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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)


Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

"Oh yeah her. She was nice." Reina looked away while she drank from her lemonade. "You should call or something." She tried to sound as casual as possible. She didn't like being jealous but she couldn't help it.

"Me? I have traveled with a lot of people. There is Naka who I told you, Esther who is really pretty, Vinno who is a video director, there was also a little girl I adopted, a guy with a flying Rapidash, Colored wants to be a coordinator, Hau and his grandpa Hala, Andy recently and many more."

Reina smiled as she herself realized how many friendships she had made in the recent months. "But before that it was mostly just me and my team. That is why Diva is so jealous with all these new people. But I feel a lot better with people around." She gave him a playful lool. "Especially a blonde ghost hunting man."

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


3x Super Potions

4x Antidotes

3x Full Heals

x6 Great Balls

Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry

Rotom Phone

Tour Guide - Johto

Battling for Dummies book

Sleeping bag

Small cooking equipment and some ingredients


TR tbd


Reginald Valerias1719544452464.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie knew Reina was at least trying not to get jealous. But Adrianne was a kid, in fact she probably still is. He isn't dating anyone under the age of eighteen, nope. He shrugged at the comment of calling her, showing some disinterest. "Huh, maybe. When I got time, I will." He smiled.

Hearing all the people Reina met and became friends of, his eyes widened. "Whoa, you really are moving up in the world. Awesome!" He grinned wide. "Connections are the best underrated friend for a Pokemon Trainer, don't underestimate it." It took him a moment to realize she had actually met Hau and Hala. Hala was the Kahuna, right? Or was that Hau now?

He didn't care, that was still so dope!

He nodded his head in understanding at Diva's poor predicament, trying to stifle a grin. His cheeks became rosy at the compliment, eyes darting away as he suddenly felt quite shy. He gave a chuckle before looking at Reina with a sweet smile. "Well, I'm glad I make you feel a lot better. I got quite lonely having to go our separate ways." His brow furrowed up just slightly, as if the thought worried him. "I'm glad I got to see my fiery fighter of a beautiful woman though. Was worried you got hurt or something between our texts and me getting here." It wasn't too far from the truth, Reggie did have quite a bit of worry. It's happened to him a few times primarily to his friends, so he wasn't going to calm that particular anxiety until after he can see with his own eyes that Reina was okay.


Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Reina couldn't really hide the crimson hue forming on her cheeks. Reggie was charming and for some reason she wasn't ready for that. "Me? Hurt?" Reina tried to laugh it off with a wave of her hand. "I am too strong to get hurt."

The young trainer from Metztli poked her food with her fork, trying to calm her thoughts down so she could continue the conversation. "Where are you going after this? My plan is to travel through north Johto until Mahogany Town. There is a city called Ecruteak." She tried to sound as casual as possible. "A lot of history and scary stories. Maybe some hunted places." She shrugged, trying to see if he got her indirect message.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



S.S. Marine | Olivine Port
Olivine City, Johto

July, 25
| 10:35 a.m.









L' Basseau




The envelope was already in shreds before Theo had even opened his mouth—three THOUSAND dollars! Fifteen hundred after Theo’s cut but that didn’t diminish Esther’s excitement in the slightest. She’d arrived in Johto with some eight thousand dollars and hadn’t earned much of anything while she’d been here—in fact, she’d lost money between the Whirl Cup, Chinchou Dinner, and Dive trip. But this? This more than made up for her losses; by her calculations she was,

That was just enough!

Esther ignored the offered fist bump because her arms were already busy crushing Theo into a hug. She didn’t linger, pulling away after a few moments and then stuffing his share into his chest.
“Thanks! Good work! But uh, I’ve gotta run!”
And she was gone, feet pounding against the deck as she rushed through the corridors.

What was the fastest way to the department store? Where had she left her bags? What if she jumped the railings? That would be faster, right?

Esther wet her lips, with a slight of hand, two pokéballs flew off her waist.
“Halay! Pari! My bag, please!”
Her Pokémon emerged, already in motion. One whiff and Halay on the scent-trail. Pari floated lazily onto the Houndour’s back and they peeled off.

A quick 180 and Esther was back on the deck. Another Pokéball left her waist and out came Maçiera.
“Cushion my landing, Bubble, Sweet Scent!”

Together with Susu, who hadn’t returned to her pokéball, Çiera filled the waves below with a froth of pollen-filled bubbles. That’d probably cushion her fall enough, right? Yea, it’ll be fine.

With one leg over the railing, Esther jumped! Only a hint of uncertainty crept onto her face, but this was nothing compared to her jump from the Blastoise. Still…

Ever-reliable, Esther’s partner emerged and shrouded her with Protect. Girl and Drake plunged into the froth of bubble and emerged unharmed. With her partner in-hand, the Oblivian excitement surged and she set a course for the Olivine Pokémart, her Pokémon following along in short order.

$10,240 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil



Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades

Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac

The thugs hadn’t even had time to lay their filthy hands on her and already they were being interrupted by some foreigner. He had all the passion and bravado of a man on a mission, but the words that came out of his mouth were all nonsense. Margaret blink, even she had been caught off-guard by this stranger from a strange land. She couldn’t place his accent, but he sounded confident.

Unfortunately, his confidence did nothing to deter the thugs. Rather than intimidated, they looked annoyed. “Tch, can’t even talk and you want to play hero? Get lost! Ursaring, rough him up!”

Margaret stepped back as the duo of thugs turned their attention to the newcomer. A towering Ursaring emerged from the first thug’s pokéball and the second brandished a steel bat. This could get nasty…
oie_transparent (2).png RICK
Date: July 25th
Location: S.S. Marine - Olivine City
Interations: Theo Theo713 Theo713 ; Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

Rick casually made his way back to the upper deck, all the while watching what was happening above. He saw Iris landing on the mast's platform, but as she was about to bite the envelope, the Surskit swept by and snagged the prize. Rick walked up the stairs to meet up with the two trainers, discreetely leaning against the wall with arms crossed. While he said at the start that whoever got the money would keep the whole prize, what he actually hoped for was that whoever got the money would split it. So Esther doing just that put a smile on his face. Before he could say anything though, the girl simply darted off the boat - with quite a style, if he said so - and rushed to the Pokémart. "Ugh... why do I think that money won't last very long..." He muttered. It saved these pokémon from a useless battle anyways, so it would always be money well spent.

"So you two decided to co-op at the end. You could say it paid off. Congratulations!" Rick spoke, before he walked up to Theo, who was simply left on the deck after receiving his share. Iris jumped down from the mast next to Rick's side, who stood in front of the trainer with arms crossed. "And kudos for the acting, you actually made that story very believable. Especially for someone like me, who has a hard time trusting people." He told him, shrugging. He took his notepad and pen out of his belt-pocket, writing his name and number on a paper. "Because Rapidash trainers are a rarity these days - thanks professors for handing over free fire-types to everyone starting their trainer careers -" He muttered under his breath "If you ever need something, or if you ever come to Sinnoh, I don't mind helping you with a thing or two." He told him, ripping the page off and handing it over to the trainer.


Rick hopped onto Iris and jumped off the boat into the beach. Pearl would descend from the sky soon after, hovering a few inches above their heads. "Zero setbacks this time it seems!" He said to Pearl. The dragon nodded with a chirp. Rick's next destination would be Violet City, where he could finally get started on this flight course. Before they could make their way there, however, Rick decided to make a brief stop at Olivine's Mart to talk to that Surskit trainer. Even though he couldn't prevent her from having another battle with someone else later (or even with the same guy), he though he could probably divert her mind somewhere else. Rick dismounted in front of the building and went in, while his pokémon stayed out, waiting. "So... Esther, isn't it?" He started, leaning on the wall with arms crossed. "Congratulations, your performance on that boat was pretty impressive. Not something you see very often from basic pokémon." He commended. "Do you happen to be a coordinator? 'Cause if not, you should try it at some point, you might have some potential there. Would be a shame if you wasted it on those... Gym Challenges as they call it."

Olivine City, Johto

July, 25
| 10:40 a.m.









L' Basseau




Esther spun away from the cashier, arms outstretched, swing her partner ‘round and ‘round. Pyrrha hissed, a pleasant hiss, brilliant eyes mirroring her trainer’s. They were ten thousand dollars poorer but all the richer for it. A new Everstone sat around the Jangmo-o’s neck, stored in a plain jane pendant. It pained Esther to reject the more stylish accessories—she had fanciful ideas of a custom hairpiece woven from Pyrrha’s own scales—but with less than $500 left in her pocket, she didn’t have much choice.

She vowed to better her choice next time. Held items, she now realized, were a fashion statement. Some Pokémon—MOST Pokémon, couldn’t physically hold an item. Of those that could, still fewer could do so without hindering their battle performance. If a Pokémon wanted to hold an item and obtain all the benefits thereof, whilst not complicating their dexterity, they needed an accessory that easily attached to their body and could store the given item. Thusly, held fashion was born!

Scarves, pendants, clips, rings, piercings…every accessory one could imagine had it’s Pokémon adjacent counterpart, fitted with a hollow space to store whatever item the Pokémon would equip. Given the myriads of Pokémon shapes and sizes, the fashion derived from their accessories was dizzying in its variety.

Sigh, Pyrrha’s pendant would soon sink beneath her feathers and be hidden from sight. That was some consolation, what good was fashion that no one would see? Actually, never mind—even if no one would see it, she’d still know it was there. It was a matter of principle!
Anyway, with her acquisition of the Everstone, a huge weight was off her mind. No longer would she need to tip-toe around Pyrrha’s impending evolution. And what better way to celebrate than,
“How about a battle?”

After far-too long being withheld from battle, Pyrrha’s scales rattled, her tail wagging with mounting excitement! Esther was just as eager. But before she could even leave the mart—
“Huh? Oh! Hello again.”
She hadn’t expected to encounter Rick, but unfortunately he didn’t seem to be offering her more money.
“A coordinator…no, but I’d like to become one. Unfortunately, I’m pretty late to the Johto contest season. I’ll have to head elsewhere if I really want to compete.”

Although her thoughts were in-line with Rick’s suggestions, she scoffed at his final insinuation.

“Hey! The Gym Challenge isn’t a waste, battles are fun and my Pokémon love them—isn’t that right girl?”

Of course, Pyrrha was in full agreement. The wyrm even seemed annoyed that Rick had showed up and was now delaying the battle they were supposed to be looking for.

$240 | Pokéball x0 | PokéToy | PokéFlute | Unidentified Fossil



Quilt Set
Hammock Set
First-Aid Kit
Water Bottle (1/2 Gallon)
Water Purifier & Filter
Gothic Lolita Set (Clothing)
Lace Set (Clothing)
Chic Asymmetry Set (Clothing)
Winter Gear (Clothing)
Ballet Flats
Climbing Gear
Detachable Rollerblades
Last edited:
SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.

As his words fell on deaf ears, the veteran frowned and a look of determination filled his face. When they spoke English, he shook his head, realizing it was unlikely they spoke his native language. He was unphased when one of them brought out an Ursaring and a weapon, smirking slightly even. "It seems I going to teach you lesson in manners. I fight rat more fearsome than you." He spoke. His English certainly wasn't the best, but it was at least passable.

He gestured at his Arcanine, who got into position beside him. While the thug may have had a baseball bat, he had... His fists and years of training. He likely would have brought a rifle with him were it allowed on the plane, but he had no plans to kill anyone today. Conflict was preferrable to be avoided, but once he had no choice, he was certainly going to rough them up a bit. "If you can, contact local poliza! I incapacitate until they arrive."

He called out to the regal looking lady. His pokehud turned a transluscent red as he immediately followed with a combat command. "Arcanine. Flare Blitz on bear. Dey will see true strength of Stahlblatt wolf." He called out, trying to take advantage of the likely focus on the pseudo-legendary and rushing at one of the thugs, taking a wide sweep at their legs.

Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac

Margaret had been content to watch the conflict play out; she was no fool and she hadn’t gone wondering the seedy alleyways of Goldenrod without reason or insurance. However, what she encountered was beyond disappointing. Third-rate thugs like these couldn’t even rob a girl discreetly, much less handle anything bigger. She could only shake her head and focus on the battle, maybe she would achieve her goals yet.

Unfortunately, what she saw made her eyes pop! That foreign goober had ordered Flare Blitz…down a narrow alleyway… There would have been curses, but Margaret was too busy pressing herself against the walls. Her expression was unsightly, who know what nastiness happened in these alleyways?

As for the foreigner’s suggestion to call the authorities? Margaret waved it off, an unregulated battle had started in the middle of the city…the authorities were probably already on their way.

“Get him, High Horsepower!”

The bear’s waist thick paws swung down to crush the incoming canine whilst the two thugs turned their attention to the foreigner. He had swept one off his legs, but now the metal bat was whistling towards his head!

Haunting giggles bounced off the walls, but the sound was swallowed by the explosive collision between Arcanine and Ursaring!

Reginald Valerias1719699692173.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie's worries were not assuaged easily, but it was cute to see her smile. He chuckled at her dismissal, shaking his head.

As the food came by, Reggie was torn between being casual and using his fork to cut apart his sausage in a finesse sort of way, or be proper and use a butter knife to cut it. He didn't want Reina to feel oddly self-conscious about how she ate. So, he decided to forgo proper etiquette to be more casual, as he used his fork to cut his sausage. He ate it, marveling at the spices, swallowing once he was done chewing so as to not talk with his mouth full. "Hm... Ecruteak..." He hummed, clearly in thought.

He was aware that Reina wanted his company. It was a question of whether he could go or not. Ecruteak City is a city of culture, history, and the home of many shrines that Ghost-Types love to hang around, as well as home to Morty's gym. He would like to get some tips from Morty, as well as do some sightseeing. He smiled, giving her a sweet expression. "Sure, I'll join. I'd like to see Morty, if we got time. But I wouldn't mind sightseeing, especially when it's with you." He shot her a wink before continuing to eat his food, this time using his butter knife to cut the pancakes after buttering them. "I can even travel with you to Mahogany Town if you want." He then chuckled as he poured syrup on his pancakes, being frugal with it. "Isn't it considered a city now?" He then took a bite of his pancake.


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