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Fandom Pokémon: Kalos (Roleplay Thread)

July 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos

The hike to Ambrette Town was...eye opening to say the least. Monty had been training Pokémon for almost a month, and still there was so much he didn't know about. He thought the only way Pokémon learned new moves was by...honestly, he had no idea. Luck, or maybe genetics? The second part turned out to be partly true with egg moves, but that only left him with even more questions. Why did Chauffe only inherit moves from his Flareon side? And why—

Monty glanced down at his side, where Oracle padded along without a care in the world for the trainers around her.

Why did she have so many? Oracle's moves weren't just passed down by her parents—they were generational. At least that's what the breeding forum he'd tracked down by the fire last night said. At least three generations, with both of her parents being Absol according to his PokéDex.

Who did Wabash get her from? Where did they find her? There were so many questions...was he doing his partner a disservice not being able to answer them?

Through the process of getting Esther's Houndour to teach Chauffe Nasty Plot, and in truth the whole way to Ambrette Town, the gangster got enough of a mental distraction out of thinking about it that he hardly even noticed his growing fatigue. That was until—

"Spe-lunk?" Monty'd never heard the word before, but he could hazard a guess at what it meant — digging. More accurately, manual labor after a day and a half of dragging wheel-clad Esther around. He was surprised his legs hadn't already turned to jelly, or perhaps a jam of some sort, and now cave diving for ancient bones was next on the agenda?

The second part of the fossil-finding idea caught the gangster's attention, though. "Those fossils...if there's a whole lab dedicated to them they have to be worth something, no? Let's check it out." Talking moves with Esther while they were on the road also got his mind working on how to get his team to learn more of them, and the quickest option was also the priciest.

His steely eyes flickered between their other companions. "Et toi? You two up for some spe-lunking?"

Queen Oracle the Honored One

July 8th, Ambrette Town, Kalos.

"I feel it would be unethical on my part not to go on a trip involving fossils when I basically carry a live one around." Azumi spoke, after hours on her phone and sending messages intensevily, with the only sound coming from her were the clicks from her nails on her phone screen. "Not that bringing out Edward on such small place would be wise, but I'm sure he would like to be there, even if it is in his Poke Ball." With a loud sigh, she finally looked up and tucked her phone into her pocket. "Should we prepare some snacks? We will need to at least be able to stay hydrated."

As her trainer spoke, Nana let out a loud annoyed groan as he folded her arms over her chest and rolled her eyes. They were going to spend even more time together?! Like, being out in the open wasn't enough, now they had to go into a cave?! Seriously, they had better things to do. Like, go shopping and finding a good spa. But no, they had to stick around the unwanted company and their pathetic Absol. "Bleh" Was Nana's response to it all as she moved a few steps away from the group.

Money: 85,250
x10 Great Ball
X5 Pokeballs
x4 Super Potion
X2 Revives
X2 Paralyze Heal
X2 Antidote
X1 Burn Heal
X1 Ice Heal




ID No.


Click Me!


Party Pokémon



Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}





Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}





Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}





Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}



L' Basseau


Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}





Protect {BR}

Bide {BR}

Dragon Tail {BR}

Scary Face {BR}

Headbutt {BR}

Work Up {BR}

Dragon Breath {BR}

Scale Shot {BR}



Party Learnset

Friday, July 8th — 11:30 a.m.

Ambrette Town

“Great! Then here’s the plan,” at three-to-one even if Bea wasn’t enthused, she’d been thoroughly outvoted. But Esther wasn’t in the habit of strong-arming people into fun, so if Bea wasn’t to skip then the option was available to her. Esther was prepared with a few tasks to let the group relax before their next big excursion.

Esther projected holographic map of Ambrette Town, a favorite feature of hers these days, and zoomed in on one of the Town’s largest landmarks—the Hotel Ambrette.

“I’m gonna swing by the Hotel and book us in for the night, in the meantime why don’t you guys prowl the town and try to find some food?” Breakfast had been light, enough to chase away that peckish feeling, but far from a filling meal. They’d need to be well-fed and rested before they went cave-diving. To those aims, Esther’s fingers splayed across the hologram and zoomed into a panoramic view of the city. She quickly pointed at several restaurants and locations and marked them on her map.

Le Maillon: they do lunch, dinner, and drinks! Kalosian food mostly, but they have international and fusion dishes, dining bars, and the price isn’t too high.

Le Panier de Crabes: it’s exactly what it sounds like, plenty of seafood. Mostly Krabby and Corphish dishes with sides that looks pretty good and served with…wine? Huh…Well, I don’t see anything about the price, but seafood tends to be more expensive.

Restaurant Chirstopher Coutan…ceau…? Oh! This place is fancy and…expensive! Gah! Nope!”

Saveurs Dans L’R: Ohhh~ this place is cute ~<3 It’s a little snack bar and grill! The food looks great, the price isn’t bad, the reviews are all nice…I think this one might be my favorite!”

Of course, Esther wasn’t done yapping yet. The Oblivian quickly rattled off a series of restaurants in the area, hardly leaving room for anyone else to sneak in a word: La Ville Blanche, Bistronome La Rochelle, Les Flots, Le Café Du Nord, Le Comptoir Saofe, Au Steak house, Lee Bistrot d’La Chaine, Le p’tit Amiral, Peezzeria Nonno Leo, Creperie des Dames….

“You guys can look into them more, pick someplace nice, ya? Ohh! Lookie here, they’ve even got a sushi places—Le Sakura, Hattori…Ahhh, you guys had better pick good! I’ll message you the coordinates of these places so you can find ‘em.

Esther fingered a few comments into her poketch and listened for the beep of a notification from her friend’s devices.

“I shouldn’t take too long at the hotel, so don’t take too long deciding, ya? After we eat, we’ll head over to the fossil lab and then from there to Glittering Cave. Sounds good?”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Friday - Ambrette Town, Kalos Region
Beatrice Esperanza Lazlo

Beatrice froze for a moment as she heard Esther's reply. While the other girl was quite casual about it, the Paldean felt a massive wave of relief sweep over her. "Thank you very much! I will go pack then be right back." She exclaimed before running off to where she left her stuff. This could be the first step in helping the girl find what she's looking for.
Ambrette Town, the most populated town in the Kalos region. As the group arrived, Beatrice looked to be lost in thought, her eyes glued to her phone. "Hmm, based on our prior location, I think we could have made it here in give or take 3 hours if we rode on Clyde." The girl mumbled to herself. She had calculated the distance they traveled from the farm to Ambrette and divided it by her Cyclizar's speed, reaching an estimate. "Then again, he can only carry 2 people at once, 3 if we squeeze a bit. The longer trip wasn't bad either. It felt pretty nice, sleeping out under the stars with the others." She added. Due to the girl's mind being elsewhere, she had missed what her traveling companions had been discussing. That is until Esther spoke up, causing the Paldean to quickly turn towards the other girl. "...Huh?"

Despite missing most of the conversation, Beatrice quickly caught up with what the group's plan for the day. The girl simply nodded along as Esther explained their course of action, talking way too much for anyone else to give any input. At the end of her breakdown on local restaurants, Esther gave the group their task, finding a good place to have a meal in. "Finding a good place huh... Hmm, I usually don't look too deep into where I eat so I don't know how much of what I can say will be pertinent." The Paldean said out loud. "But I can go take a look around, I'll see what I can find." With that said, the coordinates for the named places were soon sent to everyone's phones.

As soon as the notification rang, Beatrice's phone suddenly flew out of her hand. The device sprouted familiar plasma limbs as Wattz took flight, eager to get their little hunt started. "Hey slow down Wattz! Don't fly too far!" Beatrice yelled out as she began chasing after her pokemon.



ID No.


Click Me!











L' Basseau





Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:45 a.m.

Ambrette Town

Oh my! Well, wasn’t she an agile Bibarel? For all that Beatrice had joined their little entourage, the Paldean girl was more reserved. Rather than talk to the group, she appeared more comfortable muttering to herself about something or another. Esther couldn’t judge, she hadn’t been the most talkative while they’d been traveling; however, the detached-ness of their fourth party-member created cause for concern. Was she really going to be alright in a large town like this…by herself?

Esther’s eyes followed Beatrice’s departure. Once the Paldean vanished into the crowded town, the Oblivian turned to the remaining Kalosians. She pursed her lips to speak but—suddenly thinking better of it—instead gave the Kalosian duo a helpless shrug, followed by a playful wink, and finally a cheery wave.

“Cya in a bit, ya? Ciao Bella darlings~!”

Roller-skates clicked against the ground as Esther kicked off and sent herself zipping into Ambrette Town.

Deep breaths—Esther’s lungs filled with the briny, fishy scent of a morning’s catch. Set beside the sea, Ambrette’s culinary scene was—expectedly—heavy on seafood dishes. One could only imagine what dishes would be served: Magikarp Soufflé? Finneon Ratatouille? Remoraid Rochambeau? Those were totally dishes, right? She was certain she’d seen something along those lines on the internet and they sure sounded Kalosian!

Whatever! The point was—if fish food was on the menu, then freshness was guaranteed!

Esther wiped her drool and checked her map. The hotel was just around the corner and foot-traffic was sparse.

“Alright team! You can come on out but stick close, we’re on the move!”

The pokéballs on Esther’s waist popped—POP! POP! POP! Pyrrha, Kasriel, and L’ Basseau emerged in quick succession—that was about who she expected but…Esther brushed a finger against Houndour’s Pokéball. “Why don’t you come out, get some fresh air?”

When the Pokéball remained un-moving, Esther slumped in defeat. Houndour had turned into something of a recluse after she’d learned the way to Cyllage was blocked. To be so close to her home and then turned away…the Dark-type’s mood could only be imagined.

“It won’t be long…”

As Esther expected, book-ins hadn’t taken long. In just a few minutes four rooms had been booked and, spotting Esther’s Pokémon, the receptionist had referred her the hotel’s policy on Pokémon. They were allowed to roam the hotel, but there were several common and uncommon sense caveats. Pokémon like Steelix and Golem couldn’t be released inside or on floors above the ground floor—one idiot had apparently released his Aggron on the third floor and the near half-ton creature had fallen two stories, straight through the floors. Luckily, no one was hurt…

Esther passed the hotel’s rules forward to her group—along with their room numbers—and decided to take her Pokémon out for a treat. They had been well-behaved and patient while she dealt with the bookings and the Oblivian wanted to reinforce positive behaviors. It was a hot summer’s day so maybe she could find an ice-cream shop somewhere in town…

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Ambrette Town, Kalos.

After a quick check in and look around their room, Azumi decided to leave her backpack behind and went to explore a bit with the company of Nana and her army of Floette. The small fairy type didn't seem to be much of a hassle, as long as they were with Nana that is. Whenever the idea of being separated from her, they got cranky and shook their flowers violently. Not wanting to cause any distress, Azumi decided to carry them along for now. With that, the group made their way out of the hotel.

The town was calm, despite the disturbances in the routes nearby, it was as if the people were so use to it, they went along their daily schedules like nothing. Azumi had been here a handful of times, but always on school matters, never taking the time to actually enjoy the views. It was a lovely place, she would love to be assigned to such a town. Being an officer in such a peaceful town, she would have time to take up a hobby. Swimming would be her first option, she was in the swim team back in school. Track and field were also a top choice. Maybe, something more artistic? Fashion! She did always liked fashion, but that was more up the alley of her sister. Music? That was more like her brother, although she was sure they wouldn't play the same instruments. Then again, she could try making more friends? A social life could be a hobby. Speaking of social life...

"Esther!" Azumi called out, noticing her traveling companion by an ice cream shop. "Are you out here sightseeing also? Lovely place, isn't it?"

Nana stopped, allowing the smaller fairies to cheer at her sudden decision and dance around her. The Gardevoir didn't look amused though, her eyes were set on the red headed girl who was probably about to ruin her alone time with Azumi.

Money: 85,250
x10 Great Ball
X5 Pokeballs
x4 Super Potion
X2 Revives
X2 Paralyze Heal
X2 Antidote
X1 Burn Heal
X1 Ice Heal




ID No.


Click Me!











L' Basseau





Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:50 a.m.

Ambrette Town

Crèmes Glacèes—Kalosian for ice cream. Probably. Most likely. Esther was pretty sure… She hadn’t run it through a translator or anything but like…wasn’t it obvious?

A touch of pink to wet her lips, then Esther turned her attention from the chalkboard menu and its summer-time drawings: a sun, a bee Pokémon she didn’t recognize, and a meadow of Flabebe beneath them all. The board was cute but… beyond the sub-headers: the first for crèmes glacèes and the second for sorbets, Esther couldn’t read any of it. She could guess at the more obvious ones: chocolat was chocolate and banane was probably banana, but Amarena? Speculoos? Stracciatella? Yea, she was at a loss.

If only she had a convenient translator…

“Whisper of the renegade…” Esther sucked in a gleeful breath and whipped around with a wide grin. A familiar voice announced the arrival of her translator. “Azumi!”

“Sightseeing? No, maybe later. I wanted to treat my Pokémon first and what would be better than ice cream? Just one problem, I can’t read Kalosian! Translate for me? Please?” Esther pressed her palms together in pious supplication, just a hint of tremble on her lips as she turned on the charm.

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Azumi smiled at the warm welcome from Esther and even seemed happy to be asked to translate. However, a quick look around allowed her to identify the menu inside with the Galarian translation. “That’s actually a splendid idea, mind if we join you?” The Kalosian woman walked over and held the door open for Esther and Nana with her Flabebe. Once inside, Azumi pointed at the menu displayed above the front counter. “Oh well it seems my translation won`t be necessary, the menu is in Galarian here.”

Azumi took a long thoughtful look at the options, with Nana mimicking her, followed by the smaller fairy types. All seven looked at the menu before Azumi smiled and nodded. “I`ll get something simple, Strawberry and I got a feeling Nana and the others feel the same.”

With a firm nod from the rest of the team, the future law enforcer placed her order and made her way to a nearby booth. She settled in, checking her phone while waiting for Esther and company while Nana tried to find a spot where the Flabebe weren`t crowding her.


ID No.


Click Me!











L' Basseau





Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:55 a.m.

Ernest Glacier, [Ambrette Town]

Hecotoro Hecotoro Code by Ami

“Ah?” So there was. Just as Azumi had stated, just through the doors of ‘Ernest Glacier’ a large digital display repeated the menu with Galarian translations beneath each item. “That’s great! Okay, just a minute—let me just…”

The store’s interior featured very open-concept design; a few pillars provided structural stability, but the floorplan otherwise eschewed walls and obstructions of any kind. The largest, center-most pillar that supported the building was surrounded by a ring of counter-cum-ice-cream-display besides which was what Esther had been looking for—a sign.

’“No Pokémon above 2m allowed.’


Without reservation, Esther released the rest of her Pokémon into the store. “Alright ya rapscallions,” a crisp clap drew their attention. “You’ve been darlings and I know that debacle with the Yanma was rough on you, so I say you’ve all earned some frozen treats! The nice lady over there will help you sample the flavors and then you can pick out what ice-creams you want. Two scoops MAXIMUM, you hear me? Alright, now skedaddle!”

With varying levels of enthusiasm, Esther’s Pokémon did just that and the Oblivian herself followed behind notepad in-hand. Although Esther was familiar with a few of her Pokémon’s tastes, this was a prime opportunity to shore-up the gaps in her knowledge.

It took a few minutes of flavor testing, but soon Esther had a few extra pages of notes and her Pokémon had placed their orders. Another 7 orders meant it would be a few minutes before the worker completed their order, so Esther and her Pokémon joined Azumi in the seats just outside the ice cream shop. Once she’d settled, Esther looked askance at Azumi.

“We’re you supposed to be with Monty? What happened to him? He’s not drunk again, is he?”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Ambrette Town, Kalos.

"Not that I know of..." Azumi trailed off a bit, where did Monty go? "Should we send him and Bea a message? This place is a very lovely change from swimming in swamps at night and fighting Yanma all day. Oh! Which reminds me, I must congratulate you on an amazing job back at the farm. It was impressive how you managed to defend it and leave it as you did. Training a Vaspiqueen? The defenses you set up earlier, the way you took charge!" Azumi clasped her hands together in delight. "It was a great performance on your part, if you ever need help adding it to your resume, I will be glad to assist you, I will even sign it off as a witness if I need to." Feeling a bit more relaxed, Azumi stood quiet for a moment, not because she didn't know what to say, but because her mind was choosing the next topic she had wanted to talk with Esther about.

"You're from Oblivia? I've never been there. But, if my memory from geography class doesn't fail me, it is a lot different than this side of the planet. I recall we saw a small documentary on it, you have some interesting history, but it's not the same hearing it from an actor on a script, than an actual native. What would you say is your favorite tradition or piece of culture from your hometown? Oh, if it's not too much to ask, what was your daily life like? Compare and contrast is always a fun way to get to know more about different regions, wouldn't you agree?"

Money: 84,750
x10 Great Ball
X5 Pokeballs
x4 Super Potion
X2 Revives
X2 Paralyze Heal
X2 Antidote
X1 Burn Heal
X1 Ice Heal


July 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos

"Tch." Monty's eyes slinked left-to-right, looking for the source of a sudden annoyed feeling, but all he saw were the same unassuming people walking up and down the waterfront as usual. Was someone talking shit somewhere?

Whatever. At least the view from the waterfront was nice. He and his team did their part and walked by one of the thousand restaurants Esther blew up his phone with, but after that they'd mostly taken to wandering around. Monty didn't make it out to this part of the coast often, mostly sticking to Azure Bay, and it was almost like a different place. Coumarine's slice of the bay was mostly calm, gently lapping water, but Ambrette's was a proper ocean; more chaotic, with bigger waves only a little far out from the beach.

It was warmer, too, and if the girls were planning on spending any length of time in Ambrette he'd take his team down to the water. Chauffe was completely disinterested, sticking to Monty's feet and watching the people passing by, but Abné and Oracle's focuses were practically glued to the water.

It was honestly pretty cute, the way Abné's head darted from side to side watching the waves and the occasional bird Pokémon flying by. Now that he thought about it, it was probably the Eevee's first time even seeing the ocean.

Oracle, on the other hand, didn't seem like she was looking at the ocean at all. She'd been...distant since they left the farm. Literally, keeping a strangely wide gap between herself and the rest of them, and, well...the look in her eyes said enough. It was the same look he had every night for months, looking out into Lumiose from his cell window.

As long as Wabash was in hiding, though, Monty had no way to even start finding her original home. Until the old codger revealed himself, she was stuck with him, Abné, and Chauffe. And if Monty was lucky, a couple other people, too.

He pulled out his phone and navigated to his texting app. Time to grace his companions with his presence.
To Azumi: you and the others link up yet? we didn't find much where we went. wya?

Queen Oracle the Honored One
Last edited:


ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:55 a.m.

Ernest Glacier, [Ambrette Town]

“Eh? They’re adults.” Besides, if Monty was off getting wasted again, then a few hours in the slammer would sober him right up. Leaving it at that, Esther closed her eyes and lay her head against her folded arms. She was strangely sleepy—was it the sea breeze? Or were the last few night shifts catching up to her? Whatever it was, it certainly didn’t stop the Oblivian from doing a little wiggle dance in her seat. “Aww shucks, you’ll make me blush!”

“I can’t take all the credit though—Bea came up with a few neat tricks as well but…I’ll keep your reference in mind.”

“Oblivia…? Yes, my home’s… pretty far? I’m not sure how far exactly. I flew here—well, I flew to Galar on my brother’s Braviary and then took a train from Wyndon to Lumiose. I think we went under the channel?

“But…my favorite part? Definitely our festivals! Oblivia has a long history; and, throughout it all, we’ve been very devout. We used to have temples and daises dedicated to the legends; they’re ruins now, and we’ve lost a lot of our culture, but we still maintain many festivals and dances that celebrate our relationship with Pokémon. That’s how I got into dancing, I was one of the festival maidens.”

“How about you? What’s your favorite thing about Kalos, what made you want to become an officer?”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Ambrette Town, Kalos.

"Well now I feel I must travel to Oblivia and see it myself. Those festivals sound really fun." Azumi did a quick scan of the place, to make sure Nana wasn't getting into any trouble. Once she saw the psychic fairy sitting down with the Flabebe dancing around her, she turned her attention back to Esther.

"My favorite part about Kalos? Her history of course! Maybe it's just me, but I love the rich history each region has. Although, some of it is tainted with blood, I like to think it's part of humanity growing up. Kinda of like us, as individuals, we start with hope and have these big dreams and then suddenly we get into this violent and cranky phase, some stay that way and some grow out of it. In the end, we end up in the shape we were always meant to be. Therefore, the richer the history, the more struggles the nation has to face, the more obstacles it overcomes, the bigger and richer it becomes. At least that's how I see it. Which is why I want to become an officer, I want to be part of that movement, towards a better Kalos. One where people can grow up peacefully, where justice and honor are valuable once again." Azumi sighed, a pleasent smile on her face as her eyes saw the bright future ahead. "At least, if not in my lifetime, in the next. But if I have the power to help out, well then I have the responsibility to do so. Wouldn't you agree- Op! I got a text?" Azumi reached into her pocket to pull out her phone, reading the text quickly. "Wya? Is that like an anime expression? I didn't know monsieur Monty was an anime fan."

To Monty: Me and Esther have linked up. We united at an ice cream shop called Ernest Glacier. Wya ≽^•⩊•^≼

Money: 84,750
x10 Great Ball
X5 Pokeballs
x4 Super Potion
X2 Revives
X2 Paralyze Heal
X2 Antidote
X1 Burn Heal
X1 Ice Heal




ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:57 a.m.

Ernest Glacier [Ambrette Town]

Patriot Patriot | Hecotoro Hecotoro
Code by Ami

The richer the history, the more struggles a nation faces and overcomes, the bigger and richer it becomes…

Was that wisdom discerned from a thousand years of recorded history? Kalos was an old nation; in fact, it was among the oldest. Only Galar & Paldea stood as its contemporaries and each of the three nations had a storied history, one that regaled the rise and decline of empires. Comparatively, by virtue of their great breadth and depth, Esther knew more about these regions than even her own.

It wasn’t that Oblivia didn’t possess its own history, in her heart of hearts Esther knew her home was every bit as rich and storied as the ‘major regions’—the ruins and structures that dotted the islands more than proved that. However, where Azumi could reflect on a blood-stained history of struggle and triumph, Esther looked back and saw…unanswered questions, the unknown. Who had been Oblivia’s first peoples…? Had they been the one to construct the elemental temples? To create the Steelhead Armor? How had they managed to create what modern technology, in Ranger Stylus, had only recently achieved? And most of all…what had happened to them?

As rich in story as ancient Oblivia were, that story carried sinister undertones. Its ruins spoke of a prosperous civilization, one that had meet a near-apocalyptic demise and had been shattered so thoroughly that only fragments of its language—engraved on steles and tablets—had been preserved. In spite of that, Esther couldn’t help but see a silver lining. Born too late to experience Oblivia’s Golden Age; born too soon to see the region’s final form; born just in time to be a scion blessed with the legacy of a lost civilization, poised change her region with her own action. And that was exactly how Esther liked it. After all, even someone as strong as Azumi couldn’t change things on a regional scale for a region as large and rich as Kalos. Compared to that? Well, Esther was basically a protagonist! What more could a girl with ambition want?

“You’re right. I don’t think I have that kind of power yet, but when I do…”

Wasn’t that the whole reason she had become a trainer? Soon…

“Wya? Do you mean Nya? Y’know, I don’t really see Monty as that type but I can check for you, one minute.”

For some reason, Esther seriously doubted Monty was any kind of anime fan. Then again, it was mainstream these days; mayhaps he was just good at appearing normal? Whatever the case, Esther had a magic spell to reveal just that.

She navigated to Monty’s messages and set her Pokétch to video record. It was a shame she didn’t have any cat ears but making a few cutsey cat-paws would have to do. In a smooth practiced tone, Esther chanted the incantation for UwU-magic—
“RAWR UWU XD OWO MEOW Owo NYA uwU NEKO OwU-CHAN Teehee UwU UwO Ehe~ Kawaii~”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Ambrette Town, Kalos.

Azumi watched in an amused expression at Esther, part of her not believing the show that was happening and the other finding it, really funny. As soon as the Oblivian girl finished recording, Azumi burst into laughter, holding her hand against her chest to try and calm herlself down as soon as possible. . "That was so adorable!" She clapped her hands together and a bright smile spread across her face.

"Are those common expressions for anime fans? Oh! You should teach me sometime, in case I ever get assigned to guard a school with young children, I'm sure they would love it." She paused for a second as her mind wondered to the idea that Monty might know such movements... even worse, he knows how to do them. The image of the tough Kalosian man doing exactly what Esther just did made Azumi giggle, unable to fully hold back her laughter. "Can you imagine monsieur Montagne doing that?"

The feeling was strong, enough to cause Nana, who was across the room, to burst into laughter. The Flabebe followed along joyfully, not fully aware that Nana was laughing at something else and not with them. Azumi took a deep breath and regained her composture. "You're full of surprises, madame Esther. I have to say, I am really enjoying my company with all of you. Oh! I should see if Bea is doing alright, maybe she wants ice cream too?"

Azumi took out her phone, checking through her contacts real quick before landing on the one she was looking for.
To Beatrice: Good afternoon. Me and madame Esther are at an ice cream shop called Ernest Glacier. WYA ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

Money: 84,750
x10 Great Ball
X5 Pokeballs
x4 Super Potion
X2 Revives
X2 Paralyze Heal
X2 Antidote
X1 Burn Heal
X1 Ice Heal


July 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos

Ernest Glacier, eh? Monty's fingers flew, the address was copied, and him and his team started the few-minute long journey to rejoin their companions. After the past few days they had the walk was thankfully short, and the trainer switched back to his messaging app to let Azumi know they were arrivi—

Huh? He missed a message from Esther...a video?

Monty liked to think he'd been around the block. He'd met plenty of people, fought plenty of people, and had even been to prison a couple of times, but in his twenty years of life he'd never had such a visceral reaction to ten seconds of media as that video. It was like watching something so cringe that he went through the five stages of grief in the blink of an eye.

He tore himself away from his phone, and looked up to see the ice cream shop and his companions were just ahead. He needed an explanation, a reason, maybe some closure for whatever piece of him died inside in those life-draining twenty seconds. Maybe she had a stroke. Or maybe he didn't want to know.

No, fuck that.

"What the hell is even this?!" Monty and his team approached their companions, and him and Abné had Esther fixed with an expression like she'd just sprouted a second head.

Queen Oracle the Honored One


ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 11:58 a.m.

Ernest Glacier [Ambrette Town]

Patriot Patriot | Hecotoro Hecotoro
Code by Ami

Esther silently vowed never to teach Azumi a single thing. The older cop was obviously far-removed from the cultural zeitgeist of the internet and if she were allowed to learn the deep magic, she would surely get bullied by her students. Fortunately, for her anyway, Esther was not so mean that she would let stereotypical blondie commit social atrocities.

As for Esther herself? She lived for that shit! Just look at that grimace on Monty’s face? Delicious!

As a dancer, someone who had grown up performing in front of others–messing up in front of others, mortal concepts like shame and dignity were things Esther had mastered—transcended even. It was triviality itself for her to turn off her own self-respect and turn on the cringe. The only thing that made it worth were the baffled, deeply concerned expressions of people like Monty. Esther derived no meager satisfaction or schadenfreude. And now that she knew Monty reacted like this…hehe

“Yes, I find it hard to picture monsieur Montagne– “
, bloody hell, was this his actual name? He wasn’t just Monty???
“—doing anything like that. We should fix that! Is there a karaoke bar nearby? Monsieur Montagne, might you accompany us?”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Friday - Ambrette Town, Kalos Region
Beatrice Esperanza Lazlo

Beatrice frantically chased after her Rotom down the streets of Ambrette Town. After receiving the coordinates, the excitable Plasma Pokemon was quick to begin the restaurant tour, flying to each location and snapping a quick picture before moving on to the next one. Unfortunately, the Electric Ghost type’s trainer did not share the same boundless energy. While Beatrice was used to physical activities, chasing down her runaway phone at full sprint was not something she was eager to do. “Wattz! Slow down!” She yelled out between breaths, feeling her stamina slowly draining away.

Luckily for her, a new notification sounded on her phone, causing Wattz to stop in its tracks. The pokemon then turned around and flew back to its trainer, turning the screen to show her the new message. “Huff huff, what’s this?” After taking a second to catch her breath, Beatrice adjusted her glasses before looking up at her phone. In front of her eyes, was the information concerning the hotel Esther had booked for everyone. “Ah, already booked. That was fast.” She mumbled to herself. With that done, the Paldean turned to her pokemon directly. “Wattz, please don’t suddenly fly off like that again, especially in a more crowded area like this. You could have run into something or someone.” She lectured, causing her Rotom to droop down slightly. “Well, let’s put that aside for now, let’s take a look at those pictures you took.”

Moving on to a different topic, Beatrice began looking through the pictures her Rotom had taken of the restaurants Esther listed. “Hmm, these are decent photos. I did not think you would get clear shots by the way you were rushing from place to place.” The girl commented. As she looked through her phone, a new notification would soon appear on the top of her screen. Opening it, Beatrice would see Azumi’s message. “Oh, it's from that blonde girl, Azumi was her name I believe.” She said to herself. "Ice cream huh, that does sound nice right now." After thinking for a moment and taking a look around, the girl replied.

To Azumi: I'm not sure, I ran after Wattz and didn't look where I was going. I can come to where you all are. Be there in a moment.

With her message typed out, Beatrice took out Clyde's pokeball and let the Mount pokemon out. "Alright, I guess we can join up with the others." She said as she put the name of the ice cream place Azumi and Esther were at on her phone. With the location inputted, Beatrice allowed her Rotom to lead the way while she followed atop her Cyclizar.

A few minutes passed as the aforementioned ice cream store came into view, and the rest of her group alongside it. “Hey there! I am back.” She said out loud in a dry tone.



ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 12:00 p.m.

Ernest Glacier [Ambrette Town]

Although she was plotting Monty's assassination from cringe, Esther's face was a warm and welcoming mask. "Hey B, we were just talking...do you like anime? And, wanna head to Karaoke with us? Bound to be a karaoke room somewhere around here..."

"Does your rotom do that cool thing...where it acts as your device's AI? Ask it to locate the nearest Karaoke bar."

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Last edited:

July 8th, Friday - Ambrette Town, Kalos Region
Beatrice Esperanza Lazlo

Beatrice's arrival was met with a sudden question. "Huh? Anime?" The Paldean was caught off guard. Sure, asking for one's interest is normal enough, but this was really out of the blue. "Well yeah, I like watching anime." She answered. Following that was another question, an invite this time. "Hmm, I've never been to Karaoke before. Could be fun. Sure, I'm down." The young woman added.

Esther's attention then turned towards the girl's Rotom, causing her gaze to shift towards the ever smiling mug of her pokemon. "Oh umm, yeah. It can do something of that sort." Beatrice began. "Wattz can basically upgrade any piece of technology it enters so searching for a place while in phone form is not an issue." She added, pushing up her glasses while a smirk grew on her mouth. “Alright Wattz. Are there any Karaoke places near here?” As those words were uttered, the Plasma pokemon began its search. "Be ready, Wattz has a tendency to just fly off without warning if it gets a result."

Azumi through the looking mirror Towers.

"Anime..." The blonde wrote quickly on her phone, making sure to learn more about the subject when she had free time. "If I may interrupt?" She raised her hand with an apologetic look. "I'm not a local from this town specifically, but I do remember on a class trip we went to this place that had videos game machines, snacks and rooms for karaoke. It wasn't anything fancy, but it was comfortable and my colleagues gave really positive comments about it. I still remember the way and it's only about two blocks from here."

Azumi picked up her bag and looked over at Nana, who was done with her ice cream and was giving the Flabebe some strict instructions for who knows what.
"Follow me, I'll take us there."

Azumi lead the group over two blocks like she said. The place didn't look that big, but once you stepped inside, you were received by chilly ac breeze, the sound of your typical arcade, dance dance revolution, KO, Mario getting bigger, and all the classic gaming noises. The front counter had a young teenage boy, who was busy with his phone as the clients ran around trying different games.

"Karaoke rooms are at the back if I remember correctly." Of course she did. "There should be a menu to order drinks and other stuff. We pay once we're done."


ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyrrha's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Friday, July 8th — 12:00 p.m > 12:30 p.m.

Ernest Glacier > Le Temple [Ambrette Town]

Fly off without warning? Like hell he was! Did Wattz have any idea of how much money premium ice cream for six Pokémon costed? Esther wasn’t moving an inch until her Pokémon had licked bowls clean, hoovered up cone crumbs, and overall ensured her money was well-spent. And if that took another hour then so be it!

Thankfully, that only took 15 minutes. 15 minutes later, Esther allowed the rotom to guide the group to the nearest Karaoke bar—a neat, neon-lit place called ‘Le Temple’ that also seemed to double as an arcade. After she ensured Monty didn’t slip away, Esther hustled the group into the Karoake room and swiftly claimed the mic.

“We’re not here to do some boOOOoring normal Karaoke, so let’s spice things up with some home rules! Here’s the twist—we take turns at the mic, but we don’t pick our own songs. Instead, we’ll all suggest songs and add them to a pile. Each time a person goes up to the mic, they have to pick from the pile. Once you see what song you’ve picked, you can try to sing it–just do your best—or you can pass. As long as you complete the song, you get one (1) point, if someone passes on your song, then you also get one (1) point, and the song goes back in the pile. We’ll keep going until all the songs are done and whoever has the most points wins!”

“Makes sense?”

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

July 8th, Friday - Ambrette Town, Kalos Region
Beatrice Esperanza Lazlo

The location the group now found themselves in was quite a sight. A combination of an Arcade and a Karaoke bar left many interesting attractions to go through, ensuring there is something for almost everyone to enjoy. While the arcade did look fun, Beatrice, alongside everyone else, was quickly hustled into the Karaoke room by Esther soon after they arrived.

The other girl was quick to let everyone one her idea, a point based game involving a son raffle. Sounded simple enough, something like this would be a lot more interesting than everyone simply picking out their own songs and singing them. The Paldean wasn't very familiar with the concept, but this felt like something a close group of friends would do together. Although, one question did appear in the girl's mind. "I understand the idea, but with the addition of points and therefore an outcome where someone will be the winner, do they get something for winning?" She asked. "Also, do the losers get any form of punishment?"

July 8 — Ambrette Town, Kalos

From the moment the ragtag group stepped foot in Le Temple, something started bugging Monty in the farthest corners of his mind. He'd never been to a karaoke bar before, and truthfully couldn't say where you could even find one in Lumiose, but as he took in his surroundings he got a better idea of the kind of place Esther'd dragged him in to.

Rows and rows of video game machines...pre-teens running around making fools of themselves...one kid absolutely tearing shit up on one of those dancing machines — dear Xerneas. Esther brought him to a den of nerds! He might take someone's lunch money out of pure instinct!

Lucky for him and his cover they made their way to a lot more low-key of a room, with a stage and a microphone which Esther swiftly took and explained the rules.

"Uhh, yes. Makes sense." Monty didn't really get why anyone would pass, but maybe it was just a karaoke bar thing? A few songs came to mind, and he added them to the tidy pile of songs before taking a seat and purusing a menu. It may have been a bar, but it was a little early to start drinking — he glanced at Esther, then at Azumi, then back down at the menu. Yeah, no drinking for now.

Queen Oracle the Honored One


ID No.


Click Me!


~ Cabaletta Coterie ~









L' Basseau




~ Coterie's Moves ~

Pyr's Moves

Halay's Moves

Pari's Moves

Halay's Moves

Susu's Moves

Kasriel's Moves

Tuesday, July 12th — 12:00 p.m > 9:30 a.m.

Cyllage Gym [Cyllage City]

Code by Ami

Kalos was nothing if not serious about their gym themes. The Cyllage Gym which presented worthy trainers with the Cliff Badge had been built into the face of a literal Cliff, it’s insides ruggedly carved in a way that had Esther wondering. The cut of the rocks didn’t look industrial, but it was also clearly unnatural. Had some Pokémon been used to achieve these rock formations?

She allowed her mind to wonder. Her task was done, yesterday she had released Houndour back into her home and as such her time in Kalos was at its end. This Gym Battle was one last hurrah before she departed for…elsewhere. She didn’t really have a plan. She’d hit the docks and then see what fate had in store. She certainly enjoyed battle, but was the Gym circuit something she really wanted to pursue? It would help her aims but… Showcases would be more effective. Unfortunately, they were a tad boring to Esther. What other paths existed? What roads had she yet to explore? These were the questions on Esther’s mind as she stepped up to the battlefield against Gym Leader Grant.

“Let’s do this! Kasriel darling, center stage!”
Esther knew that beyond the first gym it would be difficult to tackle the gyms with only a type advantage. Furthermore, she’d seen Gym Leader Grant’s Tyrunt make short work of those who thought a water or grass type would provide an easy win. Regardless, Esther had come prepared and the first step of her plan was the black and white zigzag Pokémon who now chortled cockily at the Gym Leader.

$6,920 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute

Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

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