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Fandom Pokemon: Knights of Albion *REBOOT*


Some random dude on the Internet
So yes this is a reboot of an Rp I did before the major update that changed the visual and mechanics aspects of RpN as a whole. The idea was that we are Knights in an age long ago in the past where Knights existed. Now there are no technological advancements like pokeballs or poke centers as this is way in the past. As such you were only allowed one Pokemon partner which would be your partner till death or you make it so that they lose their trust in their human companion and leave. Every Knight has an honor code that they all must keep, which is to be a Knight if the realm and to help out its citizens while also doing whatever they please ((Nothing of criminal behavior)) and they even have a Knight championship where Knights from all around the realm can challenge Masters who are seasoned Knights in considerable groups and must defeat 7-8 of them receiving a certain artifact to which you must travel all the way to the Kings road and activate the gate using the artifacts you are given and then you must travel to the Grand Palace, home of the GrandMasters and the Guardians. The Guardians are four groups of Knights who are to protect the Grand Palace but when defeated you must then challenge the GrandMasters who are some of the most powerful Knights in the realm and by defeating them you and your Knightly group will attain the Title of GrandMaster and become the regions new Grandmaster Knights. It is said there is a powerful treasure awaiting new Grandmasters, something akin to an heirloom though nobody knows it's purpose anymore as its been lost to the ages.

You and your fellow Knights are in the land of Albion, one of the most powerful nations in the world. They have the largest army, and obviously the most land. Across the vast seas also lies Valentia, a more prestigious and cultivated land whose armies may be small but are quite disciplined and deadly and it controls the seas. To the north are the Barbarian Tribes, a land where Barbarians roam between four clans, the East, South, West, and North clans with various tribes between them. The Barbarians are savages but each clan is unique and different from each other and they constantly feud with one another as well.

Map of Albion: 

Albion is in a terrible state of union for there are rumors of Civil War on the horizon yet these are just that, Rumors.

Now for way more information I'll put up the Link to the old Rp so that you can maybe gain more information about the Rp or what it used to be and maybe you can give some suggestions for improvements or maybe if you have a question I can answer those.

These were my mods before and so I shall invite the both of them here. @Aero @IrritatedMind
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I'm interested in joining~

But I'm curious? Can we only use one character or can we have two? 
I am interested in this. I have but one question, what are the limits on what pokemon your partner will be?

Goddamnit! I knew I forgot something!

Okay it can be anything except for a legendary or a fully evolved Pokemon meaning if you were to create a character now it's either have to be non-Evolving or be at the lowest evolution status.

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Aha! I knew this wasn't going to stay dead for too long! I look forward to this with baited breath

Yeah, it would've still been going on had the site never updated. It only died because of the changes but now that I think everyone has gotten used to them I'm ready to retry this with an even bigger passion! :D

This sounds super cool. In fact, I was actually thinking about a similar idea a few days ago. Mind if I join?
This sounds interestinggg

I've never done such a detailed rp!! 

Question, if one were to join but then felt it got too much. Would they be allowed to kill off their character, or were to take a hiatus, have theirs go off on a long solo journey?
The second option as to kill them off in the normal campaign is a little extreme but in a war scenario then yes they would be killed off if the person playing said character wanted to leave for good otherwise I'll just say the character went their separate ways in the chance that if that person comes back they still have their character.

This sounds interestinggg

I've never done such a detailed rp!! 

Question, if one were to join but then felt it got too much. Would they be allowed to kill off their character, or were to take a hiatus, have theirs go off on a long solo journey?


This sounds super cool. In fact, I was actually thinking about a similar idea a few days ago. Mind if I join?

Awesome! Now I will tell you I will not be using the old Rp as its too messed up and is totally a disorganized mess so I will be creating a new Rp area instead.
The second option as to kill them off in the normal campaign is a little extreme but in a war scenario then yes they would be killed off if the person playing said character wanted to leave for good otherwise I'll just say the character went their separate ways in the chance that if that person comes back they still have their character.

Awesome! Now I will tell you I will not be using the old Rp as its too messed up and is totally a disorganized mess so I will be creating a new Rp area instead.

I'm okay with that. Just deny the request I sent earlier and invite me to the new one when you have it up.
Also im up for it!!!

What time zone will it be based in for posts?

Well the time zone I live in is Central American time so I'm about an hour behind the east coast's time zone. So I would suggest posting during those times as I think you'll get the benefit of having more people to respond and to not get lost as we'd progress the story though I'd obviously wait for the specific person who hasn't replied.

Does anyone have any questions about the lore or mechanics of the Rp? I'd be happy to explain them to you all! :D
Well the time zone I live in is Central American time so I'm about an hour behind the east coast's time zone. So I would suggest posting during those times as I think you'll get the benefit of having more people to respond and to not get lost as we'd progress the story though I'd obviously wait for the specific person who hasn't replied.

Does anyone have any questions about the lore or mechanics of the Rp? I'd be happy to explain them to you all! :D

Plz explain it all xD

I'd rather know everything!
Can I join? Also, I don't mind killing off characters in wars or stuff like that. In the event that we somehow get our own character murderized, would we have to start all over or could we start in a similar place as the character that died? (ex. if I started with a Pichu and died with a Pikachu, I could start with a Charmeleon instead of a Charmander. Or starved to death with four gym badges, could start over with three.)
Can I join? Also, I don't mind killing off characters in wars or stuff like that. In the event that we somehow get our own character murderized, would we have to start all over or could we start in a similar place as the character that died? (ex. if I started with a Pichu and died with a Pikachu, I could start with a Charmeleon instead of a Charmander. Or starved to death with four gym badges, could start over with three.)

Yep! Now regarding your other questions, if it's like later on in the story when everyone's Pokemon has evolved to their second stage then yes you may have a Pokemon of that same Evolution tier or if it's a Pokemon that only has two evolution states like Riolu and Lucario then you'd have to start with a Riolu but it won't be terribly weak so let's say it'd be around level twenty as that's when some Pokemon ((Disregarding Bug types of course)) would evolve into their second evolution stage. Also when you fight a Master you will receive a single artifact that the entire group carries so if you join a group you would already have that amount of artifacts. 

I'd like to try this as long as I get to use a pikachu. :3

You can get to use a Pikachu but you'd first have to start with a Pichu and work your way up the evolutionary stages. Also! For those who want to use Pokemon that requires an evolutionary stone to evolve you may do so but obviously you must find a way to obtain a stone like say you seek a fire stone then you must go to a place that is extremely hot like a volcano.

Anything else anyone wants to know? Beside @Ashurayx who wants to know everything Lore wise and kinda mechanical wise like how the Rp works etc...
so @Archdemon 

How similar will this be to the original one?

Well It'll be a little bit different as we'll all start in a different location and certain scenarios that we've all experienced will be changed so like the first episode we fought against the infamous thieves but maybe in this first episode not counting when we all get together of course as that'll be like the Pilot episode, we'll just get right into some action where we have to fight a group of Knights similar to ours. I don't know yet but certain things will be different.

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