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Fandom Pokémon: Johto (Roleplay Thread)


Wednesday, August 11th, Ciannwood, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

"Those are some good moves master, let's see more of them! Encore!"

Hawlucha spread his arms wide open and then joined them in a loud clap, repeating it several times while the Poliwrath set up his Rain Dance.

"Let us show them our wrestling style, Submission!" Reina bent her knees and placed her hands in front of her, the same stance Blue Demon took before rushing forward. The bird's eye focused on the big blue target as he aimed to sweep his leg and toss him over his shoulder.

Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Wednesday, August 11th

Cianwood City Gym, Cianwood City

Reina Cortez
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro
Chuck’s laughter rumbled, he’d been caught there, but the Gym Leader was far from disturbed. “As you wish! Dance all over them Poliwrath!”

Quicker than quick, more nimble than nimble, Poliwrath’s continued to dance heedless of the approaching Hawlucha. It’s dance moves only became faster and faster as «Swift Swim» kicked in. «Submission» was already a difficult and inaccurate move, and though «Hone Claws» had sharpened Hawlucha’s focus, Poliwrath’s new speed more than made up for it. As Blue Demon swept low, Poliwrath stepped high, using the Luchador Pokémon’s shoulders as a platform to vault over its attack and trying to unbalance the bird so it crashed into the waterfall behind!


Wednesday, August 11th, Ciannwood, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

Hawlucha indeede fell forward, but not wanting to risk crashing intot he waterfall, it opted to letting itself hit the floor, allowing him to quickly push himself up on his two feet again with a quick roll.

"We cannot let them try and escape!"

Hawlucha nodded, a blue energy around his wings as Aerial Ace kicked in. The bird ducked as he ran towards his target, focusing on his next movements and then, nothing.

As if magic, Blue Demon disappeared along the rain for a split second, allowing him to appear at a better angle in the air, diving down directly with his talons out and ready to strike Poliwrath!

Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Wednesday, August 11th

Cianwood City Gym, Cianwood City

Reina Cortez
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro

“Brace yourself,” Chuck barked.

Poliwrath crossed its arms and flexed its muscles, meeting the «Aerial Ace» head on. It’s countenance visibly paled as it withstood the blow, but it withstood the blow nonetheless.

“Now show them some real wrestling, grab it!” Although they couldn’t use moves, that didn’t mean they were out of options. Poliwrath opened its arms wide and rushed forward to grab Hawlucha, intending to pin the Luchador with its immense strength!

Wednesday, August 11th, Ciannwood, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

"Trying to out wrestle us? Challenge accepted!" Reina called out, looking fired up as the blue Pokemon spread his arms open.

Blue Demon smiled as he saw the incoming attacker. He moved forward, ducking to force the opponent to reach down to try and get him. A green gleam on his shined as Detect activated, allowing the bird to sweep under the big arms with caution.

Hawlucha found himself behind the tadpol Pokemon, grabbing him by the waist. "Suplex!"

Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Wednesday, August 11th

Cianwood City Gym, Cianwood City

Reina Cortez
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro

Chuck merely chuckled as Poliwrath was tossed head-over-heels. He’d already done enough and from the gleam in Poliwrath’s eyes, Chuck knew his disciple was in for a reckoning. Encore had ended and now it was time for Payback. “«Endeavor»”

Poliwrath’s arms flexed and grabbed onto the boards beneath it, a mighty pull allowed it to reverse-body slam Hawlucha who’s arms were still around its waist! With one move the tides would turn and Hawlucha would receive the of all damage Poliwrath itself had taken. With it’s attack still maximized and the rain still pouring, Reina would have to dig deep if she wanted the Storm Badge…
Tuesday August 10th olivine city (heading to goldenrod)
Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby)

Andy then shakes Reinas hand as she extends it, "Sure,if you plan to head to the festival, we sure will." Andy then looks to his 3 pokemon., "You all did great, though I'm sorry for putting you into such a match Ruby," he laments with a frown. Ruby however doesn't seem too bothered by that now, the pink pokemon gently smiling at him.

A quick look over the Places of Interest within Jotho reveals that Goldenrod has a daycare center where various people drop off pokemon. "We are going to Goldenrods daycare for a little bit " he says to them before heading in that direction.

He arrives in Goldenrod at a bit after sunset thanks to the Magnet Train, the pokémon having gotten some sleep during the trip. He heads to the daycare where there are alot of pokemon playing around, with a few sleeping as well. "Hello there sir," says a daycare lady, "Are you here to drop off a pokemon?"

"Actually I'm here to adopt a pokemon " he replies happily.

"Oh wonderful!" she nods, "Feel free to look around but be careful of the little dears."

"Thank you, I will "he assures as he moves around the area slowly while the small pokemon continue running around or minding their business. Andy eventually is bumped into by a little Igglybuff, the little mon falling on her rump. "You okay there ?" Andy nods to the small balloon, who gives a nod, "Would you follow me for a bit please?" the fairy does so.

"Excuse me, is there any story behind this little cutie?"

"Yes there is, the trainer she was with just couldn't keep her due to having too many pokemon, that isn't really the big thing though. Igglybuff here wants to be a nurse, the trainer said she would always have a little nurse hat that she 'pestered' for him to buy " Andy has a little laugh at that.

"That is adorable "he nods, "it seems it lost the hat at some point."

"Yeah I don't know when that happened, it does have an egg move in heal pulse thanks to its parent being bred with a cherrim so that is interesting"

"Oh well I can get you another one, " he says to the fairy type who brightens up more upon hearing that. "I would like to adopt her please " he says

"Any others catch your eye?" Andy goes back to looking around. He wouldn't have to do that too long as the tiny balloon bounces over to a Ledyba all the way in the back of the building, the buff squeaking as loud as it can to draw the teens attention. The bug however looks to evade his eyes , only coming out with more pokespeak from the fairy type.

Andy sees what appear to be remnants of battle wounds from very strong pokemon that havent healed fully. "I'm not here to hurt you, " Andy whispers to the bug bringing it over to the attendant.

"She really needs another friend. So far, she only trusts the Igglybuff, as she would use heal pulse to make Ledyba as comfortable as possible, as for how the the wounds came about, I don't know what she was sent out to battle."

This astonishes Andy as the lady continues, "Igglybuff is basically this buildings little Nurse Joy"

"I see that, it's very sweet..." He then turns to the pokemon, " ...Thank you for your service but that willingness to help should be shared among the world. It needs more people and pokemon like you " Igglybuff looks away very much embarrassed, "I wouldn't dream of separating you two, though there will be some battles ahead I should warn you." The bug type zips away hearing the word 'battle' resulting in the balloon having to calm the poor bug down.

"You won't be battling anything I don't think you can handle, and on your case ledyba I'll take it very slow since I struck a nerve there. Sorry." He now looks to have these 2 officially with him, Ledyba slowly and reluctantly letting it happen while the buff happily allows it . From here it's off to a pokemon center to rest for the night in order to travel to Violet City the next day.
Last edited:

Wednesday, August 11th, Ciannwood, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: Flor Bulbasaur, Sapphire Nidorina, Peque Swampert, Storm Lapras.

"Blue Demon!"

The luchador bird cried out as the weight of the Poliwrath fell on him. With a quick struggle he got out from under it and jumped away. The bird held his left arm, panting as he faced down his opponent.

"We don't have much left in the tank master, but you will see the fruit of our training!"

Poliwrath, like in their match before, proved to be too sturdy. It was too dangerous to allow it to bust out moves because of its incredible strength. They had to take advantage of the lowered hp. Any attempt to try and out manuver the enemy could result in a fatal blow. Reina held up her right fist to her heart, her bracelette starting to glow. Blue Demon did the same pose, both his and Reina's eyes locked on their opponents.

"All Out Pummeling!"

Reina spread her feet and bend her knees, her fists to her waist as Blue Demon copied her stance perfectly. They both cried out as the glowing on Reina's wrist increased and poured energy into Hawlucha. Once the luchador bird had a rainbow aura glowing around it, they both started blasting their fists in front of them, causing big orange palms and fists to materialize in front of Blue Demon, flying like missiles towards Poliwrath.

Interactions: CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd

Wednesday August 11th goldenrod city (heading to Violet city)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

The night passes without issue, " Okay, now to make the trip to Violet City to take part in the Mareep Festival. Firstly, everyone gets a few poffins to eat for breakfast , Andy getting a some pancakes for himself before heading out of Goldenrod and onward to Violet City. The group of 5 pokemon would be around him, Iris hangs back, skittish and looking around everywhere in case a pokemon pops out.

Nothing does until ilex Forest where a Caterpie would rustle in the grass causing Iris to dart behind Andy quivering in fear. Andy doesn't bother the Caterpie, instead looking to the red bug with a nod, "Not sure what pokemon made you so terrified of battles; we aren't starting on that yet. At this Iris would give a relieved nod, "I don't even know what attacks you even have, same for you Parfait. Let's get out of this forest first."

From there on, Aquamarine, Tesla and Parfait stay near the bug type acting like little sentries for her. They soon arrive on route 33, here Andy would take the two new pokemon aside, "Mind demonstrating any attacks you both have? Just use a tree as a target for now okay?"

Iris nods and rams weakly into the base of the tree to show off a tackle and vibrates her wings fast enough to emit a high pitched sound to show off supersonic. Parfait would copy the use of supersonic, though it takes a dex scan and search to figure out that it's using copycat and not actually supersonic, and a weak smack of the tree for pound. The pokemon tries warming up seemingly to sing but the voice comes out raspy, much to the annoyance of the now pouting balloon. Andy let's it gargle with water from a bottle, it then tries again, a little better but the notes sound out of tune. "It's fine, don't strain yourself right now,"she continues trying anyway, each failed or out of tune attempt makes her more and more annoyed.
Wednesday August 11th Route 33 (heading to Violet city)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Andy stops Parfait from trying to sing getting her to take the time to calm down. It's alright , just take it slowly Parfait. You will eventually get it." Andy now moves along route 33 arriving at Union cave. Tesla is made to function like a small flashlight as they all move through the cave. The trip isn't uneventful as a Sandshrew would burrow out of a hole and immediately adopt a defensive stance upon seeing the group of 5 pokemon and trainer. Andy leaves this mouse alone however a Geodude had other ideas tossing a rock at the group.

A whip of Aqua's tail would deflect that rock away followed by ,"bubblebeam please" Andy instructs. The spray of bubbles impact on the rock/ground type doing alot of damage to the Geodude who tries a tackle on Aqua. While the tackle hits the small mouse, the rock is then blown away by another bubblebeam, fainting the rock pokemon and allowing them to move on through the rest of the cave and onto route 32.
Wednesday, August 11th

Cianwood City Gym, Cianwood City

Reina Cortez
Mentions: Hecotoro Hecotoro

“Hm!?!” Chuck was startled, the surge of Z-Power was to be expected—he’d been the one to send Reina to Alola in the first place—but he hadn’t expected her to master Z-Moves so quickly. The Gym Leader let out a bellyaching laugh, “Good, good! Let’s fight till the end Poliwrath, «Dynamic Punch»!”

Poliwrath croaked and widened its stance, two stomp buried its legs into the floorboards beneath—it wouldn’t be going anywhere. Inflating as only an amphibian Pokémon could, Poliwrath’s muscles double, then tripled in size. It tucked in its right first and throw a grand smash that would’ve made All-Might jealous. The air blistered with the speed and weight of Poliwrath’s punch; compressed to the point of ignition, the air groan, sparked, and ignited—the sound of rolling thunder filled the Gym as Poliwrath’s fist slammed into the incoming All-Out Pummeling and—


The force of collision shattered the battlefield, wooden planks all but obliterated beneath the power of the two fighting type pokémon. Chuck crossed his arms and stood firm as a shock wave rippled out, stirring waves on the pond behind him, shaking the gym to its very foundations…

When the dust cleared only Hawlucha was left standing. Poliwrath had done its best, but the sheer power of a Z-move was not to be matched. Chuck returned Poliwrath for some rest before he walked over to Reina.

“WAHAHA! Well done! I’m proud to present you the Storm Badge and proud to have you as my disciple.’

Wednesday August 11th Route 32 (heading to Violet city)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

Now on route 32, the group would take a bit of a break to chill out and have a bit of a break. Parfait goes back to trying to sing again, and once again it doesn't go too well. The others aren't exactly enjoying this and neither is the balloon. it does give Andy an idea to help Ruby along though.

"Perhaps you can use your voice too but to cause a bit of damage Ruby? I guess it would be copying Parfaits current voice issues with a bit more power?" he doesn't really know how Disarming Voice works but figures copying the Igglybuffs raspy voice is a good place to start. The little star begins singing via copycat and at first it's just 2 horrible voices. It takes about an hour of this awful singing before the soundwaves become a faint pink .

At this point, the bad singing has gotten to the 3 non pink pokemon, all covering their ears. Both are made to stop as they are quite winded, "Slow down you two , you'll both get your moves eventually. "

Wednesday, August 11th, Ciannwood, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: Blue Demon Hawlucha


Reina tried to catch her breath as Blue Demon fell to his knee, his wings falling like a cape over his back as he watched the dust settle and hear that they won the battle. Reina smiles and runs across the field, swooping her Hawlucha into a hug. It was like if some weight had been taken off their backs as they had succesfully done a Z-Move and it gave them the victory they were chasing. Reina put her tired partner down before running towards Chuck and hugging him.

The rest of the day was spent in celebration, Reina enjoying the time with her fellow pupils by telling them about Alola and Kanto. She also mentioned she was going to go back into the Zubat Swarm, to try and find a solution to it or at least keep helping others. As they laughed and spend the rest of the day relaxing, it was time for Reina to set on her journey again.

"Jasmine? She's a very skillfull trainer, you better not get confident just because you defeated me. Especially if you plan to defeat Claire. She can hold her own against the Elite Four you know? That's the kind of level you have to reach if you plan to participate in this years Silver Conference." Chuck stood with his Poliwrath, both ready to say farewell to Reina as she prepared to board the last ferry of the day to Olivine.

"Right." Reina nodded, hugging her master once more. "When I become champion, I'm coming after you with my true power and I expect the same." She said as she let go and turned to face the boat. "Me and Blue Demon will surpass all our masters one day, just you watch!"

"I don't expect any less from you, buahahahaha!"

With Chuck's hearty laugh tucked away in Reina's heart, the Metztlian boared the ferry to her next destination.

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd



Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

"Rain drops keep falling on my head, mhmhmhm bed, mhmhmhm"

Reina looked through the different options in the boutique. She was to meet Reggie at a local restaurant for breakfast, she had just won her Storm badge, Flor had evolved, she had mastered Z-Move, things were going great, once again. Her mood was through the roof and anyone around her could see it. Her eyes settled on a few dresses. "What do you girls think?" The Metztlian looked down at the Ivysaur and Clefairy.

Ever since Flor joined the team, the two had never actually interacted much. Diva was not too excited to have someone else share the spotlight at Reina's side, but her trainer was in such in good mood, she would be patient this time. The Ivysaur looked at the different selections and used her vine to signal to a pink one. Diva nodded in confirmation while Reina poundered over their decision. "Well, I'm not a fan of pink, but maybe today is the day."

"Wait, look at this one, yeah, this is the one!"

After some quick shopping and stopping by her hotel room to change, Reina arrived to the destination. It was a traditional Johto food shop, small but had a nice view of the ocean. She walked in with her two companions, smiling and choosing the only table for two available. It was about 10 am and her stomach was already reminding her of two thins, hunger and excitement. The recent winner of the Storm Badge sat down with a loud sigh, waiting for her date.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd


Reginald Valerias1719102923585.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

It was hectic getting to Johto as fast as possible. He had to get his giant Drifblim to take him to the airport of Lentimas Town after he had calmed down a rampaging Banette from hiding around in trash cans and got it back in the Strange House just northeast of Lentimas Town, and then he had to fly to Mistralton City just to take another flight to Olivine City.

It was absolutely annoying, but he had gotten himself looking good, feeling good, smelling good, and he was ready for his date! And celebration!

He was dressed up looking cute - it was August so he had to make something work at least. He didn't do so well in the heat, so he wore a purple collared t-shirt with the collar buttons unbuttoned and black shorts held up with his trainer belt that had six PokeBalls. He also had on a pink elbow-length sleeved thin dress shirt that was not buttoned up and it had his seventh PokeBall in its pocket - which his pockets were buttoned shut. He also wore black flat shoes with golden soles and laces, which also sneakily had nice cushioned soles to aid in walking long distances while still maintaining its fashion. He also had his trusty black trilby with a hot pink sash around the base. He had left his backpack in a hotel he chose that morning so he didn't have to be seen carrying around a giant hiker's camping pack.

Once he was done prepping, he approached the Johto food shop they chose to meet up at. He just got there a little after 10 am and found her having taken a seat, her Ivysaur and Clefairy there. When he laid eyes on her, his eyes widened. She was just so pretty! And in pink, too! He chuckled from excitement as he approached her, holding out his arms for a hug as he approached to hug her. "Heyyy, we twinning or something, Storm Badge Haver?" Cheeky grin in place, he chuckled. "It's so wonderful to see you again, Reina. How are you?" He took notice of Flor and Diva, so he waved at them too once he was able.


Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

"Regi!" Reina sat up as soon as she saw him and threw herself at him, accepting the hug. "Winning?" Reina tilted her head to the side, the word twinning sounding different in her mind. "Of course! Oh, did you also just win some competition?" Reina finally let go of him. "Ah, I would like to present my new partner, well I have two, but the other is resting in the pc. This is Flora, she was a Bulbasaur two days ago."

The Ivysaur sat on her bottom and looked up with a smile while Diva crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. "And yes you know Diva." Reina smiled at her two Pokemon before sitting down. "Okay now I have to know what happened to you? You said something about some ghosts?" Reina grabbed the menu and waited for his story, deep down trying to keep her Metztlian blood calm by finding out if it was more important than answering her message.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic

3x Super Potions
4x Antidotes
3x Full Heals
x6 Great Balls
Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry
Rotom Phone
Tour Guide - Johto
Battling for Dummies book
Sleeping bag
Small cooking equipment and some ingredients
TR tbd


Reginald Valerias1719352193713.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie chuckled as she didn't seem to get what 'twinning' meant. Oh well, it was fine. He shook his head, and showed off his pink overshirt. "We're both wearing pink." He chuckled. He looked down at the Ivysaur and Clefairy with a beaming smile as Reina introduced them. "Hey, Flora and Diva."

He sat down across from Reina with an excited look on his face, practically bouncing in his seat as he pulled out his phone. "So, about Lentimas Town." He showed a picture of a bunch of trash cans throughout Lentimas with the flash on. "I was trying to find a Banette that had left the Strange House to the northeast of Lentimas Town, as they called it, and was terrorizing people from waste receptacles. Its presence was causing shoddy internet connection and bad cell service, and it was really important to get Lentimas Town's communication arrays available. For as small as Lentimas Town is compared to other cities and towns in Unova, it was still pretty big, so I was running around trying to capture pictures of trash cans like a maniac for a day or two, I don't remember how long it took me. Sometimes, I took a picture of the same one because it'd move." He really did. He swiped through at least fifty pictures of trash cans.

"Normally, I should be able to see Ghost-Types just fine if they're invisible, but because it was possessing items, I had to take snapshots of it with my phone in order to flush it out." He then showed the picture he showed Reina over text, the picture of a Banette peeking out of a trash can and glaring at the camera with those deep red eyes. The picture itself looked grainy, like the camera had glitched.

"And then when I caught it with my camera, it deactivated my camera and it ran off, so I had to chase it, then I had to wait overnight to find it, and then I found it later in the evening yesterday and calmed it down enough to get it to go back to the Strange House. And that's when I was able to text you." He then sighed, head hitting his arm that was on the table. "It was so tiring..." He whined. "Little rascal was giving me a headache, figuratively and literally..."

"Throughout the day, I'd test the cell service by calling you, but none of it went through. Bit of a bummer too, I was kinda freaking out a little."
He sighed, seemingly very tired just talking about the experience.


Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

Reina looked impressed by the pictures and the explanation. "Wow." She leaned forward on her chair, intrigued by the story, until it was over. "That ghost really tricked you. I didn't know there were people like you dealing with situations like that." She leaned back, giving him a smile as he lowered his head. "It's okay I forgive you for making me wait."

Reina looked through the menu, trying to figure out what some of the things on it were. "I will have... Whatever you have and some lemonade."

Reina moved her hair behind her ear and straightened her back. She tried to hide how eager she was as she pulled something out of her bag. "Look!"

She placed the Storm Badge on the table. "You should have seen it! Blue Demon was incredible. He did a full suplex on a full grown Poliwrath. I can show you later how to do one. Then we did a Z-Move! It was so big and powerful that Poliwrath couldn't take it." She picked the badge up. "I can't believe I had to go to Alola, Kanto and back to Johto..." She paused for a bit. "Did you see any Zubat?"

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


3x Super Potions

4x Antidotes

3x Full Heals

x6 Great Balls

Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry

Rotom Phone

Tour Guide - Johto

Battling for Dummies book

Sleeping bag

Small cooking equipment and some ingredients


TR tbd


Reginald Valerias1719362297425.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie was sort of aware how jealous Reina could be, but he didn't realize that the idea of her being that jealous would have weighed so much on his shoulders until he felt relief flooding his entire body. Was he tense for all this time? He decided not to think about it, but to instead enjoy this moment with Reina. He nodded as she seemed quite interested in the story and gave her own piece.

Reggie also perked his head up as he looked through the menu, chuckling as she seemed to want to share. "Well, probably the usual, pancakes, softboiled eggs, a slice of orange and lemon, and some spicy maple breakfast sausage. And orange juice." He snickered, having almost forgotten a drink. He's always been about blending as many kinds of flavors in one plate. Spicy, sweet, savory, sour, salty... Yes, perfection.

He noticed her preening gestures, finding it rather amusing that she felt self-conscious, even if it was a subconscious reaction. Unfortunately for him, the subtlety for him was sort of ruined because he was just too aware of social stuff like that.

He looked at the Storm Badge sitting pretty on the table, marveling at it and the effort it must have taken to win it. He chuckled hearing her story, feeling fired up just hearing her speak. "Man, wish I was there to see it. That sounds amazing! I haven't been to Alola yet, I should probably go do that, get myself a Z-Crystal too." He was bouncing a little now. "A suplex though? Amazing!"

At her weird question, he looked at her with some confusion. "Uh... Zubat? I might have seen a good few flying around the north of Johto, but... it's not too unusual. Why? Was there a lot?" He was now very concerned. A large group of Zubat flying around during the day was bad, but sometimes when a group of them were starving, they'll go out early in the morning to do a mass drink before sleeping for the rest of the day. He just hoped it wasn't because of any other reason.

Date: July 25
Location: Olivine Port
Interactions: Esther CloudySkyLoftyMoon CloudySkyLoftyMoon , Rick R Rydge

That's right. Keep talking new guy. While Rick continued to talk Theo continued to straighten out where he had grabbed Rick by the shirt. From his peripheral vision he could see their prize, the envelope containing $3,000. He just needed Rick to keep talking for another few seconds and...the sound of Eos crashing in to Rick's Rapidash drew both of their attention, Theo making a quick swipe for the envelope just as Rick let it go. Dammit!He flailed in vein to grab it as it floated away just out of grasp,like trying to catch a falling straw wrapper. “Ooh come ON” he muttered under his breath as he chased the envelope to the edge of the ship's railing, only for the envelope to be sent flying back the direction he had just chased it from. Looking over the railing and down to Rick, Theo showed the other man that same angry expression he had used just a moment ago, waving his hand in front of his face like a stage performer and his face returning to its regular, relaxed state. “Aaand scene!” he called down to the man, revealing his truth. The whole front had been an act to get Rick to lower his guard. To let Theo get close enough to him. All so he could swipe the envelope and be the cause of their victory.

Turning away from the ship's rails he quickly made his way over to Eos as she righted herself, shaking her head and mane with a disgruntled neigh. “Hey,you did good back there girl. I'm proud of you. Wasn't expecting you to do that, obviously, but it worked out in the end I think.” he turned to look in Esther's direction, seeing her and her Surskit having claimed the envelope. “Now you can enjoy your break. We'll do this again soon. Promise.” he told the fire horse before recalling her to her Safari Ball, then making his way over to Esther.

“Looks that way. Good job out there. I mean I was just flailing, mostly, but I like to think I kept him distracted long enough for you to do what needed to be done.” he shrugged, offering her a fist bump. “Now that being said, I'd like to promptly split our winnings and get off this boat, if you please.” The offered fist bump, whether fist bumped or not, flattened out in to an open,expecting hand.

Thursday, August 12th, Olivine City, WCS Rank 24,354. Current team: King Tauros, Maya Dragonair, Flor Ivysaur, Viridis Scyther, Diva Clefairy, Peque Swampert.

"They seem to be under control here in the city. But, there is a really really big group of Zubat everywhere outside this city." Reina leaned froward as if she was whispering big secrets. "The league sent an alert to trainers and asked for help. I spent Monday and Tuesday helping a farmer with his poor Miltank. It reminded me of my ranchito so of course I had to stay until I knew they were okay. But at night, you cannot see the sky, that's how many there are." Reina leaned back as her lemonade was brought.

"I have a friend who is very strong and like a Pokémon researcher. I'm sure she will be around here helping out. So hopefully I run into them, I miss my friends." Her green eyes set on Regie, with curiosity. "I remember you traveled with a group, what happened?" she asked as she put her glass to her lips.

Interactions: Merciless Medic Merciless Medic


3x Super Potions

4x Antidotes

3x Full Heals

x6 Great Balls

Oran berry, Sitrus Berry, Lum Berry

Rotom Phone

Tour Guide - Johto

Battling for Dummies book

Sleeping bag

Small cooking equipment and some ingredients


TR tbd


Margaret D’Auverquerque

Tuesday, August 2nd | Goldenrod City – Johto | Frostecs_Lianuac Frostecs_Lianuac

Goldenrod City, the beating heart of the Johto region, the third largest city across Indigo—or perhaps it was still the fourth?

Margaret hummed thoughtfully as she stepped down the ramp of her cozy little jet. Close behind, an attendant followed, “Will you retire to your room milady? Your presence won’t be required for a few hours.”

They were early, and just as well. Punctuality was of the essence when doing business and Galar was a long way from Johto. The flight had been long and wearying, but they had departed with all possible haste to preclude any incidental tardiness. “Surely not, I’d rather like to stretch my legs and explore the city.”

It wasn’t every day that one had the chance to explore one of the largest cities in not just Johto, but the entire world. For all that it was ‘only’ the 3rd or 4th largest city in Indigo, Goldenrod sat firmly in the top ten largest cities across the world. It was far above Wyndon and even Lumiose. Indigo was truly a land that boggled the mind and challenged sensibilities; four cities, Goldenrod, Saffron, Celadon, and Vermilion, all ranked amongst the largest or most populous in the world. In recent year, as their city limits expanded, devouring the route between them, there had even been talks of combining the cities of Saffron and Celadon. Such a union would instantly create a new city that far eclipsed all others across the world in terms of size and population.

Everyone who was anyone kept an eye on such developments, and the smell of big business was in the air, just waiting to ripen. In fact, after business was finished here, Margaret intended to visit Saffron via Indigo’s famous Mag-Train.

Customs was a swift affair and by a quarter to noon, Margaret walked the streets of Goldenrod, parasol in-hand to deflect the summer sun. There were many places she wanted to visit in Goldenrod: the Radio Station, the Game Corner, the Department Store—oh! There was so much to see! The famous Bill, creator of the PC Storage System was said to hail from Golden, perhaps there was a museum?

Before she’d even known it, Margaret had wondered off the beaten path. Indigo was known for ‘alley culture’, alley ways full of shops, stalls, and pleasantries, but the alley-way Margaret found herself in…didn’t appear to be anything of the sort. It appeared rather seedy and rank and…were those ruffians looking at her?

“Those are some fancy pearls lady, mind if I…get a closer look?”

The tone and inflection made the rapscallion’s words anything but a request! The man stepped closer, his hands on a pokéball by his waist. Margaret frowned, the grip on her parasol tightening, her free hand brushing against the ruby-red pearls that hung off her neck.

Wednesday August 11th Route 33 (heading to Violet city)

Team: Azurill (Aquamarine), Flaaffy(Tesla), Cleffa (Ruby), Igglybuff (Parfait), Ledyba (Iris)

The singing session done, the pair would head into Violet city to get something for the pokemon to eat, the group eating a few berries of varying flavors and overall relaxing during this time. Aqua and the other babies try playing with Iris after eating, now back on route 33. Iris shys away from the kids preferring to hover around Andy.

"They won't hurt you Iris, "Andy tries assuring the bug, the kids give her their cutest smiles. The smiles turn to little frowns as Iris says exactly where she is on Andy's shoulder. Andy looks to her softly and pets her with a finger choosing to let her go at her own pace for now, Ledyba sighs while Andy looks to the kids, "Don't worry about it too much guys, she will come around in time . They all look to the bug sadly for a second before going back to playing for a bit.

Tesla during all of this is having a nap in the grass calmly sleeping, Andy watches the kids romp around the grass again, so far, nothing bothers them.
SRA Log. Tuesday, August 2nd. Goldenrod City. Johto Region.
User: Valko Medveyev.

Ah. Johto. The climate was generally warmer than Stahlblatt, and certainly not as mountainous, but it seemed the perfect place to explore, and to learn more of the world. Which was exactly the intent of Valko Medveyev, a former general in the Eisenkeifer army. Once the country opened up, he was quick to purchase all the travel permits he required, as well as a ticket for one of Stahlblatt's intercontinental flights. Stahlblatt planes certainly weren't as comfortable as that of other regions, but much like other Stahlblatt technologies, they were highly efficient and sacrificed comfort for speed and reliability.

Shortly after he stepped off the sleek grey plane, he let out his Arcanine, making sure she was doing okay. After giving his favorite partner a bit of attention, the two stepped towards the shopping district of the city. It was certainly quite expansive, eclipsing even the great capital city of Stahlblatt. He'd certainly never seen quite a large city, as Stahlblatt wss known more for many smaller cities each with a unique specialization. Were it not for the map on his PokeHUD, and the AI helping to guide him with it's robotic voice in his ear, he certainly would have gotten lost.

Eventually, during his trek, he began to tire, as he ended up getting sidetracked and losing direction more than a few times, despite the attempts of his PokeHUD to compensate, his Arcanine offered for him to ride on her back, an idea taken from stories he'd heard during brief studies on a region called Alola. While Valko adjusted the screen in front of his left eye, the two made their way to the shopping district. He wasn't one to shop, typically waiting for his equipment and clothing to wear out and develop damage before purchasing replacements, however he felt as if this new region would provide quite different goods to his homeland.

As he passed by an alleyway, he would have paid no heed to the people around him, were he not to overhear a woman in a spot of trouble. Without thinking twice, he leapt off his Arcanine and confronted the fiends who dared cause someone distress. "Zatrzymywać się! Zostaw ją w spokoju, abyś nie poczuł palącej wściekłości wilka!" (Translation: Stop! Leave her alone, lest you feel the burning fury of the North!) He shouted, his Arcanine by his side, growling. He certainly had no intent to actually harm anyone, as he believed as though he'd be able to intimidate the fiends into returning to where they came. At least, he certainly seemed like someone experienced in fighting, for his attire practically screamed foreign veteran.

Reginald Valerias1719422088124.png
Date: August 13
Location: Olivine City, Johto
Interactions: Reina Cortez
Mentions: N/A
Hecotoro Hecotoro
WCS Rank: 39,940

Pokemon Team:
Gordon the Annihilape
Emeric the Shiny Gengar
Bob the Shedinja
Elvira the Musharna
Runes the Galarian Runerigus
Crolm the Drakloak
Legion the Basculegion (red)

Reggie raised his brow upon hearing that there was a large amount of Zubat. He took in a deep breath as she continued, his finger scratching at his cheek. He then grabbed his orange juice, sipping at it as he continued to listen.

As an aside, he thought her saying ranchito was absolutely adorable.

Hearing of her lament over missing her friends, he thought back to Adrianne and Briar. He sighed, smiling a little. "Well, I had traveled with them throughout the Orange Islands, starting two months ago and grabbing all four badges with them. Adrianne was a native of the Orange Islands and Briar had her own dancing club or whatever until something happened to it. I'm not sure, all I knew was that she wasn't a native there like Adrianne and was recovering from being an alcoholic." He made a face of disgust briefly before he continued, apparently not a fan of alcohol.

"Either way, I didn't compete in the Orange Island league, but Adrianne did. She had a score to settle, but she couldn't beat Drake in the end." He sighed. "I had to leave pretty quickly afterwards, so I couldn't help comfort the poor kiddo. I left for Unova soon after. That was a month ago. I've been on my own journey, meeting other people as I traveled around, capturing Pokemon I needed and then training them."

He hummed as he sipped his orange juice, eyes far away as regret flashed across his face. "I feel pretty bad for Adrianne. She was at the WCS tournament with us, but she was Normal Rank instead of Premier like I had hoped and I didn't meet her too much. Heh, I was busy with a special someone~." He winked at Reina, tone teasing before he continued. "I was thinking that a whole month would help her get somewhere, but it seems like she's just lagging so much. Then again, being a trainer has never really been easy. I just hope she finds her groove. I would like to help her, but I can only nudge her in a direction, but I don't know if it'll be good for her, so I'll just wait until she has a better idea for herself." He shook his head. "Either way, a kid like her will eventually find her way." He looked back at her.

"Anyone who you've traveled with?" He smiled, wanting to see who she's been with. He didn't seem too concerned about talking about these girls, like he had nothing to worry about when it came to such a jealous Metztlian.


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