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Fandom Pokemon Gijinka Mutation

Unknown Drifter

Just a stranger among many


1.No Godmodding!!

2.No Sex! Fade to black if things get heated/skip.

3.Keep all non-story drama out of the rp!

4.I don't expect everyone to be super literate, just a paragraph is fine. Though you're welcome to post as much as you want too.

5.The Character limit is Three!

6.As of plot wise Legendary Pokemon and Gijinkas are closed. They might appear later but for now they're locked.

For now that should be good. If any problems are addressed to me, or if I had missed a few rules then I'll add more.​
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Character Sheet

Here is what your character will need:



Age: (20 and older please)




Appearance: (description or anime picture please!)


Stolen Pokemon: (for now list one)

Shadow Gijinka


Age: (20 and older please)




Appearance: (description or anime picture please!)


Pokemon you once were?:

Pokemon Type:

Your Trait: (example: Gluttony, Flame Body, Early Bird, etc.)

Moves: (because you are a Gijinka now you can learn/have up to six moves! List them here)

Trainer: (name for your old trainer, one that will spark old memories and save you by opening your heart!)

I shall create my character later, I have to skidaddle off to work for about nine hours. ^^; This rp is accepting characters/players! So feel free to post your profiles here! :3
Name: Thomas Wyse

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Kind and caring. Thomas is also a bit stubborn, he doesn't give up on something until it's seen through. He's a little shy, but a genuine nice person. It's not that he doesn't have flaws, Thomas sometimes overthinks or cares too much to where it can be frustrating or annoying. He also pushes himself to the point of exhaustion. Thomas misses his Pokemon and is forever searching for them until he can have his team again. Friendly, easygoing, and humbled. A bit oblivious to the Gijinka running around, he hasn't really focused on the current state of the world. It happens when he focuses on something he thinks is important. A shy romantic, he has no problem giving warm hugs and trying his best to comfort.


Bio: Like most trainers, he stared his journey within a small town of Pokemon Breeders. Unlike the usual starters, living in a town of breeders meant that you could choose whatever Pokemon you wanted. Thomas chose a Murkrow, one he named Fedora, as his starter. He always pitied Dark Type Pokemon, and instantly knew that the little black thieving bird was destined to be his Pokemon.

As they traveled the world, he caught a small team of Pokemon and raised them. Evolving some, like his starter, Thomas was on his way to his fifth badge when he was jumped one night. Two members of Team Rocket defeated him with powerful Pokemon they had stolen. He fought his hardest but in the end his team was stolen from him. Left beat up his wounds were healed thanks to the help of a traveling trainer and his friends. Once recovered Thomas set out to look for his Pokemon.

While many told him to give it up, he couldn't. He had formed a bond with all of his and wasn't willing to just give up on them. His travels had led him to a region where frequent trainers had been assulted by strange people in garbs. Figuring they were part of Team Rocket, Thomas prepares to enter one of their bases in search of his Pokemon.

Stolen Pokemon: Fedora (Female Honchkrow)

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