Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of the Unknown [Inactive]

"Um... You sure about the name? If you don't like it, I mean, we probably can change it, right? Umm... Ms, Bonbon?" Remus said, smiling at the Wigglytuff

A Chikorita came plodding down the path, smiling happily and swinging the leaf on her head around, as she approached Bonbon the Wigglytuff, she cried, "Hello, Ms. Bonbon!" in greeting.

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"Yeah! Team DragonFlame rules!" Marie exclaimed. She was just as excited at her partner

"But I think Lilly Pad is an adorable name for you two! Once it's down you can't change it. Sorry!" Bonbon smiled back to the Mudkip.
The French bat appeared from the shadows, the Chikorita being his cue. He wore a red and black striped scarf, wrapped around his neck. "Bonjour mademoiselle!" He said to the grass type female. "I'm new too, do you want to be teammates with me?" He asked, his French accent lacing his voice.
"... What's bonjur?" She asked innocently and completely oblivious. "And madmoisell?" She looked at the Noibat, "but once we get past that, yeah, sure!"

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"Uh..it's a formal hello, and young lady..in my native language which is French." The little Noibat spoke with his heavy accent. 'Are you serious? Are all Pokémon this uncultured?' He thought to himself. "My name is Rémieaux, pleased to make your acquaintance, young lady." He said with a cute smile.

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(someone scream at me if they're talking to my character.)


"Let me guess. I got lost. Yep, I hit it right on the money. Wow, you're having GREAT luck today, aren't you?" A lone Ekans was slithering around in a circle on the miles of rock and sand. She seemed awfully confused... and not to mention, she proved why in the first sentence that she spoke. However, it wasn't fear that portrayed the emotion from her right now. It was more of...anger? Rage? Something along the lines of a rude emotion.
Just then, a Zubat clone, well the Ekans didn't know it was a clone-illusion thingie, appeared behind a rock. The snake Pokémon's Team Rogue initiation began. Now.

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Naomi had the same urges edging at her and she frowned then sighed and ran off to see if the Espurr was alright since she had not yet come back to sign up at the guild and she did eventually find the Espurr and asked."Are you alright?"
"Eep! Don't hurt me!" The Espurr shrieked, her ears shooting up again, a giant hole appearing in the tree in front of her by her powerful psychic energy. "I'm sorry I'm sorry!"

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While her brooding over useless intentions of getting stuck in her favorite game, a Zubat popped out of literally nowhere and kind of... gave the Poison-type a fright when she looked up. There.. there wasn't any Pokemon there before, right? Yeah,s he was pretty sure of that fact. With a quick motion of...shock? She reared up out of instinct.

"Woah there... you know, you aren't supposed to sneak up on people like that, right?" Due to a low knowledge of the area, she hadn't the faintest clue what the other's intention was.
The Zubat was then heading straight for the Ekans, fangs bared, attempting a Bite attack.

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"Are you sure you aren't going to hurt me?" She flinched at the raised paw, holding her ears down with her own.

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... Well that wasn't a greeting. After years of being pushed around by brothers, the Ekans tended to know what was nice and what was in a fighting spirit. And she assumed that this guy meant nothing but to chomp her to bits.

It's why she was able to react so quickly. The Zubat had maintained up to where they were in touching range. The serpent-Pokemon quickly retracted and moved out of the way. Her mind told her: you have to launch a counter attack. This isn't a playfight. This is real.
Naomi nodded."I will not hurt you. i do not just go around and hurt others that would be evil pokemon, Now would you like to go back to the guild since i was gonna sign up to."
"Oh, uh, y-yeah, I g-guess. I do need a p-partner." The Espurr said nervously to the Eevee.

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The Zubat flew up, again baring its long fangs. It shot forwards for the Ekans once again.

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The Golurk overseeing all that was happening let out a rather loud hearty laugh.

"These many new recruits. This is good. You all will be working with the merchants. We have two merchants so far who will be regularly requiring assistance. There will be more to come, for now I ask the two most eager teams join with one of them. We have Van Dash, the Aron, and Luta the murkrow."

As he said this, the small chespin got up and looked around. Everyone was already teaming up with people. At this rate, he was going to be flying solo.
She made the same movement with her body again, but as the Zubat whizzed above her back, the snake punched it.

... Yeah, that was unlikely. You see, this Pokemon had the unfortunate accident of being transformed...with a lack of arms. So the punching dream was quickly shattered and thrown to the ground.

But, well, if you believe in miracles.... the motion instead held the force to throw her own body over the Zubats, halting it's flight.And in that position, that gave her the perfect chance to do something she COULD do.

'...Wrap.' It was an unnecessary word to say with this move, but it just went with the dramatic way this skirmish was going.


"..Hm?" The said Murkrow snapped out of her daze in organizing long numbers and such, shaking her head and looking to the Gollurk, who had spoken her name out loud. "..Oh yeah! Assistance. Right, sorry about all that."
"Uh, okay, I-I'll try.." The Espurr gulped, following the Eevee. 'She seems pretty nice, right?' 'No, don't let your guard down.' She argued with herself.

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Naomi led them both back to the guild and she has them sign up but now they have to create a team name and she looks at the Espurr."I have a few ideas but what are yours?"
The Zubat was wrapped by the snake, its movements, and its wings for that matter, were incapable of movement, so both of then were falling to the ground.

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Bonbon felt cheerful over how many new members the Guild was getting. She decided to make another announcement, "Any team that's signed up may go inside the guild! From there you can pick where you want your room to be! Remember to pick as a team!" She grinned.

Decided to use tapatalk on my ipod instead of browser right now yay

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