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Fandom Pokemon: Knights of Albion *REBOOT*

Okay, I think I kinda fucked up cause now I don't have the old map we used for the old Rp and I can't find it anywhere and since I fucking got rid of the old Rp too without even thinking I can't get it back.... So @Aero would you somehow have a copy of the map you made or nah? Cause if not then we gonna have to create a new one.... :(

Pichu works too. Vury kawaii. Lol I'm interested in your original rp but don't have access to see it. If I may ask, how are the rp mechanics in this? The main reason I don't participate in dice rp or certain traditional ones is because there's a lot of stuff getting in the way of my writing before I can even make my first post.

so for this, what can I expect in terms of rules and the amount of things I'd have to micromanage?

Pichu works too. Vury kawaii. Lol I'm interested in your original rp but don't have access to see it. If I may ask, how are the rp mechanics in this? The main reason I don't participate in dice rp or certain traditional ones is because there's a lot of stuff getting in the way of my writing before I can even make my first post.

so for this, what can I expect in terms of rules and the amount of things I'd have to micromanage?

Okay first off there will be no dice related scenarios at all, the combat is kinda free roam with some honor rules to follow such as in times of getting attacked by fellow Knights you are not to kill only disarm or knock out. There is a mechanic called Duels where Knights can fight one on one till one either gives up or is disarmed or knocked out, and it is incredibly shameful and dishonorable if you kill a knight during a Duel.

Obviously this will be a detailed Rp so I do expect a Paragraph at a minimum per post but more is preferred.

Yeah um I fucked up with the Rp and decided to hide it cause I didn't need it anymore even though I still do so sorry about that. I've never done it and now that I have I can't get it back so that is completely my bad.

If you want to know more about specific things I'll try to answer them as best as I can.

You my friend are a savior! Thank you so much! Now I think we've got some more towns to add to this Rp if you feelin up for it my friend! ;)
Okay first off there will be no dice related scenarios at all, the combat is kinda free roam with some honor rules to follow such as in times of getting attacked by fellow Knights you are not to kill only disarm or knock out. There is a mechanic called Duels where Knights can fight one on one till one either gives up or is disarmed or knocked out, and it is incredibly shameful and dishonorable if you kill a knight during a Duel.

Obviously this will be a detailed Rp so I do expect a Paragraph at a minimum per post but more is preferred.

Yeah um I fucked up with the Rp and decided to hide it cause I didn't need it anymore even though I still do so sorry about that. I've never done it and now that I have I can't get it back so that is completely my bad.

If you want to know more about specific things I'll try to answer them as best as I can.

You my friend are a savior! Thank you so much! Now I think we've got some more towns to add to this Rp if you feelin up for it my friend! ;)

Hehe no problem! I'm up to the task of adding more towns no problem :D  
I have one final question:

When or at what point would this RP be starting?

Please elaborate on this question, do you mean timeline wise? Or something else?

@Archdemon Sounds perfect, I like those rules alot. I'm looking forward to playing...roleplaying? with you :D


Hehe no problem! I'm up to the task of adding more towns no problem :D  

Great! I'll try to think of the rest of their locations real quick.
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Please elaborate on this question, do you mean timeline wise? Or something else?


Great! I'll try to think of the rest of their locations real quick.

I meant in RL, is there a specific date it will start, or would it be after a certain amount of people join?

In the RP itself was a good question, too. Would "modern" items like potions and revives be too beyond the RP? Obviously not exactly potions and revives, but something like it? Or will it be good-old-fashioned bed rest that remains the primary remedy for our (sometimes) furry little friends?
I meant in RL, is there a specific date it will start, or would it be after a certain amount of people join?

In the RP itself was a good question, too. Would "modern" items like potions and revives be too beyond the RP? Obviously not exactly potions and revives, but something like it? Or will it be good-old-fashioned bed rest that remains the primary remedy for our (sometimes) furry little friends?

For the first question its more of a matter of people that joins, since I might need one more person to join right now for process to begin on making the Rp.

For the second one in most cases you would rest but certain items do exist for when your Pokemon is in critical condition such as Berries, a poultice, such like that that are focused around medieval medicine and not any of the modern variants though they practically act the same, it's just that they're expensive as well they're not easy to make. Besides this is set in like a Medieval version of the Pokemon world like in Conquest which the actual idea of this Rp came from by the way.
For the first question its more of a matter of people that joins, since I might need one more person to join right now for process to begin on making the Rp.

For the second one in most cases you would rest but certain items do exist for when your Pokemon is in critical condition such as Berries, a poultice, such like that that are focused around medieval medicine and not any of the modern variants though they practically act the same, it's just that they're expensive as well they're not easy to make. Besides this is set in like a Medieval version of the Pokemon world like in Conquest which the actual idea of this Rp came from by the way.

Got it. Can't wait for the RP to open!
Hehe no problem! I'm up to the task of adding more towns no problem :D  

Okay let's get started!

Okay you know the whitish forest near the marsh down to the bottom middle of the map? In the outskirts up near the top there will be a town called "Wintis" a winter resort of sorts, it's very rich due to the tourists that come each year.

Do you see the mountain near Albic with a little lake on the side? A town will be built right next to that hotspring and is to be named "Sprin"

You know the area below Acada? Near the river and lake will be "Resear"

Finally near the top of the map between Exos and the surrounding cities will be the town of "Fortin"
Question, will the knights be different culture wise depending on what sort of area they happen to be from, or will they all be the same? Like let's say a knight from a sandy desert area be from a culture similar to those in the middle east at that time period, or will they all just be the classic European style knights?
Question, will the knights be different culture wise depending on what sort of area they happen to be from, or will they all be the same? Like let's say a knight from a sandy desert area be from a culture similar to those in the middle east at that time period, or will they all just be the classic European style knights?

Well kinda, they'd be more dressed like that suited for the desert but the main cultural differences would be in the various nations like say Albion is like England and Valeatia is France while the Barbarian tribes are well barbarian that's where the cultures can differentiate greatly. Mainly if you grow up in a different area of a nation you still hold the customs and everything if that nation it's just that you would show something of your regional birth like say if I was born in a snowy forest I would most likely wear something like winter armor or fur armor since that's what I know best to use. Also you can use different weapons such as a bow, spear, etc... Just nothing too advanced cause remember we're looking at medieval weaponry and Knights here.
Well kinda, they'd be more dressed like that suited for the desert but the main cultural differences would be in the various nations like say Albion is like England and Valeatia is France while the Barbarian tribes are well barbarian that's where the cultures can differentiate greatly. Mainly if you grow up in a different area of a nation you still hold the customs and everything if that nation it's just that you would show something of your regional birth like say if I was born in a snowy forest I would most likely wear something like winter armor or fur armor since that's what I know best to use. Also you can use different weapons such as a bow, spear, etc... Just nothing too advanced cause remember we're looking at medieval weaponry and Knights here.

Yeah, when I wrote culturally, I was meaning to refer to things like their equipment, armor and fighing styles. I was hoping to make a character who was from the desert with his companion being a Trapinch. Instead of your average plate armor, he'd wear a combination of iron and leather lamellar that was reinforced with a suit of mail, a sturdy leather and iron helmet with double-layered mail and a mial "visor" of sorts, rugged leather boots, and then cover his upper body in a swath  oflight clothh or linen to protect him from the cutting winds and the harsh sun. He'd fight with a large reinforced leather targe like shield with a spike through the middle and an iron sword or maybe a kilij.

I think it'll be fun to walk into a town with like a missmatched band of knights all from different places and probably get strange looks from the townsfolk.
Yeah, when I wrote culturally, I was meaning to refer to things like their equipment, armor and fighing styles. I was hoping to make a character who was from the desert with his companion being a Trapinch. Instead of your average plate armor, he'd wear a combination of iron and leather lamellar that was reinforced with a suit of mail, a sturdy leather and iron helmet with double-layered mail and a mial "visor" of sorts, rugged leather boots, and then cover his upper body in a swath  oflight clothh or linen to protect him from the cutting winds and the harsh sun. He'd fight with a large reinforced leather targe like shield with a spike through the middle and an iron sword or maybe a kilij.

I think it'll be fun to walk into a town with like a missmatched band of knights all from different places and probably get strange looks from the townsfolk.

When we get there, tell them it's cosplay! xD
Tentative interest - I've had a story cooking for a year or two that's somewhat similar to this and I love the base idea (hell, I have a document hidden away somewhere detailing all kinds of human-pokemon tag-team fighting styles). I would be interested to jump in - but I'd like to wait for more details before I give a definite answer.

1: What's the tone/mood you have in mind? Gritty and serious? Less gritty - but still serious? A bit less intense, and adventure focused? More lighthearted adventure?

2: How powerful are pokemon relative to average humans? How powerful are pokemon relative to average knights? Canon (I believe) makes pokemon super-powerful next to humans - what with sharpedo's ripping through hulls of cruise liners and lava pokemon that can melt your face off. Does this RP use a modified (lessened) threat-level of pokemon?

Will probably think of more later.

@Ender The Spider King I have no idea who you are, but you are not the spider king. Your name is Geoff, and you are an S1 Sentry Unit.
I know I already asked this, but as I am in UK how many hours would your timezone be?

-chews inner part of cheek nervously-
I know I already asked this, but as I am in UK how many hours would your timezone be?

-chews inner part of cheek nervously-

 I've had this problem myself rping with UK rpers before. However, Arch's on the CST so it would be about an 8 hour difference from your time. I.E. its 10pm there for you and its 2pm here for Arch.
Is there a link to the old character thread?

Sadly there isn't since I fucked up. I thought I was prepared so I took down the old Rp without thinking and all the characters are lost now. So you'll either have to dig down into the depth of your memories or just pretty much make a new character. I plan on using my same character in the last one with some tweaks.

 I've had this problem myself rping with UK rpers before. However, Arch's on the CST so it would be about an 8 hour difference from your time. I.E. its 10pm there for you and its 2pm here for Arch.

Yep, so pretty much @Ashurayx I will be posting during CST which for me is about 8-9 hours before your current time. Now this will be a problem during school days as I get home at around 4:00 pm cause I gotta ride the bus back home. But weekends are like always perfect days since I'd be on for most of the day, except for Saturday cause my cousin is staying the night and I don't really get to see her much due to family issues on her side.

Hey, this looks really epic, don't suppose I could join?

Yes sir you can! If you've any questions please ask them and I shall answer though I would suggest to look through all the posts cause I'm might've already answered a similar question before but you don't have to do that.

Tentative interest - I've had a story cooking for a year or two that's somewhat similar to this and I love the base idea (hell, I have a document hidden away somewhere detailing all kinds of human-pokemon tag-team fighting styles). I would be interested to jump in - but I'd like to wait for more details before I give a definite answer.

1: What's the tone/mood you have in mind? Gritty and serious? Less gritty - but still serious? A bit less intense, and adventure focused? More lighthearted adventure?

2: How powerful are pokemon relative to average humans? How powerful are pokemon relative to average knights? Canon (I believe) makes pokemon super-powerful next to humans - what with sharpedo's ripping through hulls of cruise liners and lava pokemon that can melt your face off. Does this RP use a modified (lessened) threat-level of pokemon?

Will probably think of more later.

@Ender The Spider King I have no idea who you are, but you are not the spider king. Your name is Geoff, and you are an S1 Sentry Unit.

Well in a sense this Rp will be kinda less gritty but serious in ways. At first it would seem to be more lighthearted but it'll get even more serious and Gritty too depending on what you guys want. Now I will explain that Knights do not kill each other as that is an honorary code they must follow but if a Knight is attacked by someone who isn't like say during wartime then they'd be allowed to kill that person if they chooses to.

For you second question Pokemon will always be more powerful than humans but Humans have certain ways to defeat Pokemon if a combat scenario were to happen such as using strategy to do various things, or knocking it out through brute force. There are ways to defeat Pokemon but you just know how to do it, but since this information is not available to everyone this is why Some humans have Pokemon partners to help protect themselves from such threats. So a wild Pokemon must first fight the Humans Pokemon as they'll cause a big hindrance to the wild Pokemon who wants to do whatever it is they want to the human.

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