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Fandom Pokemon High-School [Accepting New People]

Cecilia looked at her, "Well... I've pretty much been alone the entire time. Had to go to the board to make sure the school was still funded. But other than that i've been by myself.." She said feeling something trying to come over her.

Cecilia nodded, "I know. I just didn't feel the best. Got a little sick and had to take some time to recuperate. I was going to go and visit some friends of mine but... the sickness kinda hindered it." she said shrugging.

Cecilia's face went white, was she doubted that much. "Y-yes I have friends! Why wouldn't I!" she rebutted feeling a bit like she was accused of having no friends.

((Everyone has their own thoughts on the matter I suppose. I think they originated about he same time.))

Cecilia dropped her head and her voice sounded slightly childish, "I'm offended you would thing of me in such a way... I may be god but that doesn't mean I don't got do non-work things".
"A waterpark? A few parties!? Now I see why you're so lonely. But hey, you have me...That cute slut, the one everyone uses for their own advantage. Shes so nice, they say, she will do anything..." She said trailing off. "Atleast I...I got out there, people know me, people love me. I have lots of...Friends..."

Cecilia looked at her, "You're loyal right?" She said before pausing. "Have you.... been with anyone else while we're a thing?" she said looking at Evylon getting slightly skeptical now.

"O-oh... I-... I see... not too much different from my other-...." Cecilia said as she looked away for a moment. "I'm uhm... I'm gonna go take a walk..." She said quietly moving to the door. "Want me to grab anything while i'm gone?" She asked not really looking anywhere.

Evylon felt hurt, not by what Cecilia said but of her own actions...."No it's alright.." She muttered thinking to herself, avoiding her gaze from Cecilia.

"Alright...I'll... talk to you when I get back I guess" Cecilia said looking at her feet speaking quietly. Afterwards she opened the door and left locking it behind her. She felt kind of stupid as she walked slowly down the hall looking at her feet as she did. She just started thinking about things all over now, "It's probably nothing... I'm just feeling a little hurt.. yeah that's it." She said walking before the pain seemed to be intensifying by the dozen now.

Feeling down, Evylon laid on the bed for a while before getting bored and searching the room for anything Cecilia might have been hiding as she has been known to do such things in the past...

Cecilia had her hand on the corner of the wall and swirled around it before collapsing to the floor in a ball and crying. The pain seemed like it was becoming physical as her heart hurt like she never felt it before. She tried to stay as quiet as she could but her heart felt like someone was stabbing at it.

Evylon sighed, what was she doing. Cecilia trusted her, and that trust should be equal. The girl was about to go find Cecilia to apologize but the door was locked. She grunted and laid back on the bed and stare out the frost covered window.

((You realize that Evylon is on the inside right? So she could unlock it and leave xD ))

Cecilia felt the pain still though now it was in her head so she slung her head back hitting the wall before going back into the ball and holding it in her hands. The tears didn't stop but she tried her hardest to make sure she didn't make too much noise.

(( She doesn't want to think right now xD ))

What was Cecilia really like, Evylon wondered to herself; All the time the spent together was usually private or on a date and such. She never really saw what Cecilia was like on her own, though she didn't expect Cecilia to be like herself, a few parties? I was a few parties...The more she thought about the path her life had taken the more she felt like it was the wrong choice. Though her mother always told her that what she wanted to do was what she was going to do..."Maybe I am a slut....Maybe I like being used, maybe, I like using others...But Cecilia...She's not like that...Is she? She's pure hearted...No that's not it, but at least she's better than me. She cares about me more than I...Do her.." She said to herself, tears welling into her eyes.

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(( xD , Well she's thinking about not wanting to think huh?))

Cecilia struggled for a moment panting on the ground and moving her hand to where she hit her head against the wall. There was a small bump there. With that she struggled to her feet slowly but failed at first collapsing back down. Soon she stood back up and managed to walk into the bathroom. Turning on the warm water she tried to wash herself up to seem less like she just lied on the ground.


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