

I like all of the cast of pokemon we have honestly. There's some diverse personalities amongst us :)
I like all of the cast of pokemon we have honestly. There's some diverse personalities amongst us

Yeah! I think that's awesome tbh- we've got both "conventional" Pokemon and "unconventional" Pokemon, with differing personalities to boot. That's bound to make the Guild a lively place!
About post the main thread with the opening post.
What I'm doing with Team Blitz Brigade now is similar to how missions will be done. Just a general goal to accomplish with you're creative freedom on how to go about doing it. I may jump in and spice things up or change the direction of the story, but combat and conversation and such will be up to you. For now I just gave you a broad goal, and an npc to with limited information. We can pick your dungeon destination here, but in thinking it'll be the initial dungeon from the game as its the closest to the town.
That structure will play throughout the rp as you'll see. I'll set the scene for you to play out how you want, while I may throw curveballs. I want to encourage you creative freedom in your posts!
I tried my best to describe what I imagine an updated underground based would look like, so hopefully that all make sense. I'm going to wait for everyone to start posting before bringing in Caesar with the main story exposition. Feel free to shoot me any questions, comments or concerns as we get started!
Also, if you have any kind of lore, dungeon, rescue team whatever you want added as world building, dont hesitate to add it to one of the corresponding threads!
just waiting for others to start so I know where to start from
I just posted but I wasn’t exactly sure what to do, I think we’re just getting a feel for our characters at the moment though. CrowOuttaHell CrowOuttaHell AnthraxBurrito AnthraxBurrito , I hope the post was okay!
I didn't want to open with anything to specific but mainly rn it's just feel out how it goes. I didn't have anything major planned for you team initially so I just gave you an opening based on your character. Just so long as no one leaves the guild for now. I want to let everyone get a post in before starting exposition.

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