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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Clay didn't understand at first but when he did his eyes widened "I-I-I-I don't...You misunderstand! King just sounds better than queen!" he started to freak out but then he switched to angry "Stupid! Idiot! Jerk! You don't know a thing!" he was practically having a fit "Dumb Lolicon!" he began to float faster. He was now in front of Lux with puffed out cheeks. Honestly he had to agree that it was a good trick he pulled on him.

Lilac sighed in defeat "I saw it coming.." she mumbled. She decided that she wasn't going to let that put her down. She moved from under Cecilia hand and hugged her "Princy! You're so adorably short! Though you should have more faith in your own girlfriend." she was hugging Cecilia a bit tighter than warranted. Lilac was a fighting type so she was bound to be strong but since Cecilia was a god she thought it would be fine.

Miko had decided that checking the principal's office for items would be a good idea. When she got there some guy was in there too....smoking."What are you doing?" she asked as she walked in confidently with a still stiff expression.

Wanders into the principals office woah what is going on in here who are you looking at the snivy hybrid
I'm zero the zorua now I'm you transforms into you (look like you but with a zorua tail) I like being you its fun
"I'm waiting for the principal," Erich stated, taking another puff of the cigarette as he glared at the girl coming in. " What are you doing here?" Erich knew she was talking about the cigarette, but he hated replying to obvious questions with obvious answers.

@Kira Times
Lux smirked, "Oh it just sounds better?" He laughed a little himself now. "Though I could see how you could be a woman... I mean due to the fact of the matter being i've seen allot of girls freak out." He smiled at that deciding to tease a little bit more. "Though you're an awfully feminine guy maybe I was wrong... maybe you really are a girl" He said deciding to give a little tease. "Though i'm no lolicon. I like girls to look my age." he said smirking. "So that would mean you're out of the people I wan't to be with" He said turning his back to Clay.

Cecilia had her breath taken from her in an instant as the hug occurred. "I'm not that short... but she did just ask a chick out... and technically we're not dating at the moment" She said before having an idea. "Since you've already picked me up why not just run to the club like this... it's not like anyone can stop you" she whispered to Lilac quietly so no one else could really hear.


Nito walked quietly humming as he was thinking hands together behind his back. He was rather calm and serene at the moment not having much bothering him at the moment. Though that was probably something that wouldn't last. It always seemed that someone or something always had to come along to ruin his fun and relaxation.
She ignored his glare completely "Borrowing a few things." she said flatly while looking around the office. When she was done she glanced at the smoking kid "Also you're progressively shortening your lifespan." she didn't care about whatever this rude guy's name was, she just wanted to get what she wanted and leave.


(@Darkri I'm confused. What character are you using?)
"Hello again mister snivy what is your name look what I can do" turns into the guy who is smoking in the office "I'm an idiot I smoke in the principals office".( that was my imitation of him)

" you like it "yanks tail

@Kira Times
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"Oh cool, I actually need to borrow a few things myself." Erich said as he began to rifle through the office for valuables. After finding nothing he deemed valuable he struck up a conversation." I'm sorry about the smoking, it's just that I've had trouble kicking the habit," He lied after putting out his cigarette in an altoids can he used as an ashtray. "My name's Erich and I'm new here. I was waiting for the principal for a while but it seems she's not here, could you possibly give me a tour of the school? I'm interested in seeing the gym and computer lab in particular."

@Kira Times
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When she saw him start to search for things she began as well. He didn't seem to find anything that peeked his interest but she did. Well...it was only one thing but she found something, and that was all that counted. What she found was a magic eight ball and currently she was examining it. She hadn't paid attention to what he was saying until the last part. She put the magic eight ball away and looked at him "Are you bipolar or something?" she questioned while staring at Erich.

Nito sighed as he thought about things. He'd probably need to go to the lab and do some work though what he had to do to get there was going to be new. Hopefully Cecilia would be in her office so he could get to it easily... Though she wasn't... he remembered because he saw her leave... maybe he should wait for a little bit He said before stopping and thinking.
"No, just a little on edge, sorry for glaring at you earlier," he replied. "You see, I've been waiting here quite a while, and I just want to get to know the campus." He was interested in seeing where some of the valuables were stored on campus, and figured his best way to find these would be in the computer lab and gym.

@Kira Times
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Clay glared at him "Do you want me to kick you where it counts? Hope you aren't planning on having kids." he floated back to where Lux was with a frown. "When you meet up with that girl, I'm going to tell her how much of a lolicon you are!" he didn't have any better threats at the moment so he was going to stick with the lolicon thing until something better appeared. It's not like he disliked being teased he just didn't like the idea of Lux teasing. For some reason that really bugged him.

"Awww! You really wanna be spoiled don't you!" she tightened her hold on Cecilia with good attention this time. "We really are like love birds aren't we?" Lilac obviously didn't have any problems with people saying that since it's wasn't ever a bad thing. She ignored the last part of what he said and let go of Cecilia "Well too bad. Not going to happen Princy!" she winked at the shorter girl with a triumphant smile.

@ScaraByte (You people type too fast...)
She sighed "I think you want too steal stuff. Everyone knows the gym and computer lab have the most stuff ." she said before leaving out the room. She didn't enjoy extra chatter so as long as she didn't say no or shake her head he could come along.

Nao had no idea what to do and just wandered around the school. Until now he hadn't been inside but now he could see the inside was better than the outside. While he wandered he noticed someone standing in the middle of the hall like a idiot. He walked up to him
"Why in the name of hell are you standing in the middle of the hallway?" he said suspiciously as he eyed the male up.


Lux sighed and looked at his feet, "If you want to... then you can.. I can't stop you from what you do since... everyone has free will" He said before sighing again. The lolicon thing hit him deeper than he'd like to admit mainly from the fact most of his family had called him that when he had discussed his interest in girls and features with a friend. The friend back-stabbed him and told his brother who spread it, quite a select amount of people called him that... his family. He had just felt abandoned by it all, Though he wouldn't tell anyone that... no matter what. "But if you do that can you promise me... Promise me that you'll make sure she can find someone worthy of her time?" He said before pausing and laughing weakly as he did before. "I've uhm... well... Just make sure any girl that's hurt finds a girl worthy of the time she has... if possible" He said before walking off quickly and turning down a hall.

Cecilia looked at her narrowing her eyes slightly at Lilac. "Well we aren't love birds... at the moment" she said turning away from her with a hmph. "Then again though I suppose I could always just do this" She said as she floated off the ground and began to speedily float towards the exit to try and lead her out.


Nito looked at the new person there, "Well i'm standing here because i'm debating something... and if you have trivial perplexities you'd want to think through them right. People say standing still helps you think of things easier." Then he shrugged and smiled. "But on a serious note here. I'm waiting for the people to leave the principals office so I can get back to work" He said looking at the door of the office.

@Kira Times
Erich got the hint, but noticed that she was also snooping around the office, the eight ball she took definitely wasn't necessary for school work. So he followed her out. On the way he noticed someone had copied his appearance so he took the time to pull its tail and pick pocket the imposter using "Thief."

@Kira Times @Darkri
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Evylon smiled and took Melody's hand a dragged the floating girl quite effortlessly through the hall. "I have something to show you!" She said bolting down corridors until they met a small red door in the back part of the building. "I was waiting to use this room but...Now is a good time if any" she said smiling to she opened the door, revealing a small room with door archway in the back leading to the larger room. The entire surface was made of soft fuzz and there were pillows and things everywhere. Chuckling, Evylon pulled the other girl into the room and closed the door, leaving them in the dark. "I've always wanted to do this....I mean I know we only just met, and your my first girlfriend but..." She giggled as dim lights turned on, and she was standing in only her black lace underwear.


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