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Fandom Pokémon: Galar (Roleplay Thread)

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
Timothy would sit down on the chair, sighing and looking at the pokemon egg next to the fireplace. He looked at Saga and tilted his head. Her skin wasn’t as tan as most Galarians were, and her accent didn’t resemble one either. He only needed 3 badges to get this position, and he was counting on the pokemon in there. Although….. “Where are you from? Why are you here? And if you are a pokemon trainer like i assume, where are all your pokemon?”

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"Hey, you didn't answer my question!" Saga huffed as she dashed to the couch, jumping as she took a seat next to him. Combee was suprised that she got here so fast but buzzed around her regardless. "Yunno, I don't know much about your big scientific resherch but I do know that whatever is in that egg must be really really cool!" Saga said excitedly, "And besides, pokemon battles is fun! Meeting new pokemon is also fun!"

Smiling widly, Saga answered Timothy's questions, "Oh oh! I'm here to met new people, explore new places as well! I'm from the northern part of the globe and my pokemon are Combee and Klefki!" She gestures to her Combee while getting another pokeball from her bag and releases Klefki from it. The keys dangling from Klefki made a light melody while Klefki looked arond the room.
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Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
”Klefki hmm? I haven’t studied much upon Alola.” He listened to her huff and sighed sarcastically. “Yes, i guess we may be able to battle if the egg hatches. Although, don’t get angry if i make quick work of you. I’ve studied all there is about battle strategies.” He closed his eyes and slouched on the couch. “what was your name again? I couldn’t remember if you mentioned it or not.” He mumbled under his breath softly, but just quiet enough for her to hear. He seemed to be drifting off to sleep.

"Yeah yeah, that's a promise!" Saga cheered, pumping her fists into the air. "And Klefki is super cool, isn't she!" Saga gestured to her pokemon, to which Klefki flaunts with pride, "We met during the summertime just a few weeks ago when me and Combee were walking around some route and Klefki appeared right in front of us! It was really surprising but Klefki followed us around before we eventually became best buddies!"

Saga nods, very happy to share the stories between her and her pokemon. Sitting cross legged on the sofa, Saga clapped happily, enjoying their conversation. She doesn't seem to be tired as she answered his question: “Oh, and the name’s Saga! Don’t forget it, kay! I'm sure that we'll be friends during our time!”

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
“Saga hmm? Got ya.” He nodded at the last part, flicking his fingering and letting the small light switch across the room flick themselves off. He nods his head at her words, drifting off and sliding from his spot on the chair as his neck tilted onto her shoulder and muttering some words under his breath. “Friends, hmm. Haven’t had one of those in a while.” Closing his eyes and drifting off into a deep sleep.

Saga wanted to keep talking but when the light switch flicked off, she was suprised. "Heeh? It's nighttime already? I was having so much fun talking to you, time just flew by!" She whined before waving it off and referred to her two pokemon, "Ah well, Combee, Klefki, wanna play the game 'till we go tired?" Combee wasn't fazed by this and buzzed around to whatever game they played while Klefki was more curious. They played for a couple of minutes before Saga passed out on the floor.
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Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
As dawn bloomed and the sun peeked over the horizon, the egg started shaking in Timothy’s arms. The crimson crack grew and grew, blossoming all over the egg as it exploded into a shimmering light. Timothy woke up to an egg, a pokemon the likes of which had never been seen before. It had beautiful skin the color of the rising sun, with crimson stripes running along its back. Beautiful purple eyes were what looked back at him as he stared into its eyes, a piece of the egg still in its mouth as it chewed slowly on its old home. As it finished, a gas the color of his eyes ignited on its tail. He touched the flame, pulling back as it seemed to have caused a very mild chemical burn. The pokemon gave an awkward smile at him, and he smiled back at it, though it was just as awkward. “Awesome.” He whispered, hoping not to wake up the girl on his floor. Oh god if his mom saw this, he would die.


August 2nd
WCS Rank: 69,398
Interactions: Cole Forrest(Merciless Medic)

Wilford wryly smirked at Cole's teasing, part of him taking pride in the external admiration of his catch. As his smirk faded, he listened intently to Cole's explanation regarding the nuances of training a shiny Pokemon. The theft aspect hardly surprised Wilford, who was familiar with vultures vying for valuables outside their possession. On the other hand, the inherent value of the rare coloration would draw potential buyers if he had to replace Mimikyu. The tip with hunting seemed less useful, considering Mimikyu was in a seemingly isolated cave before her capture. Wilford shrugged it off, grateful for an overview of what to expect in the trial runs.

Wilford waved as Cole started to leave. Without anything else to say, he started before stopping to answer Cole's question, "Yes. I'll happily cut you in if you want to be involved. Naturally, the prices paid for your Pokemon will go to you."
Species: Monferno
Ability: Iron Fist
Battle Ready Moves:
Fire Punch(Egg Move)
Mach Punch
Thunder Punch(Egg Move)
Power Up Punch
Fake Out
Helping Hand(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Thwackey
Ability: Grassy Surge
Battle Ready Moves:
Fake Out
Razor Leaf
Branch Poke
Double Hit
Leech Seed(Egg Move)
Rusty Moves:
Species: Panpour
Ability: Torrent
Battle Ready Moves:
Disarming Voice(Egg Move)
Hydro Pump(Egg Move)
Play Nice
Water Gun
Species: Togepi
Ability: Serene Grace
Battle Ready Moves:
Fairy Wind
Extrasensory(Egg move)
Life Dew
Psycho Shift(Egg move)
Sweet Kiss

Species: Mimikyu
Ability: Disguise
Battle Ready Moves:
Shadow Sneak
Destiny Bond(Egg Move)
Baby Doll Eyes
Double Team
Wood Hammer
Feint Attack
Rusty Moves:
As the night passes, Saga slept soundly on the floor, snoring slightly as her pokemon went to bed near the two. Tossing and turning in her sleep, Saga had somehow moved near the fireplace. Combee and Klefki rested on the table as the night went by and the morning sun arose to wake them. Saga was still deep in sleep when Combee awoke to the egg hatching in Timothy's arms. Surprised and curious about the newly hatched pokemon, Combee buzzed around it as Klefki stirred not long after. Combee buzzed in greeting to the newly hatched pokemon, welcoming it to the world while Klefki flew around Saga.

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
The charmander looked as the small bee buzzed around it. It seemed to buzz a greeting that the charmander could only politely respond to. The charmander stomach grumbled in pain. It was so hungry, it wanted to feast on fresh flesh and blood. Like eevee. yes, an eevee would make for a great meal. Timothy watched as the small charmander thought. Soon enough saga would wake up, he assumed. He saw her roll to the fireplace and walked quietly to turn it off. As he left to go find something for breakfast, it left only the 3 pokemon. The charmander jumped to walk on the ground. He fell the first time and growled, before trying to stand up. Again he fell. Why could he not just fly like those other birds? Why did he have legs? Legs were complicated. Not soon after, Timothy would return with some mochi in a little platter with tea. Sure enough, there was also some poke food in the bowl.

The clanging of Klefki's keys seemed to stir Saga as she shifted around once again. "Five more minutes..." she muttered as her arms tried to grab something. With a fuss, Klefki float around quickly so that the keys that it was holding would clitter and clatter. The noice did cause her to stir before Klefki began forcing her awake. Saga's eyes fluttered open almost immediately when she felt Klefki's keys clang onto her body, sitting up straight. "I'm awake, I'm awake!" Saga said as she looked at the pokemon that woke her up, "Klefki, yunno that you could've just woken me up gentler!" Klefki huffed, heavily doubting that she would've woken up by that before flying to Combee, trying to help the bee in whatever it was doing.

Saga stood up while stretching her arms before seeing a baby Charmander in the corner of her eyes. "Waah, so cute!" she squealed before rushing to meet it, "So this was the little pokemon that guy was hatching!"

Cole Forrest1723504798843.png
Date: August 2, 2022
Location: Hammerlocke Hills, Galar
Interactions: Wilford Pine
Mentions: N/A
sSoul sSoul
WCS Rank: 72,303
Pokémon Team:
Magikarp (Released)
Trubbish (given to Wilford)
Pancham (Released)
Stufful (Released)
Galarian Meowth

Cole’s point for that poor Mimikyu was that it likely had to move into the cave. He didn’t know if Wilford took his advice seriously, but he might as well not worry about it.

When Wilford brought up that he could do an auction thing, Cole thumbed the Pokéball one of the Pokémon was in. With a hum, he tossed the Pokéball at Wilford from over his shoulder, a nice lob. “Sell the Trubbish. If it weren’t so terrified, it’d be a good Pokémon. I’m not giving you the other three dead weights though. I’d rather you not get bad reviews for hosting an auction and giving away faulty Pokémon.”

The other Pokéballs shuddered at what Cole had said. It was time, the culling, and Trubbish was spared and acknowledged. The Trubbish blasted out of the Pokéball and looked pitifully up at his trainer. Cole turned, those dark eyes suddenly losing that gleam he had before. Cold. Ruthless. Uncaring.

“It’s clear you have potential. However, your place is not with me. Unlike the other Pokémon, you will be given another chance.” He turned his body so his side was facing the trash. “Don’t waste this chance like your former teammates.” His tone cut like a frozen knife, the Trubbish shaking and backing away. The thing made some garbling noises, nodded, and turned around, retreating back to his Pokéball. Cole watched him leave, his lip curled in disdain.

“Don’t expect too much money for the thing. They’re good suicide leads and hazard setters, but there are better Pokémon that can do its job better, like Glimmora.” His lip twitched. “Paldea might be a good investment…” He added, before leaving, his mood weirdly souring.

He walked into the wilderness, feeling the Pokéballs shuddering on his belt. Once he was further enough in Hammerlocke Hills, he pulled out three Pokéballs and held the button on each ball to release the Pokémon from his ownership. He then released Magikarp, Pancham, and Stufful. The three looked on in confusion. Why didn’t they go with Trubbish?

“You three are worse than garbage.” He huffed, amusement in his eyes as the three stared at their trainer. He pointed at the Magikarp, the fish looking up at her trainer with fearful eyes. “Even if you evolved, you’d have less potential than any Gyarados. I never expected you to hit hard with Tackle, but your Tackles were weaker than the wild Magikarp around your experience level. It felt like I was being hit with a pillow. How could I expect a Gyarados with poor physical attack to pull her weight…?”

He then pointed to Pancham, the poor panda’s knees shuddering as she tried to stare defiantly up at Cole, yet there was fear in her eyes. “You… I gave you not one, but two chances after you came running for me, wanting me to take you in. You haven’t shown diligence in training like the other four. How are you supposed to evolve if you can’t even put this grit you have in wanting to be owned into your training?”

His finger then landed in the direction of Stufful, the bear cub crying. “You really are just a spoiled toy, aren’t you?” He leaned over, his dark eyes staring daggers into her soul as she backed up. “You think that just because you have a strong independence and I respected you for standing up for yourself meant that you were safe?? I’m not looking for a pet, I’m looking for a bulky Pokémon who can train well. I know you were holding back. I am the trainer, I set the pace, and your job is to try and keep up. Don’t expect a trainer to bow down to you, especially if your attitude is worse than that Trubbish’s stench. You’re nothing like my Croconaw…” He growled, the Stufful’s legs shaking, tears streaming down her face as she stared up at her former trainer, her world crumbling around her.

He turned his back, a disgusted look on his face as he walked away from the three, leaving them to fend for themselves in Wild Area’s Hammerlocke Hills.

He heard shuffling behind him, and - out of reflex - turned and kicked his leg out, slamming his foot into the Pancham and sending her reeling back into a tree. She held her belly, glaring up at the demon of a man. Stufful and Pancham charged at Cole, making him laugh.

“You just want to get beat down some more? Did my training turn you into masochists?” That dangerous gleam in his eyes came back, and he sent out his Meowth. The Steel-Type saw himself being pit against his allies. They stopped in their tracks, the two bear cubs trying to appease to the Steel-Type’s humanity. Cole huffed. “Don’t listen to them, Meowth. They’re only going to slow you down. They’re not strong, you saw that for yourself. Their Fighting-type attacks mean nothing to you, right? Besides, Stufful acts like you’re ugly and Pancham acts like you’re not strong enough.”

Cole smirked, the Meowth gullibly taking Cole’s word over the panicked crying of the bear cubs. Despite their feeble attempts, Meowth’s claws glowed with that metallic sheen. They cried pitifully as Meowth cut them with his Metal Claw, the bear cubs running off and further into the Wild Area, while the Magikarp tried her best to splash into the nearby waters. She made it, finally able to live in water again after some time of being out of it.

As the three Pokémon ran off, the Meowth looked back up at Cole, who gave a sickening grin. “Good job. But keep on your toes. They’ll likely come back to hurt us.” Meowth nodded, being returned by Cole, who liked how this brute of a cat was so gullible.

He walked around Hammerlocke Hills, searching for Pokémon on his list.


Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
“Good morning to you too.” Timothy scoffed as she ran to meet the charmander. The charmander snickered and gave another one of those awkward toothed smiles at saga. Timothy would look at the trainer with a bit of a smirk. “Well, you can clean up upstairs. Wouldn’t wanna lose a battle in your pajamas would you? And while you do that, I’ll have to examine charmander a bit. This should let me know the moves he can use. I know poison sting should be at least one, but I’ll have to make sure.” At this he opened up the video game console thing he had been using last time, before shouting. “Wake up, rotom!” The video game interface was paused, as it switched to a Pokédex with a rotom face giggling. Timothy turned around to see saga still standing there. “What are you waiting for? Shoo!”

"Yes sir!" Saga responded, saluting him before making a dash upstairs. With a couple of glances, Klefki followed Saga as she went up the stairs, leaving Combee to buzz around Timothy as he did his stuff. Quickly getting ready, Saga once again ran down the stairs after 10 minutes with Klefki happily floating about her. "Alright! I'm done, I'm done!" she shouted while running down the stairs, flopping down on the couch. Sitting on the sofa with her legs crossed, Saga eyed the Charmander in wonder. "Hey, I haven't seen a baby Charmander before. It’s so cute! What do you think we should do now? With the Charmander, I mean.”

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
“I’m gonna beat a couple of gyms with him! The closest gym around here is.. the dark type gym if i remember correctly. It should be easy, although marnies been stepping it up a notch ever since she started.” The gym circuit in galar was a bit.. different than others. After the pokemon war, and the now growing unrest in kalos, galar had decided to start breeding more powerful trainers. Galar produced some of the best ace trainers every year, and for good reason. Galar required an endorsement before you even started the circuit. Now, some would say it’s obviously a ploy for rich people to get licenses faster, but they were relatively easy to get even without connections. After picking a pokemon out from your local gym, you could join a gym tournament, or even a regular tournament hosted at your town for a gym endorsement. This helped whittle down the numbers and seperate real trainers from wimps. And after that, you would need to get the 8 major gym badges, before you could join the league conference. And even before that, you would still need to do all this before the starting date. Timothy Looked at charmander and smiled at the mischievious glint in his eyes. “Would you like a nickname?” The charmander rapidly nodded it’s head, knowing that this was how all great pokemon had started off. It would be just like leons charizard, but better of course. it had seen it all from the inside of its egg. The charmander seemed to lean towards more… malicious names? He had mentioned things like Scorch or Astral, but it seemed to lean towards names with a negative connotation. “How about, Lich?” It seemed to roll off his tongue. The charmander liked it, and he shook his head excitedly. Timothy smirked. “Alright Lich, Welcome to the team!” He said picking up the charmander and giving it a hug, making sure to avoid the gaseous flame. “First objective, Beat saga!” The charmander bared its fangs at that. It could already feel the adrenaline rushing through its body at that! It’s fire burned a little brighter at the core at the mention of a fight.

Saga responded gleefully as she cheered. "We can do battle right now! Wooo, I can't wait! The marines making the gyms harder doesn't matter to us, right Combee, Klefki? No matter what, we'll pull through!” Combee buzzed around Saga when it heard Timothy’s first ‘objective’, determined to compete in a battle. Saga fistpumps the air before almost tackling Combee, who flew out of the way in surprise. Klefki let out a cackle at Combee when it flew out of Saga’s way, in which Combee initiated a play-fight between the two. "Yaaay! So we're gonna battle huh? We're not going easy on you! Well, what are we waiting for, let’s go go go!” Saga leaped off the couch and ran towards the door.

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
Timothy would open the door, seeing the Pokemon center already having a few trainers in there. Nurse joy could already be seen, and waved at Timothy. "Ahh, good morning sweetie!" She would smile softly and widen her eyes a bit in surprise at seeing the female who stepped out of the room "And who would this be? Certainly can't remember her coming in before I went to bed." She frowned a bit at that and Timothy blushed. "Mooooom, Don't be weird! She's just here to help me with something, now come on!" Timothy would grab her hand and drag her to the back of the Pokemon center, with his Charmander waddling a long below the counter, out of anyone's line of sight. He would sigh after they got away. "FInally, we can battle!"

As Saga ran out the door, Combee and Klefki were startled that Saga made a mad dash out and followed her. "Hi Ms. Joy!" Saga cheered as she stopped a few centimeters before the main desk where Nurse Joy was stationed, "Me and Combee are going to battle today so be prepared for a visit soon!" A big grin spread across her face as she giggled at the conversation between Timothy and the nurse. Waving back at Nurse Joy as she was being dragged away by Timothy, Saga blurted out, “Oh, and I didn’t get your name yesterday! Lemme guess! Is it… Joey? Or maybe Mark? Please pleeease tell me! We wouldn’t become fully fledged friends because of that!”

Timothy Joy

Location — Spikemuth, Nurse joys office.
"My names Timothy. I've got a cousin named Joey in Johto. He's a brat though, always running on about his hideous rat." He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Lich just watched the interaction between humans silently. "It's Saga though, right? Whatever let's just get started!" He smiled and had a grin. His hoodie floating in the wind. Lich stood up and held a wicked grin. He stood in front of timothy and growled, letting small tongues of purple flame exit his motuh and putting on a wicked grin. He crossed his hands, something he had picked up from Timothy. Timothy smiled. The Charmander learned fast.

"Yayay! Alright Timothy, let's battle!" Saga cheered when he told her his name. Eventually leaving his side and running ahead, Saga looked back and motioned to them to catch up, “Come’on! It’s time to battle! It’s always fun!” Combee buzzed in agreement as he buzzed behind Saga, trying to catch up to her. Klefki was just happy to be here, its keys chiming as it floated near Timothy. They keyed pokemon and were surprised with the flamed pokemon below it began to breathe out flames. Floating up higher, Klefki’s keys bounced around each other as it was above Timothy’s head. Jogging to an empty street, Saga pointed ahead of them, “Hey hey! You know where the pokemon battle area is? Oh, I know! We should battle here! Gogo Combee! You ready?” Suprised but fired up at the sudden declaration, Combee buzzed in determination as it flapped it's wings a few meters away from her. Klefki took this declaration as a sign to get as far away from the action and floats behind Saga.


Level 70

Level 20

Lich (lvl 5)

Location — Spikemuth, Back of pokemon center.
“Alright, lets do this! Open up with quick attack! Let’s see if we can poison him!” Lich grunted and stood still for a moment, closing his eyes. Timothy was amazed as he saw the charmander gather up the energy needed for a quick attack. He had seen it all on tv but to actually be here, commanding a pokemon. It was simply… wonderful. Exhilarating. As Lich finished gathering up the normal type energy needed, he skyrocketed across the feel, a white blur. He had not mastered the move exactly, but it was good enough for now. As the pokemon stopped in his tracks, jumping up with a glowing white claw to scratch combee with his poison tipped claws.

Combee quickly dodged Lich's attack by fastly buzzing away from the claws. Looking back at Saga, who had a determined look on her face, Combee knows which move she would order as it buzzed near Lich. "Go go, Struggle Bug!" Saga called out from the distance, her hands making a "o" shape around her mouth to try making herself louder, "Then use Bug Bite!" Combee's wings flapped rapidly as green strikes went straight to Lich. When Combee was done with using Struggle Bug, it flew back before flying right to Lich, powered up for Bug Bite.

Level 70

Level 20

Lich (lvl 5)

Location — Spikemuth, Back of pokemon center.
The dragon would run around, the homing bug type energy following him. He would cheer Lich on as he dodged them, letting them crash into the ground. Timothy would scream in excitement, before on hit the baby’s neck. Although Posion resisted bug, it was only a newly hatched Pokémon and he was facing a much more experienced pokemon. Although the Combe seemed to be male (no normal trainer would not evolve a female one and even then why get a male one??) It was still in the hands of a very experienced trainer and a very powerful force to be reckoned with itself. Lich would tumble as it hit his neck and he crashed into the earth, leaving a soft tender spot on the Pokémon’s neck where his scales had not finished developing. As the white energy of quick attack slowly left the baby Pokémon’s body He would feel a sharp sting as the bug type bit him. He knew this was the end for Lich but he wasn’t going down without a fight. “Ember!” You couldn’t really make a charmander without leaving out the fire after all. Combed would feel heat emanating from the charmander throat area as it turned magenta, before a small fireball that at that point was mostly just sparks exited his mouth.

The Blazed Heart Crew
Route 9 (Circhester Bay)
August 1st

Course, while others were dealing with this tense standoff this mouthy trainer seemed to try and spark a fuse to combust as she seemed unable to keep her comments internalized. This was the case with Freya as she let her displeasure at not getting her one on one chat with Rodriguez become quite clear and as Maddie looked on the tension and her own frustration resulted in a deadpan glare.

If we die here, I am personally kicking this girl to a lower pit of hell...

"Someone tell that brat to shut up or I'll blow us all to hell! Think I am bluffing punk I'd sooner drag you all down than rot in a cell!" The man cursed out, saliva spitting up as he was shaking with the detonator in hand. Zeke really did not need this to get more heated, but thankfully least some other girl with sense seemed to try and mutter something to the mouthy one to get her to calm down. For whatever good that was as Pokemon and Grunts alike were in a panic over what their boss could do.

Maria though? Cool as can be, even with these complications.

"I admire the flattery but believe me, plenty of time for autographs to come. Just leave it to me~" Maria said to Freya mused a bit as the leader kept the detonator up as she glanced his way. "Now now you are a smart man, wouldn't have made it this long I imagine otherwise. No sense blowing a gasket over this when we can just strike a deal, I am a fair woman." Maria said with a casual demeanor to her tone.

In truth, she just was biding time.

Penny though her drones was working to hack into the building and find the signal to whatever bombs were placed for this trigger. The network to this base wasn't super advanced and its firewall defenses were easily cracked by the Wiz. But time was of the essence, any moment that guy could do something dumb and she'd suddenly be the sole member of the crew alive. Her drone worked as it seemed to transmit a feed of the building as Penny tracked it. She seemed to find some hot spots and...bingo!

"The only deal I want is for these damn bugs to put their Pokemon away and give me a car out of here!" The leader cursed out, not that there were exactly much vehicles left here of course but as he rambled his terms Maria got the one message in her ear piece that mattered most.

"Alright Cap, I disabled the bombs and cut the signal to his trigger. Free yo give him hell."

"Much oilgae Wiz~"

As the boss asked what Maria just muttered, a subtle signal with her right hand was all the signal her crew needed, as Arthur worked to blast at a few Grunts without warning. Maria charged at the boss who panicked and pressed the trigger, but nothing happened. "The fuc..."


Maria socked the man in the jaw, and before his Electivire could come to his defense Absol came in with a Dark Pulse to blast and send the electric type crashing into a wall! From there it was a route, disorganized Grunts panicked and tried to flee with Zeke getting involved to help beat them back as some just opted to surrender while Maria worked to bind the ring leader's arms behind his back.

"Sorry about the lack of grace with this, but you are under arrest~" Maria said with that clavier grin.
Freya McIntyre
Wondering Elf

Tuesday August 1st, Chirchester Bay, Route 9.

"It was about time." Freya sighed and watched as Rodriguez finally took down the grunt. "Kind of unprofessional not checking the building for bombs before attacking if you ask me." The Galarian elf turned to her partner in crime, Lizzie. "You're okay though, right? Nice job pretending to be scared." She looked around, not making eye contacting with her friend. "Thanks for coming after me." She murmured under her breath.

"Listen, I don't have much time to mess around, so I'll be straight with you." Freya called out to Rodriguez. "We're here to hire you. I need to find someone. My family left me a small fortune, all yours once you find this person. Unfortunatelly, I can only access this fortune once I have the other person with me. Since it's basically under both our names. If this is too much for you, then I will simply go find someone else to do it." Freya then turned to Lizzie, "Oh and she has to come with us."

Alucard (Parent Briavery) Has a red streak down her back and is of a darker blue.
Ivy (Parent Ivysaur) Has a more blueish greenish skin color. Her leaves on her head are lighter.


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